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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3TomorrowsworldPeriodFourProject课时作业牛津译林版必修.单项填空1.Cathy had quit her job when her son was born she could stay home and raise her family. (xx浙江,15)A.now that B.as ifC.only if D.so that答案D解析考查状语从句的引导词。句意为:当儿子出生时凯茜就已辞去了工作, 她能够待在家里抚养孩子。now that既然,引导原因状语从句;as if好像,仿佛,引导方式状语从句;only if只要,引导条件状语从句;so that目的是,结果是,引导目的状语从句或结果状语从句。由句意知此处为so that引导的目的状语从句。2.It is said that Barbaras sister fell off her bicycle on her way to school, in the left leg.A.seriously damaging B.hurting badlyC.breaking seriously D.badly hurt答案D解析句意为:据说Barbara的姐姐在上学的路上从自行车上摔下来,左腿伤得很重。sister与hurt之间是被动关系,故用过去分词短语作结果状语。3.My father was content with the way I had accepted his criticism.A.in which B.thatC./ D.all the above答案D解析way做先行词时,其后定语从句引导词作状语时可由in which或that引导,也可以省略。4.After May Day,I wrote down whatever me during the journey,especially the little girl who couldnt go to school for being disable.A.expressed B.effectedC.impressed D.influenced答案C解析本题考查动词词义辨析。express表示,表达;effect影响;impress给留下印象;influence影响。根据句意判断选C项。5.Tom was a black slave and he at last the cotton farm to join the North Army.A.left B.fled fromC.ran away D.escaped from答案D解析“逃离某地”用escape from;ran away后要加from;flee不需加介词;leave不符合语境,只有D项正确。6.Email,as well as telephones an important part in daily munication.A.is being played B.are playingC.have played D.is playing答案D解析play与Email是主谓关系,本题应用主动语态。as well as连接并列主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于第一个主语。7.I dont suppose the police know who did it.Well,surprisingly they do.A man has been arrested and now.A.has been questioned B.is being questionedC.is questioning D.has questioned答案B解析本题考查动词的时态和语态。a man与question之间为被动关系,句末又有时间状语now,故应用现在进行时的被动语态。8.The story written by Simon is about a man,who turned his gun back at his fellow fighters when he came into .A.power B.strength C.force D.official答案A解析e into power执政,掌权,属于固定搭配。 9.How did you find him out?I his name by chance on a list.A.came down B.came aboutC.came up D.came across答案D解析本题考查动词短语辨析。e down下来;倒塌;病倒;e about发生,产生;e up走近;上来;发芽;e across来到;偶遇。根据句意可知选D项。10.My first of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.A.expression B.attentionC.satisfaction D.impression答案D解析句意为:我对他的第一印象是他是一个热心而富有思想的年轻人。故答案选D项。.阅读理解These are some ideas that some people came up with about what the life will be like in the year 2500.We will have established a base on the moon.School kids can take field trips to the moon weekly.We will have found cures(疗法) for AIDS and cancer.The war will have ended and peace flows freely through the land.Kids will learn more and be smarter than ever before!History will be the main subject at school.Cafeteria(自助餐厅) food will be delicious!You just walk up to a machine,stick out your tongue,and it will scan your taste buds(味蕾) to see what you want to eat.KristenHere I am in the wonderful year of 2500 and life is so easy.I work in a pet store and it is so hard!I have to wake up at midnight every day and fly my car to the store.It takes so long to get there.It takes me 20 seconds to get to the store in Mississippi from my home in Florida!At work,I have to push 5 buttons and then I go home.It takes 2 seconds and that is like forever.MorganIn the year 2500,I think we will have invented cars that run on things we dont need like garbage.Tail gas will smell like whatever you like such as chocolate.I also predict that buildings will be able to go into a different dimension(维) so your car wont hit them.The cars in 2 500 dont fly,for we havent got that technology yet,but they can hover(盘旋) up to seven feet.These cars are made for speed!CarlyInstead of cars,we may have hovering devices that float around.We could also have electric cars instead of gaspowered cars.Food might be more healthy.What I believe is that the environment will change the most.The environmental changes will also determine many other changes.If more people try to help the environment,then perhaps in 2 500 we will have more forests and wildlife.If people wont help the environment,then we will have no forests and little wildlife left.Roberta1.According to Kristen,what will happen in 2500?A.English will be the main subject at school.B.Students can go to the moon every week.C.Cafeteria will replace other restaurants.D.AIDS and cancer will disappear.答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句Kristen所说的话“School kids can take field trips to the moon weekly.”可知B项为正确答案。2.The underlined word “scan” in the text could be replaced by “ ”.A.change B.treatC.examine D.improve答案C解析词义猜测题。根据划线单词所在的句子的意思“你只需要走到一台机器跟前,伸出你的舌头,然后机器就会判断出你想吃什么”可以推断出,机器通过仔细查看你的味蕾就能判断出你想吃什么。3.Morgan thinks his work in the pet store is .A.difficult B.meaninglessC.important D.easy答案D解析推理判断题。文章中Morgan对他工作的具体描述使用的是反语,他真实的意思是“这份工作太轻松了”。他的第一句话也是对该意思的提示,故选D项。4.Who mainly tells the reader of the cars in 2500?A.Kristen. B.Morgan.C.Carly. D.Roberta.答案C解析细节理解题。根据文章中Carly所说的那段话可知,他主要谈到的是2500年的汽车,包括汽车的燃料、废气及功能等,故选C项。.任务型阅读Say you are a 17th century construction worker who has worked long and hard to build a splendid tower for the dead wife of your emperor.Now say that the emperor orders your fingertips cut off so you can never build another one.Yes,that is the Taj Mahal,one of the most famous buildings in the world.And the tale behind the construction is just as the building itself.First,theres the emperor of northern India,Jehan,also called the King of the world.In 1612,Jehan married Mumtaz.They had 14 children over the next 20 years.But then sadness came.As Mumtaz was about to give birth to child number 14,she said she had heard her unborn baby cry out.It was a sign of death.And as Mumtaz lay dying,she asked Jehan to build a lasting memorial to celebrate their love.So Jehan ordered his wifes dying wish carried out.More than 20,000 workers labored nearly 22 years to plete the construction.In 1653,Jehan placed Mumtazs remains in the centre under the building.And then,son number five,Aurangzeb,murdered his brothers and took over the power from his aging father.Jehan lived the rest of his dayseight years,to be exactimprisoned not far from the Taj Mahal.Jehan was only allowed to climb onto the top of his prison to see the treasure from a distance.But never again would he be allowed to visit ituntil he was buried next to his wife.Now 25,000 people visit the Taj Mahal each day.CharactersStatusWhat he/she didJehanThe emperor of1.northern IndiaMarried Mumtaz in the year 2.1612.Ordered workers to 3.cut off their fingertips after they labored nearly 4.22 years to plete the Taj Mahal.MumtazThe 5.queen of northern IndiaAsked her husband to build a 6.lasting memorial to celebrate their love.7.Died in 1632.8.AurangzebThe 9.fifth son of JehanTook over the 10.power from his father.Buried his father next to his mother.写作素材1.我对他们提出的城市规划很有信心。2.希望在未来三年里城市规划将变成现实。3.我相信未来的城市生活会更加便利,也会给人们带来更多快乐。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)Im confident in the urban planning they have put forward,which I hope can be transformed into reality in three years.I believe city life will be more convenient and bring people more happiness.


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