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2019-2020年高三高考最后一卷英语试题含答案英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Drunk drivers will of course be in _ danger of losing their own lives, and worse still, _ danger to others who share the same road.A. 不填; aB. 不填; 不填C. the; theD. a; a22. She works as model - a well admired job for others, but an ordinary profession _ be more enjoyable and less stressful for her.A. willB. canC. shallD. would23. All kinds of promotion activities were launched, _ for the May Holiday Market.A. intendedB. intendingC. being intendedD. to intend24. He was known to have been hanging about and was not expected to pass the test. _, his failure still came as a disappointment to his parents.A. NeverthelessB. InsteadC. BesidesD. Therefore25. Mr. Mao, who _ as a construction worker for over 8 years, is now a distinguished lawyer in this country.A. has workedB. had workedC. workedD. has been working26. Whoever is new in the munity will soon _ to the new environment, as everybody here is friendly and helpful.A. apply B. appeal C. attach D. adapt27. _ could be seen from their expression, one of great satisfaction, that she had performed very well.A. WeB. It C. AsD. What28. Well have to do something about it _ such kind of trouble will never occur again.A. as soon asB. even thoughC. in caseD. so that29. If you open a shop without a business registration _, it will be regarded as illegal.A. visaB. certificateC. qualificationD. identity30. -The taxi driver must have been very careless to bump into a tree.-Not exactly. In fact, he _ to avoid an electric bicycle that _ suddenly.A. tried; had appearedB. was trying; had appearedC. had tried; appearedD. was trying; appeared31. _ petence, you are quite suited to the position, but you shouldnt be careless.A. On account of B. In spite of C. In terms of D. By means of32. This is a very convenient place to live in, _ is an airport connecting all the big cities.A. 20 km northwest of itB. 20 km northwest of whichC. northwest 20 km to it D. northwest 20 km of which33. -Excuse me again, but _ it is to the seafront? What a long way!-Two more stops, actually. Be patient, young man.A. how farB. how longC. how much fartherD. how much longer34. Translated into the English language, _.A. the students have benefited a lot from the book in improving their English B. bookstores have been receiving orders for the book continuouslyC. the influence of the book on children is well worth consideringD. the works of the writer have bee famous far beyond his own country35. Not until _ a third time _ that his English ability was quite limited.A. he failed; he admittedB. he failed; did he admitC. did he fail; he admittedD. did he fail; did he admit第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When Dad played his violin, the world became a bright star. To him violin was an instrument of faith, 36 and charity. At least a thousand times, my mother said, 37 would play his violin if the world was about to blow up.And 38 Dad came about as close to that as could ever be possible.Everything on Nubbin Ridge - and on a majority of the small 39 in Texas - was built around cotton as the 40 . But in the early years of the century, the boll weevil(一种棉虫) began 41 the cotton farms in the south.And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of 42 over Halleys et. There were all sorts of frightening 43 about the et, the main one being that the world would pass through 44 , said to be millions of miles long.Between the 45 of et and weevils, the farmers were running low on 46 . One night, the farmers gathered at our farm to discuss what to do. When everyone had found seats, Will Bowen suggested, Charley, how about giving us 47 ?Aw, I dont think anybodyd want to hear this moment, Dad replied.e on, Mr. Nordyke, one of the younger women 48 , why dont you do it for us?Dad had 49 for getting people in the mood for his music. He eased into a song titled Gloryland, a church song with church tones but fairly 50 with some good runs. He shifted from Gloryland to The Bonnie Blue Flag, a Confederate war song, which created a big 51 - foot stamping(跺), hand clapping and a few 52 .Will Bowen, apparently having 53 Halleys et, shouted, How about giving us Sally Goodin? Dad played the old breakdown with enthusiasm. Several men jumped up and jigged(快步) around. 54 gathered around and gazed with curiosity at the performance.All our neighbors went home whistling or humming. Very few remembered to look toward the northwest to see 55 the et and its wicked tail were still around.36. A. hopeB. warmthC. pleasureD. satisfaction37. A. EveryoneB. No oneC. ID. Your papa38. A. alwaysB. oftenC. onceD. seldom39. A. factoriesB. farmsC. schoolsD. munities40. A. food cropB. building woodC. money cropD. firewood41. A. eating upB. running acrossC. flying outD. ruining42. A. confusionB. excitementC. expectationD. awareness43. A. signsB. storiesC. discoveriesD. reports44. A. its explosionB. its centerC. its eruptionD. its tail45. A. hopesB. threatsC. interestsD. beliefs46. A. sadnessB. worriesC. optimismD. anger47. A. a few tipsB. some instructionC. an explanation D. a little music48. A. urgedB. orderedC. suggestedD. wondered49. A. the wishB. the confidence C. a decisionD. a skill50. A. slowB. fastC. loudD. graceful51. A. peaceB. fightC. stirD. quarrel52. A. sighsB. sobsC. yellsD. smiles53. A. forgottenB. seenC. rememberedD. broken54. A. WomenB. ChildrenC. Old peopleD. Singers55. A. whetherB. thatC. whyD. how第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。How will traditional print media forge a working relationship with news websites in the digital age? This is a question that both sides need to consider from a long-term viewpoint. The conviction(定罪) of a software developer for going against the property rights of the Beijing News by using what the newspaper had published on its iPad service reveals only a tip of the iceberg when it es to the illegal use of print medias content by news websites. In this case, the software developer used content published by 60 papers without their knowledge. The Beijing News won the case and the intellectual property rights violator was ordered to pay 100,000 yuan in pensation. If anything, this can be considered a minor victory for the Beijing News, pared to its three similar suits over the past decade.Yet, the Beijing News is alone in the fight. Other media outlets choose to turn a blind eye to the piracy because they wouldnt bother to take the lot of time and energy for the lawsuit with a likely pensation that might not be enough to cover the costs for winning the case.Considering this situation, print media and news websites must work out a way to cooperate in a manner that will benefit both. In the long run, it will be impossible and impractical for news websites to live on print media. With the progress protecting intellectual property rights in recent years, there will be no way for them to use the content free of charge all the time. They must find a way to cooperate with traditional print media in such a way that they can legally use their resources.For the part of print media outlets, they must rise up to protect their rights for their own existence. There should be an environment to make it very costly for whoever threatens intellectual property rights. Then most print media organizations could afford to bring violators to court. On the other hand, costly, time-consuming and troublesome as such suits are, more print media must rise up so that more pressure will put on both the violators and the courts. Then they will be able to improve the environment for themselves and break the illegal cycle.56. How many suits has Beijing News ever lodged(提起)?A. Only one.B. Exactly three.C. At least four.D. More than five.57. Which of the following can be a reason for there to be few such suits?A. The court doesnt pay much attention to such boring suits as usually last a long time.B. Print media outlets dont think it worth their efforts.C. Engineers on the news websites are usually far cleverer to win such cases.D. There are few examples of winning such suits.58. Why does the author insist that more news media should rise up?A. They can receive a certain pensation for their intellectual property rights.B. They should try their best to trouble the courts with more pressure.C. Their joint efforts can lead to a better environment for their own existence.D. The piracy of the news websites is no longer tolerable.59. Whats probably the meaning of the underlined word “violator” in the third paragraph?A. Somebody who makes a lot of money against the law.B. Somebody who keeps something secret from others.C. A person who is determined to publish news illegally.D. A person who does something against the law.BEach year about 250,000 Americans study in other countries. Some study-abroad programs are trying harder to get students to learn about the local culture. One student on his first morning in Beijing was brought to a distant part of the city. He received money and instructions on how to get back. It took some time but he succeeded.William Finlay, head of the sociology department at the University of Georgia in the United States, says, Its absolutely crucial that they know something about how people in other parts of the world live and think and how they behave. Often those students go in large groups and they hang around with each other. We felt that they really werent getting to know the local inhabitants.In xx, Professor Finlay started a program with South Africas Stellenbosch University. The program bines traditional classroom learning with munity involvement through a nongovernmental organization, which is involved with two things: a number of crches(托儿所) and the library in the munity where there are some puters. “Our students typically work either with the little kids in the day cares or they work in the library and teach very basic puter skills to mostly young adults,” Finlay says.Hillary Kinsey, who is studying international affairs, spent three weeks in the Stellenbosch program. It was interesting to learn the history of the area and the recent development with democracy and that sort of things, and then talk to these people and see what the social dynamics were, what the ethnic divisions were, how certain groups felt about other groups, she says.Mark Lenhart is the executive director of CET Academic Programs. Each year, that pany places more than one thousand students in semester and summer study programs in China, Jordan, the Czech Republic and other countries. They place students with local roommates. Students gain from that, though the experience is not always easy. Not just in terms of language learning, but they also find the local culture can present challenges, and perhaps misunderstandings,” Lenhart says, “They have to adjust to local life. Its no longer OK just to have a little Chinese, for instance. If a student is studying Chinese, he wants to e home from a program like this fluent in Chinese.60. Why was the student brought to a distant part of Beijing?A. He had to learn about how to find his way back before learning Chinese.B. The study-abroad program charged him so much that he decided to get some money back.C. It was the first time he came to China, and was curious about anything.D. He had to experience the life of the local Chinese people.61. Why does Professor Finlay think students in the past couldnt really learn a foreign language?A. They didnt get in touch with the local people.B. They didnt work hard and used to hang about in the local places.C. They didnt join in any study-abroad programs.D. They didnt learn anything about the foreign country before they went there.62. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Activities provided by the study-abroad programs may be challenges for the students.B. In the study-abroad programs, students can take part-time jobs in crches or libraries.C. Hillary Kinsey joined in the program in order to better study international affairs.D. Mark Lenhart must have got adjusted to some foreign life while he studied the language.63. Which of the following can be the title of the passage?A. Study-abroad programs help you live in foreign cultures.B. Study-abroad programs take deeper dive into local culture.C. Professor Finlay started study-abroad programs.D. Culture is of great importance in learning a foreign language.CANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - An unusual Bering Sea storm packing hurricane-force winds and 35-foot waves - a type of storm not seen for decades in Alaska - moved rapidly Tuesday toward the western Alaska coastline.The storm was traveling at 60 mph and had reached the western Aleutian Islands, said Andy Brown, lead forecaster for the National Weather Service in Anchorage. It could reach the beachfront city of Nome by late Tuesday, with winds hitting 85 mph.“The wind and waves started picking up by late morning,” said Scott Johnson, 28, a Nome banker, “forcing some people to retreat in case predictions for big ocean waves prove to be true.”Johnson has loaded a couple of bags into his truck and got gas so hes ready to go. Stores are still pretty well stocked, but some businesses have closed early.The general view out here is we get storms like this on a fairly regular basis, Johnson said. We kind of shrug it off. But when the National Weather Service is trying to sound an alarm with 30-foot seas and this is a rare storm, take it seriously. I think theyre taking it seriously with a grain of salt.The storm, described by Brown as big, deep, low, taking an unusual path through the northern and eastern Bering Sea, was expected to cause at least 10-foot waves, forcing dozens of coastal munities to make emergency preparations. The windows were boarded up Tuesday morning at the Polar Caf, a popular restaurant that faces the ocean in Nome. Items stored in the basement had been carried upstairs and were in one of the hotel rooms, said waitress Andrea Surina. The approaching storm, however, wasnt keeping the regulars away. They were sitting at their usual table, talking about the storm.The last time forecasters saw something similar was in November 1974, when Nome was also on the edge of the storm. That wave measured more than 13 feet, pushing beach driftwood above the level of the previous storm of its type in 1913.64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Aleutian Islands have been destroyed by the rare storm.B. The National Weather Service at Nome has already sounded an alarm of a terrible storm.C. The Polar Caf, a popular restaurant at Nome, is the exact landing point if the storm es.D. A similar storm almost hit Nome in 1974 with the highest waves since 1913.65. Which of the following is TRUE about the people at Nome?A. All of them are too worried to get away from Nome on hearing the weather forecast.B. Many of them dont take the storm so seriously, though they are prepared to get away.C. They dont believe the weather forecast, as they experienced a similar storm before.D. They crowd in restaurants instead of going to work at the weather forecast of the storm.66. Which of the following can probably be the title of this passage?A. Confusion at Nome before stormB. Annual storm threatens NomeC. Unusual storm picks up from Bering SeaD. Be ready but dont take it too seriouslyDThat afternoon when I came home from school I found my brother on the kitchen floor playing with boxes of cereals and raisins and dried apricots. My mother was begging him to eat. No, no, no! Fudge shouted. He made a terrible mess, dumping everything on the floor. Please stand on your head, Peter, my mother said. _ No! I told her. Im not going to stand on my head anymore. I went into my room and slammed the door. I played with Dribble until suppertime. Nobody ever worries about me the way they worry about Fudge. If I decided not to eat theyd probably never even notice! That night during dinner Fudge hid under the kitchen table. He said, Im a doggie. Woof . woof . woof!It was hard to eat with him under the table pulling on my legs. I waited for my father to say something. But he didnt.Finally my mother jumped up. I know, she said. If Fudges a doggie he wants to eat on the floor! Right? If you ask me Fudge never even thought about that. But he liked the idea a lot. He barked and nodded his head. So my mother fixed his plate and put it under the table. Then she reached down and petted him, like he was a real dog. My father said, Arent we carrying this a little too far? My mother didnt answer. Fudge ate two bites of his dinner. My mother was satisfied. After a week of having him eat under the table I felt like we really did have a family dog. I thought how great it would be if we could trade in Fudge for a nice cocker spaniel. That would solve all my problems. Id walk him and feed him and play with him. He could even sleep on the edge of my bed at night. But of course that was wishful thinking. My brother is here to stay. And theres nothing much I can do about it. Grandma came over with a million ideas about getting Fudge to eat. She tricked him by making milk shakes in the blender. When Fudge wasnt looking she threw in an egg. Then she told him if he drank it all up there would be a surprise in the bottom of the glass. The first time he believed her. He finished his milk shake. But all he saw was an empty glass. There wasnt any surprise Fudge got so mad he threw the glass down. It smashed into little pieces. After that Grandma left. The next day my mother dragged Fudge to Dr. Cones office. He told her to leave him alone. That Fudge would eat when he got hungry. I reminded my mother that Id told her the same thing - and for free! But I guess my mother didnt believe either one of us because she took Fudge to see three more doctors. None of them could find a thing wrong with my brother. One doctor even suggested that my mother cook Fudge his favorite foods. 67. Which of the following can be used to fill in the blank in the passage?A. Its the only way hell eat.B. Perhaps he will like it.C. Practice makes perfect.D. You will make it.68. What do you think a cocker spaniel is?A. A lovely baby.B. A kind of dog.C. Fudges toy.D. The familys pet.69. What is fathers attitude toward Fudges eating under the table?A. He thinks its the best way out.B. He doesnt quite agree to the idea but has to accept it. C. He violently objects to the idea.D. He appreciates the idea very much.70. What will mother probably do next?A. See more doctors.B. Leave the problem to father.C. Cook Fudge his favorite food.D. Ask Peter to stand on his head.第四部分:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分;满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。One of the mon goals of most people nowadays is losing weight to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Many people weigh more than they should, taking into consideration their age, height, and other health fac


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