2019年高中英语 unit5 第三学时 Using LanguageReading, listening and speaking跟踪练习 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019年高中英语 unit5 第三学时 Using LanguageReading, listening and speaking跟踪练习 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019年高中英语 unit5 第三学时 Using LanguageReading, listening and speaking跟踪练习 新人教版必修1.doc_第3页
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2019年高中英语 unit5 第三学时 Using LanguageReading, listening and speaking跟踪练习 新人教版必修1一、单词拼写1You shouldnt _(逃避) doing this work.答案:escape2He worked hard but without much _(奖赏)答案:reward3Lucy _(请求) me to stay,but I couldnt because I was too busy.答案:requested4Everyone would like to live in a _(和平的) world.答案:peaceful5Bill is a _(慷慨的) person,who has given millions of dollars to help many poor children.答案:generous6We must follow the _(原则) that education must be fair to everyone.答案:principle二、词语活用 用与escape相关的词语完成下列小片段。Mrs.White was relieved to 1._in the flood in Brazil.She then went to Japan for a holiday.On her first day in Japan, she was lucky to 2._being fined for speeding.When the big earthquake hit the country, she did 3._a tall building near the sea and amazingly, she 4._from the tsunami.答案:1make her escape 2.escape 3.escape from 4.had a narrow escape三、用适当的介词、连接词填空1.Our teacher was generous _his time, for which we were grateful.答案:with2With his help, I did better in my studies and I felt more hopeful _ my future.答案:about3.We were put into a position _ we had to rise up and fight to live on.答案:where4.I had little education and so I could hardly read _ write.答案:or5.I made rapid progress and I began to feel good _ myself. 答案:about6.The old man had to beg _ money to save his only son.答案:for 7._ a matter of fact, he didnt do anything useful for the club.答案:As 8.He fought _ black people and gained their respect and love.答案:for 9.He gave _ the chance to work in Shanghai and went to work in Tibet. 答案:up10.The days _ we worked together on the farm were unforgettable.答案:when


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