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一、不定冠词用法:1.用于可数名词单数前,表示数量“一”;2.表示一类人或东西的名词之前;3.用于有形容词修饰的季节、日期、三餐、气象名词前 a heavy rain;4.用于序数词前表示“又一”,“再一”a third try;5.用于形容词最高级前表示“一个非常” a most important meeting;6.表示“每一” 10 miles a second;7.用于固定词组for a long time, in a hurry,have a rest,冠词有定冠词the和不定冠词a, an两种,一般用于名词前。注意:在以下这些词前常用不定冠词an: an honest boy, an hour, an unuseless pen; 在以下这些词前常用不定冠词a: a useful book, a European, a university student, a usual talk。,二、定冠词的用法:1.特指某一人或事物;2.表示独一无二的东西 the sun, the earth;3.用来指上文提到的或双方已知的人或事物;4.用于序数词之前;5.用在形容词最高级前;6.用于姓的复数之前,指一家人或夫妇俩 the Browns;7.用于江、河、海洋、群岛、山脉的地理名称前;8.用于方位名词、乐器名词、整十数词前in the west, in the thirties;9.用于形容词前表一类人或物the poor, the young ;10.用于固定词组中 at the age of 5, by the way, in the end, in the 1960s,at the same time。,三、不用冠词的几种用法: 1.在专有名词、抽象名词和物质名词前不用;2. 季节、月份、星期、节日、三餐前一般不用 the;3.学科、球类、棋类、语言、称呼、头衔前不用冠词;4.名词前已有物主代词(my)、指示代词(this)、不定代词(some)、名词所有格(Lucys)时不用冠词;5.用于固定词组中in fact, stand in line, on duty, on show, on display,on sale, in danger。 四、有无冠词的短语辨析:,in hospital 在住院 in the hospital 在医院 on earth 到底,究竟 on the earth 在地球上 at table 在进餐 at the table 在桌子旁边 by sea 乘船 by the sea 靠海 on fire 着火 on the fire 在火上 take place 发生 take the place of取代代替 in front of 在的前面 (外部) in the front of 在的前面(内部),名词 概述 一、不可数名词:抽象、物质、抽象、自然现象 肉 米饭 面包 饮料 语言学科 scince科学 love爱 wood木材 steel钢 air空气 snow雪 rain雨meat肉 rice米 bread面包 常考不可数名词 advice建议 information消息 money钱 time时间 weather天气 fun玩乐 medicine药 news新闻 music音乐 knowledge 知识 二、名词复数 1.规则4 s ches shes ses xes ies ves oes heroes, tomatoes,potatoes(英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆) 2. 不规则 鹅 男男女女 老老少少 牙牙脚脚 goose-geese man-men woman-women mouse mice child -children tooth-teeth foot-feet 3. 单复数同形 sheep deer 4. 复合名词的复数 men servants男佣人们 women teachers女老师们,5. 国民复数 中日友好永不变,英法联盟a 改e. 美德俄意加s. 三、集体名词 people police staff 职员 clerk办事员 一个班像家又像军队 有组又有队class family army group team 四、只有复数的名词 clothes goods货物 trousers长裤 glasses眼镜 socks短袜 shoes scissors剪刀 五、名词所有格s 属格 1有生命的东西之间的所属关系 2 表时间 todays newspaper 今天的报纸 two weeks holiday两个星期的假期 in a few years time 在几年的时间内 3 表自然现象the earths population全球人口 Chinas industry中国的工业 4 表地方的名词 the countrys plan国家计划 the worlds population 世界人口,5 表度量衡及价格 a miles journey 一英里的旅程 five dollars note of属格:表无生命的东西之间的所属关系 the window of the room 房间的窗户 the map of the world世界地图 双重属格,指众多中的一个 a friend of my fathers我父亲的一个朋友 ( a friend of his他的一个朋友) 各自的所属关系,名词后均加s Janes and Marys room简的房间和玛丽的房间 共同拥有的所有关系,最后一词末加s Jane and Marys room简和玛丽共有的房间 表某人家 店铺 the barbers the tailors my uncles,不可数名词和可数名词的转换 room空间 房间 paper纸 试卷 time时间 次数 fish鱼肉 鱼类 chicken鸡肉 小鸡work 工作 著作exercise运动 练习、操experience经验 经历 glass玻璃 眼镜 可数名词和不可数名词的量 a great deal of / plenty of / a little / much +不可数名词 a large number of /a few / many +可数名词复数形式 some/ any/ a lot of /lots of+既可加可数名词也可加不可数名词,数词概述 1. hundred, thousand, million, billion前有确切数词时,遵循“两个无”原则,即无 “s”,无“of” three hundred people,nine million books; 但hundred, thousand, million, billion前无确切数词时,则遵循“两个有”原则,即有 “s”和“of” many thousands of trees,millions of birds,hundreds of eggs; 2. 基数词常与名词连用构成复合定语,中间要用连字符,而且只用名词的单数形式an 800-hundred-word composition, a five-day holiday, a 20-meter-tall building;,3. 序数词的构成及用法: 十位整数基数词的序数词需将词尾的 “y”改为 “i”,再加“eth”构成twenty twentieth ,forty fortieth ,ninety ninetieth. “几十几”的数及3位数以上基数词的序数词只将个位变成序数词即可thirty - second.; 4. 表示编号:名词+基数词 = the+序数词+名词Picture Two = the second picture; 5. 表示时间:10:30 half past ten , 11:15 a quarter past eleven, 5:45 a quarter to six; 6. 表示世纪、年代:in the twentieth century, in the 1990s; 7. 表示分数:1/3 one -third, 3/4 three-fourths; 8. 表示一半:two and a half weeks = two weeks and a half.,形容词、副词概述 一、 形容词的用法 1.形容词放在名词前做定语; 2.形容词与系动词连用作表语,放在系动词之后; 3.修饰不定代词,放在不定代词的后面; 4.形容词放在宾语后,作宾语补足语 make/ find/ think/ keep +宾语+形容词; 5. 注意:以 ly 结尾的adj.: lovely可爱的, lively生动的,friendly友好的, lonely孤独的, curly卷的, ugly丑陋的,silly愚蠢的,fatherly慈父般的,daily日常的,deadly致命的,5. for 和of 的用法区别: Its + clever,wise,kind,good,right,nice,wrong, bad, cruel,silly, stupid, foolish ,careful, careless+ ( of + sb. ) + to do sth. Its + difficult, hard, easy,possible, impossible,important+ ( for + sb. ) + to do sth.二、 副词的用法 1.副词修饰动词 、形容词、副词。2.多数副词作状语时放在动词之后。如果动词带有宾语,则放在宾语之后。3.频度副词作状语时,通常放在行为动词之前,情态动词,助动词和be动词之后。Ive never heard him sing.,三、形容词、副词比较级和最高级的构成 1.一般在词尾+er , est ;2.结尾是e 的词只加-r 或 st;3. 重读闭音节词后面只有一个辅音字母,先双写这个辅音字母,再+er或est,bigbiggerbiggest;4.以辅音字母+ y 结尾的词,先把 y 改为i,再+er , +est; 5.多音节词和部分双音节词,要在其前面加more 或 most 、less 或least变为比较级和最高级; 6.不规则变化 good / well-better-best bad / ill-worse-worst many / much-more-most little-less-least far-farther-farthest 或 further-furthest old-older-oldest 或 elder-eldest,四、形容词和副词比较级最高级的用法 1.两者比较要用比较级 Which would you like better , the red one or the blue one ? 2.句中有than 的要用比较级 This lesson is more difficult than that one . 3.表示三个或三个以上比较时用最高级 Who is the youngest , May , Kate or Jim ? 4.在句中有 of , in 的,一般用最高级 Mike is the tallest boy in the class . 5.形容词最高级前一定要用定冠词the ,副词的最高级前可以不用定冠词the . 6. as + adj / adv.原形+ as 像.一样 not so (as ) + adj / adv.原形+ as 跟不一样,不如 7. as as possible 尽可能,8.比较级+and+比较级 越来越He ran faster and faster .The city becomes more and more beautiful . 9. the +比较级+ , the +比较级“ 越 就越 ” 10. the +比较级+ of the two “两个中比较的” 11. 比较级前可以用 much , far , a lot , a bit , a little , even , still,等词修饰,表示 “得多”,“甚至”,“更”,“一些(一点)” 12.形容词前可以有系数词 Is Nanjing the second largest city in China ? 13.比较级+ than any other +单数名词 “比其他的任何都” 14. one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数 “是最之一者” 15.倍数+as as “和的几倍一样” 倍数+比较级+than “比的几倍还要”,动词时态语态概述 1一般现在时:主 + is am are 主 + do does 时间状语 often, usually, sometimes,every,twice a week 2一般过去时:主 + was were 主 + did 时间状语 just now, last, yesterday,in 1990, ago, the day before yesterdy 3一般将来时:主 + amisare going to do 主 + will do 时间状语 tomorrow, next,in+时间段, from now on, soon =right away=at once, if, when , as soon as, unless, until 引导的条件/时间状语从句, 主将从现 4.现在进行时:主 + isamare doing 时间状语 now, these days,come, go, leave, start, arrive, move等用现在进行时表示将来时,always常与现在进行时连用,表示喜欢、表扬、厌恶、憎恨等情感,5过去进行时:主 + waswere doing 时间状语 at that time, at 8 last night,过去进行时可用于由when, while 和 as 引导的时间状语从句 6现在完成时:主 + havehas done 时间状语 already, ever, never, yet, twice, just, in the pastlast few years, recently, for + 一段时间, since + 过去某一点时间 7过去将来时:主 + wasweregoing to do 主 + would do 时间状语 宾语从句中(主句过去时)the next week 8过去完成时:主 + had done 时间状语 宾语从句中(主句过去时), when by the time主过完从过, by the end of last term 一般现在时的被动amis are +done 一般过去时的被动waswere +done 一般将来时的被动will be +done 情态动词的被动 mustcancould may+ be +done,短暂性动词和延续性动词的转换 arrive get to reach be in begin start be on borrow keep buy have die be dead catch a cold have a cold fall ill sick asleep be ill sick asleep join be in be a mumber of leave be away make friends be friends finish end be over,不规则动词过去式和过去分词 cost, cut, hit, hurt, let, put, set, read bring-bought buy-bought think-thought teach-taught catch-caught build-built feel-felt sleep-slept get-got keep-kept leave-left hear-heard make-made find-found pay-paid say-said tell-told sell-sold sit-sat send-sent spend-spent lose-lost break-broke-broken choose-chose-chosen drive-drove-driven eat-ate-eaten give-gave-given ride-rode-ridden rise-rose-risen speak-spoke-spoken take-took-taken write-wrote-written fall-fell-fallen see-saw-seen sing-sang-sung know-knew-known throw-threw-thrown,1.tell sb.(not ) to do告诉某人(不)做 2.ask sb.( not ) to do叫某人(不) 做 3. want to do = would like to do 想做. want sb. to do = would like sb to do 想要某人做 . 4. plan to do 计划做 5. begin to do, start to do, 6. try to do 努力 / 尽力做 try to learn English well 7. get/be ready to do准备做某事 8. call to do 打电话做 9. hope to do , hope( that) +句子 10. be sorry/ pleased to do 很抱歉/乐意做 11. encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人做 . 12. help (sb) (to) do 13. get sb. to do.使某人做某事 14. learn to do.学做. 15. teach sb. to do. 教某人做,16. decide to do . 决定做. 17. wish/expect sb. to do .希望/愿某人做某事 18. allow sb. to do允许某人做. 19. warn sb. not to do 警告某人不要做 20. take ones turns to do sth.轮流做某事 21. (cant) afford to do (不能)负担得起做 22.cant wait to do迫不及待做 23. seem to do 似乎要做used to do sth 过去常常做 24. refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事pretend to do sth 假装做 25. in order to do sth 为了做 26. set / make up ones mind to do.下定决心做某事 27. prefer to do rather than do宁愿做而不做 28. It takes sb. st. to do sth. 花某人多长时间做某事 29. Its + adj. + (for sb. ) to do 对于某人)做某事adj. 30. find/think/feel it +adj. to do sth.发现/认为/感到做某事 31. Its better / best ( for sb.) to do 较好/最好做.,32.Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 33.too+adj./adv. to do sth. 太而不能 34.be willing to do sth. 愿意做 35.序数词+to do 第个做某事 以下是不带to的动词不定式的常见用法 let sb. do sth让某人做某事 make do sth使得某人做某事 hear do sth do sth听见某人做某事 see do sth do sth看见某人做某事 why not 或why dont you +动词原形?为什么不.? 某人+had better( not) do 某人最好(不)做某事 情态动词can/may /must /should+ 动词原形 助动词do/does/did/will/would在构成疑问句或者构成否定句即dont/doesnt/didnt/will not /would not+ 动词原形 be going to + 动词原形(表示“即将”“打算” 做某事),1. enjoy doing, 喜欢做enjoy oneself 2. finish doing 完成做 3. hate doing 讨厌做. 4. be good at sth. = do well in sth. be good at doing = do well in doing 擅长做 5. what / how about doing?做某事怎么样? 6. thank sb. for doing.感谢做某事 7. have fun doing 做有乐趣 have problems / difficulty doing做有问题 8. give up doing.放弃做 9. take part in doing. 参加做 10. put off doing sth 推迟做. 11. practise doing 练习做 12. be worth doing 值得做 13. feel like doing. 想要做.,14. be interested in doing对做感兴趣 15. by doing 通过, 以. 16. the way of doing. 做.的方式 17. keep doing一直做 keep sb. doing让某人一直做 keep on doing 反复做. 18. keep/stop/prevent sb. from doing阻止某人做某事 19. mind ( ones)doing 介意(某人)做. 20. succeed in doing成功做某事 21. be busy doing. 忙于做. 22.spend / waste / kill(in)doing花/浪费时间/钱做 23. cant help doing . 禁不住 / 情不自禁做某事 24. instead of doing 代替做某事 25. prefer doing . to doing宁愿做而不是做 26. miss doing sth 错过做某事,27. be used for doing sth 被用来做 be / get used to doing sth 习惯于做 28“go doing”短语去做某事(主要指文娱活动等) 如:go shopping/go fishing/go swimming/go hiking/go skating/go camping/go skiing(滑雪/go boating /go hunting (打猎) 29. find /see/hear/watch sb doing发现/看到/听到/观看某人在做某事 30. “do some +doing”短语 如:do some shopping/do some washing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking 31. look forward to doing sth 盼望做,既可加不定式,又可加动名词, 但有区别: 1.like doing 表示一般情况 ike to do喜欢/愿意做表示具体某一次情况 2. remember / forget to do记得/忘记要做 remember / forget doing.记得/忘记做过. 3. try to do 试着去做 try doing. 企图做 4. stop to do停下来做(另一件事) stop doing停止做 5. go on to do 继续做另一件事 go on doing. 继续做同一件事 6. be afraid to do不敢做;害怕做; be afraid of sth.害怕. be afraid of doing害怕做 7. need to do 需要做 need doing (某物) 需要被做.,非谓语动词 动词+to do hope, decide, agree, need, cant wait, plan, ,refuse, pretend, afford, get ready to do /take ones turns to do /used to do sth/be willing to do/ be sorry to do/ be pleased to do/make up ones mind to do 下定决心做某事 2. 动词+ sb to do wish,expect, want, would like, teach, help, encourage, warn/ force/ get, tell, ask, invite, order, persuade sb. to do sth 3. to do 的句型 1.Its ones turn to do sth 2.Its time for to do sth 3.Its +adj+for/to sb to do sth. (有nice,kind,rude,polite 一般用to sb.) 4.It takes sb. sometime to do sth 5. tooto.+do sth 6.in order to do sth (为了干) 7.find/think/feel it +adj +to do sth 8. 序数词+to do sth,4. 不带to 的不定式 感观动词 feel. see, hear, notice, watch sb. to do sth 使役动词:make/let/have sb. do sth e.g I have the dog look after the house 注意!变被动要加to e.g I often hear her sing in the bathroom. 被动:She is often heard to sing 5.+doing enjoy, finish, stop, allow, forget, remember, prefer, mind, miss, like, hate, practice, keep, consider, be busy, waste, spend doing, cant help(禁不住干), cant stand(不能忍受干), go on, feel like, be worth, give up, pay attention to, look forward to, be used to, put off , stop sb. (from) doing sth,6. stop to do 停止正在干 stop doing停下再干另一件 remember/forget to do(没做) remember/forget doing(已做) 7.begin/start/prefer to do/doing 意思不变 动词辨析 1. look, see, watch, read (1)look:看。强调看的动作。一般用 look at 如:Please look at the blackboard. (2)see:看,看见。强调看的结果。多用于“看医生”see the doctor “看电影” see a movie / film (3)watch:观看,注视,指带情感的看。多用于“看电视, 看比赛,看表演”等。 (4)read:读,朗读。多用于“看书,看报,看信,看杂志”等。,2. spend, pay, take, cost, 1)spend主语是人 句型:sb spend some money on sth. sb spend some time doing sth. 某人花费钱或时间 2)Pay 主语是人, 短语pay for 付款,为.花费 3)take it开头,只用于花费时间 句型: It takes / took sb some time to do sth 4)cost 主语是物 句型: sth cost sb some money某物花费多少钱 3.hope, wish, want, expect hope to do sth/ hope that+从句 wish to do sth/wish sb. to do sth want (sb)to do 想干某事 expect(sb) to do期望干某事,4. put on, wear, dress, dress up as , try on 1)Wear穿,强调穿的状态She is wearing a dress today. 2)put on侧重穿的动作He put on his coat and went out. wear, put on +衣服, hat, glasses, scarf 3)dress宾语通常是人,或反身代词,dress sb为某人穿衣服 The mother is dressing the baby. My sister is only four , but she can dress herself. 4)dress up 表示“穿上盛装”,“精心打扮”。 dresss up as打扮成 5)try on 试穿 5. say, speak, talk, tell 1) say“讲,说”,强调说话内容 He says he is busy. 2)speak English/Chinese speak at the meeting 常用于讲电话的时候。如:May I speak to Li Lei? 3) tell sb. sth. = tell sth. (not)to sb. tell a story讲故事 tell a lie说谎 tell the truth说实话 4) talk about sth.(谈论某事) talk with /to sb.(和某人交谈),6.bring, take, carry,fetch 1)bring 指拿来”,由远及近,bringto 且常与here连用 如: He brought a new book with him. 2)take 指“拿走”,由近及远,taketo且常与there 连用 如: Please take the letter to the post office. 3)fetch 指“到别处去带来,相当于go and bring ”, 如: She has gone to fetch water. Fetch sth for sb. 4)carry 意为“提、搬、”,没有方向性。 7.become, grow, turn, get, go become+职业n. become a teacher grow强调变化的过程,变成新的另一种状态 grow old turn +颜色adj turn grey/white get +情感 get angry go + bad/ terrible 8. get to, arrive in(大地方) / at(小) , reach+宾语,9. find,find out , look for 三者都含有“寻找,”的意思。 1)find 意为:找到,发现。强调找的结果。 2)look for意为:寻找。强调“找”这一动作。 Im looking for a ruler in my room, but I cant find it. 3)find out意为:查明,找出,发现。多指经过调查、打听、研究之后“搞清楚、弄明白”。 10. Hear ,hear of, hear from, listen to hear “听见”强调听的结果 listen to “听”强调听的动作.如 I heard what you said.我听见了你说的话 I listened him carefully, but I didnt hear his words. Hear of sth 听说 hear from sb 收到某人的来信 11. Borrow ,lend, keep borrow 借入 borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物 lend 借出 lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人 Keep 延续性动词,Look at Look for Look after Look up Look out Look out of Look behind Look over Look through Look around pick up try on Set up,看 寻找 照顾 查找 小心 向外看 向后看 仔细检查 快速浏览 四处看看 拣起, 搭载 试穿 建立,Get up Get on /along with Get on Get off Get to Send up Send sth to sb Send for Hand in Hand out Hang out Catch up with Catch hold of,起床 和相处 上车 下车 到达 发射 送某人某物 派人去请 上交 分发 闲逛 赶上 抓住,Eat up Use up Wake (sb) up Put on Put up Put off Put down Put away Give in Give up Give out Give back Give away,吃光 用尽 醒来,唤醒 穿上 张贴,挂起 推迟 放下 把收起来 屈服 放弃 分发 归还 捐赠,Turn on Turn off Turn down Turn up Turn over Turn into Take off Take out Take to Take care of Fall off Fall behind Find out,打开 关闭 调低 调高 翻转 把变成 脱下 拿出 把带到 照顾 摔下 落后 查明,听说 hear of 收到的来信 hear from sb,看 寻找 照顾 查找 小心 向外看 向后看 仔细检查 快速浏览 四处看看 拣起, 搭载 试穿 建立,起床 和相处 上车 下车 到达 发射 送某人某物 派人去请 上交 分发 闲逛 赶上 抓住,吃光 用尽 醒来,唤醒 穿上 张贴,挂起 推迟 放下 把收起来 屈服 放弃 分发 归还 捐赠,打开 关闭 调低 调高 翻转 把变成 脱下 拿出 把带到 照顾 摔下 落后 查明,祈使句 1肯定祈使句 动词原形 Let sb do sth 2否定祈使句 Dont +V. Let sb not do sth 感叹句 How + adj./adv.( +主语谓语)! 1)What a/an +adj. +可数名词单数(主语谓语)! 2)What +adj. +可数名词复数/不可数名词(主语谓语)! (特别关注以下名词:music, work, information, news, weather, fun) What bad weather! = How bad the weahter is! What beautiful flowers they are! = How beautiful the flowers are! What a useful book it is! How useful the book is!,反意疑问句 原则:前肯后否,前否后肯。 1句中没有not,但有以下词是表示否定:no, little, few, never, hardly, none, nobody, nothing, no one. 2陈述部分主语是不定代词everyone, everybody, someone, nobody的,疑问部分的主语要用they。 Everyone is here, arent they? Everybody knows the answer, dont they? 3陈述部分是“I think/believe +宾语从句”时,疑问部分的主语与动词跟从句一致,肯定或否定与主句一致。 I think he is clever, isnt he? I dont believe they have finished the work, have they? 4以“Lets”开头的祈使句用“shall we?”,其他的用“will you?” Lets go hiking, shall we? (说话人将自己列入范围,lets是连写的)Let us sing a song, will you? (不针对说话人自己,let us分开写) Open the door, will you?,5情态动词must,can等表示推测,疑问部分跟其后面的系动词或其他动词一致。 He must be in the library, isnt he? 主谓一致 英语句子中谓语动词的数必须与主语的人称和数取得一致,这就叫做主谓一致。主谓一致主要遵循三个原则:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。 1集体名词people,police作主语,谓语动词用复数。 2class, family, team,group作为整体时,谓语动词用单数。强调个体时,谓语动词用复数。 3在or, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, notbut, There be 等结构中,采取就近原则,即谓语动词使用单数还是复数取决于最靠近该动词的主语的单复数。There is a pen and three books on the desk. 4the + adj./British/English/French/Chinese表示一类人, 谓语动词用复数。,5.either, neither, each, one, the other, another, anybody, anyone, anything, somebody, someone, something, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, no one, nothing做主语时,谓语动词一般使用单数。例:Neither of the two words is correct. Everything around us is matter. 6.表示“时间、距离、金额、重量、面积、体积、容积”等概念的名词,谓语用单数。 7.eachand each; everyand every; noand no; many aand many a等结构由于强调个体行为,因此谓语动词使用单数。 8. 如果两个以上的名词组成一个整体概念作主语时,谓语动词须用单数。如: bread and butter(黄油面包), a knife and fork(一副刀叉), a cup and saucer(带茶托的茶杯), ice-cream and cake(冰淇淋蛋糕) whisky and soda 等作主语时, 谓语动词用单数.,9.从句、不定式、动名词作主语时谓语动词使用单数形式。例:To say something is one thing, to do it is another. What he has done is of great use. 10some of, plenty of, a lot of, lots of, most of, the rest of, all(of), half(of), 分数或百分 of 名词做主语时,谓语动词的数以名词的单复数为准。如果“of”后的名词为单数(不可数名词),则谓语动词用单数,如果名词为复数,则谓语动词用复数。 11Glasses, shoes, clothes, trousers/pants/jeans 等名词作主语,谓语动词用复数。但有a pair of 修饰时,谓语动词用单数,12.下列结构用于引起一个附加的成分,谓语动词的形式应不受附加成分的影响而与其前面的主语取得一致:as well as, rather than, like, but, except, besides, with, along with, together with, including,such as等。 13. 定语从句中谓语动词的形式应与先行词一致,但one of复数名词who/that/which引导的定语从句的谓语动词的形式要看one 的前面是否有the (only)等修饰语,有则为单数,无为复数。,易错单词 difficult困难的, different不同的, afraid害怕,担心, true真实的, luck幸运, lucky幸运的, luckily幸运地, easily容易地, strict严格的, escape逃跑, except除了之外, expect期待,盼望, energetic精力充沛的, sail航行, sale出售, sell出售,卖, think想, thing事情, catch-caught抓住, hold-held 拿持, feelfelt感觉,觉得, fall-fell掉下,落下, invent发明, invite邀请, interview接见会见, visit参观,访问, custom习惯,风俗, costume装束,服装, science科学, society社会, business商业,买卖, language语言, library图书馆, through穿过,通过, thought想(过去式), though虽然,尽管 weather天气, whether是否, lie-lay-lain躺, lie-lied-lied撒谎, improve改善,改进, clothes衣服, health健康, healthy健康的,grade等级, great伟大的,非常的, heart心,心脏, hear-heard听到, head头, hand手, medicine药, another另一个, prize奖金,奖品, price价格, pride自豪,骄傲, proud自豪的,骄傲的, number数目,数量, member成员,会员, foreigner外国人, together共同,一起, enough足够的, chance机会, change改变, exercise练习, experience经验,体验, influence影响, again又,再次, against相反,反对, agent代理, quite相当,十分, quiet静止的,宁静的, little少许,几乎没有, litter垃圾, letter信, receive收到, believe相信, island岛, field田地, popular通俗的,流行的, population人口, environment环境, protect保护, produce生产, product产品, traffic交通, discover发现, instead代替, loud大声的/地, grass草, glass玻璃,玻璃杯, fail失败, fair公平地, fire火, decide决定, decision决策,决心, discuss, 讨论,争论 discussion讨论n,宾语从句前, 一般都有连接词与主句连接, 分三种类型:,以that引导的宾语从句. 陈述句做宾语从句用that引导. 2.以if 和whether引导的宾语从句. 一般疑问句,选择疑问句,反意疑问句作宾语从句用if 和whether引导。if 和whether一般可以互换,但在whetheror, whether or not中不能用if. 3.以连接代词(who, what, which, whose, how many, how much等)或连接副词(when, where, why, how, how long等)引导的宾语从句。 特殊疑问句作宾语从句。,宾语从句,运用宾语从句要注意以下几点* 语序: 宾语从句的语序一定是陈述句语序。 I dont know where he lives. 2. 时态: 主句的谓语动词的时态如果是过去时态, 宾语从句谓语动词的时态要选用相应的过去某一种形式。He asked me if I would go with him. 3. 如果宾语从句表示的是客观真理,事实时,即使主句是过去式,从句仍用一般现在时。 Mr Li told us (that) the moon moves around the earth and that the earth travels around the sun. 4. 如果宾语从句的主语与主句的主语或宾语一致时, 可以改写成特殊疑问词加动词不定式的结构.,1.在复合句中修饰名词、代词,并由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句称为定语从句。定语从句所修饰的词(词组成句子)称为先行词,初中着重关系代词that,which,who所引导的定语从句。2.着重掌握引导词的选用,特别是一定的特定境况下只能用that,不能用which的情况: (1)先行词为all, little, much, everything,anything,nothing等不定代词或被不定代词修饰时; (2)先行词被the only, the very, the same, the la


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