2019-2020年高二英语上学期周末卷八 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语上学期周末卷八 含答案I. GrammarChina has an even greater highspeed railway planto connect the country with Southeast Asia,and eventually Eastern EuropeChina _1_(negotiate) to extend its own high-speed railway network to up to 17 countries in 1 0 to 15 years,eventually _2_(reach) London and SingaporeChina has proposed three such projectsThe first could possibly connect Kunming with Singapore via Vietnam and MalaysiaAnother _3_ start in Urumqi and go through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan,and possibly to GermanyThe third would start in the northeast and go north _4_ Russia and then into Western EuropeThe new system would still follow Chinas highspeed railway standardAnd the trains would be able to go 346 kilometers an hour,almost as fast as some airplanesChinas bullet train,the _5_ connecting Wuhan to Guangzhou,already has the Worlds fastest average speedIt _6_ (cover)1,069 kilometers in about three hoursOf course,there are some technical challenges _7_(overe)There are so many issues that need _8_(settle),such as safety,rail gauge,maintenance of railway tracksSo,its important to pay attention to every detailBut the key issue is really moneyChina is already spending hundreds of billions of yuan on domestic railway expansionChina prefers that the other countries pay in natural resources _9_ _9_with capital investmentThose countries _10_ _10_ resources streamed will bring China a win-win project. II. Vocabulary:A. currentlyB. freezeC. contributingD. advancementE. unavailable F. claimsG. sacrificesH. pricelessI. increaseJ. financiallyAdult children are giving up the equivalent of a full-time working week each month at an annual cost of almost 4,000 to care for an elderly parent or parents, a report published today _(11)_.The “Cost of a Parent” study, from insurance and investment group Liverpool Victoria(LV), highlights the increasing problems faced by a sandwich generation caught between paying their own bills, meeting the costs of their parents care and, in one of 20 cases, _(12)_ financially to their over-18 children.Mike Rogers, group chief executive of LV, which surveyed 2,000 adults last month, said many adults were walking a “fine tightrope” between these three costs. The care that elderly relatives receive from their families is _(13)_, but there is clearly a growing concern that financial support for rising residential care costs may simply be _(14)_, he said. Caught up in the recession(衰退), almost half of those people with elderly parents said they felt less _(15)_ able than they did a year ago to meet any care costs.The financial crisis only serves to highlight the difficulties older people, their families and caregivers are _(16)_ facing when trying to pay for care, said Stephen Burke, chief executive of Counsel and Care. The situation has been made worse by the _(17)_ in the housing market, which has made it harder for older people to sell their houses to pay for their care costs.People with parents who need care do not just face financial _(18)_, according to the LV report. Of those surveyed, 13% had put off career changes or sacrificed _(19)_ at work, while the same proportion had put off moving house. A third of respondents(调查对象) had put their holiday plans on hold, while a further 13% had sacrificed financial support for their children.III. Reading prehension (A)“Just relax,” I said, “and let the water support you!”Of course, such things are usually easier said than done.When I discovered that the university I work at has a swimming pool, I was quite pleased. Swimming is a great way to exercise. So I suggested to Ellen that we should go for a dip. She declined. At first, I thought it was because she thought it might be too cold to go swimming, but as the summer heat rolled in, she continued to resist my offers.Eventually, I asked her what was stopping her, and was surprised to hear, “I cant swim!”Most Australians learn to swim fairly early on, with school programs teaching it. With the population of Australia mostly gathered around the edge of the continent, going to the beach and swimming in the sea are incredibly popular things to do, so someone who cant swim is fairly unmon.Ellens confession drove me to make a foolish offer that I would teach her to swim.If Id foreseen the problems that were to e, I would probably have never set foot in the pool.Once we got past the initial hurdle of the water being “too cold”, “too scary” and having “a funny smell”, I persuaded Ellen to put her arms around my neck, and try to let her legs float out behind her, while I gently pulled her along.That night, I tried to sleep without moving my neck, as Ellens tight grasp had almost torn my head from my shoulders. She panicked after a small wave splashed some water up her nose, and nearly drowned the pair of us in the resulting waving of arms and legs.I think it was at that point I decided to buy her a large life ring, so that she could float along without holding me tight. And I hope, in that way, Ellen will be a little more confident in the water. 20. Ellen refused to go swimming with her husband because _.A. it was too cold at that timeB. there was no swimming pool aroundC. she couldnt stand the summer heatD. she did not know how to swim21. Which of the following CANNOT be learned according to the passage?A. Swimming is a required course in many Australian schools.B. Most of the Australians learn to swim at a fairly early age. C. It is convenient for most Australians to go to the seaside.D. Swimming is the most popular activity among Australians.22. The underlined word “hurdle” in the passage probably means _.A. frameB. excitementC. obstacleD. jump23. How did the author probably feel after teaching his wife to swim for the first time? A. Surprised and tired.B. Exhausted and regretful.C. Energetic and confident.D. Disappointed and angry. (B)The following articles are extracts from editorials.WORKING HOURSThe process of “downsizing” in other words, reducing workforces has continued persistently over the last ten years. One of the major effects of this process has been the increase in number of hours worked. Often employees have to take over the work previously done by now redundant(被解雇的) colleagues. Working days of twelve hours or more are not unusual. You have to ask yourselves whether this is an efficient way to run a pany, and if it is worth the damage it causes to family life.TOWN CENTRES DIEArguably one of Americas most destructive exports to the rest of the world has been the out-of-town shopping mall. Shopping centres, usually located on ring roads two or three kilometers from the centre of towns, have sprung up everywhere. As consumers have flocked to them, village shops have closed and town centres have bee full of streets with boarded-up shop windows and “For Sale” signs.PROFESSIONALISM RULESThere are few sports where the amateur ideal survives and flourishes. Athletics is normally amateur but all the top athletes are, to all intent and purposes, professionals. Rugby Union(英式橄榄球联合会) has now officially gone professional and the Olympic Games, the supposed symbol of amateurism, has allowed professional sportsmen like tennis players to pete. Standards have certainly improved, but at what cost? Sport is now seen by many as an activity for a few highly skilled and well-paid individuals, rather than as a source of enjoyment for millions, whatever their ability.24. According to the passages, reducing workforces may result in _.A. the enhancement of work efficiencyB. the increase of employees workloadC. better chances of promotionD. the cutdown of employees ine25. According to the passages, the Olympic Games should _.A. include more highly skilled and well-paid individualsB. choose rugby when considering the addition of new sportsC. aim at providing more enjoyment for ordinary people D. improve their standards of candidates at any cost 26. What is in mon among these three articles?A. They all quote exact figures to illustrate their points.B. Each of them expresses a strong opinion about a current issue. C. Each of them reflects a different voice about the same problem.D. They all offer constructive suggestions to the authority.(C)One often hears that children should arrive at school “ready to learn.” For most children, the acquisition of reading and math skills starts in the first grade. In states where kindergarten is pulsory, it begins even earlier.Many parents, teachers, and politicians maintain that preschool is the best way to prepare children to learn. There is no real consensus(一致), however, about how this preparation should be achieved.For some, early childhood education relates to the development of the whole child. They think that preschool should encourage exploration and discovery. Group activities teach positive social behaviors such as sharing, kindness, and patience. Time spent alone encourages independence. Learning letters and counting is important only for children who show an interest in them. Advocates(提倡者) of this approach stress that each child is unique and should learn at his or her own pace.Other people refer to research showing that children are ready to absorb basic academic concepts by age 3 or 4. They claim that early introduction to letters and numbers lays the foundation for later academic excellence. Since the 1980s, many people have stressed the value of preschool and point to the success of programs such as Head Start that target low-ine children.Is there proof that an academic curriculum in preschool will lead to academic success? Studies have not been conclusive. In the short term, evidence suggests that middle-class children who attend preschool are ahead of their peers in maths and language skills, as well as in social skills, when they enter school. However, the same studies show that the gap narrows considerably by the time children reach age 8.Children living in poverty are a different matter. Those enrolled in programs such as Head Start seem to do better than impoverished(穷困的) children who do not attend a preschool. For instance, youngsters in one group enrolled in the program, tracked until the age of 21, earned higher scores on intelligence tests, were more likely to graduate from high school, and demonstrated more interest in higher education.The idea of public preschool raises many issues. Providing Head Start for all children would be a financial burden on munities that already struggle to fund current school programs. Also, where would a sufficient number of teachers trained in early childhood development be found?27. Advocates of the development of the whole child believe school readiness is _.A. showing eagerness in exploration and discoveryB. learning basic skills, such as knowing letters and countingC. Showing great interest in basic academic conceptsD. demonstration of intellectual, social and emotional skills28. According to the passage, Head Start is most probably _.A. a preschool program that supports disabled childrenB. a program that helps impoverished children attend a schoolC. an organization that aims to improve current school programsD. a program that helps design the academic curriculum in preschool29. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Preschool benefits middle-class children more than poor children.B. Most children start school with similar language and social skills.C. Providing Head Start for all children has encountered great difficulties.D. All children are ready to absorb basic academic concepts by age 3 or 4.30. Which of the following may best summarize the main idea of the passage?A. An academic curriculum in preschool will lead to academic success. B. Preshool is helpful, despite the disagreement about what it should offer.C. Children enrolled in preschool demonstrate more interest in learning.D. Preschool education shouldnt be a financial burden on munities.IV. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 他花光所有的积蓄买下了那套公寓。(spend)2. 据报道这次地震给当地居民造成了重大损失。(cause)3. 微博(Micro blogging)因其快捷、方便和高效而受到各个年龄层次的欢迎。(popular)4. 竞赛的结果对我来说并不重要,要紧的是我的参与和体验。(matter)5. 虽然大家对整容的看法在某种程度上已有所转变,但必须承认它带来的风险。(Although)I. Grammar1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _5 _ 6 _ 7 _ 8 _9 _ 10 _IV. Translation:1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _Key:is negotiating, reaching, could, through, one, covers, to overe, to be settled, rather than, from whichFCHEJ ABGDDDCB BCB DBCB 1. He spent all his savings buying(on) that flat. 2. It is reported that the earthquake (has) caused great losses to the local residents.3. Micro blogging is getting popular among different age groups because it is fast, convenient and efficient.4. The result of the contest is not important,because what matters is my participation and experience.5. Although peoples view on cosmetic surgery has changed to some extent, we must acknowledge that risk goes with it/ there is risk.


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