四年级英语下册 Unit 1 Days and Months Lesson 4 When Is Your Birthday一课一练 冀教版.doc

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Unit 1 Days and Months Lesson 4 When Is Your Birthday? 根据句意完成句子1. When is Childrens Day(儿童节)? Its on _. 2. When is National Day(国庆节)? Its on _.3. When is Womens Day(妇女节)? Its on _.4. When is New Years Day(新年)? Its on _. 把基数词变为序数词two three nine twelve twenty eightfive thirty-one 按要求完成句子1、My birthday is on August fourth (对划线部分提问)_is_ birthday?2、Nicks birthday is on September fifth.(对划线部分提问)_is_ birthday? 根据问句写答语,根据答语写问句1. How old are you?_2. _ My brothers birthday is in August.3. Have a good time in the new school, Bob. _4. When is Childrens Day?_5. Is his birthday in December?_ 补全对话A: 1B: Im 13.A: 2B: My birthday is May 15th.A: Oh. Tomorrow (明天) is yourbirthday. 3B: Thank you.A: 4B: Yes, of course (当然).A: 5B: At home you can come to my birthday Party. We will have a good time.A: Thanks you.答案:1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _A. Where will you have your birthday party?B. How old are you?C. When is your birthday?D. Will you have a birthday party?E. Ill take it.F. Happy birthday!G. Good morning. 阅读理解Im a boy. My name is Robert. Im fifteen years old. My birthday is March 6th. I like volleyball.Im Mary. Im an English girl. Im sixteen. I was born (出生) on May 4th. I like singing.My name is Wang Gang. Im Wang Pings brother. Im a Chinese (中国的) boy. Im fourteen. My birthday is February 1st. I like running (跑步).( ) 1. is 15 years old.A. Robert. B. Mary. C. Wang Ping. D. Wang Gang.( ) 2. Marys birthday is _. A. March 6th B. February 1st C. May 4th D. May 16th( ) 3. Wang Gang is _. A. a Chinese boy B. a Chinese girl C. an English boy D. an English girl( ) 4. _ is Wang Pings brother. A. Robert B. Mary C. Marys brother D. Wang Gang( ) 5. Wang Gang likes_. A. playing volleyball B. singing C. playing the piano D. Running参考答案 根据句意完成句子1. June 1st2. October 1st3. March 8th4. January 1st解析:1. 儿童节是六月一日。2. 国庆节是十月一日。3. 妇女节是三月八日。4. 新年是一月一日。需要注意的是:月份的首字母要大写,日期要用序数词代替。 选出给出单词的邻居1. second2. third3. ninth4. twelfth5. twentieth6. eighth7. fifth8. thirty-first 根据例句补全句子。1. When your 2. When his 根据问句写答语,根据答语写问句1. I am twelve/ thirteen (years old). 2. When is your brothers birthday?3. Thank you.3. It is June 1st. 4. Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 补全对话1. B2. C3. F4. D5. A解析:根据上下文问答可知关于生日的对话。 阅读理解1. A2. C3. A4. D5. D解析:本文是介绍几位小朋友的一篇短文。1. 根据第三句可知主人公十五岁。2. 根据Mary介绍,她的生日是五月四日。3. 根据倒数第五句可知Wang Gang是一名中国男孩。4. Wang Gang是Wang Ping的弟弟。5. 根据最后一句可知,他喜欢跑步。


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