2019-2020年高三下学期五月第二次检测(二模)英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三下学期五月第二次检测(二模)英语试题 含答案本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷1至 7 页。第卷第8页。考试时间100分钟。结束后,将本试卷答题卡交回。第卷第一题 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、c、D四个选项中.选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1 How do you find _ birthday party of the Blairs? I should say it was _ plete failure A a; a B the; a C a; / D the; /2The job is not very rewarding _ money, but he is getting valuable experience from it. A. in terms ofB. in favor of C. in case of D. in charge of3. Peter, would you like a coffee to go with your sandwich ?Sure, it _.A. orderedB. was orderedC. has been orderedD. has ordered4. Hearing the news about Neil Armstrongs death, _ Amy heart missed a beat Bmy mind went empty Cthe newspaper shook with my hands DI was greatly shocked5. How e you are always staring at me this morning?You look stupid! The way you wear is_ annoys me most.A. which B. where Chow D. what6. _ in a top-level university abroad is what many students wish for.A. EducatedB. Being educatedC. To educateD. Educating7. The boy managed to climb out of the car, _ unhurtA. regularlyBextremelyCfrequentlyDobviously8. Mary is lovely, kind and full of energy. _, I cant speak too highly of her.A. As a resultB. By the wayC. In a wordD. On the contrary9. _ there is going to be a policy change _ of those things is going to change. A. Unless; few B. Until; few C. Unless; none D. Until; none10. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and_ jokes. A. turning upB. taking up C. making up D. showing up11. _ about the man wearing sunglasses during night that he was determined to follow him A. So curious the inspector was B. So curious was the inspector C. How curious was the inspector D. How curious the inspector was12. Hes got our tickets. Thats good .I _afraid that he _them.A. am; has forgotten B. was; had forgottenC. was; forgetD. am; will forget13. They moved to England in xx and lived in a big house, _to the south.A. the windows of which openedB. the windows of it openedC. its windows openedD. the windows of which opening14. Hey! Any idea about learning abroad? You _google the College Board to learn the names of college you _ be interested in A. may; needB. can; mightC. will; should D. shall; must15.Great party, Yes?Oh, Jimmy. Its you! _, we last met more than 30 years ago.A. Whats moreB. Thats to say C. Believe it or not D. In other words第二题 完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。The “Doorman”On a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant, a man, with a 16 beard and dirty hair, jumped up from a bench and opened the door for usRegardless of his 17 , he greeted us in a friendly way Once inside, my daughters whispered, Mom, he 18 After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the kids to look 19 the dirtWe then watched other customers approach the restaurant but many 20 himSeeing this rudeness truly upset meThe day I became a mother, I had resolved to set a good 21 for my childrenYet sometimes when things didnt go right, being a good example was 22 When our meal arrived, I realized I had left the car-sick pills in the truckWith the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I 23 myself from the meal and went to get themJust then, the doorman was opening the door for a coupleThey rushed past him without even acknowledging his 24 Letting them in first, I said a loud thank you to him as I 25 When I returned, we talked a bitHe said he was not allowed inside 26 he purchased foodI went back and told my family his 27 .Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwichThe kids looked 28 as we had already eaten, but when I said the order was for the doorman , they smiledWhen it was time to 29 our trip, I noticed the doorman enjoying his mealUpon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartilyHe then 30 his hand for a handshake and I gratefully acceptedI suddenly noticed the tears in his eyestears of 31 .What happened next drew great astonishment: I gave the doorman a 32 .He pulled away, with tears 33 down his faceBack in truck, I fell into deep thoughtWhile we cant choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude(感恩)I said thanks to a man who had 34 help open a door for me, and also said thanks for that 35 to teach my children by example16AheavyBlongCmessyDgrey17AserviceBappearanceCstatusDattitude18AsmokesBsmilesCsniffsDsmells19AbeyondBoverCaroundDinto20AhatedBignoredCmissedDrefused21AtargetBruleCrecordDexample22AstressfulBauthenticCawkwardDtough23AexcusedBfreedCpreventedDwithdrew24ApanyBpresenceCeffortDattempt25AquittedBmarchedCexitedDapproached26AbeforeBunlessCthoughDsince27AstoryBdeedCexperienceDdemand28AconcernedBshockedCpuzzledDbored29AmakeBstartCtakeDcontinue30AliftedBwashedCraisedDwaved31AapprovalBaffectionCsympathyDgratitude32AhugBnodCliftDclap33AslippingBstreamingCrushingDbreaking34AfirmlyBinstantlyCsimplyDpolitely35AjourneyBwisdomCopportunityDchallenge第三题 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AAre you looking for a summer reading list for your child or teen? Keep your child reading all summer with this selection of the summer reading listsBooks for primary school studentsKenneth Cadow: Alfie Runs AwayWhen his mother wants to give away his favorite shoes just because theyre too small, Alfie decides hes had enoughKate Feiffer: My Side of the CarIt might be raining on Dads side of the car, but imaginative Sadie argues that it is not raining on her side, so their trip to the zoo doesnt need to be put offBooks for junior school studentsFlinn: BeastlyA modern retelling of “Beauty and the Beast” from the point of view of the Beast, a proud Manhattan private school student who is turned into a monster and must find true love before he can returnLord: A Night to RememberA description of the sinking of the “Titanic”, a reputedly unsinkable ship that went down in the Atlantic on April 10, 1912 after hitting an iceberg, resulting in the deaths of over l, 500 peopleBooks for senior school studentsMark Twain: Huckleberry FinnIts Mark Twains classic story about a young man and his slave Jim. They travel upriver to escape slavery and in the process Huck discovers what it means to be a man. It teaches us about the value of friendship and sacrifice. Charles Dickens: Great ExpectationsIt is about a young man named Pip who inherits (继承) a great deal of wealth from an unknown sourceThe money quickly moves him up the scale in London. However, at the same time it also teaches him about the dangers of ambition36.Who will probably be interested in this passage?A. ParentsB. StudentsC. WritersD. Teachers37.These lists of remended books are generally organized by _. A. book namesB. grade levelsC. their popularityD. writers names38. Which of the following books is about a terrible disaster?A. My Side of the CarB. Huckleberry FinnC. Great ExpectationsD. A Night to Remember B Ever since news of widespread food recalls caused by a carcinogenic dye broke, there has been confusion over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever Sudan 1 is a red industrial dye(颜料) that has been found in some chilli powder, but was banned in food products across the European Union (EU) in July xx Since the ban was put in place, EU officials have been trying to remove some food products from the shelvesSo far 580 products have been recalledLast week Sudans Embassy in the United Kingdom asked the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for clarification of the origin of the dyes name Omaima Mahmoud Al Sharief, a press official at Sudans Embassy in China, explained the purpose of the inquiry was to clear up any misunderstanding over links between the country and the poisonous dyeWe want to keep an eye on every detail and avoid any misunderstanding there, she saidOur embassy to Britain asked them how the dye got that name and whether the dye had something to do with our countryBut they told us there was no relationship The FSA, an independent food security watchdog in Britain, received a letter from the Sudanese embassy last weekThey asked us why the dye is named Sudan, however, we also do not know how it got the name, she saidPeople found the dye in 1883 and gave it the nameNobody knows the reason, and we cannot give any explanation before we find out Sudan dyes, which include Sudan 1 to 4, are red dyes used for colouring oils, waxes, petrol, and shoe and floor polishesThey are classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer39What does the underlined word “carcinogenic” mean in paragraph one?ACausing cancer BHaving side effect CContaining poison DPoisonous40How did the Sudan 1 get its name?AThe dye is often produced in SudanBThe dye has something to do with the country named SudanCNobody is sure of the origin of the nameDMany foods produced in Sudan contain the dye41We can infer from the passage that Athe Sudan government is paying much attention to the food safetyBSudan 1 is often used to be added to the foodCpeople didnt realize the danger of Sudan1 until xxDmany food shops will be closed down42Which of the following is the best title?AKeep away from Sudan1 BNo Sudan 1 dye links to the countryCHow Sudan1 dye got its name? DPay attention to the food safetyCA newly-published study has shown that loneliness can spread from one person to another, like a disease. Researchers used information from the Framingham Study, which began in 1948. The Framingham Study gathers information about physical and mental health, personal behavior and diet. At first, the study involved about 5,000 people in the American state of Massachusetts. Now, more than 12,000 individuals are taking part.Information from the Framingham Study showed earlier that happiness can spread from person to person. So can behaviors like littering and the ability to stop smoking.University of Chicago psychologist John Cacioppo led the recent study. He and other researchers attempted to show how often people felt lonely. They found that the feeling of loneliness spread through social groups.Having a social connection with a lonely person increased the chances that another individual would feel lonely. In fact, a friend of a lonely person was 52% more likely to develop feelings of loneliness. A friend of that person was 25% more likely. The researchers say this shows that a person could indirectly be affected by someones loneliness.The effect was strongest among friends. Neighbors were the second most affected group. The effect was weaker on husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters. The researchers also found that loneliness spread more easily among women than men.The New York Times newspaper reports that, on average, people experience feelings of loneliness about 48 days a year. It also found that every additional friend can decrease loneliness by about five percent, or two and a half fewer lonely days.Loneliness has been linked to health problems like depression and sleeping difficulties. The researchers believe that knowing the causes of loneliness could help in reducing it.The study suggests that people can take steps to stop the spread of loneliness. They can do this by helping individuals they know who may be experiencing loneliness. The result can be helpful to the whole social group.43. What is TRUE about the Framingham Study?A. It was only conducted in 1948. B. It involves more than 12,000 participants.C. It was led by John Cacioppo. D. It showed that any behavior could spread.44. Which statement about the spread of loneliness is true?A. The spreading effect was the second strongest among friends.B. No spreading effect was found on husbands and wives.C. Women are more likely to be affected than men.D. Brothers are more easily affected than neighbors.45. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Actions should be taken to help lonely people. B. People feel lonely for many reasons.C. Ways to fight against loneliness. D. Lonely people can affect others. D When a dirty and untidy orange cat showed up in the prison yard,I was one of the first to go out there and pet itI hadnt touched a cat or a dog in over 20 yearsI spent at least 20 minutes,knelt down behind the kitchen as the cat rolled around,relaxedWhat he was expressing outwardly, I was feeling inwardlyIt was an amazing bit of grace to feel him under my hand and note that I was reaching a life or another creature with something as simple as my care Over the next few days,there were other prisoners responding to the catEvery yard period,a group of prisoners gathered thereThey stood around talking and taking turns petting the catThese were guys you wouldnt usually find talking to each otherSeveral times I saw an officer in the group,not chasing people away, but just watching and seeming to enjoy along with the prisonersBowls of milk and water appeared along with bread, wisely placed under the edge of the dustbin to keep the birds from getting it The cat was obviously homeless and in pretty bad shapePeople said that the cat came to the right placeHes getting treated like a kingThis was truebut as 1 watched 1 was also thinking about what the cat was doing for usThere was a lot of talk about whats wrong with prisons in AmericaWe need more programsWe need more psychologists(心理学家) or treatment of various kindsSome may even talk about making prisons more kindBut I think what we really need is a chance to practise our own kindnessNot receive it,but give itAfter more than two decades here,I know kindness is not a value thats encouragedIts often seen as a weakness Instead,the culture encourages keeping your head down,minding your own business,and never letting yourself be weakThe cat did my heart good to see the effect he had on me and the men hereBy simply saying,“ I need some help here ”,he did something important for usHe needed usAnd we needed to be neededI believe we all do46From the passage,we can learn that the author was Aan animal protector Bthe cat owner Ca prison officer Da prisoner47Which of the following statements is true? AThe cat was dirty because it was kept in prison BThe officer in the prison enjoyed petting the cat CThe prisoners prepared food for both the cat and birds DThe author realized the importance of practising kindness48We can infer from the third paragraph that Ashowing love to others can make prisoners strong Bthe American prison culture will be improved Cthe author is not content with the prison culture Dcaring for others is encouraged in American prisons49What is the best title for the passage? ACaring Makes Us Human BPrison Culture is Important CAnimals Need Care DEveryone Needs to be Cared for50. In Paragraph 2,the author mentioned that “Several times I saw an officer in the group,not chasing people away, but just watching and seeming to enjoy along with the prisoners”to Ashow us the officer and prisoners get along well with each otherBshow us the American prison culture does need improvementCshow us the officer and prisoners all like catDshow us the American prison culture is great第二节: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 Tiffany, a 16-year-old girl, was very shy. Last September, her best friend, Sophie, moved abroad with her family because she had to continue her studies in America. She even said she would not e back for at least a few years. 51 “I was really sad the moment I heard the bad news and I didnt know what to do”, Tiffany recalled. “I shut myself in my room for a whole week. It was then that my aunt took me to a sports club one Saturday and I saw so many young people playing various sports there. I signed up for a beginners course in volleyball and since then I have been playing this sport. Now I practice twice a week there. It is wonderful playing sports in this club and I have made lots of friends as well. 52 ” The most basic aim of playing sports is that you can improve your health even if you are not very good at sports. 53 Tiffany used to be a very quiet girl. Since she joined the sports club, she has opened up herself and now she has bee very active and enjoys meeting and talking with others. For most people, that is one of the attractions of joining a sports club. You can get to know other young people who have similar interests. 54 You go in for sports and it is easier to understand your partners on the same team. Now Tiffany is quite popular with her friends and she has also gained more confidence. 55 The mind needs exercise as well as the body. A. Try to do regular sports. B. Tiffany became lonely and helpless. C. You can find what youre really interested in. D. It was three years later that Sophie came back. E. You dont have to sit down and talk to strangers. F. Whats more, I feel I am much healthier than before. G. In addition, you can get to know a circle of people at your age while playing sports. 第II卷第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (请在答题纸上作答,否则无效)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在该漏字符号下写上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该横线下写上修改后的词。 注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Last Saturday, mom and I went to buy a down jacket for my grandpa. When we got to a big store, we saw down jackets of vary colours and styles. There were so many of them that it spent us quite a while to decide which one to buy. Finally, under the help of the shop assistant, he selected a black thick jacket for grandpa. Immediately, we returned back home to show itto my grandpa. Seeing it, he was very happy and couldnt wait to put on. But we were annoyingto find something was wrong with the zipper. Hurriedly, I took it back to the store and explained the shop assistant the problem .To my satisfaction, she is very kind and helped me choose another one patiently. Stand in front of the mirror, my grandpa looked at himself in the new coat, smilingcontently. How delighted I was! 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)近来很多高中毕业生利用暑假期间学习开车,请你根据以下提示写一篇有关学开车的利与弊的文章。利弊1一种非常有积极意义的经历2为你提供方便3给你独立的感觉1市内停车不便2费用较高3安全隐患注意:1. 文章开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。2. 短文须包括所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文流畅。3. 词数:12 0词左右。4. 参考词汇: These days many high school graduates are learning driving during their summer vacation. In my opinion , learning to drive a car is a very positive experience for an individual. _ 参考答案 May 18,xx单选1-5 BACDD 6-10 BDBCC 11-15


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