2019-2020年高二英语上学期Unit1-Unit2综合教案示例 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语上学期Unit1-Unit2综合教案示例 人教版知识梳理.网络构建词汇单词*undertake *obvious within agriculture *gravity curious branch *debate promising graduate incurable *engage research *wheelchair *theory disable seek misunderstand scientific *observe observation match unhappiness *microscope *telescope heaven *intelligent patient experiment *media *reliable *editor reason *elect *injure *headline informed inform relate *talent *talented *switch present effort spiritual seldom social attention *critical *source affair telegram *locate *retire plete *overseas *bore *attitude disappoint guard *responsible *troublemaker *caring citizen polluter arm parison词组work on go by *be /get engaged to sb. go on with dream of turn out use up be satisfied with take a look at what if the other way around go up burn down relate(.)to for once even if draw attention to on all sideschange ones mind current affairs look up to fall in love with. 语法动词不定式 过去分词.重点精讲重点单词1.promise 例句集锦n.(1)I gave her my promise and I will keep it.我答应了她就会遵守诺言。I am under no promise to help him.我没有允诺要帮助他。He made a promise that he would give up smoking.他许下诺言要戒烟。(2)He showed considerable promise as a tennis player.他显示相当有希望成为网球选手。The weather gave promise of warmth.天气有希望变暖和。v.(1)She promised me her help.她答应给我帮助。She promised not to tell anyone.她答应不告诉任何人。I promised him to be there at noon.我答应他中午到达那里。They promised(us)that the work should be done next week.他们答应(我们)那件工作在下星期做好。(2)The clear sky promises fine weather.无云的天空预示着晴天。His childhood did not seem to promise much.他的童年时代似乎并未显出有多大前途。It promises to be fine tomorrow.明天可望天晴。(3)I cant promise,but Ill do my best.我无法答应,不过我会尽力而为。Alice is not ing tonight.爱丽丝今晚不来。But she promised!但她答应了!(4)She promises well as a singer.她很有希望当歌星。(5)Jack is a promising youth.杰克是有前途的青年。The weather is promising.天气可望转好。用法归纳*promise 可用作名词和动词。主要义项有:诺言;约定;前途;希望;答应;允诺;有()希望;预示;可望。用作及物动词时,其搭配形式为:+名词;+双宾;+不定式;+that 从句。 特别提示在promise somebody to do something 结构中,不定式to do something 作直接宾语,该动作是由主语发出的,而不是作宾补。2.observe例句集锦v.(1)An astronomer observes the stars.天文学家观察星辰。Please observe how I do this.请注意看我是怎么做的。(2)I observed a glimmer in the dark.我看到黑暗中的微光。I observed him enter the bank.我看到他进入了那家银行。(被动式要用不定式:He was observed to enter the bank.) I observed a stranger entering the house.我看到一个陌生人进入该屋。He observed that it looked like rain.他注意到似乎要下雨了。(3)observe the speed limit 遵守速度限制observe silence 信守沉默,保持安静(4)“It may rain,”he observed.“可能会下雨,”他说。She observed that he looked unhappy.她说他看起来不快乐。(5)observe closely 注意看(6)No one observed on the matter.没有人评论那件事。 n. observation He made observations of the customs of the natives.他观察了当地人的习俗。They were under observation by the police.他们受到警察监视。用法归纳*observe 可用作动词(vi.vt.),主要义项有:观察;监视;认识;注意到;遵守;庆祝;说;评论。作及物动词时,主要搭配形式为:+名词;+从句;+不定式、分词的复合宾语。特别提示observe 后跟不带to 的不定式作宾补,但把此结构变为被动语态时要跟带to 的不定式。3.present 例句集锦adj.(1)Those present were all college students.出席者全为大学生。Only a few students were present at the party.只有少数学生出现在那个聚会。(2)at the present time day 现在,现今The present chairperson is a woman.现在的主席是一名妇女。n.(1)for the present 目前;暂且up to the present 到现在为止;到目前(2)I gave her a dictionary as a birthday present.我给她一本词典作为生日礼物。We made a present of a vase to him.我们将一个花瓶赠送给他。v.(1)He presented a gold watch to me.(=He presented me with a golden watch.)他送给我一只金表。The waiter presented the bill to me.(=The waiter presented me with the bill.) 侍者把账单交给我。(2)present ones best respects to a person向某人问候Present my greetings to Mr Jones.请代我向琼斯先生问候。(3)May I present Mr Jones(to you)?请让我介绍琼斯先生给你好吗?(4)He presented himself at my office.他出现在我的办公室。She presented herself in court.她出庭。A good opportunity has presented itself.一个好机会出现了。A wonderful idea presented itself to himin his mind.一个妙主意浮现在他的心头。(5)This task presents no difficulty to me.(=This task presents me with no difficulty.) 这件工作对我而言没有困难。(6)She presented a happy appearance.她显出愉快的样子。She presented a smiling face to us.她以笑脸对我们。用法归纳*present 可用作形容词、名词、动词。主要义项有:在场的;此刻的;现在;礼物;给;提出;表达;介绍;出现;浮现;提供;表现;显示。主要搭配形式为:present sth.to sb.;present sb.with sth.特别提示present 是个很活跃的词,词性、词义比较多,要熟记其用法。重点短语1.go by 例句集锦Years have gone by.许多年过去了。He was not in when I went by.我拜访的时候,他不在家。You cant go by what he says.你不能相信他的话。He goes by the name of Carl.他名叫卡尔。相关归纳(1)go down 下降,下跌;沉没She went down by elevator.她乘电梯下去。Prices are going down.物价正在下跌。The ship went down into the sea.那艘船沉到海中。(2)go off 发射;爆炸;变坏;入寝;进展;聚会;熄灭;中断 Go off(with a)bang. 砰一声爆炸了。The gun went off by accident.那支枪意外走火了。This food has gone off.这食物坏掉了。The child has gone off(to sleep).那个孩子睡着了。The party went off well.聚会进行得很顺利。The power has gone off.电力中断了。(3)go on 继续;发生He went on with the work.他继续工作。He went on writing.他继续写。Hows the work going on?工作进行得怎么样?Whats going on?发生什么事了?(4)go up 上升;上涨;爆炸;焚毁; 攀登The temperature is going up.温度上升。go up in flames 燃烧起来;毁于大火She went up the ladder.她登上扶梯。2.turn out例句集锦The night turned out cold and rainy.那个晚上结果是寒冷且下雨。How did things turn out?事情结果怎么样?The plan turns out well.那项计划结果很圆满。He turned out(to be)a spy.他竟然是一名间谍。It turns out that she has never been married.结果是她根本没结过婚。相关归纳(1)turn in 上交;归还He has turned in his homework.他已交上了家庭作业。You must turn in the key when you leave the hotel.你离开旅馆时一定要归还钥匙。(2)turn down 折叠;扭小;放低;拒绝He turned down the corner of the page to show where he had gone to.他把那一页折个角,以示读到什么地方。Please turn down the radio.请把收音机的音量关小。They turned down his application for the job.他们拒绝了他的求职申请。(3)turn up将开大;出现 Please turn up the radio a bit.请把收音机的音量开大一点。He turned up at the last moment.他在最后一刻才出现。3.for once例句集锦I wish for once in my life to visit Paris.我盼望一生中至少有一次去访问巴黎。For once,he was late for class again.这一次,他又迟到了。For once,Mr Brown was asking for support.只有这一次,布朗先生开口求人了。相关归纳(1)for this/that once只这/那一次,就这/那一回Ill forgive you for this once.我只原谅你这一次。(2)at once 马上;立刻;同时Tell her to e at once.叫她马上来。I cant do two things at once.我不能同时做两件事。(3)all at once 突然,忽然;同时;一同All at once the door opened.门突然开了。They spoke all at once.他们同时说话。4.look up to .尊敬;尊重;崇敬;赞颂;赞赏例句集锦They all looked up to her.他们都尊敬她。We all look up to him as our leader.我们都尊他为我们的领袖。相关归纳(1)look down on/upon 往下看;轻视,瞧不起You may be able to look down upon the woods you have just passed through.也许你能够俯瞰你刚刚经过的树林。Dont look down upon this kind of work.别瞧不起这种工作。They used to be looked down on.他们以往一向是被人瞧不起的。(2)look forward to 期待,盼望Im looking forward to her arrival.我正在期待她的来临。Im looking forward to seeing you.我盼望见到你。(3)look out for 当心,留意;寻找We must look out for snakes.我们必须当心蛇。She looked out for him in the park.她在公园里找他。必背句型1.There is no point in doing sth.表示“做某事没有作用或没有意义”。教材原句There didnt seem much point in working on my PhD.I did not expect to survive that long.取得博士学位对我来说没有什么意义,我也没有期望活那么久。补充例句(1)There seems to be no point in arguing further.继续争执下去似乎没有什么意义。(2)There is very little point in cheating in the exam.考试作弊没有什么用处。(3)Theres no point in arguing with him.跟他争辩没有用处。2.nor以及only 引起主谓倒装 教材原句(1)Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of.他也不让疾病阻止他过一下梦想的生活。(2)Everyone has his or her special skills and interests,and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.每个人都有自己的专长和兴趣,只有发现自己的专长,我们才能期望达到自己的目标,真正与众不同。特别提示nor作否定副词且位于句首时,才能引起主谓倒装;only只有在位于句首且修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句时,才能引起主谓倒装。补充例句(1)Li Fen cant skate,nor can my sister. 李芬不会滑冰,我妹妹也不会。(2)(xx年重庆,34) I failed in the final examination last term and only then did I realize the importance of studies.上学期期终考试我没有及格,只有那时我才意识到学习的重要性。(3)Only in this way can we learn English well.只有这样,我们才能学好英语。(4)Only when he arrived did we feel calm.只有他来了,我们才能安心。疑难突破1.injure,hurt,wound,damage,harm五个都有“伤害”“受伤”“损伤”之意。injure指意外伤害(人或动物的身体、健康、外表、感情、名声等);hurt指肉体上的伤害或精神上比较轻微的损伤;wound 尤指以武器或凶器等造成外伤;damage 多指损害非生物的价值或功能;harm 尤指给予重大的损伤或剧烈的痛苦。应用(1)He _ my hand by twisting it.(2)The shell _ him in the head.(3)In the railroad accident 300 people were _.(4)I was rather _ by what they said about me.(5)The storm _ hundreds of houses.(6)The news _ her reputation.答案:(1)hurt (2)wounded (3)injured (4)hurt (5)damaged (6)harmed2.use up,give out,run out,run out of 这四个短语都有“用完,用光,耗尽,用尽”之意,但用法不同。use up 为及物动词短语;give out 为不及物动词短语,除指“(贮存物、供应品)耗尽”外,还可指“(耐心、力气等)耗尽”。run out 同give out。而run out of 为及物动词短语,常以人作主语,意为“耗尽,用光(贮存物、供应品等)”。应用(1)Our money is _.(2)I have almost _ my money.(3)My money has almost _.(4)The soldiers had _ all their supplies.(5)His patience _.答案:(1)running out/giving out (2)run out of/used up (3)run out/given out (4)used up/ran out of (5)gave out/ran out典例剖析【例1】 (xx年福建,27)The news reporters hurried to the airport,only _ the film stars had left.A.to tell B.to be toldC.tellingD.told剖析:only 加不定式表结果,而这种结果常与主观愿望相差很远,to be told 是不定式的被动式。答案:B【例2】 (xx年上海,33)The bird flu is believed _ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A.causingB.being causedC.to be causedD.to have caused剖析:根据flu 和介词by 可知应该用被动语态,所以排除A和D项;再根据is believed,可知C为最佳选项。因为,sth. is believed/considered/thought to be/as sth.是英语中的一种常见句式。答案:C【例3】 (xx年全国,28)Sarah,hurry up.Im afraid you wont have time to _ before the party.A.get changedB.get changeC.get changingD.get to change剖析:“get+过去分词”是常见的一种表达方式。又如:get drunk 喝醉;get hurt 受伤;get paid 领工资。get changed这里的意思是“换衣服”。在特定的情景中把握词汇的特定意义(情景意义)是高考的考查重点之一。答案:A【例4】 (xx年上海,35)The disc,digitally _ in the studio,sounded fantastic at the party that night.A.recorded B.recordingC.to be recordedD.having recorded剖析:根据disc 和record 之间的逻辑关系,可知应用被动式,所以排除B和D项;再根据不定式表示将来,排除C,所以应该选A,表示disc 和record之间是被动完成的关系。答案:A


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