2019-2020年高考英语 语法题15分钟限时模拟训练5.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 语法题15分钟限时模拟训练51. -Hello, this is 77553861.A.How are you? B. Will you e tonight?C.Can I take a message? D. Is that Mike?2. Tom suggested that we _such a meeting, but Jenny insisted that it _of great importance.A. not hold ; should be B. didnt hold ; beC. hold ; was D. not hold ; was3. You should take the medicine after you read the _.A.lines B. instructions C. words D. suggestions4. -Hi, Tracy, you look tired.-I am tired. I_ the living-room all day.A.painted B. have been paintingC. had painted D. have painted5. Im sorry. I _ you_ to me.A.dont know; are speakingB. dont know ;were speakingC. didnt know; were speakingD. didnt know; are speaking6. Please _why youre so late, said his girlfriend.A.excuse B. explain C. apologize D. tell7. The rescue team made every _ to find the missing mountain climber.A.force B. energy C. effort D. possibility8. - Would you mind the window? Its hot here! May said.-_. Tom replied.A.to open ; No, please B. open ; Yes, pleaseC.opening; No, of course not D. opening ; Yes, please9. The murderer was brought in, with his hands behind his back.A.to be tied B. being tied C. tied D. having tied10. The reason_ he didnt e was _ he had to take care of his sick mother.A. why ; that B. why ; whichC. which ; why D. that ; for11. We _ so tired. Weve only been to a party.A. mustnt have felt B. wouldnt have feltC. shouldnt have felt D. couldnt have felt12. The girl_ on the ground _to me that she had_ the book on the shelf.A. lying ; lay ; laid B. lay ; lied ; laidC. lie ; lied ; lay D. lying; lied ; laid13. -I heard that as many as 4 000 people were killed in 9-Yes. _ news came as _shock to us.A.the ; the B. the ; a C, / ; / D. / ; a14. Neither of them knew what was doing.A. other B. others C. the other D. another15. Sometimes words alone were not enough to _pupils along the path of knowledgeA. provide B. persuade C. advise D. cause16. -What when I phoned you?A. had you done; finishedB. were you doing; had just finishedC. did you do; had just finishedD. were you doing; was finishing17. My uncle_ until he was forty-five.A.married B. didnt marryC.was not marrying D. would marry18. Scientists say it may be five or ten years_ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A.since B. before C. after D. when19. -I cant find Mr. Smith.-It was in the hotel_ he stayed.A. that B. where C. which D. since20. Our new house is very_ for me as I can get to the office in five minutesA. convenient B. fortable C. natural D. helpful21. -I dont think we have met before.-Yes, once at a party, but we_.A. werent introduced B. didnt introduceC. havent introduced D. were not introducing22. You look so tired tonight. It is high time you_.A. went to bed B. went to sleep C. go to bed D. to sleep23. People greatly_ in their views of life.A. lead B. differ C. bring D. struggle24. _ she couldnt understand was_ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.A. What; why B. That ; what C. What ; because D.25.The _ is just around the corner and you wont miss it.A. bicycles shop B. bicycle shopC. bicycles shop D. bicycles shop26. -The prison was _ fire last night.-Someone must have set fire_ it.A. on ; with B. on ; to C. over; with D. should27. Keep up good state of mind even if you_ fail plenty of times.A.must B. will C. can D. should28. Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong.A. admit B. admitted C. admiting D. to29. I know nothing about the young lady _ she is from Beijing.A. except B. except for C. except that D. besides30. -Have you any oranges and apples?-_A. Yes, madam, on the second shelf over thereB. The oranges are very cheap.C. You like apples, dont you?D. Of course, we have some fruits.答案详解:1D本题考查日常的交际用语。此题只要细心一些,应该不难找出答案。2D本题是虚拟语气的考查,虽然07年高考对虚拟语气不作要求,但是此题涉及单词的使用,还是值得重视。前一空中本应为should not hold,但should省略;后一空不用虚拟语气,insist在这儿指坚决认为。3B本题是词语的辨析。instructions通常是指说明和说明书,故B选项符合题意。4B本题是对动词时态的考查。解此题的关键是抓住答语中的aday,而D项只表示动作已经完成,没有强调一直做。5C本题一直是考生的一个难点。一定要注意I am sorry表明后面所说的动作已经发生,要用一般过去式。6B本题是四个动词的辨析。excuse表示借口、原谅等意思,explain表示解释;apologize为不及物动词,后接for。7C本题是一道名词的辨析题。make every effort是固定的词组,意为付出努力。8C本题是在情境对话中考查非谓语动词。mind后必须接动词-ing形式,可以排除A、B两项。后一空依靠理解可以正确解答。不,我不介意。9C本题又是一道独立主格结构中的省略考查。同样的方法,将原句恢复:with hands(where were)tied behind his back10A本题是一道定语从句与宾语从句的交叉考查。why引导的从句作为句中的定语,that引导的从句作为句中的宾语。11C本题是情态动词的考查。should(not)后接动词的完成式表示本来(不)应该做但实际上做了的含义。12B本题词型相近的几个动词的辨析。lie表示撒谎,过去式和过去分词分别是lied,lied;表示躺,分别是lay,lain。lay表示放,过去式和过去分词分别是laid,laid。13B本题是冠词的考查。News特指前面一个人所说的话,所以加上the;后一个空为固定用法,a shock t0 sb表示给某人震惊。14D本题是代词的考查。理解句子的意思就比较容易分析此题:他们谁也不知道其他人干什么。只有D选项符合题意。15B本题是动词词义的辨析。provide表示提供;,pemuade表示劝服;advise表示建议;cause表示引导,所以B项是正确的。16B前一个空受到when I phoned you的限制,要用过去进行时。后一个空关键是理解,我刚刚完成作业,开始洗澡。17B 本题是考查until的用法。记住如果until前的谓语动词是短暂性动词要用notuntil;如果前面是持续性动词,则直接用until。18B本题是考查连词的用法。本题的关键是理解句子的含义:科学家说还需要五到十年才有可能将药物在人体身上进行实验。只有B选项符合题意。19B本题是定语从句的考查。考生一定要注意不能和强调句混淆。因为本题中的it是用于上个问句的回答,不是用于强调句的起首。20A本题是形容词的辨析。convenient表示方便的;fortable表示舒适的;natural表示自然的;helpful表示有帮助的。21A本题是动词的语态考查。introduce是及物动词,后面需要有一个名词。本题中introduce后没有宾语,所以用被动,意思是:但是没有给我们介绍。22A本题是虚拟语气的考查。It is(hi曲)time that后接的从句中谓语动词需用过去式。go to bed是固定用法。23B本题是四个动词的辨析。解此题关键是理解旬意:人们在生活的看法上有很大的不同。differ in表示:在不同。24A本题是主语从句和宾语从句的共同考查。what引导主语从句,同时充当understand的宾语。why引导定语从句。25B本题是对名词作定语相关知识的考查。在此题中bicycle作为分类名词直接修饰后面的名词shop,而不用s。类似还有coffee cup等。26B本题是介词的固定用法考查。on fire是指着火;set fire to是指放火。27B本题是情态动词考查。关键是理解句意:即使你失败很多次,也得保持良好的心态。must意为必须,不符题意;can通常表示能力;should表示应该。所以will表示对将发生的事作一推测。28A本题是惯用法的考查。but后引导的动词通常情况下用to d0,但若but前出现动词do,则省略to,直接使用动词原形。29C本题是词类的辨析。except表示除了,排除的事物不包括在主语的范围内。except for表示美中不足。except that表示除了,后接从句。besides表示除了,排除的事物包括在主语的范围内。30A本题是日常交际用语的考查。考生解此题的关键是理解题干的含义:你有桔子和苹果吗?故A选项符合题意


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