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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2WorkingthelandSection自我小测2新人教版必修.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词1Are you _(满意的)with what I have said?2Look!There is a child _(挣扎)in the lake.3They worked hard._(因此),they made twice as many toys as the others.4Germanys _(出口)of cars totaled two million last year.5The girl decided to _(扩大)her business.6I think youd better get _(除掉)of your bad habits.单句改错1No one can quarrel with the manager such that they cannot be fired._2The workers worked very hard.They so were often praised by their boss._3We would rather we stay in the classroom instead of going out._4Are you satisfying with the boys and girls?_5Learn how to operate the machine is not easy._.单项填空1If water is heated,it will _.AexpandBfreezeCintend Drecognize2The boys mother is not _ with him,because he often fails in his exams.Asatisfied BdisappointedCangry Dinterested 3It rained very hard._,the game was called off.AHowever BBesidesCTherefore DBut 4I would rather she _ that now than afterwards.Aknow BknowsCknew Dhas known 5To our surprise,we got _ people to attend the meeting as we expected.Aas twice Btwice manyCtwice many as Dtwice as many6_ your help,I finished the work in time.AWithout BThanks toCAs a result DRather than 7They told us that they wanted to _ this city of corruption(腐败)Arid BpreventChelp Dstop 8The poor boy _ out of the deep hole and went home.Apushed BranCwalked Dstruggled .翻译句子 1店主与那个窃贼搏斗起来。(struggle)_2如果我昨天不忙就去参加你的生日聚会了。(用虚拟语气)_3我会尽最大努力让你摆脱牙痛。(rid.of)_4多亏了你的到来,我的孩子才不哭了。(thanks to)_5我打算把我们公司生产的电脑出口到美国。(export)_.阅读理解AScientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food.They are learning a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is being deserts all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the deserts.Scientists think that people make deserts.People are doing bad things to the earth.Some places on the earth dont get very much rain.But they still dont bee deserts.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry places.Plants dont let the hot sun make the earth even drier.Plants dont let the wind blow the earth away.When a little bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water.Without plants,the land can bee a desert much more easily.1Small green plants are very important to dry places because _.Athey dont let the sun make the earth even drierBthey dont let the wind blow the earth awayCthey hold the waterDAll of the above.2Land is being deserts little by little because _.Aplants cant grow there Bthere is not enough rainCpeople dont do what scientists wish them to do Dscientists know little about the deserts3Which is the main idea of the first paragraph?AScientists know how to change desert into good land.BLand is being deserts faster than scientists can change it back into good land.CIf scientists can bring water to deserts,people can live and grow food there.DMore and more places are being deserts all the time.4After reading this passage,we learn that _.Aplants can keep dry land from being desertsBit is good to get rid of the grass in the desertsCall places without much rain will bee deserts Dit is better to grow crops on dry land than to grow grassBDede,a 37yearold man from a village in West Java,was taken home from Bandung city after nine months of operations to remove(除掉)the woody growths that had smothered his hands and feet,Doctor Rahmat Winata said.He said he hoped to return to normal life and find a new wife after years with the rootlike growths,which had left him unable to move and work except in a travelling “freak(畸形人)show”“Now I can live with my children.I can move and go anywhere,” Dede told AFP by telephone from his village.“I havent got any plans to get married yet,but I would like to.” Dede had lived alone in the village after his wife left him and his teenage children went to stay with relatives because he could no longer care for them.He said he had not yet talked to his exwife and did not know what he would do for work now that he was once again able to freely move his hands and feet.He will return to hospital at the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in October for at least one more operationthe ninthto remove the other 300 grams of the growths,Doctor Winata said.He has been given a strong course of medicine,including vitamin A,to stop the return of the growths,Winata said.5The underlined word “smothered” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”Aprotected BcleanedCcovered Dkilled 6How did Dede make a living before the operations?ABy living with his wife and children.BBy joining in a travelling “freak show”CBy working as a guide.DBy working as a doctor.7We can learn from the passage that the operations _.Ahave removed all the woody growths on Dedes hands and feetBhave given Dede some hope for a happy life Chavent removed any woody growths on Dedes bodyDhave failed so that Dede would need a ninth one8What can be inferred from the passage?ADede suffered a lot from the woody growths on his hands and feet.BThe woody growths made Dede bee a rich man.CDoctor Rahmat Winata didnt cure Dede on purpose during the operations.DOnly eating vitamin A can stop the return of the growths.参考答案.1答案:satisfied2答案:struggling3答案:Therefore4答案:exports5答案:expand6答案:rid.1答案:suchso2答案:sotherefore 3答案:staystayed4答案:satisfyingsatisfied5答案:LearnLearning.1解析:水加热应膨胀。动词expand的含义是“扩大,膨胀”;freeze表示“凝固;结冰”;intend表示“想;打算”;recognize则表示“认出”。答案:A2解析:词组be satisfied with的含义是“对满意”;be disappointed with 表示“对失望”;be angry with 表示“对生气”;be interested不和介词with连用。由下文的“他考试经常不及格”可想到他的妈妈对他不满意。答案:A3解析:“下大雨”和“比赛被取消”之间存在因果关系,因此选C项。答案:C4解析:would rather后面的从句要用虚拟语气,用过去时表示现在的情况。答案:C5解析:倍数应置于as.as的前面。答案:D6解析:词组thanks to的含义是“多亏”;without表示“没有”;as a result表示“因此,结果”;rather than则表示“而不是”。答案:B7解析:动词rid的含义是“使摆脱”,常与介词of连用;动词prevent,help和stop均不和of连用。答案:A8解析:由于是个深洞,男孩出来有一定的困难,因此用struggled表示“费力,艰难”;动词push表示“推”;run表示“跑”;walk表示“走”。答案:D.1答案:The shopkeeper struggled with the thief.2答案:If I hadnt been busy yesterday,I would have gone to your birthday party.3答案:Ill do my best to rid you of your toothache.4答案:Thanks to your ing,my child stopped crying.5答案:Im going to export the puters produced by our pany to the USA.1解析:细节考查题。由原文的第二段的第五、六、七句话可知。A、B、C三项都不全面,只有D项最完整。all of the above表示以上所有的(选项)。答案:D2解析:推理判断题。阅读原文的第一段可知,只有C项符合现实。答案:C3解析:推理判断题。由原文第一段和现实可知,土地沙化的速度要比科学家尽力使沙漠变良田的速度快。其他三个选项都很片面,不能概括整个段落的含义。答案:B4解析:细节考查题。由原文可知,植被对控制土地沙漠化起主要的作用。其他三个选项不符合句意。答案:A5解析:词义猜测题。由前面的“除掉木头状的东西”可知,smothered不是褒义词,排除A、B项;根据第三段知道“他的手和脚可以活动了”可知killed不符合文意。只有covered(覆盖)与其意思相一致。答案:C6解析:细节考查题。由第二段中的“.except in a travelling freak show”可以得出答案。答案:B7解析:推理判断题。由第三段Dede所说的话可推知,他对生活又充满了希望。答案:B8解析:推理判断题。从第二段中最后的“in a travelling freak show”以及第四段中的“his wife left him and his teenage children went to stay.”可知这种疾病给他带来了极大的痛苦。答案:A


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