2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing语法课教案 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing语法课教案 新人教版选修7一、教学课型: 语法复习课(45分钟)二、教材分析:1. 教学内容(见文末)2. 教材处理本课教学任务是复习限制性定语从句。笔者认为这节课的目的不是解决定语从句“是什么”,而是“怎么用” 的问题,因而不适合采用传统语法课以教师为主,讲述操练的单调做法,而应侧重语法的运用,做到“活”与“实”相结合。但是,教材所提供地复习练习内容较少,笔者根据教学的实际需要,重新设计教学内容,主要通过展现各种情景,让学生在不同的情景下使用定语从句,查找漏洞,复习巩固已学的语法知识,并提高知识的运用能力。3教学目标(1)复习限制性定语从句的基本用法。(2)提高学生在不同地情景中运用定语从句的能力。(3)培养学生猜测能力以及积极合作的意识和相互竞争的能力。4 教学重点和难点(1)引导学生复习定语从句用法与功能,发现和填补知识漏洞。(2)提高学生在不同情景中运用定语从句的能力。三、 教学设计1总体思路笔者坚持以学生为主体,借助多媒体教学手段,以竞赛和游戏的方式组织课堂教学。本课紧扣本单元志愿者的话题,创设情景,让学生在了解志愿者和志愿者活动的特点以及参与志愿者活动的过程中,复习与运用定语从句。笔者在教学中首先引导学生回忆定语从句的基本结构,接着进行谜语竞猜,重现定语从句的功能作用;再利用选择填空必答题,让学生复习关系词的选用规则;然后通过开展看图组词成句和补全句子的抢答活动;最后设计志愿者活动,鼓励学生参加自己喜欢的活动,分组合作、讨论,谈谈加入的理由与看法。整个教学过程遵循由浅入深的教学原则,重点提高学生语言运用能力,学生边玩游戏,边学英语,课堂气氛活跃,效果好。2教学过程Step 1: Basic structure revision先行词+ 关系词+ 从句先行词(物)先行词(人)定语时间状语地点状语原因状语主宾主宾关系代词whichthatwhowhomwhose关系副词whenwherewhy设计说明此环节以公式和表格形式测试学生对定语从句基本结构的熟悉情况,简单明了,有利于快速激活学生已有的知识。Step 2: Riddle petition & function教师将学生分成若干小组,并进行以下谜语竞猜活动: Raise a question and ask the Ss to guess who they are? The question is as followed: They are kind and warm-hearted people who can give time, energy and talents to help others in need and serve their munities, expecting nothing in return. (Key: volunteers) Presenting some pictures on the screen, ask the Ss to look at the given riddles and try to choose the best answers as quickly as they can. He is the famous player who has bee one of the volunteers of China Bone Marrow Bank. He was the singer whose money was pletely spent in sponsoring(资助)poor children to go to school. ABCD This is the volunteer sign which/that is designed for the 29th Beijing Olympic Games. AC It is one part of our country where lots of graduators are willing to go and help poor people.November15December5September20July5 I can well remember the date when the Chinese Young Volunteers Association was founded. Get the Ss to recall the significant function of attributive clause It can modify nouns or pronouns including giving a definition of a word and describing sth. / sb. 设计说明这环节里笔者利用生动有趣的谜语竞猜游戏,调动课堂活跃气氛。在游戏当中进一步巩固和理解定语从句的基本结构和功能作用,这样才能引起学生复习的浓厚兴趣。Step 3: Filling in the blanks 1. This is the baby_ I shall look after tomorrow. 2. The student to _ you talked just now is a good football player.3. My family climbed up the hills on the top of _ we had a picnic before.4. He still lives in the room _ window faces to the east.whose window = the window of which 5. He still lives in the room _ is in the north of the city.6. He still lives in the room _ there is a beautiful table.7. Ill never forget the days_ we studied together.8. Ill never forget the days_ we spent together.9. Do you know the reason _he didnt e?10. Im one of the students who_ (do) well in English in my class.11. He is the only one of the three who_ (have) got the new idea. 设计说明在这个环节里设计了填空练习,通过必答形式抽查学生回答,并且引导他们自己讲述解答的理由,从而让学生加深记忆关系词选择的规则“瞻前顾后”以及重视定语从句主谓一致的问题。Step 4: Multiple choice1. Ive read all the books _ you gave me. A. which B. them C. what D. that 2. There is no difficulty _ cant be overe in the world. A. that B. which C. who D. what 3. The doctor did all _ to save the wounded boy. A. what he could B. he could C. everything which he could D. for which he could do4. He keeps a record of everything _ he had seen there. A. this B. that C. which D. what5. The TV play I watched last night is the best one _ I have watched this year. A. which B. what C. whose D. that6. Tell us about the people and the places _ are different from ours. A. that B. who C. which D. whom7. Who is the person _ is standing at the gate of Beijing Tourism Tower? A. who B. that C. which D. whom8. Anyone _ is against this opinion may speak out. A. whom B. that C. whose D. who9. Our school is no longer the place _ it used it be. A. where B. what C. that D. which10. It is not such an interesting magazine _ I thought. A. as B. that C. which D. 不填 设计说明本环节的设计旨在利用选择题形式,让学生一边做必选题练习,一边自查关系词“仅用that”的特殊情况。Step 6: bining sentences学生以小组为单位,通过抢答形式参与以下教学活动:Show some pictures about Xu Benyu. Ask Ss to learn his voluntary performance and bine the following two sentences into one sentence, using attributive clauses.1. Xu Benyu is a 24 year- old boy. His family is very poor.2. When he was still a student, he began to sponsor those students.Those students were poorer than him.3. He arrived in the poor village in Guizhou Province and saw the Cave Primary School on that day.He would never forget the day.4. He taught in a very poor mountainous village.There was no water, no electricity or telephone.5. He still well remembered those happy days.He spent those happy days in singing and playing games with the students.6. At the meeting he told us his stories and the reason.He told us why he could overe all kinds of difficulties and help others.7. Xu Benyu is the very person. We should learn from him.设计说明教师渐渐引导学生由定语从句基本知识的复习进入定语从句的运用阶段。为了紧扣本单元主题,该设计以志愿者徐本禹为题材。学生既可以看到他真实的写照,又能在看图合并句子的练习中学习他的感人事迹,可谓一举两得。本环节的设计旨在提高学生获取信息,运用定语从句重组句子的能力。Step 7: pleting sentences Present some more pictures about other volunteers and ask Ss to plete the sentences below adding attributive clauses. They are willing to go to the place where_. They are donating money for the children who/whose_. They would take care of the old whose/who_. The volunteers are cleaning the rubbish which _. They are giving a benefit performance in public by which_. They provide free medical help for the villagers on weekends when _. They propagate the damage of drug among people, explaining the reasons why _. 设计说明此步骤要求学生仔细观察图片后,运用定语从句描述图中人、物或事件。笔者设计这个环节旨在让学生了解更多不同的志愿者,训练学生的观察能力和增加学生组织语言进行表达的机会。为下一步的讨论做好铺垫。Step 8: Group discussionSuppose you would like to be volunteers. Here are some voluntary activities for you to make a choice. Please discuss the following questions in your groups: Why would you like to take part in the activity? (2) What can you do when you bee one member of volunteers?Activity : Since Beijing Olympic Volunteer Program was launched on June 5, xx, about 556,000 people from home and abroad have applied. Do you expect to make more friends, to see favorite sports stars, or to provide services and assistance to athletes, coaches and visitors? Please sign up to be one of volunteers for the Games as it would be an enriching experience.Activity : Global Volunteer Network has created a fundraising hike to Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. You will not only climb one of the worlds highest mountains, but also donate your money directly to help orphanages in Nairobi. You will also have the opportunity to journey to Kenya where you will have the chance to volunteer in the munity your funds will directly benefit. If you really want to join in it, please sign up as quickly as you can.Activity : The Global Volunteer Network has opportunities available to work with wild animals in Thailand. Most of the animals residing at the sanctuary were maltreated before they arrived here, suffering from abuse, malnutrition, and rescued from the illegal pet trade, or have previously been exploited for the tourism industry. Many of the animals arrive with permanent disabilities and cannot be returned to the wild. The centres mission is to give these animals the best quality of life possible in captivity. Wele to join us.设计说明设计该教学环节的目的之一是提供多种志愿者活动,激发学生参与讨论的积极性,让学生在真实的语境中运用定语从句;二是通过小组讨论活动,培养学生合作学习和共同解决问题的能力。Step 9 HomeworkAsk Ss to write an article about what they discuss above with a title “My dream of being a volunteer”. Encourage them to use attributive clauses if it is necessary.设计说明课外作业是课堂教学的延续和深化。让学生将课堂上讨论所收集的信息和结论经过整理,写成文章,有利于提高他们的写作能力。附教材内容:Unit 4 Sharing材料1:Learning about Language Revising useful structures (Students Book P32)1. plete each sentence with your own words. I made the present which _. Painting is an activity that _. The person to whom you _is on holiday. The man who _ is a doctor. The woman whose daughter _ is over there. You wont find the theatre where we _ you have a map. Anne is doing some research on the time when _. The reason why he _ was that he was watching an interview of the first Chinese astronaut on TV.2. Answer the following questions using attributive clauses. Use the pronouns in brackets. pare your answers with a partner. What kind of friend would you like to have? (whom) Id like to have a friend whom I can trust. What kind of place would you like to go for a holiday? (where) What kind of bedroom would you like to have? (which/that) Which musical instrument would you like to learn to play? (which/that) Why didnt you finish your homework? (why) What kind of person is she married to? (to whom/who) What kind of mobile phone are you going to buy? (which/that) Which day wont you ever forget? (when)材料2:Grammar 定语从句 (Appendices P97)定语从句中不能用which 作关系代词的几种情况:1. 当先行词为all,little, much, few, everything,anything, nothing, none等不定代词时,关系代词用that而不用which。I have forgotten everything that he told me this morning.All that I want is your advice.2. 当先行词有形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词用that, 而不用which。This is the funniest film that I have ever seen.The most beautiful place that I have ever been to is Jiuzhaigou.3. 当先行词有序数词修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which。This is the first time that we have met.4. 当先行词被the only, the very, the same, the right等修饰时,关系代词用that, 不用which。He is the only man that can solve the problem.5. 当先行词被all, every, any, much, little, few, no等修饰时,关系代词用that, 不用which。There is not much that can be done. All the things that you told me are lies.6. 当主句是以which, who, what开头的特殊疑问句时,引导定语从句的关系代词一般用that而不用which。Who is the girl that is sitting by the lake?Which of the books that are on the table belong to you?


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