五年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring教学设计 外研版.doc

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五年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring教学设计 外研版.doc_第1页
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五年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring教学设计 外研版.doc_第2页
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My favourite seaon is spring编 写 者执 教 者执教时间版 本外研社版学 科英语册 数五年级(下册)单 元Module4 Unit2课 题My favourite seaon is spring. 课 时教学目标知识目标:细致学习课文中的语言点:句型: what can you do in spring /summer /autumn/winter能力目标: 熟读课文,能够看图用英语描述四个季节的特点德育教学目标让孩子了解各个季节所做的事情。教学重点学习句型: what can you do in spring /summer /autumn/winter 熟读课文,能够看图用英语描述四个季节的特点 教学难点熟读课文,表演课文 教学准备 Cards , CD-ROM , tape, book 教学板块教与学预设(师生活动)教学重构(修改意见)前置性作业听录音阅读理解第一题 尽量能用英语描述四个季节的特点 用 what can you do in spring /summer /autumn/winter描述第二题教学过程课前3分钟内容:背诵Module4 UnitI的课文Step:Warmer 1. Sing an English song.2.Daily talk between T and Ss.Step:Review1.利用答词卡片复习本模块的重点单词。通过齐读-拼写-造句的方式,深入复习单词。2.复习核心句型,采用造句、给出图片,用核心句型编小对话等形式来复习。I sent you Did you?Ive got.3.Look and say. Talk about seasons. 4.导入:Here is a beautiful chant. Do you want to listen?Step: New drills1.Look at the picture and say freely.2.Listen and tell T which words you dont know?3.Teach the words.(smell, wood, sky, temperature, windy, breeze)4.Learn the passage step by step.5.Read after tape.6.Read by themselves.7.Work in pairs to translate.8.Feedback.9.learn an English song.Step: 作业Finish the exercises about Module 4。Talk about your favourite to your parents.板书设计Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.Whats your favourite season? 教后随记

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