2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6 War and Peace单元小结教学案 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6 War and Peace单元小结教学案 外研版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6 War and Peace单元小结教学案 外研版选修6In September, 1939, Germanyinvaded andoccupiedPoland, which marked the beginning of the Second World War. The war lasted for about 7 years. Later, many countries, including Britain, declared war on Germany. Numerous privates died. Despite this, the survivors still think their sacrifice and efforts worthwhile.The most important and memorable battle of the war was Operation Overlord. The situation at Omaha Beach where American troops landed was so bad that its manderseven thought about abandoning the operation. To our great astonishment, eventually, the soldiers made a breakthrough with great courage and the DDay landing was successful. During the landing, some soldiers drowned in the deepwater, others wounded by the bullets or shells. Fortunately, some soldiers were picked up. When some old soldiers think of the scene now, they still feel shocked and frightened. On 6 June, xx, survivors with different nationalities of the DDay landing returned to France to watch the cemetery and memorial overlooking Omaha Beach to remember their lost rades.Nowadays, most people long for peace and condemn war. Peace is the very thing that most countries have gone after.,1939年9月德国入侵并占领了波兰,这标志着第二次世界大战的开始。二战大约持续了7年。后来许多国家,包括英国,都向德国宣战。无数的士兵牺牲了。尽管如此,幸存者仍认为他们的牺牲和努力是值得的。这场战争中最重要和最难忘的战役是霸王行动。美国军队登陆的奥马哈海滩形势非常糟糕,以至于指挥官都想放弃这次行动。令我们感到非常吃惊的是,最后士兵们用他们巨大的勇气取得了突破,D日登陆成功了。在这次登陆中,一些士兵在深水中被淹死,一些被子弹或炮弹击中负伤。幸运的是,有些士兵被救起。当一些老士兵回想起当时的情景时,他们依旧感到震惊和恐惧。在xx年6月6号,D日登陆的不同国籍的幸存者回到法国去参观俯视奥马哈海滩的公墓和纪念碑以怀念他们阵亡的战友。现在大多数人渴望和平谴责战争。和平是大多数国家追求的东西。


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