2019春二年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2《I like swimming》教案 外研版.doc

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2019春二年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2《I like swimming》教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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I like swimming课题I like swimming.课型新授课时1课时教学三维目标知识目标:本单元的词汇、句子。能力目标:A.Talk about weatherB.Pay attention to the usage of sports情感目标:通过学习课文培养会谈论不同天气状况下人们喜欢的体育活动。学情分析我班学生少,才有二十来个个学生,但他们对英语较感兴趣。经过一年的英语学习,学生已有了一定的基础,而这节课又相当于复习课,对于学生来说应该不算很难。教学重点Help students grasp the key sentences:What do you like doing in? I like .教学难点Enable students to use the drills fluently andcorrectly.教学准备课件 CD教学过程教师活动学生活动一、Warming up and Revision1、 Greeting2、Go over the story by listening and repeating.3、ask and answer4、 Complete Activity One and Two. Listen to the dialogue in Activity One.(白板播放课件动画,让学生对课文有大概了解) “Whats the difference between the two pictures.”(课件出示图片,让学生直观看出区别) Add “in summer” and “in winter ” to the question “Whats the weather like here?” Learn to say “What do you like doing in summer/ winter?” . Show students the pictures in Activity Two one by one. And help them say “I like_in summer / winter.”(白板课件展示习题,用幕布遮挡,然后展现,增加学习乐趣) 二、 Complete Activity Three.三、Listen to the poem.1、 Greeting.2、Whats the weather like?Its .Listen and ask them try to follow.And get the students answer the questions.Practice in different ways and then ask them to find the answer.Find out sentences about the weather and activity,then practice.Read the poem line by line, explain when necessary.练习设计 radio train sing letter板书设计Module 1 Unit 2 I like swimming.What do you like doing in ?I like.教学反思改进之处: 1、要多关注差生,对一些不爱举手发言、比较害羞的学生,教师还要多给他们表现的机会,课堂上要及时鼓励、表扬他们,以消除自卑的心理,增强他们学英语的自信心。 2、当学生的英语表述不畅时,教师需要耐心的引导、鼓励。


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