2019-2020年高中英语《Unit2 Robots》当堂达标 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语《Unit2 Robots》当堂达标 新人教版选修7.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2 Robots当堂达标 新人教版选修7单项填空1:1They desired that they the right to vote.AhadBhaveCareDwere2I shall not believe it until I see it myself.AforBbyCofDin3With a lot of problems , the newly-elected president is having a hard time.AsettledBsettlingCto settleDbeing settled4Is this the reason at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?Ahe explainedBwhat he explainedChow he explainedDwhy he explained5Peter the papers he was marking and reached for his cigarettes and matches.Aset outBset offCset inDset aside6Your daughter has two children, hasnt she?Yes, she .Awas married youngBwas married to youngCmarried youngDmarried to be young7Many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting .Ato pick upBpicking upCto be picked upDbeing picked up8Do you think it is going to rain over the weekend? .AI dont believeBI dont believe itCI believe not soDI believe not9It is always difficult being in a foreign country, if you dont speak the language.AextremelyBnaturallyCbasicallyDespecially10Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within the of little children.AhandBreachCspaceDdistance11Not until all the fish died in the river how serious the pollution was.Adid the villagers realizeBthe villagers realizedCthe villagers did realizeDdidnt the villagers realize12I am sorry I stopped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.There is no for this while you are on duty.AreasonBexcuseCcauseDexplanation13At least 100 people lost their lives in the fire, 7 children.AcontainedBincludedCincludingDexcept14 David and Vicky married?For about 3 years.AHow long were; beingBHow long have; gotCHow long have; beenDHow long did; get15I am going to Shanghai. Do you have anything to your parents?Ato takeBtakenCtakingDto be taken单项填空21The news reporters hurried to the airport, onlythe film stars had left.Ato tellBto be toldCtellingDtold2An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered但clear warnings before firing any shots.Ato issueBbeing issuedCto have issued Dto be issued3Quite a few people used to believe that disaster if a mirror was broken.Awas sure of strikingBwas sure of having struckCwas sure to be struckDwas sure to strike4Here are five pairs,but Im at a loss which to buy.Ato be chosenBto choose fromCto chooseDfor choosing5This pany was the firstportable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the word.Aproducing Bto produce Chaving produced Dproduced6The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, it more difficult.Anot makingBnot makeCnot to makeDnor to make7Helen had to shout above the sound of the music.Amaking herself hearBto make herself hearCmaking herself heardDto make herself heard8Alice returned from the managers office me that the boss wanted to see me at once.Ahaving toldBtellsCto tellDtelling9The flu is believed by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.AcausingBbeing caused Cto be caused Dto have caused10I dont know whether you happen ,but Im going to study in the U.S.A. this September.Ato be heardBto be hearingCto hearDto have heard11You were silly not your car.Ato lockBto have lockedClockingDhaving locked12A cook will be immediately fired if he is found in the kitchen.AsmokeBsmokingCto smokeDsmoked13The teacher asked us so much noiseAdont makeBnot makeCnot makingDnot to make14Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains whether they will enjoy it.Ato seeBto be seenCseeingDseen15Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears everything.Ato tell Bto be toldCto be tellingDto have been told单项填空:1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.D10.B 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.D


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