2019-2020年高中英语《Environmental Protection》教案2 北师大版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语《Environmental Protection》教案2 北师大版选修8.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语《Environmental Protection》教案2 北师大版选修8.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语Environmental Protection教案2 北师大版选修8Teaching aims1.Words and phrases:2. Listening: a lecture and a dialogue and take notes3. To practise justifying arguments.Teaching time Two periods(两课时连堂)Teaching processStep 1 RevisionReview the new words of last lessonStep 2 Learn the new words Step 3 Listening1. Before you starta) Exercise 1: Match the names of the endangered species with the pictures. Ask students to look at the pictures and do the exercise individually.Then go through the pictures and check answers.b) Exercise 2Students look at the words and explain the meaning of the words.Then do the exercise on the blackboard.2. Listen to learna) Ask students to look at the listening strategies and review them together.b) Listen to the tape, do exercise 3. Let students write some notes.c) Exercise 4: Students work in pairs and use their notes to make sentences in turn.d) Check their answers.e) Exercise 5: Have a few pairs of students pare their notes. Let them tell the most important information that they got from the lecture.f) Exercise 6.play the tape, ask the students to plete the fact files, then go through the fact files with the class.Step 4 VocabularyExercise 7Ask students to do the exercise individually and then check their answersStep 5 Pronunciation1. Exercise 8: Play the cassette again. Ask students to pay attention to pound words.2. Ask them to read out the pound words they heard.3. Exercise 9: Listen to the dialogue and plete the function file with these expressions.4. Play the cassette and do the exercise, then ask students to read the sentences.Step 6 Speaking1. Ask students to read the information in exercise 10.2. Go through the key words with students in exercise 11. Ask students to note down their priorities and solutions to the problems.Step 7 Homework Exercise 2 in page 54


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