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2019-2020年高中英语Module6FillmsandTVProgrammes教案1外研版I教学内容分析 本模块以“Films and TV Programmes”为话题,介绍了几部比较出名的电影,旨在通过模块教学使学生运用所学词汇评价自己喜欢的电影、电视节目,介绍自己喜欢的导演。通过本模块学习,学生要对电影、电视的功能有个辩证认识,学会写影视评论。 Introduction部分通过电影哈利波特的一幅海报和几个问题引起学生的兴趣,并引入与电影有关的新词汇。使学生进一步熟悉这些词汇,为本模块的学习奠定基础。 Reading and Vocabulary部分通过阅读Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon的影评,让学生学习相关词汇,学会归纳文章的主旨大意;分析文章的结构和写作技巧;并围绕文章内容,进行听说读写等各项活动。 Speaking部分是阅读文章后所展开的一项活动,要求学生能够模仿课文内容来谈论自己最喜欢的电影,并说明原因。 Grammar l部分通过观察课文中的例句,要求学生能够识别时间状语(表频度)和地点状语,并了解这类状语在句中的位置。 Vocabulary and Listening部分听取一段关于青少年看电视的习惯的采访录音,培养学生准确获取有效信息、完成相关练习的能力,通过学习让学生对电视媒体有个辩证的认识。 Grammar2部分列举了含有时间、地点和方式状语的句子,让学生通过先观察然后回答问题的方式了解通常情况下时间状语、地点状语和方式状语在同一句子中的位置顺序,通过Activity 3的练习进一步巩固。 Function部分学习使用表示频度的副词和副词短语,让学生通过相关练习活动来掌握它们的用法。 Everyday English部分学习日常生活中常见的交际用语,主要通过补全对话的形式使学生熟练掌握这几个表达。 Pronunciation部分通过听力的训练,让学生掌握感叹句中的语调起伏,加强语音、语调的训练。 Writing部分通过设置几个问题,要求学生围绕影视作品的情节、背景、主角、个人观点等方面来回答。建立学生对影评的基本概念,然后根据提示写一篇自己喜欢的电影的影评。 Cultural Corner部分是一篇介绍著名电影导演Steven Spielberg的文章,让学生通过阅读了解这位美国著名导演的执导经历以及他主要的电影作品,并让学生对比中国的电影导演,看看两者之间的差异。 Task部分是对本模块的一个复习与应用,要求学生小组活动,上网查找资料,利用本模块所学的词汇设计一份电影专题专页,介绍一部优秀的电影。 Module File部分有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。II教学重点和难点1教学重点 (1)掌握一些与电影有关的词汇。 (2)学习频度副词。 (3)学习时间和地点状语从句。2教学难点 (1)听懂与电视节目有关的常用表达,正确理解新学词汇的含义。 (2)正确使用频度副词。 (3)学会从背景、情节、角色和演员等方面来介绍自己最喜欢的电影、导演和电视节目。III教学计划 本模块分五个课时: 第一课时:Introduction,Speaking,Cultural Corner 第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary 第三课时:Vocabulary and Listening,Pronunciation,Everyday English 第四课时:Function,Grammar 1,Grammar 2 第五课时:Writing,Module FileIV教学步骤 Period 1 Introduction,Speaking,Cultural Corner Teaching Goals:1To arouse Ss interest in learning about films and TV programmes2To get Ss to learn some words to describe films and movie stars3To get Ss to know something about Steven SpielbergTeaching Procedures:Step 1IntroductionPurpose:To arouse Ss interest in learning about films and TV programs 1Pair work Ask Ss to look at the film poster on P51 and raise several questions in order to introduce the topic of this module (1)Whats the film called? (2)Who directs it? (3)Who stars in? (4)When did it e out? (5)Who are the major characters? (6)Who plays Harry Potter? (7)Who plays Hermione? (8)Who is Ron played by? (9)Is Daniel Radcliffe a film star?Suggested Answers:(1) Harry Porter and the Sorcerers Stone (2)Chris Columbus (3)Daniel Radcliffe,Emma Watson,and Rupert Grant (4)It came out in xx (5)Harry Porter,Hermione Granger,and Ron Wesley (6)Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter (7)Emma Watson plays Hermione (8)Ron is played by Rupert Grant (9)Yes,he is2Group workIntroduce some types of films to Ss by showing some posters3Group work Ask Ss to think of some words or phrases to describe the feature of the above types of filmsSuggested Answers: The types of films Feature cartoon interesting,funny,exciting edy amusing romantic film befall in love Thriller frightened,exciting,fight science fiction modem,intelligent,high-technology martial arts film exciting,fight,sword adventure film exciting,fight detective film gun,crime,exciting,interestingStep 2SpeakingPurpose:To enable Ss to talk about the films and movie stars1Pair work Ask Ss to think of one of the films that they ate familiar withDiscuss the information about itAsk them to exchange opinions about it2Pair work Ask a pair to express their opinions on the film in the classAnd then ask the other Ss to guess the name of the film by asking questions about the filmStep 3Cultural CornerPurpose:To deal with some information about Steven Spielberg1Leading-in Ask Ss the following questions to introduce something about Steven SpielbergLet Ss talk about him and his films Q:Do you know the director Steven Spielberg? Can you speak out some films directed by him?2Individual work Ask Ss to read the passage and make notes of the following information Name: (1) Nationality: (2)Sex: (3) Age: (4) Job: (5)Films made at the following ages:13: (6) 16: (7)24: (8) 28: (9)36: (10) other: (11)Suggested Answers: (1)Steven Spielberg (2)America (3)Male (4)60 (5)Film director (6)15 minute home movie (7)Firelight (8)Amblin (9)Sugarland Express (10)ET一The Extra Terrestrial (11)The Indiana Jones Trilogy,Jurassic Park,Schindlers list 3Pair work Read the passage again and answer the following question: Why is Spielberg so special as a film director?Suggested Answer: Because he knows how to entertain his audiencesStep 4Homework1Review types of films2Practise introducing films3Preview Reading and Vocabulary in the module Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary Teaching Goals:1To let Ss master how to read a passage2To let Ss master some words and phrases3To get Ss to talk something about the films and TV programmes4To help Ss learn how to talk about films and the characters in themTeaching Procedures:Step 1Revision:Purpose:To check whether Ss master the words learnt in last period or not Ask Ss to write out the words according to the meanings (1)a person who performs in a playfilm (2)to be in charge of actors in a playfilm (3)a person who has a main part in a filmplay (4)another name of film (5)to be produced or publishedSuggested Answers: (1)actor (2)director (3)star (4)movie (5)e outStep 2Leading-inPurpose:To let Ss have a discussion about the films and TV programmes1Group work Let Ss express their opinions about the films and TV programmes2Group work Show some pesters of Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,and ask Ss to say something about it Yu Xiulian Yu Jiaolong Li Mubai (图2611) (图2612) (图2613)For your reference: Ang Lee,who has directed a number of excellent films,directs the film Crouching Tiger,Hidden DragonThe main characters are Li Muba,acted by Chow YunFat,Yu Xiulian played by Michelle Yeoh,and Yu Jiaolong acted by Zhang ZiyiIt is a martial arts filmThe film won three Oscars in xxStep 3Reading Purpose:To improve Ssreading skills1Skimming Read the film review quickly and choose the best summary of the film in Activity 2 on P52Suggested Answers: The best summary of the film is(2)2Scanning (1)Read the passage carefully and decide whether these sentences are true(T)or false(F) Martial arts films are often popular with people The film Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon is great art Mubai feels that he cannot malty Xiulian because she has had a fianc6 The story takes place in the early eighteenth century In the old wuxia stories,character sometimes leap through the air When watching wuxia films,we often care about the female characters most People are most interested in the character played by Chow YunFat You will feel excited if you watch Crouching Tiger,Hidden DragonSuggested Answers: TTFFTFFT (2)Read the passage again and decide how many parts it can be divided intoSuggested Answers: Part 1(paragraphs 12):Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon is a masterpiece of martial arts filmsAnd Wuxia films are well received both in China and in western countries Part 2(paragraphs 34):It mainly tells US the story about how Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian tried to get back a stolen sword and how wonderfully the main characters performed Part 3(paragraph 5):Couching Tiger,Hidden Dragon is really an excellent film (3)Read the passage again and find the words to match with their definitions a person or an animal in a bookplay or film a large area of land usually covered by sand to show a feeling or an opinion by words100ks etc the event in a story,play,etc a person who is skilled at sth play a role happen the top part of a building that covers it causing strong feelingsespecially sad feelings moving in a smooth and attractive way sometimes an extraordinarily good film,book,painting,etc the man you have promised to malty jump into the air or a long distance Suggested Answers: character desert express action master play a part take place roof moving graceful every now and then masterpiece fianc leap 3Post reading Ask Ss to say what they know about the following things or characters in Activity 5 on P53For your reference: (1)Ang Lee is the director (2)Wuxia stories are about martial arts masters with unusual abilities (3)They are in love with each other,but Mubai feels he cannot marry Xiulian because her fianc6 who has died was his friend (4)Someone steals her sword and then she tries to get it back (5)She is a beautiful actress who plays Yu Jiaolong (6)Chow YunFat is the actor who plays Li MubaiStep 4Language Points Purpose:To let Ss understand the passage well1Group work Ask Ss to discuss the important and difficult language points(1)To everyones surprise,Ang Lee has made a martial arts film令大家惊讶的是,李安现在拍了一部功夫片。 to ones surpriseto the surprise of sb令某人惊讶的是 E.g. To his surprise,he failed in the exam To everyones surprise,we won the match 类似的表达法还有: to ones joydelight to ones sadness to ones excitement to ones horror 表达“惊讶地,惊奇地”的词组还有:in surprise E.g. He looked at his test paper in surprise “We won the match?”she asked in surprise(2)111e film belongs to Chinese wuxia story这部影片属于中国武侠故事片的类型。 belong to属于,不可用进行式,不用于被动语态。 E.g. This football belongs to Class 2 Do you know who this bag belongs to?(3)The story takes place in the early 1800s in China这些故事发生在19世纪早期的中国。 take place发生 E.g. The accident took place only a few yards from the small shop The evening party will take place on New Years Eve(4)both masters of the martial arts,are in love with each other两个功夫高手相爱了。 be in love with sbsth爱着某人(某物) fall in love with爱上某人(某物) E.g. She is in love with her work I fell in love with English 有类似的用法的词组: befall asleep beget angry with bebee interested in(5)Unusually, it is the female characters that interest us most不同以往的是影片中的女角色最使我们感兴趣。 It iswas+被强调部分+whowhomthat+其他成分 E.g. Mr. Wang will give US the lecture the day after tomorrow 强调主语 It is Mr. Wang who will give US the lecture the day after tomorrow 强调宾语 It is the lecture that Mr. Wang will give US the day after tomorrow It is us whom Mr. Wang will give the lecture the day after tomorrow 强调时间状语It is the day after tomorrow that Mr. Wang will give us the lecture(6)Xiulian is the character we care about most秀莲是我们最关注的角色。 care about sth:to feel that sth is important and worth worrying about关注,担忧,在意 E.g. The government cares deeply about environmental problems care about sb:to like or love sb and worry about what happens to them关心,关怀 E.g. Our parents care about us,and we should care about them,too(7)Beautiful Zhang Ziyi plays the part of Yu Jiaolong,a young woman who is not as good as she seems美丽的章子怡扮演玉娇龙,一个并不像外表看起来那样善良的年轻女子。 play a part in=play a role in在担任角色,起作用 E.g. Farming plays an important part in our country We have seen a filmin which each actor played two parts play the part of担任角色2Individual work Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks Martial arts films are often_ but they glee seldom great artNow,_,Ang Lee,director of_ excellent films,has made a martial arts film called Crouching Tiger,Hidden DragonThe result is a_ The film_ a type of Chinese story called wuxiaThese stories _ nineteenth-century martial arts masters with unusual abilitiesWuxia films are popular in China,and they are now popular in the west too The story _in the early 1800s in ChinaA man and a woman,Li Mubai(played by Chow YunFat) and Yu Xiulian(played by Michelle Yeoh),both masters of the martial arts,_ each 0ther But Xiulian had a fianc6 who has diedBecause this fiane6 was a good friend of Mubai,Mubai feels that he cannot _Xiulianwhen someone steals Xiulians sword,Mubai and Xiulian try to get it backThe action _ on Peking rooftops,and in places _ the deserts of western ChinaAs in the old wuxia stories,characters leapthrough the air_,with beautiful,graceful movements,while audiences shout _ Usually,it is the female characters that_ us mostBrave,good and strong,Xiulian is the character We_ mostBeautiful Zhang Ziyi _Yu Jiaolong,a young woman who is not as good as she seemsThe fight scenes between Jiaolong and Xiulian are some of the most_ in modern cinema But one cannotforget the wonderful Chow YunFat,who is as good _a sword as he is with a gunHis romantic scenes with Yu Xiulian are very _,as their eyes show all the love that they must not_ Films like this rarely reach the cinemaGo and see Crouching tigerHidden DragonIt will make your hear leap with excitement at its beautySuggested Answers:(1)enjoyable (2)to everyones surprise (3)a number of (4)masterpiece (5)belongs to (6)tell of (7)takes place (8)are in love with (9)malty (10)takes place (11)as far away as (12)every now and then (13)in surprise (14)interest (15)care about (16)plays the part of (17)exciting moments (18)with (19)moving (20)express in wordsStep 5Homework1Finish Reading Exercises in the Workbook on P991012Prepare for the listening class Period 3 Vocabulary and Listening,Pronunciation, Everyday English Teaching Goals: 1To enable Ss to know some skills of listening 2To study some daily expressions 3To learn the intonation in exclamations Teaching Procedures: Step 1Revision Check the answers to the Reading exercises in the Workbook Step 2Vocabulary study Purpose:To get Ss to learn some new words 1Group work Ask Ss to match the words with their definition (1)ad(advertisement) (a)one who lives near or next to another (2)(TV)channel (b)the act of advertising (3)programme (C)a scheduled radio or television show (4)argue (d)to have a differing opinion (5)disagree (e)a television station (6)relax (f)to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them (7)neighbour (g)funny and interesting (8)entertaining (h)to have a rest Suggested Answers: b e C f d h a g 2Individual work Let Ss use the words above to plete the sentences (1)Nowadayscan be seen in newspapers,on TV,in the streets and everywhere else (2)Usually I enjoy listening to light music tomyself in my spare time (3)Theyfor about an hour and didnt reach any agreement (4)A(n)is one who lives in the house next to yours (5)Sometimes they have the same opinions but sometimes theywith each other (6)This is a(n)taleMost of the children like it very much (7)Mr. Wang prefers to watch CCTV9 because all theare in English Suggested Answers: (1)advertisements (2)relax (3)argued (4)neighbour(5)disagree (6)entertaining (7)Channel,programmesStep 3ListeningPurpose:To get the main information in the listening partTo develop Ss listening ability1While1istening (1)Listen to the interview and finish Activity 2 on page 55Suggested Answers: 1一E,2一B,3一F,4一C,5一A,6一D (2)Listen to the interview and finish Activity 4 on page 55Suggested Answers: baabbb (3)Listen to the tape and fill in the missing wordsInterviewer:Do you have a television in your home?Boy:Sure! Weve got two,one in the_ and a small one in the _We always watch TV in the morning in the kitchen_ our breakfastInterviewer:Really! How often do you watch it?Boy:Watch_? I watch it every night for about two hoursAnd sometimes,when my parents are out,I watch, it_ all evening,Im afraid to sayI love it,its the way I_My mum says I watch too much,but I_I think you can learn a lot from televisionThere Was a_ about_ people last weekend that Was really interestingInterviewer:Do you watch a lot of films on television?Boy:1 watch films all the time at the weekendIts one of the most relaxing things you Can do when youre_Interviewer:I see! How often do you change_ in an evening?Boy:Quite a lotIf were all watching,we often_ which programme we want to watchMy parents like_ programmes like the news,but I prefer_ pmgrammesInterviewer:Do you enjoy_?Boy:Yes,I do,I think they Can be very interestingI saw an excellent one yesterdayWhen I leave school,1 want to work in advertisingInterviewer:Good for you! Whats your favourite TV programme?Boy:I love watching_Everyone in it acts SO_I have to find out whats happening to the_ 11hey seem SO real!Interviewer:So whatS on TV tonight? Anything good?Boy:_!Neighbours!Suggested Answers: sitting room kitchen as we eat the box nonstop relax disagree programme homeless tired of bored channels argue about serious edy advertisementsNeighbours brilliantly characters Absolutely3Post-listening Work in pairs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages about watching TVStep 4Pronunciation-Intonation in exclamationsPurpose:To enable Ss to know the intonation in exclamations1Pair work Show the exclamations in the Pronunciation Activity on the screen and ask Ss to read them out (1)Sure! (2)Really! (3)I see! (4)Good for you! (5)Absolutely 1 2Individual work Ask Ss to listen to the exclamationsLet them pay attention to the intonation at the end of the word or phraseGive them the right pronunciationSuggested Answers: (1)down (2)up (3)down (4)down (5)down3Pair work Ask Ss to listen again and repeat the exclamationsStep 5Everyday English Ask Ss to plete the sentences using these expressions in the Everyday English Activity on P57 Suggested Answers: (1)the box (2)a short space of time (3)Whats on (4)Good for you (5)The thing is (6)AbsolutelyStep 6Homework1Finish the Vocabulary exercises in the Workbook on P98992Preview Grammar 1&Grammar 2Function Periods 4 Function,Grammar 1,Grammar 2Teaching Goals:1To enable Ss to know about the kinds of adverbs,especially adverbs of frequency and place2To enable Ss to know about the correct order of adverbs and adverbial phrases in the sentence3To help Ss learn how to use adverbs and adverbial phrases in the sentence4To help Ss learn how to express how often they do thingsTeaching Procedures:Step 1Revision Check the answer to the Vocabulary exercises in the WorkbookStep 2FunctionPurpose:To let Ss know some types of TV and radio programmes Match the types of TV and radio programmes with the definitions in Activity 1 on P57Suggested Answers: (1)chat show (2)quiz show (3)the news (4)TVradio drama (5)soap opera Step 3Grammar 1 Purpose:To enable Ss to know about the correct order of adverbs and adverbial phrases in the sentences1Adverbs of frequency (1)Ask Ss to discuss howoften they watch different types of programmes (2)Ask Ss to read the following sentences a


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