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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Unit4WildlifeProtection课时训练新人教版必修.单句语法填空1Never at a _(lose) for words,I tried to find things in my life that might qualify for growth.(xx江苏,完形)2I watched for the desert sunsets,and _(hunt) for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago.(xx浙江,完形)3One thing is _ certainLarry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle!(xx全国,完形)4“You know,” she said,gently _(rub) my back while we both stared at what I believed was the coolest thing ever.(xx浙江,阅读D)5This _(affect) their nervous systems and ability to produce baby birds,and can lead to kidney(肾) failure and death.(xx北京,阅读C)6The movie starts at 8:30,and we can have _ quick bite before we go.(xx浙江,20)7According _ a study of grandparents,83 percent of the people said Mrs.Robinsons decision will influence grandparents in the American family.(xx全国,阅读B)8But they are in danger _ wearing themselves out by singing too much.9Actually,we cant succeed _ everything we try.10He _ (employ) in writing a new book these days.答案1.loss2.hunted3.for4.rubbing5.affects 6a7.to8.of9.in10.has been employed.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1Daisy had always been longed to help the endangered species of wildlife.2Tom,its late for school.Get up and get dressing quickly.3Almost all the animals have their special ways to protect them from their enemies.4You should pay attention about your pronunciation so that you can make yourself understood.5The medicine has a great affect on that disease.6My parents had to use all what they had to buy the house in which we are now living.7I appreciate given such a good chance to make a speech on how to learn English well.8As we all know,smoking is harmful for our health.9There are several ways which we can cross the river without the help of local villagers.10You neednt have taken a taxi.Why didnt you catch the last bus just like I told you?答案1.去掉been2.dressingdressed3.themthemselves4.aboutto5.affecteffect6.去掉all或whatthat7.appreciate后加being8.forto9去掉which或在which前加in或whichthat10.likeas.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1大量捕杀影响了野生动物的数量。(affect)_2一些动物灭绝,一些动物身处险境。(die out)_3政府已经关注这种情况,并采取了一系列措施。(attention)_4我们要像保护我们的眼睛一样尽力保护环境。(protect)_5只有这样我们才能成功地阻止这种状况的恶化。(successfully)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇答案(一)1.Hunting too much affected the number of wild animals greatly.2Some animals have died out and others are in danger.3Our government has paid attention to the situation and has taken a series of measures.4We must take every effort to care for the environment as we protect our eyes.5Only in this way can we prevent the situation from getting worse successfully.(二)【参考范文】Hunting too much affected the number of wild animals greatly.As a result,some animals have died out and others are in danger.Fortunately,our government has paid attention to the situation and has taken a series of measures.We must take every effort to care for the environment as we protect our eyes.Only in this way can we prevent the situation from getting worse successfully.阅读理解When I watched wild baboons (狒狒) in Africa,it seemed as if they ate everything.But did they really? They have simple stomachs.If baboons eat foods that have a lot of fiber,they get very little nutrition from that food,and then they dont have room for more nutritious foods.Baboons need foods with a lot of nutrients.Baboons should be picky eaters.In the 1990s,a team of primatologists (灵长类动物学家) solved this_riddleBy watching wild baboons,the team of primatologists found that the monkeys ate whatever they could find as long as the foods had a lot of protein and fat.Baboons avoided foods with lots of fiber.Many foods had high protein or high fat,and many foods had low fiber.So it looked as if baboons ate everything.Research on baboon foods made me wonder how baboons found their foods.I knew baboons were smart.For their size,they have big brains,and they remember a lot of things.Even though some baboon troops have more than 100 monkeys,baboons easily remember their friends and enemies.I reasoned that baboons might memorize the locations of some foods.For 18 months I lived in a tent in Ruaha National Park in Tanzania.I camped next to the river.I studied only male baboons because females have babies,and I didnt want to scare the little ones.Each morning,I picked a different male monkey.Everywhere he went,I followed.Every time he ate,I wrote down the food type and how much he ate.I discovered that baboons did not find baobab trees (猴面包树) randomly.Instead,the monkeys walked quickly and directly to baobab trees.The same was not true for other foods.Baboons used more random patterns to find elephant dung (粪便),young antelopes,and grasses.Sometimes they found these foods on their way to the baobab trees!【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了科学家对野生狒狒饮食情况的研究结果。1What does the underlined part “this riddle” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AWhere wild baboons live.BHow wild baboons find foods.CIf wild baboons eat everything.DIf wild baboons have simple stomachs.答案C词义猜测题。由第一段中的it seemed as if they ate everything.But did they really?.Baboons should be picky eaters可推断,画线部分指代野生狒狒是否挑食这个谜。2What do we know about wild baboons?AThey have few friends.BThey are not very smart.CThey have many enemies.DThey have a good memory.答案D细节理解题。由第三段中的baboons were smart.remember a lot of things.easily remember their friends and enemies可知,野生狒狒记性好。3What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?AHow the author studied wild baboons.BThe living environment of wild baboons.CHow female wild baboons give birth to babies.DDifferences between male and female wild baboons.答案A段落大意题。第四段主要讲作者研究野生狒狒寻找食物的过程和方法。4It can be inferred that wild baboons know the locations of_Agrasses Bbaobab treesCelephant dung Dyoung antelopes答案B推理判断题。由最后一段中的baboons did not find.walked quickly and directly to baobab trees可推断,野生狒狒知道猴面包树的位置。.完形填空We all have been taught that the shortest distance between any two points is a straight line.Moving forward along the straight line always represents the most _1_and productive course of action.The other day,I visited an Australian friend.There I _2_a nice artwork which is the coat of arms of Australia (澳大利亚国徽)On it,there are two _3_ which cannot be seen in other countries.These two _4_animals in Australia are the kangaroo and the emu (鸸鹋),a large bird.They arent too much _5_,but they do share one unique _6_Because of the length of their tails,kangaroos cannot back up.If they want to move in the _7_ direction,they have to move forward and finish a U-turn._8_ the structure and shape of their feet,emus cannot back up and must _9_ move ahead.The wise person who designed this _10_ Australian coat of arms understood that we could learn _11_ from emus and kangaroos.As we follow our enthusiasm and move toward _12_,there are days when progress isnt evident to us.This could mean that no progress has been made,_13_it could mean that we are moving forward in ways that dont reveal progress _14_If you are currently stuck in one location,you must be _15_ to move forward so that there is no time wasted or energy used,which does not _16_progress.If you have a goal in your life that you would like to _17_,you should make progress toward it along a_18_line.That progress needs to take big _19_toward those things you want to do.As long as you dont _20_no matter what happens,the good situation will eventually present itself.【语篇解读】本文是议论文。澳大利亚的国徽上有两种动物,分别是袋鼠和鸸鹋,它们有一个共同的特点:只进不退。作者认为我们应该学习这种精神,朝着目标勇往直前。1A.important BefficientCnecessary Dfrequent答案B既然两点之间线段最短,那么沿着直线前进应该是最“有效的(efficient)”路径。本空后的productive也是对本题的提示。2A.designed BmadeCsaw Dlost答案C根据下文对澳大利亚国徽的描述可知,作者在朋友那里“看到了(saw)”一枚澳大利亚的国徽。3A.plants BanimalsCconstructions Dflags答案B下句中的animals提示了本题答案。4A.unique Bstrange Cperfect Dmon答案A根据上句中的which cannot be seen in other countries可知,这两种动物是澳大利亚“独有的(unique)”。5A.alike Bfamiliar Cnatural Dspecial答案A袋鼠和作为鸟类的鸸鹋自然不是很“一样(alike)”。6A.talent BcharacteristicCshape Dstatus答案B根据下文内容可知,袋鼠和鸸鹋都不能后退,因此说它们有一个共同的“特点(characteristic)”。7A.correct Bdifferent Copposite Dfixed答案C根据袋鼠不能后退及本空后对袋鼠动作的描述可推测,如果袋鼠想掉头,即向“相反的(opposite)”方向运动,它们得向前跑,然后来个180的转弯。8A.In spite of BIn addition toCAs to DDue to答案D9A.quickly Bsmoothly Cseldom Dalways答案D“由于(Due to)”鸸鹋脚的结构和形状,它们不能后退,因此“总是(always)”向前。10A.popular BparticularCplicated Dsurprising答案B11A.something BnothingCanything Deverything答案A设计澳大利亚国徽的人认为我们可以从袋鼠和鸸鹋学到“一些东西(something)”,因此设计了这枚“特别的(particular)”徽章。12A.challenge BsuccessCchance Dluck答案B根据下文中多处出现的progress可推测,这里是指我们保持热情,向着“成功(success )”迈进。13A.and Bas Cor Dso答案C14A.eventually BimmediatelyCsuddenly Dgradually答案B有时候在我们前进的路上,进步不是很明显,这说明我们没有取得进步,“或者(or)”我们正沿着进步不能“马上(immediately)”显现出来的道路行进。15A.grateful Bprepared Cwilling Dglad答案B根据本空后的so that there is no time wasted or energy used可知,为了不浪费时间和精力,我们不能止步不前,应该“准备好(prepared)”前进。16A.belong to Bwait forCresult in Ddepend on答案C本空前的which指的是time wasted or energy used。浪费时间和精力自然不会“带来(result in)”进步。17A.change Bestablish Cadd Dreach答案D18A.straight BlongCthick Dcontinuous答案A如果你想“实现(reach)”自己的目标,那么你需要沿着“直(straight)”线前进。19A.risks Bsteps Croles Dturns答案B想要取得进步需要大踏“步(steps)”朝着自己想做的事情前进。20A.follow Bstop Cforget Dfail答案B想要让情况好转需要你无论发生什么都不“停下(stop)”脚步。.语法填空Every morning I wake up to the normal sun _1_(shoot) through the left window.My dog,Donald,barks madly.He _2_(insist) that every morning at exactly 7:04,he has to go outside.Cant that dog just take _3_rest?After I go outside for 2.5 minutes,I realize I have to deal _4_my boss in 48.6 minutes.I sit for two minutes.Afterward,I take my normal six minutes to shower,three minutes to shave,two minutes to brush my teethjust _5_the dentist told meand five minutes to figure out _6_I am going to wear.That leaves me 4.5 minutes _7_(read) The New York Times.Then I take 20 minutes to drive to work.Once I arrive,it takes 2.1 minutes to hear the _8_(bore) story about what Ron did last night and four minutes for my boss to turn up.Spending 9.34 hours at my job,driving 26 minutes home,taking two minutes to walk Donald and only getting 24.7 minutes before lying down and not falling asleep for 12.5 minutes can _9_(real) drive someone crazy,but not me.The thing _10_can make me crazy is if something goes wrong.When one thing goes wrong,all breaks loose.答案1.shooting考查动词-ing形式作定语的用法。sun与shoot之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且shoot表示正在进行的动作,故填shooting。2insists考查一般现在时。由上下文可知,insist表示经常发生的动作,故填insists。3a考查不定冠词。take a rest意为“休息一下”。4with考查介词。deal with意为“对付”。5as/like考查连词。设空处引导方式状语从句,故填as/like。just as/like意为“正如”。6what考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作宾语,故填what。7to read考查不定式作宾语补足语的用法。me与read之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且read所表示的动作尚未发生,故填to read。8boring考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处修饰story且意为“令人生厌的”,故填boring。9really考查副词。设空处修饰动词drive,故填副词really。10that/which考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句修饰thing,且在从句中作主语,故填that/which。


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