2019-2020年高考英语总复习 8-3 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 8-3 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 新人教版.单词拼写1It was hard to_(辨别) one twin from the other.2He ate a light lunch in_(期望)of a good dinner.3They chatted_(愉快地)4In this resort, you can enjoy all the fort and_(便利) of modern tourism.5He_(拨) the number and waited.6Ralph_(轻拍) me on the shoulder.7This ladder doesnt seem very_(稳固的)8The train came to an_(突然的) stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.9Every_(文件)on the same desk must have a different name.10The packet of white_(粉末)the police found in his room turned out to be cocaine.答案:1. distinguish 2. expectation 3. merrily 4. convenience 5. dialled 6. tapped7. stable 8. abrupt9. file 10. power.完成句子1The beggar_ _(把手迅速伸入) his pocket and took out several coins.2Finally the operator_ _ _(给我接通) to Mr. Smith.3I will_ _ _(给你打电话) tomorrow morning.4The teacher was angry with Tom because he looked out of the window_ _ _(时不时地)5He_ _(挂断) before I could ask his name.6The machine is_ _ _(发生故障). I have to have it repaired.7If you_ _(稍等) for a while,I will go and see if I can find your mother.8It seems that he_ _(开始)to clean his bedroom.9It was late in xx that he_ _(开始)shooting the film.10The boy told his parents that he would go to school but_ _(事实上) he didnt.答案: 1. dived into 2. got me through3. call you up4. now and then5. rang off6. out of order 7. hang on8. sets out9. set about10. in truth.单项填空1Hello. May I speak to Bill, please?_.ABill speakingBIm Bill CYou are speaking to BillDIm speaking答案:A考查交际用语。由第一句可知,这是电话交际用语,完整正确回答是This is Bill speaking。2(xx合肥模拟)Christmas Day is usually celebrated on December 25th _the birth of Jesus Christ.Ain praise ofBin honor ofCin terms of Din association with答案:D考查介词短语。in praise of“表扬”;in honour of“为了纪念”;in terms of“就而言”;in association with“与联合”。根据句意选B。3(xx台州模拟)A tiny baby soon learns to_its mothers face from other adults faces.Adisapprove BdistinguishCdisbelieve Ddiffer答案:B考查动词。句意:婴儿不久就学会从其他成年人中辨认出他母亲的面庞。4The car factory has produced a new car of high quality;its only_is that it uses a lot of petrol.Aadvantage Bdrawback Cmistake Dprofit答案:B考查名词。句意:该汽车制造厂已经生产出一种高性能的车。该车的唯一缺点是耗油大。drawback“缺点,不利条件”。5Please e and help me with this application form because I dont know how to_it.Aset about Bset outCset up Dset aside答案:Aset about“着手做某事”;set out“开始,出发”;set up“建立,开业”;set aside“留出,拨出;不顾,不理会;驳回,取消”。 6The lazy boy is expecting a way_he can get through the exams without hard work.AthatBin thatCwhichDwhere答案:A考查定语从句。当way作先行词,并在定语从句中作状语时,关系词用that或in which或省略。7Just then, the young man dived_his pocket and took out a sharp knife.Aon BintoCfor Din答案:B考查dive into的用法。句意:就在那时,年轻人迅速把手伸进口袋,拿出一把尖刀。dive into“迅速把手伸入”。8Believe me; _women would never make such a stupid decision.Amerciful Bmature Cmean Dinnocent答案:B考查形容词。句意:相信我,稳重的妇女绝不会做出这么愚蠢的决定。mature“稳重的;慎重的,周到的”;merciful“仁慈的,慈悲的,宽容的”;mean“吝啬的,小气的,卑鄙的,心地不好的”; innocent“无辜的”。9It will be some time_we know the full results.Aif Bsince Cwhen Dbefore答案:D考查句式。句意:还要一段时间我们才会知道全部的结果。It will be some time before.“之后才”。10On snowy days, you have to drive very_to avoid traffic accidents.Acautiously BneatlyCsmoothly Dproperly答案:A考查副词。句意:雪天,你得小心开车以免发生交通事故。cautiously“小心翼翼地”。11The art show was_being a failure; it was a great success.Afar from Balong withCnext to Dregardless of答案:Aalong with“同一道”;far from表示“距离上的远离;远远不,完全不,决不”。12With the weather worsening, they have_the flight from London to Beijing.Acalled off Bcalled inCcalled out Dcalled for答案:A考查动词短语的区别。句意:由于天气越来越坏,他们已经取消了从伦敦到北京的航班。call off“取消(某项活动)”,符合本句语境。call in“请求;收回;召来”;call out“大声喊叫;召集”;call for“需求;要求;去(接)”。故B、C、D三个选项均与语境不符。13She told her husband that she couldnt_the rest of the housework without his help.Aget over Bget throughCget into Dget off答案:B句意:她告诉她丈夫没有他的帮助她完不成剩余的家务。get over“克服”;get through“完成”;get into“进入”;get off“下车”。14If we believe something is good and true we should_to it.Ahold up Bkeep onChold on Dkeep up答案:C考查动词词组辨析。hold on to sth. 原意为“抓住某物不放”,此处作“坚持下去”讲。hold up“使耽搁,使停顿”;keep on“继续做某事”;keep up“跟上,不落后”,这三项都不与to搭配。15Our attitude towards life is_makes the difference between our being happy and successful or not.Athat BwhatCwhich Dwhether答案:B考查名词性从句。 _makes the difference between our being happy and successful or not是表语从句部分,该部分缺少主语,因此选起双重作用的what。.阅读理解Abel Janszoon TasmanAbel Tasman was born in a little village in the Netherlands in 1603. Nowadays there is a road in the village named after him and the house where he was believed to live is still a functional farm called“Tasemanheerd”. His first wife was called Claesgie Heyndrix, who he had a daughter with, Claesjen. In December, 1631 he married again, this time with Jannetje(Joanna)Tjaerts, a 21yearold girl.In 1634, Abel Tasman joined the Dutch East India and he became first mate of the Weesp, one of the panys ships. Later that year he became skipper(船长)on the Mocha.With this ship he patrolled(巡逻)in the ocean. On one of his voyages, three men were killed and after returning to Batavia, Tasman got a new job. He had to transport cargo and booty in the northwest Pacific. A high death toll through diseases was normal and the Dutch ships werent seaworthy.On one voyage Tasman returned safely after he had lost two of his three ships in a storm. After this voyage Tasman was ordered to explore the southeast in order to find a new sea route to Chile in South America. This voyage to the“Great South Land”(as the Dutch called Australia)made him the famous discovery of Tasmania. At that stage though, Tasman and his crew had no idea that they had made such a significant discovery.In 1644 Abel Tasman became skipper mander and later he became a member of the Council of Justice in Batavia. By 1653 he retired and owned 288 acres of land near Batavia. He died in October, 1659.文章大意:本文主要介绍了荷兰航海家Abel Tasman的生平以及他一生中最重要的发现Tasmania。1From the first paragraph, we can see that_.Ain a village in the Netherlands, people have built a farm in memory of Abel TasmanBhis second wife was about seven years younger than himCAbel Tasman married again after his first wife died of a diseaseDAbel Tasman was born in a big city in the Netherlands答案:B细节理解题。Abel Tasman 1631年再婚(当年他28岁),而他第二个妻子当时只有21岁,也就是他比第二个妻子大约7岁,故选择B。由第一段可知,人们修建了一条路,以他的名字命名,而不是修建了一个农场,故A项错;他第一个妻子如何去世在第一段中没有提及,故排除C项;由第一段首句可知D项错。2What is the right order of the jobs in Abel Tasmans life?aHe became skipper on the Mocha.bHe became a member of the Council of Justice in Batavia.cHe became first mate of the Weesp.dHe became skipper mander.Acadb BcdbaCdbca Dacdb答案:A排序题。本题可根据时间来排序。1634年他成为Weesp船的大副,故c为第一个,以下依次为:a(1634年晚些时候),d(1644年),b(1644年以后)。3What does the underlined word“booty”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A战利品 B奖金C马靴 D奖励答案:A词义猜测题。“booty”与“cargo”并列,由此可判断booty应是能在船上运输的东西,故排除D。上段提到Abel Tasman joined the Dutch East India(东印度公司),根据常识可判断,他只得利用船只运输货物以及“战利品/掠夺品”。4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AIn his time, the Dutch ships were very strong and could fight against the storm.BLater in 1634, Abel Tasman joined the Dutch East India.CThe discovery of Tasmania was his main achievement in his life.DGreat South Land was also called“Australia”in England.答案:C细节判断题。由第三段最后一句中的“the Dutch ships werent seaworthy”可知,当时荷兰的船只并非很结实,故A错;由第二段可知,他加入东印度公司是1634年早些时候,不是1634年晚些时候,故B错;由倒数第二段可知,发现Tasmania是他一生中最重要的成就,再结合开头的表格可知C对;由倒数第二段括号中的as the Dutch called Australia可知D错。5When did Abel Tasman enter the Council of Justice in Batavia?AIn 1644. BAfter 1644.CBy 1653. DAround 1659.答案:B时间推算题。由最后一段可知,Abel Tasman于1644年成为skipper mander,这以后他又成为Batavia司法部的一名成员,故B项正确。BIt is important to get the right boiler for the size of our house.Having a large boiler in a small house is a waste, but if you have a large house with a small boiler youll be left lacking warmth.British Gas has developed a new boiler, the 330domestic(家用的) central heating boiler, which could provide the perfect way for you to change situation. An experienced engineer can adjust the 330s output from 9kW to 30kW. This means the amount of heat the boiler is producing can be adjusted in line with the size of your house.So, while you still have just two bedrooms, you could keep it on a fairly low setting, having this increased as you make your house larger to four (or even more) bedrooms. Whatever your future needs, the 330 can keep up with you, preventing you from having to deal with the trouble and cost of having a new, larger boiler fixed at a later date.In addition, the 330 is very easy to keep in good condition and fix. Its digital indicator provides advanced and accurate diagnoses(诊断) of any problems. This information will enable you to have any problems speedily settled.If you also find it difficult to work out exactly how much gas you are consuming on a daily basis, the 330 can help you see immediately if you are consuming a low, medium or high amount of gas.An independent research has shown that this level of customer awareness can reduce energy consumption by as much as 10%, so youll be doing your bit for the environment as well. And as the 330 is produced in Britain, transportation is least possible, providing even greater savings for the environment.For further information visit britishgas. co. uk/chiWhat do you think? Have your say at guardian. co. uk/british- gasgreenerliving.文章大意:本文是一篇广告。介绍了最新的一款产品The 330锅炉,它可以随住房面积调节功率;运行良好好安装;节能又环保。6The greatest advantage of the new product is that_.Ait can prevent you from buying a new, larger boilerBit can be used both at home and in big panies Cit can be adjusted according to the size of your houseDanyone can adjust the amount of the heat it produces 答案:C推理判断题。文章前四段介绍的是该锅炉的第一项优点,即它可根据你的住房面积来调整,由顺序和篇幅可推知,C项是其最大的优点。7According to the passage, the digital indicator can_.Abe repaired quite easilyBbe kept in good condition Cdetect the problems of the boilerDhelp you settle problems by yourself 答案:C细节理解题。由第五段后两句话“Its digital indicator provides advanced and accurate diagnoses(诊断) of any problems. This information will enable you to have any problems speedily settled.”可知,该数字指示器可使用户快速排除故障。8What can we learn from the passage?AIf you use 330 heating boiler, you may save 20% of gas.BThe cost of transportation may be reduced if you have 330.CAn experienced engineer will keep the boiler on a low setting.DThe 330 boiler can tell you the amount of gas used every day.答案:D细节理解题。由第六段可知,D项正确。其他三项都不对。9Some of the readers will probably_.Aknow the amount of gas they are using every dayBreduce energy consumption to protect the environment Cget further information from guardian. co. uk/britishga- sgreenerliving Dtry the newlydeveloped 330 domestic central heating boiler答案:D推理判断题。全文介绍了最新的一款产品The 330boiler,它可以随住房面积调节功率;运行良好好安装;节能又环保。看完该产品的介绍,读者们会怦然心动,想试一试。


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