2019-2020年高考英语总复习 课后强化作业4 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 课后强化作业4 外研版必修1.用所给词的适当形式填空survey, attract, fortunate, sound, bother, approach, starve, unemployed, exchange, survive1We _ addresses and phone numbers at the party held on Sunday.2_ of the accident were rushed to the nearest hosptial in no time.3I called my dad and told him what had happened. He _really angry.4Im afraid I have _ you with a great many questions.5The time is _ when we must think about buying a new house.6Many young people go to the city to make their _ nowadays.7Because of the drought, thousands of people died of _ each year in the past.8You had better have this house _ before deciding to buy it.9Bright colors are _ to children.10The government is hoping to open up new areas of industry to provide _.答案:1.exchanged2.Survivors3.sounded4.bothered5.approaching6.fortune7.starvation8.surveyed9.attractive 10.employment.完成句子1这是我们第二次开这样重要的会议。This is the second time we _ such an important meeting.2我试图摆脱这些烦扰,但却不能。I tried to _ the troubles, but failed.3他们把每月的租金提高了200元。Theyve _ the rent by 200 yuan a month.4我觉得这辆旧车无法成功到达山顶。I dont think this old car will _ to the top of the hill.5他给我一个苹果,用来交换一个桔子。He gave me an apple _ an organge.6我们从一中毕业已经十年了。It _ ten years since we _ from the No. 1 High school.答案:1.have held2.get away from3.put up4.make it5.in exchange for6.is/has been; graduated.单项填空1With spring _, the weather became warmer.AapproachesBapproachingCapproached Dapproach答案:Bapproach意为“接近;临近”,该句为with的复合结构,不能使用谓语的形式,但spring与approach为主动关系,可以用现在分词形式作补语,表示“随着春天的临近”。2Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Brian gets back.Abefore BsinceCstill Dafter答案:A句意:对不起,让你等了这么长时间,但是,Brian还要过一段时间才能回来。本题应注意句型:It will be一段时间before从句,意为:要过多久才会。3Is this the first time that Jack _ this kind of food?Aenjoys Bhas enjoyedCenjoyed Dhad enjoyed答案:BThis/It is the first time that后的从句谓语应用现在完成时。4(xx湖南湘潭高三二模)_ 553 metres into the sky, the CN Tower is the tallest in the world.ATo rise BRisingCRise DRisen答案:Brise“升起,耸起”,为不及物动词,句子主语the CN Tower与rise为主谓关系,所以应选现在分词形式作状语。5She never took a taxi, even though she could _ to.Atake BlikeCafford Dpay答案:C从句意判断,even though“尽管;即使”,表示让步,所以应选afford表示“负担得起”,afford to后省略了take a taxi。6I always _ my pens with my classmates because I always made mistakes with my own.Atook place of BexchangedCreplaced Dmade use of答案:BA项本身表达错误;exchange“交换”;replace“代替”;make use of“使用;利用”。根据句意应选B项,表示“与同学们交换钢笔用”。7It seems there are _ people out of work. Something must be done to create more employment.Aa great many Ba great many ofCa great deal Da great deal of答案:Aa great many后面接无限定词的可数名词复数;a great many of后面接带限定词的可数名词复数或代词;a great deal只能作状语用;a great deal of后接不可数名词。8. The oil price has _ a lot these days because of the war. A. gone back B. gone up C. gone over D. gone out答案:Bgo back“回来”;go up“上升;上涨”;go over“复习”;go out“出去”。根据句意应选B项,表示“由于战争油价上涨”。 9. China, a country with 145 million elderly people, will _ an aging society during this century,according to Chinese population experts. A. suggest B. remain C. replace D. bee答案:Bsuggest“建议”;remain“保持;仍旧是”;replace“代替”;bee“变得”。根据句意应选B项,表示“在本世纪这段时间将仍旧是一个老龄化社会”。由于已经有那么多老年人,所以不能用bee表示“将变成”。 10. His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _ from home and earn some money on his own. A. run away B. take away C. keep away D. get away答案:Drun away“跑掉;潜逃”;take away“拿走”;keep away“避开”;get away from“脱离”。根据句意应选D项。全句意为:他母亲原本认为他离开家自己赚钱对锻炼他的性格有好处。11By the time he realizes he _ into a trap,itll be too late for him to do anything about it. A. walks B. walked C. has walked D. had walked答案:C此题考查动词时态。walk的动作发生在realize动作之前,再根据动词realize的时态可知,宾语从句中的动词应用现在完成时。12. In modern times,people have to learn to _ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a fortable life. A. keep with B. stay with C. meet with D. live with答案:D句意:在现代社会中人们必须学会忍受各种压力,尽管他们生活很舒服。live with“忍受”;keep with“跟上;赶上”;stay with“与并驾齐驱/暂住在一起”;meet with“偶遇;遭遇”。13I dont like such a person _ often lies before your face. A. what B. that C. as D. which答案:C当先行词由such修饰时,通常用as引导定语从句,as在此处的定语从句中作lies的主语。14. He _ a long pole in the center of the field,and on the top of it hung the lamp. A. put up B. put out C. put on D. put up with答案:Aput up“搭建;竖立”;put out“熄灭;生产”;put on“穿上;上演”;put up with“忍受;容忍”。15He is a warmhearted manager, but he _ be very tactless sometimes. A. should B. will C. can D. must答案:C句意:他是个热心的经理,但他有时很不讲方式方法。can在此处意为“有时会”。 .完形填空Tim Becker and his neighbours are doing something to make their neighbourhood a troublefree area.When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping, he doesnt _1_ drive to a store and back home. He always looks _2_ up and down the streets of his neighbourhood. He looks for anything _3_ such as strange cars, loud noises, _4_ windows, or people gathering on street corners. Tim _5_ to a neighbourhood watch group in Stoneville, Indiana, USA. The neighbourhood watch group _6_ on the third Wednesday of every month.Thats _7_ Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss munity(社区) _8_ . Members of the neighbourhood watch group want to help the police _9_ their homes, streets,and families safe. Tina Stedman, president of _10_ neighbourhood watch group, agrees with Tim. “People seem to think that crime (犯罪) happens to other people but not _11_ them. Well, its never happened to me,” she said,“but I dont think anyone has the _12_ to steal from other people or to make them feel _13_ sitting in their own homes.”Alex, a member of the group, said that all the neighbours _14_ out for one another. “We _15_ each others homes. We keep watch on the neighbourhood at night and on weekends. Usually a _16_ of four or five of us goes out together. If something doesnt look right, then we call the _17_. For example,if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for _18_, or someone destroying property (财产), we report to the police.”Alex feels the neighbourhood watch groups _19_ a lot in keeping crime down. Her husband Jim agrees, “Police are good people, but they cant do _20_.”1. A. yet B. still C. just D. rather答案:C蒂姆和他的邻居正在努力使他们的邻里变得无忧无虑、安全通畅。 自然每当蒂姆开车出门购物时就不仅仅只是(not just)开车去商店再开车回家,而是还有别的事情要做。not yet“尚未”;not just“不仅仅;不只是”。2. A. carefully B. clearly C. nervously D. coldly答案:A根据句意推断,他总是在邻里的街道上上下下仔细地(carefully)查看。carefully“小心地;谨慎地”;clearly“明显地;无疑地”;nervously“神经紧张地;不安地”;coldly“冷淡地”。3. A. familiar B. unusual C. expensive D. interesting答案:B该句指查看是否有像陌生的车子或喧哗的噪音之类的异常情况。4. A. curtained B. open C. old D. broken答案:D与前面strange cars,loud noises构成并列意义不应是开着的(open)、旧的(old)、挂有窗帘的(curtained)窗户,而是破了的(broken)窗户。5. A. attends B. belongs C. goes D. turns答案:B蒂姆属于一个邻里监护队。attend to“留心;护理”;belong to“属于”;go to“去;求助于”;turn to“转向;求助于”。6. A. meets B. quarrels C. sings D. searches答案:AA邻里监护队每月第三个周三碰头开会(meet),而不是争吵(quarrel)、唱歌(sing)或搜查(search)。后文“gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss munity safety”有所暗示。7. A. where B. why C. when D. how答案:C根据前文on the third Wednesday of every month可知此处指时间。8. A. politics B. wealth C. health D. safety答案:D从前文蒂姆的行为及本段最后的safe一词可以看出,他们聚集在一起研讨社区的安全(safety)问题,而非政治(politics)、健康(health)或财富(wealth)问题。9. A. keep B. hold C. let D. protect答案:A“keep宾语adj.”表示“使保持某种状态”。该句指帮助警察使(keep)他们的家、街道和家人安全。10. A. its B. his C. their D. your答案:C根据上下文推断,此处指“他们的(their)”邻里监护队的队长。11. A. round B. on C. about D. to答案:D承接前面的happen to sb.结构,此处用介词to。12. A. right B. chance C. courage D. mind答案:A根据句意推断,任何人都可能有机会(chance)、勇气(courage)或心思(mind),但却没有权力(right)去偷别人的东西或使别人感到不安全。13. A. unlucky B. unsafe C. disappointed D. discouraged答案:B该句表示“没有权力使别人坐在自己家里而感到不安全”,与前文偷东西等安全问题联系起来,就不可能是不幸(unlucky)、失望(disappointed)或泄气(discouraged)。14A. set B. let C. hold D. look答案:Dset out“出发;开始”;let out“发出”;hold out“坚持;伸出”;look out“注意;留神”。根据上下文可知所有的邻居都要相互注意留神(look out),提高警惕。15. A. care B. enter C. watch D. manage答案:C根据上下文推断,我们应该相互守护(watch)好彼此的家。前文已有所暗示,也与后文keep watch on一致。care“注意;照料;关心”;enter“进入”;watch“注视;注意;看守;守护”;manage“管理;设法”。16. A. group B. set C. number D. crowd答案:A前文已有暗示,四五个人形成一组/队(group)。 17. A. judges B. police C. firemen D. doctors答案:B如果看到有什么事情不对劲,就叫警察(police),而不是叫法官(judge)、消防员(fireman)或是大夫(doctor)。前文“help the police keep their homes,streets,and families safe”和后文“we report to the police”有所暗示。18. A. work B. money C. service D. trouble答案:D look for service“找服务”;look for trouble“找麻烦”;look for work“找工作”;look for money“找钱”。从上下文判断,该句指发现一群十几岁的孩子似乎想捣乱、想找麻烦(trouble)。19. A. produce B. find C. get D. help答案:D在制止犯罪方面邻里监护队起到了辅助(help)的作用,充当了助手的功能,而不是生产(produce)、发现(find)或得到(get)什么。20. A. anything B. everything C. harm D. wrong答案:B警察很好,但他们并不可能每件事情(everything)都做得到。anything与not连用表示全部否定;everything与not连用表示部分否定。do harm/wrong“伤害/做坏事”。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Mr. Brown,I am writing to thank you with your kind help. Before you came to teach us, I had not interest in English. My pronunciation was terribly. I could only speak a few words. But one and a half year later, I now think English fun to learn. I got a lot from your encouraging words. I would always remember what you said. “If you try to, you can be No.1!” I hope youll have a pleasant journey home but will e to China again sometimes in the future, I will write again and send you photos we take together.答案:Dear Mr. Brown,I am writing to thank you your kind help. Before you came to teach us, I had interest in English. My pronunciation was . I could only speak a few words. But one and a half later, I now think English fun to learn. I got a lot from your encouraging words. I always remember what you said. “If you try , you can be No.1!” I hope youll have a pleasant journey home will e to China again in the future, I will write again and send you photos we together.书面表达随着经济的快速发展,人们的物质生活水平迅速提高,但是社区居民的邻里关系变得越来越冷淡。你班利用寒假时间就邻里关系组织了一次调查。请根据下表的调查结果,用英语写一篇120150词的调查报告。现象比例不了解邻居爱好的85%不知道邻居姓名的80%没有拜访过邻居的70%出现上述现象的原因你对这种现象的看法_参考范文:With the development of the society, peoples living standard has been greatly improved. But from our survey of the neighborhood relationship, we get a surprising result.85 percent of the people surveyed have no idea of their neighbors hobbies. 80 percent fail to know their neighbors names while 70 percent have never visited their neighbors. The reasons for the phenomenon are varied.Firstly,people now are living so busy a life that they seldom have time to visit their neighbors. Secondly, living in high buildings provides people with an independent space, which to some extent decreases the connection between neighbors. As a result, although people live in the neighborhood, they seem to be strangers.As we know, good neighborhood can make everyone feel happy and live in harmony. Whats more, people in good neighborhood are more likely to help each other,which will benefit all the residents in the same munity.


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