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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module3ForeignFoodLiterature高效演练稳达标外研版选修单句语法填空1. Its a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal (serve). 2. The police are offering reward to anyone who can give some information about the robbery. 3. He must get the work (acplish)today because hell be away on business tomorrow. 4. The (cruel)of the fight has taken away the lives of many soldiers. 5. We all plain about the poor (serve)in the hotel coffee lounge. 6. As we grow older, its not the things we did we often regret, but the things we didnt do. 7. As we all know, pandas feed mainly bamboo. 8. The thief couldnt escape (catch)by the policemen finally. 9. Jack would love to go to the cinema with his dad, but the film (intend)for adults only. 10. Large amounts of money (be)spent on the bridge, which was expected to be pleted the next month. 答案:1. is served 2. a 3. acplished 4. cruelty 5. service 6. that 7. on 8. being caught 9. was intended 10. were单句改错1. She walked to the door and talked at a low voice so that others couldnt hear. _2. That activity intending for the old turned out to be a great success. _3. Looking at her astonishing looks, we were confused. _4. She is always talking as though she knows everything under the sun. _5. Before the boys dead body was buried, the soldiers stood at silence. _6. He has a large number of mail to answer every day. _7. Not until then he realize the importance of the problem. _8. Her mother was looking for her keys all day, but in her astonishment, when she came home, the keys were in the door. _9. It was the culture, rather than the language, which made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad. _10. Inspiration, passion, and motivation are difficult things to hold on. _答案:1. atin2. intendingintended3. astonishingastonished4. knowsknew5.atin6. numberamount7. 在he前加did8. into9. whichthat10.在on后加to【教材变形题组】教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In the workhouse Oliver Twist and his panions 1. _(slow)starved for three months and they became wild with hunger because each boy 2. _(serve)one bowl of soup and no more. One day, a boy 3. _father had kept a small cook shop said that he had to have another bowl of soup each day, 4. _he might eat the small young boy sleeping next to him one night. So Oliver was picked out to walk up to the warden after supper and ask for 5. _(much)food. Desperate with hunger and misery, Oliver walked towards the master 6. _his bowl and spoon in his hand, saying that he wanted more food. No sooner had the boy spoken these words 7. _the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon. The managers of the workhouse were all 8. _(astonish)as no one had ever heard anything like it. Oliver was 9. _(immediate)locked in a room. The next morning a notice was put up on the door, 10. _(offer)a reward to anybody who would employ him. 答案: 1. slowly 2. was served 3. whose 4. otherwise 5. more 6. with 7. than 8. astonished 9. immediately 10. offering. 教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。Charles Dickens(1812-1870)is born in London. His father was put in the prison because he could not pay his bills. Two days after his 13th birthdays, he started work in a factory, experienced real poverty. The reason which he was able to write well about poverty was that he had really experienced it herself. Dickens started write novels in his early thirties and bee successful almost immediately. Oliver Twist, his second novel published in 1838, brought child poverty to the attentions of the public, and was considered a very important novel. Over the next 25 years, Dickens wrote many popular novels about the problems of poor people, which were still widely read today. 答案: 1. 第一句的iswas2. 第二句去掉prison前的the3. 第三句birthdays改为birthday4. 第三句experienced改为experiencing或在experienced前加and5. 第四句which改为why或在which之前加for6. 第四句herself改为himself7. 第五句write改为writing或在started后加to8. 第五句bee改为became9. 第六句attentions改为attention10. 第七句were改为are. 教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. On a sunny morning, I _by the lake reading a story book _in the distance. 一个阳光明媚的上午, 我正坐在湖边读故事书, 这时我听到远处有人喊救命。2. I stood up, looked around and _. 我站起来, 向四周张望, 惊讶地发现一个女孩正在水中挣扎着。3. _, I rushed there and _to save the girl. 我毫不犹豫地冲到那里, 跳进水中去救女孩。4. _, I caught her by the collar and _. 一靠近她, 我就抓住她的衣领, 将她拖到岸上。5. _there _in a hurry. 女孩的父母刚一到我就匆匆离开了。6. Her parents _. 因为我救了他们的女儿, 她的父母打算酬谢我。答案: .1. was sitting;when I heard someone crying for help 2. was astonished to find a girl struggling in the water 3. Without hesitation;jumped into the water4. The moment I got close to her;dragged her to the bank of the lake5. No sooner had her parents arrived;than I left 6. intended to offer me a reward for my saving their daughter组篇公式: 加入适当的过渡词。 【参考范文】On a sunny morning, I was sitting by the lake reading a story book when I heard someone crying for help in the distance. I stood up, looked around and was astonished to find a girl struggling in the water. Without hesitation, I rushed there and jumped into the water to save the girl. The moment I got close to her, I caught her by the collar and dragged her to the bank of the lake. Then someone called her parents. No sooner had her parents arrived there than I left in a hurry. After learning what had happened, her parents intended to offer me a reward for my saving their daughter, but I refused, saying that what I had done didnt deserve mentioning at all.


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