2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit14 Freedom fighters(第二课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit14 Freedom fighters(第二课时)Teaching Aims:1.Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.2.Read the text and grasp the main idea of it.3.Learn the fine qualities of Martin Luther King,Jr.Teaching Important Points:1.Master the usage of some useful words and expressions.2.Improve the students reading ability.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to grasp the main idea of a text or a passage.2.How to use some words and expressions freely.Teaching Methods:1.Fast reading and careful reading to improve the students reading ability.2.Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.3.Discussion to help the students grasp the detailed information.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:CStep Greetings and Revision(Greet the whole class as usual.)T:In the last period,we listened to a song.Can you sing it?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Lets sing the song together.(Teacher and the students sing the song together.)Very good.You are all good at singing.Have you found out the meaning of it?Guo Li,you please have a try.S:It means that though John Brown has died,and his body lies there in the grave,our task has not been finished.Inspired by his spirit we will continue it until we succeed.In order to get the slaves free,John Brown devoted his life.But his soul still marches on with us.If the stars in the heaven are looking kindly down,they must see us struggling on until all the slaves are set free.CStep Pre-readingT:Very good.Today,well read more about freedom fighters.Turn to Page 27 and have a look at the pictures.Have a short discussion in pairs and describe what you see to each other.(Students practise for a moment and then teacher asks some of them to describe the pictures.)Description of the first picture:The first picture shows us a terrible scene.In the picture we can see the Nazi soldiers arrest a large group of people.This happened between the year 1933 and 1945.During that period,Adolf Hitler controlled Germany.He invaded some countries and killed as many as twelve million persons,most of whom were Jews,captured soldiers and mon people.Description of the second picture:The second picture is about the Southern States in the USA,during 19001968.Though slaves in the USA were set free in 1865,they didnt get equal rights until 1965.Before that,they didnt have the rights to vote and were treated unfairly.The blacks and whites couldnt go to the same schools.There were separate sections for blacks in public places.Description of the third picture:The third picture is about South Africa.In 1990,Mandela was set free and was elected the first black president of South Africa in 1994.Before that,the local people there had no equal rights.They were ruled by the whites and were looked down upon.T:Now,imagine that there were laws in our country that you wear a sign,and only allowed you to go to special shops,restaurants,and schools or separate parts in parks,on buses,subways or trains because you were different,how would you feel?S:I would be angry and struggle for equal rights.T:But what would you do and how would you fight for your equal rights?S:Im not sure about this.I think Ill think about it afterwards.CStep Fast ReadingT:After you read the passage,I think you will learn a lot from it.Now,read the passage quickly and decide which of the sentences on the screen are true.(Show the following sentences on the screen and give the students several minutes to finish the task.)Decide which of the following sentences are true.1.Martin Luther King,Jr. was born in 1865.2.Black people refused to take buses for more than 18 months.3.Black girls could not marry white boys.4.King spent some time in prison.5.Martin Luther King,Jr. died of cancer in Washington.T:Look at the first sentence,please.Is it true?S:I think it is wrong,because Martin Luther King,Jr. was born in 1929.T:How about the second sentence?S:Its wrong,because black people refused to take buses for 381 days and that is less than 13 months.T:Very good.Now,who can tell us which of these sentences are correct?S:I think the third sentence and the fourth sentence are correct.T:Do you agree with him/her?Ss:Yes,we do.T:OK.Now,look at the last sentence.Whod like to have a try?S:Id like to.This sentence is wrong,because he was murdered in 1968 in a hotel in Memphis Tennessee.T:How do you know this?The text doesnt tell us where he was murdered.S:I learnt this from the Internet.Last night I turned on my puter and got a lot of information about him.T:Thats a good way to get some detailed information.Keep on doing that,youll know a lot that you cant learn from our textbooks.CStep Reading and UnderstandingT:Now,read the text again and discuss the questions on the screen with your partner.(Show the following on the screen.)Discuss the following:1,What was the situation for the blacks in the southern states at that time?2.Explain in your own words what the first paragraph is about.3.Martin Luther King,Jr. fought for the civil rights of black people in America.Which civil rights did he want black people to get?4.King believed that he could reach his goal through peaceful actions,not through violence.Give examples of such peaceful actions.(Students practise for a few minutes and the teacher may join in their discussion and help them.Finally ask some students to answer the questions one by one.)Suggested answers:1.Blacks were not treated equally.The South had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites.Mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law.There were separate sections for blacks in public places.Blacks were not allowed to get into hotels,schools or libraries.Black children were educated in separate schools.Black people had no right to vote.2.It tells us that thousands of black people marched on Washington D.C.,the capital of the USA in the summer of 1963,when Martin Luther King,Jr. spoke to them at a meeting.His speech“I have a dream”spoke out the minds of the black people.Inspired by his speech,people continued to struggle and succeeded in the end.Soon he and his speech became known to the people all over the world.3.He wanted black people to be treated equally as the whites.Black people should not be separated but should be treated with respect in the same way as other people.They should have the right to vote.4.In December 1955,King organized a boycott of the bus pany and succeeded after 381 days.Later he led a new revolution to improve the housing condition for blacks in Birmingham.In 1963,he led the march on Washington D.C.As a result of that in the following year a new Civil Rights Act was passed and in 1965 a new Voting Right Bill became law.T:To help you better understand the passage,I will explain some words and expressions to you.Look at the screen,please.(Show the following on the screen,and explain them to the students.)Useful words and expressions:1.forbide.g.I forbid you to stay out after midnight.He forbids smoking during office hours.2.set an example toe.g.Tom worked hard and set a good example to his classmates.3.demande.g.He demanded to be told everything.They demanded that the right to vote (should) be given to every adult man.4.achievee.g.achieve some victories,success,ones aims/purpose/goal;achieve a lot,little,nothing,a great deal,etc.T:Please read the text again and see if theres anything that you dont understand.(Teacher goes among the students and answers the questions they raise.)CStep Listening and ReadingT:Now,lets listen to the tape.Ill play it twice for you.When I play it for the first time,listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.When I play it for the second time,you can read after the tape.Then read the text aloud by yourselves.Are you clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Lets begin.(Teacher plays the tape and helps the students with their pronunciation.)CStep Summary and HomeworkT:Today,weve learnt a text “I have a dream”.From this passage weve got a lot of information about a famous freedom fighterMartin Luther King,Jr.Now,please look at the blackboard.Make notes about him in the listed years and tell his belief and success. (Teacher writes the years on the blackboard and gives the students some time to finish the task.Then asks some students to write their answers on the blackboard.(Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)T:Youve done very well.After class,finish Exercise 5 in Post-reading on Page 29,and make a dialogue with your partner.OK.Thats all for today.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!CStep The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 14 Freedom fightersThe Second PeriodNotes about Martin Luther King,Jr.1929:Martin Luther King,Jr. was born.1944:won a scholarship and went to university1955:organized a boycott of a bus pany and succeeded in the following year1963:during the March on Washington D.C,he gave the speech “I have a dream”1964:received the Nobel Prize for Peace1968:Martin Luther King,Jr. was murderedBelief:demand equal rights as the whites and achieve that goal by peaceful actions,not by violenceSuccess:changed the whole society in the USA;black people started enjoying the rights CStep Record after Teaching


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