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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit5Thepowerofnature高考拆组训练新人教版选修.完形填空One morning I spent nearly an hour watching a tiny ant carry a huge feather. Several times, it_1_ several obstacles (障碍物) in its path. And after a momentary pause it would make the necessary detour (绕道)_2_ one point, the ant had to cross a crack about 10mm wide. After some _3_ thoughts, the ant laid the feather over the crack, walked _4_ it and picked the feather up on the other side, then continued on its way. I was _5_ by the cleverness of this ant. It was only a small insect, lacking in _6_ yet equipped with a brain to reason, explore, discover and overe. _7_ this ant, like the other twolegged creatures _8_ on the earth, also shares human failure.After some time the ant _9_ reached its destination a flower bed and a small hole that was the entrance to its _10_ home. It was there that the ant met its _11_. How could that large feather possibly_12_ such a small hole? Of course, it couldnt. So the ant, after all this _13_ and using great brightness, overing problems all along the way, just gave up the _14_ and went home. The ant had not thought the problem through _15_ it began its journey and in the end the feather was _16_ more than a burden. Isnt our _17_ like that?We worry about our families; we worry about the _18_ of money; we worry about all kinds of things. These are all burdens the things we pick up along lifes path, and drag them around the obstacles and over the cracks that life will bring, only to _19_ that at the destination they are _20_ and we cant take them with us.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。我们大多数人的生活都是忙忙碌碌,为金钱、名誉等疲于奔命,结果最后才发现它们都是没有用的。作者通过蚂蚁搬东西形象地阐释了这一观点。1A.brought aboutBgot overCcame across Ddealt with解析:选C有几次,小蚂蚁都在路上遇到了障碍物。e across意为“偶然遇到”。2A.At BForCTo DWith解析:选A在某个时候,小蚂蚁不得不越过一条10毫米的裂缝。at one point意为“在某个时候/阶段”。3A.brave BtiringCmagic Dshort解析:选D由上文“after a momentary pause”可知,小蚂蚁稍一思考,想出了解决办法。4A.across BthroughCbeside Dbehind解析:选A小蚂蚁把羽毛放在裂缝上,然后从上面爬过去。across强调从表面通过;through强调从内部穿过。5A.frightened BattractedCannoyed Dsatisfied解析:选B作者被小蚂蚁的聪明吸引住了。frighten意为“使害怕”;annoy意为“使生气”;satisfy意为“使满意”。6A.size BheightCdepth Dlength解析:选A小蚂蚁虽只是很小的昆虫,但是具有推理、探索及克服困难的精神。既然是小昆虫,当然是体型大小不足了。7A.Therefore BButCMoreover DOtherwise解析:选B但是,如同其他生物一样,它也会遭遇失败。8A.working BsleepingCliving Dwalking解析:选C此处表示它同生活在地球上的两条腿的生物一样。live与twolegged creatures之间是主动关系,故用动词ing形式作定语。9A.probably BsuddenlyCeasily Dfinally解析:选D(在跨过种种障碍后)小蚂蚁终于到达了目的地。10A.underground BlonelyCfortable Dbig解析:选A一个小洞是进入小蚂蚁在地下的家的入口。11A.partner BproblemCparent Dfriend解析:选B就在入口处,小蚂蚁遇到了困难。problem意为“困难,考验”。12A.fit BfixCsuit Dfill解析:选A(困难就是)这么大的羽毛怎么能进入这么小的洞里呢?fit意为“(衣服等)大小、尺寸适合”;fix意为“修理”;suit意为“(衣服等)颜色、款式适合”;fill意为“充满”。13A.decision BpleasureCtrouble Dmatter解析:选C此处表示在经历了艰难险阻之后。trouble与上文obstacles对应。14A.insect BproblemChole Dfeather解析:选D(羽毛既然带不回家)小蚂蚁只好放弃。15A.after BuntilCbefore Donce解析:选C小蚂蚁在搬羽毛前没想过会遇到种种问题。16A.nothing BanythingCsomething Deverything解析:选A最后,羽毛对小蚂蚁来说只是个负担。nothing more thannothing but,意为“只是,就是”。17A.study BaimCdream Dlife解析:选D作者通过小蚂蚁的经历联想到“我们”的生活也是如此。life与下文along lifes path对应。18A.waste BlackCworth Ddanger解析:选B我们担心没钱。lack意为“缺乏”。19A.think BfindCwonder Dwarn解析:选B“only to find .”作结果状语,意为“结果发现”。20A.bad BpracticalCuseless Dmeaningful解析:选C到人生的尽头我们发现,先前所得是没用的,死后什么也带不走。.语法填空(xx厦门高三质检)Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love for reading and builds munity. It is also referred to _1_ neighborhood book exchanges around the world.This is a creative idea _2_ (think) up by Todd Bol and Rick Brooks in xx, which seeks _3_ (put) small book exchange boxes right in front of a house or on a street corner to offer free books to _4_(member) of the local munity. Mini libraries of all shapes and sizes exist, from a _5_ (bright) painted wooden house to a library based on Doctor Whos TARDIS._6_ makes the idea so special? Their website states:“Little Free Libraries have a unique, personal touch and there is an understanding that people are sharing their favorite books with their munity. These are not just any old books _7_ a carefully organized collection. Besides, the library _8_ (it) is a piece of neighborhood art!”Through Little Free Libraries, millions of books _9_ (exchange) each year among readers of all ages and backgrounds. They also play an important role in remote areas by _10_ (provide) access to books and encouraging a love for reading.1asrefer to .as .为固定搭配,意为“把称作”,符合语境。故填as。2thought分析句子结构可知,“a creative idea”与动词短语think up之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词表被动,作后置定语。故填thought。3to put动词seek之后用动词不定式作宾语,即seek to do sth.。故填to put。4membersmember是可数名词;根据空格后的“of the local munity”可知,当地社区的成员肯定不是一个,所以用复数形式。故填members。5brightly此处用副词修饰形容词。a brightly painted wooden house意为“一个着色明亮的木屋”。故填brightly。6What分析句子结构可知,本句缺少主语;结合语境可知,此处应用特殊疑问词what,指什么使得这个想法如此特别。故填What。注意首字母大写。7but句意:这些不仅仅是一些旧书而且是一个细心组织的收藏品。此处构成not just . but .,意为“不仅而且”。故填but。8itself根据主语“the library”可知,此处应用itself与之呼应。故填itself。9are exchanged分析句子结构可知,主语“millions of books”与动词exchange之间是被动关系;且本文使用的是一般现在时,所以此处应用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are exchanged。10providing介词后面用动名词作宾语。故填providing。练(二)主观题强化增分专练练规范(限时:45分钟).语法填空A Sweet FindIt was nearly _1_(possible) to get my sevenyearold granddaughter, Madison, out the door for school. She didnt want to get out of bed. She didnt like the shirt _2_ (pick) out for her. The uniform skirt didnt feel good. By the time I got her into the car, she was on the point of crying. “Madison,” I said. “I know youre tired, but try to put _3_smile on your face. Remember how much fun we had at Disneyland?”Maybe it was too much fun. For Madisons birthday, wed taken her and her best friend to Disneyland. The girls had a good time. They _4_(ride) every ride of their choice. We got home well after her usual bedtime, but I wasnt expecting Madisons dramatic performance the following morning. I thought shed be happy to share the magical time at Disneyland, but instead she sat in the back seat, _5_(sob)I tried to hold back my _6_ (angry). I took a deep breath and tried to reason with her. Nothing worked. I was tired too, _7_ I hadnt had my breakfast yet.Suddenly the crying stopped and Madison screamed. Unwillingly, I glanced back.“Grandma! Look at _8_ I found!” she shouted. Madison held it up for me _9_ (see). A little pink candy heart with red lettering. It must have been a gift from her schools Valentines Day party. “What does it say?” I asked.“Smile!” she said.Madison put the candy _10_ her mouth and we both did exactly that.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述的是作者送七岁的孙女去上学时发生的故事。一开始她哭闹着不愿去上学,最后是在车里发现的一个印有“微笑”的糖果礼物让她高兴起来了。1impossible根据下文的描述可知,让七岁的孙女走出家门去上学几乎是不可能的。impossible“不可能的”,符合语境。2picked分析句子结构可知,本句中已有谓语动词like,所以此处需填非谓语动词形式,因为空前名词the shirt与动词短语pick out之间是被动关系,故此处要用过去分词作后置定语。3a根据空后的名词smile可知,空格处缺少限定词。固定表达put a smile on ones/the face意为“面带微笑”。4rode此处描述的是麦迪逊过生日时发生的事情,故要用一般过去时。5sobbing根据语境可知,她坐在后座上哭泣。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词sat,所以空处应考虑非谓语动词形式。此处表示与谓语动词sat同时发生的行为,且与逻辑主语she是主动关系,故此处用现在分词作伴随状语。6anger分析语境可知,此处表示“我”尽力抑制住心中的怒火。根据空前的形容词性物主代词my可知,此处填名词形式anger,作动词短语hold back的宾语。7and此处表示“我”也累了,并且“我”也没吃早餐,分析句子结构可知,空前空后都是完整的句子,且此处表示并列关系,故要用and。8what分析语境可知,此处表示“看看我发现了什么”。分析句子结构可知,此处应用what引导宾语从句,在从句中作found的宾语。9to see根据语境可知,麦迪逊把它举起来,目的是让我看到。此处为目的状语,故要用不定式。10into分析语境可知,此处表示麦迪逊把糖果放进嘴里。固定表达put .into .“把放入”。.短文改错After school, as usual, I went back home. On the bus, I find a woman with a cute baby standing besides me and having difficulty holding on to the grab pole. In spite my own exhaustion, I rose from my seat and gave them away without hesitation to her and the baby. She thanked me several times sincerely, that made me feel extremely proud. I was realized my little favor could real make a difference to a person who was badly in need of it. Arrived home, I almost forgot my tiredness. I was lost in happinesses because I did a little for a stranger and gained a lot.答案:第二句:findfound; besidesbeside第三句:spite后加of; themit第四句:thatwhich第五句:去掉第一个was; realreally第六句:ArrivedArriving第七句:happinesseshappiness; andbut.书面表达假如你是李华,你的加拿大网友Mike圣诞节期间打算来中国,他对中国传统文化非常感兴趣,希望你能为他推荐一些名胜古迹。请你用英语给他发一封电子邮件,向他推荐一个或两个你所喜欢的名胜古迹。要点包括:1简介你推荐的名胜古迹;2叙述你推荐的理由;3表达你的祝愿。注意:词数100左右。 参考范文:Dear Mike,Im glad to know that you are ing to China during Christmas. The following is a brief introduction about some places of interest that I strongly remend to you.The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world and is visible from outer space. Because of its rich history and splendid appearance, the Great Wall attracts a lot of tourists, scientists, and historians.The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The view of the West Lake is simply charming. Different time and different weather make it a different scene.Look forward to your arrival. There are many other wonderful places here. Wish you a nice journey.Yours,Li Hua


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