2019-2020年高二英语 Unit 7《Born dying》说课稿 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 Unit 7Born dying说课稿 新人教版指导思想与理论依据:本课的设计思想是让学生掌握阅读的技巧文章整体理解法,从宏观上把握主旨。英语课程标准中明确指出了英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们磨练意志,陶冶情操,拓展视野,丰富生活经历,开发思维能力,发展个性和提高人文素养的过程。因此,本节课在特定的话题上对学生进行思想道德教育,培养学生的自主学习能力和合作精神,使学生在掌握一定的文章内容的同时,对艾滋病人这一特殊群体关注,关怀,在作业的设置上使学生学以致用,上网了解更多相关知识,把所学知识传播给周围的人,真正达到思想教育的目的。设计思路:本节课是一节泛读课,通过用姚明的一段公益宣传片引入话题-艾滋病。在文章处理上采用由略读,跳读到详读。用两种形状帮学生抓住文章两条主线,小华和艾滋病理清结构。在详读时,通过小组讨论,在合作中完成任务。在对课文的巩固阶段,利用首字母填空。升华部分是对学生的思想教育。让学生齐读一段艾滋病人的话,把气氛营造好了,对后来落实到行动上时,学生有感而发,带上红丝带寄托爱心,用不同的形式(写海报,誓言,编对话等形式)展示。最后大家一起站起来发誓,把本课推想高潮。落实在作业上。Teaching Aims:1.knowledge: to grasp the information about AIDS. to know the life of people with AIDS2.ability: to improve the students reading ability .to learn to cooperate with others.3.moral: to know how to care, share and show love .Key point: to grasp the main idea of the text and know to care about AIDS later.Difficult point: to retell the text Teaching Method: Task-based learning Teaching procedureStep I. Lead-in1. Show the picture to remind the students of SARS.2. Play the video., make the students know the topic of todayby asking two questions.1). What kind of disease are they talking about?2). The disease can not be transmitted via _,_,_.3. Introduce the terms AIDS and HIV. 4. A brief glimpse on AIDS There are lots of children in the world who are facing dead when they are bornToday, we will learn something about one of them .Step II. Reading 1. Skimming1). What is wrong with Xiaohua?2). What is AIDS?2. Finding paragraph 1). Write down the paragraph number after the main idea. the channels of transmitting HIV()the two main things AIDS patients suffer from()the definition of AIDS()Xiao Huas attitude towards life()Xiaohua is a person living with AIDS.()Many children bee infected with AIDS.()What Xiao Hua does as a young AIDS patient.() Answer: 3;6;2;7;1;4;52). Why using two different shapes ? Guide the students to think the two clues of the text.3.Carefully reading (group work )1). In what ways does AIDS spread?2). What about the treatment for AIDS?3). Where is the disease spreading fast? why ?4). What does Xiaohua do to help AIDS patient? 5). What is Xiaohuas attitude towards AIDSAnswer the questions above by filling in the form ( one group e to the front to type the answers ) and then retell .4. Blank filling Give the students the summary of the text and ask them to fill in the blank.( the first letter is given )Xiaohua is a happy teenager, but one of millions of children in the world living and d _ with AIDS. Xiaohua was i_ with HIV virus through b _. Xiaohua knows she wont have a c _ to live as long as her classmates. She tries her best to tell people how to p_ themselves and visits AIDS p_.She is trying her best to h_ them and cheer them up. She hopes that people can know more about the disease. She hopes she wont be treated as a bad or dangerous person. She wont let the disease destroy her h_. Instead, she believes her life can be b _.Possible answer : dying , infected, birth , chance, protect, patients, help, happiness, beautifulStep III. Voice from an AIDS patient1. Who is he? ( Nkosi Johnson, an AIDS patient, fought with AIDS , a hero) 2. Altogether read the words he spokeCare for us and accept us - we are all human beings. We are normal. We have hands. We have feet. We can walk, we can talk, we have needs just like everyone else - dont be afraid of us - we are all the same! Step IV. Peoples awareness1 Introduce the World AIDS Day and the Red Ribbon 2.Wear the Red Ribbon3.Watch some moving pictures about caring about AIDS .Step V. Showing our careChoose different ways to show our care to AIDS.( a play, a poster, write down an oath or something else)Step VI. Making an oath pare the oath I prepared and the students wrote, choose one to make .Step VII. Homework 1.Tell at least five of your friends about the information on AIDS2. Surf the internet to see what we could do. aids120 hivg999.net27802211


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