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2019-2020年高中英语必修5Unit2GrammarandUsage(1)1.disappoint(P29)disappoint Vt. to fail to satisfy someone or their hopes, desires, etc.; to cause someone to feel unhappy:使失望Im sorry to disappoint you, but Im afraid I cant e after all.We dont want to disappoint the fans.disappointed Adj. unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen:失望的We were deeply disappointed at/about the result.His parents were bitterly disappointed in/with him.She was disappointed (that) they hadnt phoned.He was disappointed to find theyd already gone.If youre expecting Dad to let you borrow his car, youre going to be sorely disappointed.disappointedly Adv. 失望地disappointing Adj. making you feel disappointed: 令人失望的What a disappointing result!The response to our advertisement has been somewhat disappointing.disappointingly Adv. 令人失望地The team played very disappointingly.disappointment N. 失望1) U the feeling of being disappointed:Book early to avoid disappointment.To her(great) disappointment (令她失望的是), he decided to leave.2 )C usually singular something or someone that is not what you were hoping it would be:The party turned out to be a huge disappointment.Im afraid Ive been rather a disappointment to my parents.2 One of the customs officers was watching the arrivals very closely.(P29) closely Adv. in a close manner 接近地,紧密地,严密地,密切地listen closely=listen carefullyThe two events are closely connected.Cf. close: Adv. leaving little space between, in a close position 位置接近地,无空隙地作副词时, close 常表示具体的距离的近。 closely常表示抽象意义。类似的还有:deeply, deep; highly, high; hard, hardly; wide, widely等。After 20 years of marriage, theyre still deeply in love.The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap.For our country to remain petitive, we need a highly-skilled, highly-educated workforce.think/speak highly of sb to admire/say ;admiring things about someone:Hes very highly thought of within the pany.close adj.1) having direct family connections or shared beliefs, support and sympathy:关系接近的,亲密的There werent many people at the funeral - just close family/relatives.Mira is one of my closest friends.Her relationship isnt good with her father, but shes very close to her mother.My brother and I have bee much closer over the years.2) not distant in position or time:时间空间等接近Dont get too close to that dog, Rosie.I hate people standing too close to me.As Christmas gets closer, the shops get more and more crowded.Emma looked close to tears (= almost going to cry).3) having only a small difference:相似,势均力敌的The election results were so close they had to vote again.He came second in the race, but it was very close.V.1) I or T to (cause something to) change from being open to not being open: 关闭Could you close the door/window please?Close your eyes - Ive got a surprise for you.2)I When a shop, restaurant or public place closes, people cannot go into it: 打烊The banks had closed (to customers) so I couldnt get any money out.The museum closes at 5.30.We cant get a drink! Its after (pub) closing time.closed Adj.1) not open:It might be less draughty if the door were closed.2) not open for business:All the shops were closed, so we couldnt buy any food.相关高考试题:(02北京)It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother. A. closeB. closelyC. closedD. closing解析:选A. 此处指具体的距离近。3. After all, they are limited.(P31)After all 1) in spite of what has been said, done or expected 毕竟,终究The rain has stopped, so the game will go ahead after all.2)it should be remembered 应该记住,别忘了I do like her - after all, she is my sister.all常用短语及搭配:at all (used to make negatives and questions stronger) in any way or of any type:根本,全然Is there any uncertainty at all about the way she died?Why bother getting up at all when you dont have a job to go to?all in all considering all the different parts of the situation together:从各方面考虑All in all, I think youve done very well. go all out to put all your energy or enthusiasm into what you are doing: 全力以赴The team went all out for a win.in all with everything added together to make a total:总计The bill came to 25 in all. by all means used to give permission: 当然可以,别客气May I borrow this book? By all means.above all: more than anything else 最重要的A clock must above all correct.all but: almost: 几乎The game was all but over by the time we arrived.all the same :despite what has just been said:仍然,还是It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a good time all the sameall of a sudden: INFORMAL very quickly:突然It seemed to happen all of a sudden - I felt dizzy and I just collapsedall too :used before an adjective to emphasize a negative meaning:The holidays flew by all too quickly.4. As a result, you impressed the audience.(P31)result N.1) C or S something that happens or exists because of something else:The road has been widened, but the result is just more traffic.His broken leg is the direct result of his own carelessness.2) C the information you get from something such as a scientific experiment or medical test:3) C the mark you receive after you have taken an exam or test:I finished my exams yesterday, but I wont know/get the results until August.4 )C the answer to a calculation in mathematics:We used different methods of calculation, but we both got the same result.5) C the score or number of votes, showing the success or failure of the people involved, in a petitive activity such as a sports petition or an election:We were expecting to win, so a draw was a disappointing result for us.6) C UK INFORMAL a win in a sports petition:The team needs a result to go through to the semi-finals.7) C usually plural a good or pleasing effect:Weve spent a lot of money on advertising and were beginning to see the results.Shes an excellent coach who knows how to get results.V. I to happen or exist because something else has happened:Teachers were not fully prepared for the major changes in the exam system, and chaos resulted.resulting Adj. before noun (FORMAL resultant)caused by the event or situation which you have just mentioned:The tape was left near a magnetic source, and the resulting damage was considerable.as a result of sth :because of something:He was late as a result of the triffic jam.As a result: thereforewithout result :in vain徒劳,毫无结果He tried to recall her name without result.result in sth: phrasal verb to cause a particular situation to happen:The fire resulted in damage to their property.His attempt resulted in failure.result from sth: phrasal verb.If a situation or problem results from a particular event or activity, it is caused by it:His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness.The terrible accident resulted from his careless.相关高考试题:(xx 江西)My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _, he could neither eat not sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. any way D. otherwise解析:选A. 马丁患了奇怪的病,因此不能吃不能睡。


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