2019-2020年高三英语 Unit 11《Key to success》说课稿 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语 Unit 11Key to success说课稿 新人教版一、教材分析 当今世界趋势倾向多元化,而其突出地表现在个人的创造思维和群体间的合作精神。为此,在中学阶段培养学生的合作意识,创造思维就显得尤其重要。本单元的中心话题是“成功的关键”内容涉及个性特征、个人品质、团队精神、成功之路、社会行为和社会关系等,语言技能和语言知识都是围绕这一中心话题设计的。通过本单元教学,学生了解了走向成功的诸多要素,明白团队精神在集体活动中发挥的重要作用。 1、Warming up 部分通过对一系列问题的讨论来确定自己属于哪一种人,具有怎样的品德和个性。目的是让学生学会谈论社会行为和社会关系。 2、Listening部分通过对三个问题的小组讨论来了解学生业余时间的安排。让学生通过对兼职工作的讨论初步了解团队精神。 3、Speaking部分首先向我们阐述了具有诚实,负责、可信这些品德给我们带来的益处,接着通过三个情境来对学生进行检测。 4、Reading部分是一篇关于团队工作的文章。通过阅读,让学生理解团队精神的重要性,知道一个团队应如何良好运转。 5、Language practice部分设计了系列练习,让学生在练习中巩固本单元所学习的重要单词和短语。 6、Integrating skills 部分讲述了李永红奋斗的经历,是让学生在阅读中理解成功的真正含义并让学生意识到每个人的成功之路是不同的,每个人都应选择适合自己的成功之路。 7、Writing部分是对李永红现象的反思。要求学生以书信的形式就李永红的选择发表看法。写一篇书信。 二、 教学重点和难点 (一)重点 1、词汇:重点单词和短语: criterion summary percentage questionnaire reputation colleague suspect staff temporary coach uncertain expectation decision rugby promise excite regulation bureaucratic dynamic shorting embarrass contradictory violent resign ambitious actual definite congratulate smooth finance bination bride shame hands-on decline oral stick with through thick and thin pull out of in reality keep an/ones eye on takeinto account as a whole once again live up to 2、Make the students be free to talk about social behaviors and social elations. 3、Understand the reading passage and can talk more about teamwork. 4、Improve the students reading and writing skills.(二)难点 1、How to make the students express their ideas freely, and let students solve some problems in daily life. 2. Help students improve their listening memory ability. 3. How to understand the reading passage better and grasp its main idea. 4. Master some new words and phrases, and know how to write a letter about success. 三。、教学目标 (一)语言知识 1. 话题:Talking about social behavior and social relations. 2. 功能:Expressing decisions and opinions. 3. 词汇:(见教学重点) (二)语言技能 1. 听:通过听Lisa和 Helen 以及Jeff和老师之间的对话,内化所学知识。要求学生在听的过程中,先预测问题的答案,再有针对性的进行听力训练,与高考题目同步。 2. 说:要求学生根据三个情景复习表达意图和决定的句型,进行讨论。 3. 读:要求学生理清文章的脉络和主要观点,继续训练各种阅读技能。 4. 写:通过本单元的学习,要求学生用书信的形式,表达对人生选择和成功的看法。 (三)情感目标 1. 通过阅读Teamwork这篇文章,帮助学生树立合作意识。 2. 通过学习和讨论何谓成功的话题,帮助学生形成对成功的科学看法,从而树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观。 三、教材重组 通过对教材的分析,结合高三复习计划的安排,我们准备用四课时上本单元,教材中的Warming up,Listening和Speaking部分谈论的都是人的品德和社会关系,可将这三部分整合在一起上。Reading 是本单元的重点,上一节课。教材中的Language practice是课文中的单词、短语填空,所以和课后练习整合在一起上词汇练习课。本课的Integrating skills和Writing整合成一节阅读写作课。 课时分配如下: lst Period Warming-up,speaking,and Listening. 2nd-Period Reading 3rd Period Integrating skills and writing. 4thPeriod Language Practice 本单元教学设计创新之处 始终坚持任务目标导说领先活动或讨论反馈或笔头落实环环相扣,逐步铺垫。 增减或改编了部分教材,讲练结合,当堂巩固,达到知识到能力的正向迁移。 设计合作学习和小组讨论的方式来提高学生合作学习意识和能力。 lst Period Warming-up,Speaking,and Listening. Teaching aim: 1. learn these phrases and words: criterion. colleague. staff. stick with through tick and thin. Pull out of. 2. Enable the students to talk about the qualities and personality they have. 3. Enable the students to talk about social behavior and social relations. Teaching difficult points: 1. Fill in the Listening chart. 2. How to solve the problems in students life. Teaching method: 1. Asking and Answering. 2. Discussing Teaching procedures: Step I: Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Do a test Suppose you are sitting on a bench and waiting for the bus, but suddenly your hat is blown away. What would you do then?(测试性格) 3. What kind of person do you think you are? 4. Discussion: What criteria do you use to accept people as friends?(in groups four) 5. Speaking. Tell students that having the reputation of being honest, responsible and reliable will bring benefits. Then ask the students to discuss the three situations on Page 93 to see if they have the reputation. 1)。 Imagine you are working in a big pany that makes digital cameras. One of your colleagues has stolen one during the lunch break. After an investigation by the police, another colleague who is known to have stolen things in the past is suspected of having stolen the camera. You know that the camera was stolen by one of your best friends. What will you do ? 2)。 During the summer you have taken a holiday job in your uncles food pany. While working there you discover that the management does not take proper measures to ensure hygiene and safety of the food products that are prepared in its kitchens and will be delivered to the customers. You know that as a result of this some people may suffer food poisoning. This has been standard practice in the pany for a long time, and all staff know about it. If you speak out, it will be easy for the boss to realize that it is you. What will you do? 3)。 You are taking care of your neighbours baby girl, while your neighbour is taking evening classes. You have just put the baby to sleep, when your classmate calls you about a problem with her puter. You try to help her, explaining how to solve the problem on the phone, but she says it doesnt work. Your classmate does not live very far away, and you think solving the problem wont take more tan ten minutes. To go there and e back by bike will only take about half an hour, and you will be back long before your neighbour es back from her evening class. What will you do. example: S1: I will tell the manager that it is my friend that has stolen the camera. T: If you do so. Arent you afraid your friends sadness? Maybe he doesnt want to make friends with you. S1: Because we are friends and we must be honest. But I will try my best to do it better, neither make the manger be angry nor let the friend embarrass. For example, 6. Discussion T: After that, we are clear that being honest, responsible and reliable will bring us benefits, and can let other people trust you. Besides that, how to let other people trust you in you daily life? Suggest answers: 。 Keep your promises. Put your words into action. Never boast. Say what you really think. Step II:listening. 1. Pre-listening. Q1: Do you think you are an outgoing boy? Q2: How do you spend your time after school? Q3: Do any of you have a part-time job? Why? Q4: Can you guess what the students in other Countries do after school? 2. Listening Listen to the summary of research into the ways of Chinese students in Auckland spend their leisure time. Then finish the chart. Frequency Doing homework Going to the cinema Going shopping Doing nothing at all None Hardly Little Sometimes Much Most All Listen again and write down the things working student spend their money on . Listen for the third time, write down the percentage of each thing. Draw a pie chart of the things working students spend their money on. Do True or False a. The survey was conducted among 400 foreign University students. b. The questionnaire has only one section. c. 40% of the students had part time jobs. d. Most of the students want to know different people by having part-time jobs. Homework: Preparing for the new lesson. 2nd Period Reading Teaching aims: 1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: temporary cooperate, uncertain, expectation, shorting, embarrass contradictory, for the sake of, keep an eye on, take something into account. 2. Improve the Ss reading ability. 3. Enable the Ss to realize that it is important to learn to co-operate. Teaching difficult points: 1. How to improve the Ss reading ability. 2. Master the following phrases and sentences. What if ? feel as if, for the sake of, keep an eye on, take sth into consideration. Teaching methods: 1. Skimming and Scanning methods 2. Individual, pair work or group work 3. Discussion. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Greetings and lead-in. T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Im sure all of you know the story about Three Buddist Monks, right? Ss: Yes. T: Now. lets see the story. Screen: 一个和尚 一只蚂蚁 三幅画 两个和尚 挑水 三幅画 几只蚂蚁 三个和尚 很多只蚂蚁 T:Whats the problem with the three monks? How do the ants work? S:The monks had no water to drink, while ants carried a lot of rice/food to their caves. T: So from these two groups of pictures, what have you learnt? S: Cooperation is very important. In other words, teamwork is very important.Step2 Pre-reading T: Now can you give me some examples about situations in our daily life where we must co-operate to acplish some particular tasks. (Show pictures on the screen at the same time) While talking about sports games. The teacher may ask the Ss to discuss them with partners according to the following question: What are the requirements for a sports team to function well? Several minutes later, ask some students to answer the questions. S: In my opinion, great skills are very important. S: I think a good coach is also important. S: I quite agree. But each member must love the team, because love is the strength. T: Not bad! What is the most important thing do you think for a team to win a match? S: Maybe the most important factor for all the players is to respect each other. T: Very good! I also think co-operation in a team is very important. Step 3 Scanning Get the students to prehend the passage quickly and accurately. Then choose the right answers according to the passage. T: We have just talked about some sports. We know cooperation is very important. Now we are going to study a passage that is about teamwork. Read the text quickly and choose the correct answers. Show the following on the screen. 1. In sports games, a player . A. often changes his role B. has a clear role C. feels that players with different abilities make different contributions to the team. D. accepts the same expectations and responsibilities as the other players 2. The author takes for example to show how a team can work well. A. the sports team B. the project team C. the rugby team D. a dynamic team 3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 7? A. How a project team is different from a rugby team. B. How a project team works. C. In a project team, people who have different abilities and personalities have different roles into team. D. How the tasks of the group are divided depends on personalities and abilities of the individuals in the group. 4. According to the text, which of the following statements is not right? A. The coach of a sports team is not counted as a team member, so he is less important. B. social relations are important within the team. C. the atmosphere in the group affects the performance of the team. D. Its not necessary for all team members to be friends. Several minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Suggested answers: 1. B 2.A 3. C 4.A Step 4 Skimming I. The purpose to read this passage: one is to learn some new works and phrases and the other is to let the students learn something about teamwork. In this part, Ss will read the text again and then work with their partners to get some detailed information. T: Now we are going to read the passage again and answer a few detailed questions on the screen. 1. Why are people sometimes made up a team to finish a job? 2. What is coachs job in a sports team? 3. Why is working in groups at school an opportunity to learn about teamwork? 4. What does the task division for the group depend on in a team? 5. What will the lack of recognition of differences in human functioning lead to? A few minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Suggested answers: 1. Because the job cannot be efficiently or effectively pleted by any member of the group alone. 2. A coach in a team needs to discuss strategy and make decisions about the position of the team. 3. Because group work makes up aware of the role that is most suitable for each of us. Practice also brings the benefit of getting experience working with other people. It teaches us to be patient and to respond to different personalities. 4. How the tasks of the group are divided depends on the personalities and abilities of the individuals in the group. 5. The lack of recognition of differences in human functioning will lead to much misunderstanding, conflict, and waste of energy. 。 Show the following form on the screen. Ask the students to divide the text into several parts and try to summarize the main idea of each part. A few minutes later, ask several students to give their answers. Suggested answers: Parts Main idea Part 1( Paras.1-2) What is a team. Part 1( Paras.3-4) Sports team. Part 3(。5) Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn about teamwork. Part 4( Paras.6-7) Project team. Part 5( Paras.8-10) How to make teams function well. Step 5 Post-reading Ask the students to read the text again and finish the exercises in Post-reading. T: Please read the passage again and finish the exercises in the Post-reading part. If necessary, you can ask your partners for advice. T: In the Pre-reading part, we have talked about the requirements for a sports team to function well. Now please list the requirements mentioned in the text. Any volunteer! S: Teams can only function well when all team members cooperate. S: The friendly atmosphere in a team. S: Each player should not be confused or uncertain of their roles. T: In the passage, the writer pares a project team to a rugby team. Now please finish the form. Suggested answer: Project team Rugby team Similarities They are both teamwork. All team members should respect, help and support each other. The tasks of the teams should be divided according to the personalities and abilities of the team members. Differences Team members may bine roles. The number of players is changeable. The purpose is to build buildings. The work division is clear and each player has a clear role. The number of players is not changeable. The purpose is to win a match. T: Do you think paring a project team to a rugby team creates s funny effect? Ss: Yes. T: Why? S:When we talk about a rugby team we will never think of a project team, but actually they have a lot in mon. Thats funny. In my opinion, they are similar on the surface but have fundamental differences. T: Yes. They are similar on the surface. Now who can pare two other things that are similar on the surface but have fundamental differences? Let me have a try. Take fight and wrestling for example. They are both bout of strength of two people. But they are quite different. First, their purposes are quite different. People fight because of sharp conflicts between them, and they fight in an illegal way. It is wrong to fight with others. However, wrestling is a popular kind of sports. People wrestle to make them stronger. T: Youve done so well. Thank you! Do you know the different roles in a project team? There are many different roles in a project team. They are leaders, builders, a foreman, an architect and so on. T: According to the author, some team members work best on tasks alone. Is this statement contradictory or not? S: No, its not contradictory. Because even in a team or group, some work must be done alone. For example, in a sports team, the position is mainly decided by the coach alone. When he/she makes a decision, if there are many people who want to make suggestions, maybe the coach will be confused. And it is the same with the architect in a project team. T: Excellent job! You have understood the text very well. Step 6 Discussion T: Weve learned about how to make teamwork well. Now can you give an example from you daily life to prove this inequation(不等式) “21+1”?(Teamwork is better than individual work), for example, studying in your classroom, doing cleaning in your dormitory(寝室),or at home. Please work in groups of four and choose one example to prove this, Five minutes later, lets see which group works best, OK? Step7 Summary The passage is mainly about the importance of teamwork. It tells us that teamwork is necessary and important because some work in our life cannot be acplished by someone alone. Working in teams at school is a preparation for our future. To make the team function well, all team members should help, respect and support each other and be clear about their roles. On the other hand, it is important to know every members strengths and shortings, because different personalities and abilities can fit different requirements in the society and can help us avoid embarrassing other team members. In this way, we can make the best of working with team members. Step 8 Homework


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