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2019-2020年高中英语课时跟踪检测八Unit4PygmalionLearningaboutLanguageUsingLanguage新人教版选修.单句语法填空1If we all agree to make a promise with each other when we are in disputes, wars are forever gone and we are surely living in peace.2The heavy work robs him of his free time.3She developed a musical (music) interest when she was young.4The disgusting (disgust) weather stopped us from having a good time outdoors.5We must take effective (effect) measures to prevent air pollution.6The refugees are in need of food, water and clothing.So urgent measures should be taken.7If our partner es, show him in.8At the end of the scene, the music faded out.9Whenever/When I see someone in need, I will spare no efforts to help him.10Secondly, if I were (be) you, I would take a walk in the evening with my friends.完成句子1You shouldnt_have_overlooked (本不应该忽略) such an important detail.2He was_robbed_of (被抢劫了) all his possessions on his way home last night.3That he didnt_show_up (未出现) made people present worried.4She said that she would_never_promise (不会妥协) with her opponent.5If I were you, I would_grasp_the_chance (就会抓住这个机会) to improve myself.6Do you realize how_disgusting_you_are (你多么令人反感)?7His smile faded_out (逐渐消失) as soon as he heard the news.8The patient is seriously in_need_of (需要) medical attention.完形填空One winter morning my husband, my son, and I went out to McDonalds.We were standing in line, waiting to be1,when all of a sudden everyone around us began to2away, and then even my husband did.As I turned around to see_3_they had moved I smelled a_4_“dirty body” smell, and there standing behind me were two_5_ homeless men.As I looked down_6_ the short gentleman close to me, he was“smiling”The second man fumbled (抚弄) with his hands as he stood behind his _7_.I realized the second man was _8_ challenged and he had to depend on the first gentleman _9_.I held my tears as I stood there with them. The young lady at the counter _10_ him what they wanted.He said,“Coffee is all,Miss.”Obviously, that was all they could _11_.If they wanted to sit in the _12_ and warm up, they had to buy something.They _13_wanted to be warm.I_14_ and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a _15_tray (托盘)I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a _16_ spot.I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the short gentlemans _17_ hand.He looked up at me with _18_ in his eyes and said, “Thank you.”As I walked away to _19_ my husband and son, my husband smiled at me and we held hands for a moment. That day I_20_ my husband, son, and all the people at McDonalds in my own way.We learned one of the biggest lessons:unconditional acceptance.语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。在一个寒冷的冬日早晨,在麦当劳餐厅,作者的善举使家人和其他顾客懂得:要学会去接受和关爱我们身边的每一个人。1A.fedBservedCwatched Dweled解析:选B作者一家人去麦当劳吃早餐,所以是排队买吃的东西,等着得到招待。2A.run BlookCback Dtake解析:选C从下文知,这两个流浪汉身上有股难闻的味道,所以大家往后退,避之不及。3A.why BwhereCwhen Dhow解析:选A作者转过身想看个究竟,大家为什么会纷纷让开。4A.rare BfamiliarCdifferent Dhorrible解析:选D因为是“dirty body” smell,当然非常难闻。5A.short BpoorCpolite Drude解析:选B既然是homeless,当然是 poor。6A.at BuponCfor Din解析:选A由第17空前可知,离作者近的第一个人很矮,所以向下看,故用look down at。look down upon sb.意为“看不起某人”,从后文知作者是个善良的人,故不合文意。7A.brother BfriendCneighbour Dassistant解析:选B由全文可知,这是两个相依为命的流浪汉,所以选B。8A.mentally BphysicallyCpletely Dpartly解析:选A从第7和第9空所在句来看,作者认为第二个人有精神障碍。9A.buying BstandingCliving Dearning解析:选C他精神不正常,只能依赖第一个人生活。10A.gave BtoldCshowed Dasked解析:选D从第一个流浪汉的回答“Coffee is all,Miss”来看,女服务员是问他们要些什么。11A.have BorderCafford Dneed解析:选C他们很穷,只想在这里取取暖,很显然,他们只买得起一杯咖啡。12A.shop BrestaurantCteahouse Dhotel解析:选B在麦当劳吃饭,所以应该是餐馆。13A.perhaps BjustCdirectly Dimmediately解析:选B由上一句可知,在这个寒冷的冬日,他们不是想在这里吃饱肚子,而只是想来暖和一下。14A.frowned BwhisperedCsmiled Dshrugged解析:选C作者是在跟女服务员买东西,所以当然是有礼貌地对对方“微笑”。shrug意为“耸肩”。15A.clean BbigCsame Dseparate解析:选D另两份早餐是买给那两个流浪汉的,所以叫服务员分开放在另外一个盘子上。16A.resting BeatingCchatting Dprotecting解析:选A他们想在这里取取暖,所以选个座位坐下来是把桌子当成了休息的地方。17A.thin BblackCdirty Dcold解析:选D这是一个寒冷的冬天的早晨,他们来麦当劳借买杯咖啡想暖和下身子,所以可推知此时他的手冰冷。若依前文“dirty bodysmell”就说他的手此时很脏,武断片面。18A.fears BtearsCsurprise Dshock解析:选B从他答“谢谢”可知此时他眼里充满了感激的泪水。19A.join Bjoin inCmeet Dmeet with解析:选A作者走开然后回到丈夫和儿子中间,join in 后接活动。20A.changed BencouragedCtouched Danswered解析:选C由上段末句“we held hands for a moment”和本段末句可知作者以自己的实际行动让丈夫、儿子还有当时在麦当劳的所有人大为感动。此处touch意为“感动”。.阅读七选五_1_It happens when too much rain falls and cant be absorbed by the soil.In that case, rivers burst their banks and the water spills onto the land.Strong winds blowing across the sea make huge waves that surge (涌动) onto the land and flood coastal areas.River floods happen when rivers and streams cant carry away the extra water that falls as rain or es from melting snow. _2_These floods destroy farmland, wash away peoples houses and drown people and animals.Towns and cities can also be flooded.Coastal floods can be caused by strong winds blowing waves onto the land._3_Very high tides and tsunamis also flood coasts.In many countries, large groups of people live along the coasts and for these people coastal flooding can be very serious.A flash flood is a quick flood caused by a sudden cloudburst or thunderstorm._4_In a very short time, huge amounts of water fall and the drains overflow in cities and towns.Flash floods also happen in mountainous areas, where steep slopes cause the water to travel at high speeds.The rushing water erodes (侵蚀) the soil, washing it away down the slopes.Floods sometimes occur when artificial structures such as dams fail.If the dam is poorly designed or built in a place where earthquakes and landslides (滑坡) occur, the dam will break and the water floods the land. _5_They can move themselves and some of their property to higher ground, or build barriers to keep the water out of their homes.Sometimes the water rises quickly and people get caught in the flood.Water gets into buildings causing damage, things are washed away, and people have to leave their homes.AFlood water enters houses.BIt often occurs rapidly and with little warning. CAn earthquake in the sea is another waterrelated disaster.DHurricanes and major storms produce most coastal floods.EIn this type of flood, water from rivers flows over the land.FWhen floodwaters rise slowly people have time to get ready.GA flood is a great flowing or overflowing of water onto land.答案:15GEDBF.短文改错Dear Mike,This summer I will go to study at the London University, but I dont know how to adapt myself for the new life.I hear that many freshmen are at loss what to do when they are in a new country.Feel lonely and homesick, they find it much harder to get use to the new culture, diet and climate.Most of them cant take well care of themselves in their everyday life.Beside,it is difficult to find a satisfied host.It is more difficult to fully understand what the teachers teach in class though they speak English all the time.Could you tell me how to deal with these problem so that I will be able to suit the university life in the future?Yours, Li Hua答案:第一句:去掉London前的the;forto第二句:在loss前加上a 第三句:FeelFeeling;useused第四句:wellgood第五句:BesideBesides;satisfiedsatisfying第六句:thoughsince/as/because第七句:problemproblems


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