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2019-2020年高中英语课时跟踪检测一Unit1LivingwellWarmingUpReadingLanguagePoints新人教版.单句语法填空1This river is seriously polluted and is not suitable (suit) for any fish to grow in.2I hope this summer holiday will be beneficial_ (benefit) to your study.3Only those species adapting (adapt) to the sudden great changes of their living conditions could survive.4Stop annoying (annoy) your mother. She is busy.5When he was riding a bike in the street, he had his arm injured (injure). 6His absence (absent) of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.7It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.8When he first got to the city, he was_made (make) fun of for his strong accent.9“For the sake of your health, you must cut out smoking and drinking,” said the doctor.10Some necessary equipment as well as food and clothes has_been_sent (send) to the disasterhit area since the powerful earthquake occurred.完成句子1他适合当推销员而不是部门经理。He is_suitable_to_be a salesman rather than a manager.2最近的研究表明,适当饮酒对健康有好处。Recent study shows that alcohol taken in moderation can_be_beneficial_to/benefit/be_of_benefit_to_health.3孩子们好的地方是他们非常容易适应新环境。 The good thing about children is that they adapt_very_easily_to_new_environments.4据说大家都为城市拥挤的交通感到烦恼。Everyone is said to_be_annoyed_by/about/at the amount of traffic in the city.5汤姆因病没去上学。Tom was_absent_from school because he was ill.6换句话说,英国人谈论天气是社会交往的一种方式。In_other_words,_English weatherspeak is a means of social bonding.7我们每个人都可以尽力减少我们国家的能源消耗。Every one of us can make a great effort to_cut_down the use of energy in our country. 8如果你跑得很快,你可能会喘不过气来。If you run very fast, you may_lose_your_breath/may_be_out_of_breath.9. 每次看到这些照片,我都会想起我们在一起度过的美好时光。I think of the happy hours we spent together every_time_I_see_these_photos.10这个小伙子希望和他爷爷一样过着俭朴的生活。The young man hopes to live as_simple_a_life_as his grandpa.阅读理解I am the third daughter in a family of five. I was born at Malden Hospital and was immediately sent to Floating Hospital in Boston. I had a hole in my heart and a low platelet count (血小板计数), which are mon problems of people with TAR syndrome (综合征). I came home for a short stay after my birth and then went back and did not return home until just before Thanksgiving. My parents have told me that after I was born our family doctor had a very important conversation with them. He said, “You have two choices with your daughter. One is that you do everything for her now, in the future, and after you die; the other is that you do nothing.” My parents picked the former.I do not have a great many memories of my childhood but I do remember I spent the first ten years in and out of hospitals. I do remember I stayed in the Boston hospital until I was around 2 years old and then I went to Shriners. I guess few children can bear that.Ive grown up with great determination. I think that was a personality trait that I was born with and then my family developed that in me as I grew up. I had to deal with a lot of people making fun of me, staring at me, and pitying me. At a young age I realized that I could hide my pain with laughter. So I used that method when other children made fun of me and they stopped a lot faster than if I cried. Laughter was not the expected response so I guess they didnt feel it was fun to continue. There was emotional and physical pain. I required the aid of a walker until I was about five years old. I had about ten major operations before the age of ten. I had to relearn to walk several times. I think having TAR syndrome has made me a strong person physically and emotionally. Despite these difficulties and challenges, I have gone on to be awarded a Masters Degree and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do (跆拳道), and I am now an inspirational speaker.1From the first paragraph, we can learn that .Athe writers parents knew about her disease before she was bornBthe writer didnt go back home until she was two years oldCthe writers parents found that they could do nothing for herDthe writers parents were brave enough to accept the cruel reality解析:选D推理判断题。根据第一段“. One is that you do everything for her now, in the future, and after you die; the other is that you do nothing.” My parents picked the former.可知,当作者的父母知道了她的病情后,还是选择为她做一切,由此判断他们勇敢地接受了残酷的现实,因此D项正确。2What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AThe authors born disability.BThe authors childhood memory.CThe authors great determination.DThe authors ability to deal with others.解析:选C词义猜测题。根据第三段首句“Ive grown up with great determination.”可知,作者认为她的决心与生俱来,然后在她的成长过程中,又得到父母的进一步培养,故选C。3When other children made fun of her, the writer would _.Aremain silentBshout backClaugh Dcry loudly解析:选C细节理解题。根据末段的“At a young age I realized that I could hide my pain with laughter. So I used that method when other children made fun of me .”可知,当受到他人嘲笑时,作者选择和嘲笑她的孩子一起笑,故选C。4According to the passage, we can infer that .Athe writer has a positive attitude towards lifeBthe writer does little exerciseCthe writer receives little educationDthe writer doesnt like to show her true feelings解析:选A推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“I think having TAR syndrome has made me a strong person physically and emotionally.”及作者之后取得的成就可知,作者对生活的态度是积极向上的,故选A。BWhy do some parents tend to hold back their disabled children from experiencing life? Even when they are grown, the parents will not allow certain things to happen. Its true that they do have a certain amount of responsibility in protecting their severely disabled adult children,but at what point do they bee overly protective?Parents want to create a safe haven, a place where they know that nothing bad will happen to their beloved children. This seems to be a respectable and notable act in caring for a person with a disability, but it can have a side effect.When protect their children from suspected hardships, not wanting anything bad to happen to them, they very well may be preventing good things from happening to them.In life we all make mistakes, it is how we are able to grow and strengthen our character.Parents may feel that in certain instances their children will get hurt or mistreated in some way, so they build walls in their own minds convincing themselves of the need to shelter.However, the disabled, yes even the “severely disabled” deserve to make personal mistakes as well.Even more, they have the right to succeed.Parents should do everything and anything within their power to see their disabled children lead a somewhat “normal”life.Parents should help their children, rather than hold them down.This could make them think they are unworthy and that their parents do not believe in them.Whatever it may be, let them at least try.If they want to attend college, so be it.Parents should find out all they can, and be involved in every detail.If they want to date and someday marry, so be it. Dont shut them out and from bad or critical opinions about them just because you are afraid.Unite as a family and make it work.语篇解读:本文是议论文。如今有些父母过度地保护自己残疾的孩子,然而这并不利于孩子的成长,作者建议父母要放手,让孩子们走向成功。5What side effect will it have when the parents overprotect their disabled children?ATheir children will never grow up in the future.BTheir children will find no shelter when they grow up.CTheir children will bee less confident when facing troubles.DTheir children will less likely meet with good things.解析:选D细节理解题。从第二段末句“When protecting their children from suspected hardships, . they very well may be preventing good things from happening to them.”可知,如果父母过度保护自己的孩子,他们也有可能阻止了好事情的发生,所以选D项。6What attitude does the author hold towards the parents who overprotect their disabled children?ASupportive.BObjective.CCritical. DUninterested.解析:选C推理判断题。从文章的内容可知,作者阐述了一个观点:过度保护残疾的孩子并不利于孩子的成长,即作者对过度保护孩子的父母持批评态度,所以选 C 项。7The suggestions in the last paragraph imply that_.Aparents should be a bridge, not a brick wallBparents should act as their childrens best friendsCparents should encourage their children to get marriedDparents should live in harmony with their disabled children解析:选A推理判断题。从最后一段的内容可知,父母应该转换自己的角色,要充当一座桥梁,让孩子去经历一些事情,而不要充当一堵把孩子和外界隔开的墙,所以选 A 项。8What is the best title of this passage?ALiving Within Parents PowerBLetting Your Disabled Child SucceedCGetting out of a Brick Wall in Their LifeDHelping Your Disabled Child out of Trouble解析:选B主旨大意题。如今有些父母过度地保护自己残疾的孩子,然而这并不利于孩子的成长,本文作者针对这一社会现象,建议父母要放手,让孩子们走向成功,所以选 B 项。 .语法填空It was a sunny day. A little boys father was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer while watching _1_ basketball match. Seeing this, the boy rushed to his father and shouted, “ Daddy, show me how to play catch!” The father, staring_2_ the television screen, replied, “ Let me finish watching the match. Play outside and e back in five minutes.”“Okay, Daddy !” said the boy, running out of the room.Five minutes later, the boy returned, _3_ (scream),“Daddy, lets play catch now!”By this time, the father had opened another cold beer and another match was beginning. _4_ (patient) with the boys interruption, the dad brought a magazine to his son. On the cover of the magazine was a large picture of the world. The father, who was angry and _5_ (bother), began tearing the magazine cover into small _6_. Then, the father turned to his boy and said, “ Son, once you put this picture back together, we can play catch, but do not interrupt me again _7_ you finish.”A few minutes later, the boy returned and said, “I _8_ (finish), Daddy! Can we play catch now?” Surprised, the father glanced towards his child, and _9_ lay the magazine with the world pieced perfectly together in his small hands. The dad asked his child how he put the world together so quickly.“_10_ was simple,” said the boy. “On the back of the world was the picture of a person, and once I put the person together, thats when the world came together.”答案:1.a2.at3.screaming4.Impatient5bothered6.pieces7.until/before8.have finished9.there10.It/That/This


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