2019-2020年高中英语 unit3 fashion-grammar教案 上海牛津版S2A.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit3 fashion-grammar教案 上海牛津版S2A一、章节分析(一)综述本章节主要语法包括两个时态-一般现在时和现在进行时, 以及形容词、副词的比较用法。要求学生充分理解使用上述两个时态的基本情境;而形容词和副词的用法上除了复习其比较级和最高级的基本形式以外,着重强调它们在不同语境中的使用,以及与它们有关的句型和惯用法。(二)目标在时态方面,使学生理解何时必须用一般现在时,何时用现在进行时。在形容词、副词方面,在巩固原有知识的基础上,使学生熟悉它们的比较级和最高级在一些特定句型中的应用。(三)教学方法 结合分析法与归纳法,创设不同情境,配合补充练习,使学生掌握这部分语法。(四)重点和难点由于时态和比较级、最高级都是学生比较熟悉的语法,因此,在复习的基础上,教学重点应放在综合应用和拓展上。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Tense处理一般现在时和现在进行时,教师可通过学生熟悉的动词填空练习引导学生回忆这两个时态的使用情境。可通过学生分组讨论对一般现在时和现在进行时的用法作出归纳总结。一般现在时:l 表示经常性、习惯性的动作l 表示客观真理或表达观点l 表示按计划、规定要发生的动作或时刻表l 用于条件状语从句、某些时间状语从句l 某些特殊动词常用此时态(表示感觉、心理、情感的动词,表示占有、包含的动词)现在进行时:l 现在正在进行的动作l 目前阶段一直在做的动作l 经常重复做的动作l 某些表位移的动词应用此时态表将来(e, go, move, fly, leave等。)学生归纳之后教师进行必要的补充与总结。关于这两个时态的教案请见链接1牛津英语教学参考S2A牛津英语 S2Aparisonsl 可让学生进行热身练习, 应用形容词或副词的比较级和最高级。学生归纳比较级和最高级的形式。l 在此基础上,练习以下句型:asasnot as/soasthe more, the morel 修饰比较级的词l 拓展:1) 倍数的表达法 2) 比较级的否定(表示最高级概念)关于此部分的教案请见链接2Exercises and homework课本练习结合教师补充练习题。教师提供的补充练习题请见链接3 链接1说明:以下是一份关于一般现在时与现在完成时的复习巩固与拓展的教案。The simple present tense and the present continuous tensel Warming-up Exercises: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs.1. The earth _ around the sun. (move)2. We _school uniforms at weekends. (not wear )3. The train to Beijing _ at seven this evening. (leave)4. Will they put off the sports meet if it _ tomorrow? (rain)5. The manager will see you as soon as he _ back. (e)6. I _ a pain in my back. (feel)7. Many people _ in ghost. (believe)8. The melon _ more than 5 pounds. (weigh) 9. I _ French at present. (learn)10. The boy _ always _ puter games. (play)11. The president of the pany _ to London next week. (fly)12. We have heard that Tom _ to the country. (move)Key for reference: 1. moves 2. dont wear 3. leaves 4. rains 5. es 6. feel 7. believe 8. weighs 9. am learning 10. is, playing 11. is flying/will fly 12. is movingl Group discussion by students Objectives: to find out on their own the usage of the simple present tense and the present continuous tense.l Teachers analysis and summaryl Consolidation翻译:1 他们正开展一场宣传运动为希望工程筹款。2 在这个城市可以看到越来越多的方便残疾人的设施。3 即使你陷入困境,我们也会支持你的计划。4 请带上运动鞋,万一你要做运动。5 只要你按照医生的指导服药,你会很快复原的。6 时尚是很大的生意。7 另我恼火的是,我的女儿老是在买很贵的流行物品。8 这本小说描述了一个青年的探险经历。Possible answers:1. They are launching a campaign to raise money for the Hope Project.2. More and more facilities for the disabled can be found in the city.3. We will support your plan even if you run into trouble.4. Please take your trainers in case you do exercise.5. You will recover soon as long as you take the medicine according to the doctors instructions.6. Fashion is very big business.7. To my annoyance, my daughter is always buying expensive items in fashion.8. The novel describes the adventure of a young man.链接2说明:以下是一份形容词与副词的比较级与最高级的用法以及其拓展知识的教案。parisonsI. Warming-up1. Ask the students to look at the two pictures below, and plete the sentences using the parative and superlative degrees of adjectives.l Suppose the laughing boy is called Tommy, and the other Jimmy.Tommy is _ than Jimmy.Tommy looks _ than _.(Possible ideas from students: happier, older, younger, more interested in something in front of them, )l The three kids are respectively named Alice(left), Dick(middle) and Irene(right).Alice (is) _ of the three kids.Irene (looks) _ of the three kids.Dick (is) _ of the three kids.(Possible answers: the oldest, the youngest, the happiest, in the worst mood, wears the most beautiful clothes, obeys their mother best,)2. Ask the students to conclude the basic forms of parative and superlative degrees. er, more, (the) most, less, (the) least3. Sum up some words which can be used in front of paratives and superlatives.a bit, much, a little, a lot, rather, far, even, still, etc. (in front of paratives)by far, much, very (in front of superlatives)II. Sentence patterns with adjectives.1. Introduce the following sentence patterns by means of describing the pictures above. Jimmy is as old as Tommy, but not as/so happy as Tommy. Irene is a bit taller than Dick, but not as(so) tall as Alice. The more Irene pares herself with Alice in height, the unhappier she will get. The longer I observe the two pictures, the more fascinated I will be with cute kids.2. Ask the students to do pair work, trying to produce more sentences based on the above patterns. asas not so/asas The more, the moreIII. Expanding knowledge1. The expression of times20cm60cml The teacher introduces this by means of the above illustration.The ruler on the left is shorter than the one on the right. The ruler on the left is not as/so long as the one on the right. The ruler on the left is one third as long as the one on the right. The ruler on the left is one third the length of the one on the right. The ruler on the right is 3 times as long as the one on the left. The ruler on the right is 3 times the length of the one on the left. The ruler on the right is twice longer than the one on the left.l Consolidation翻译:1) 爷爷年龄是我的三倍大。2) 这个小西瓜只有大西瓜的四分之一重。Possible answers: 1) My grandfather is three times as old as I.My grandfather is twice older than I.My grandfather is three times my age.2) The small watermelon is a quarter as heavy as the big one.The small watermelon is a quarter the weight of the big one.2. paratives used in the negative1) Ask the students to paraphrase the following sentences based on their understanding of them.l Nothing is more fascinating than the story of Harry Potter.l Oh, I have never been to a dirtier place than this one!l In my opinion, the traffic in this city couldnt be worse.l Nobody is taller than I in my class.2) Guide the students to get conclusions about the function of paratives used in the negative,链接3说明:为对学生的时态知识和形容词副词的比较级、最高级等形式进行巩固,提供一份附加练习。More Exercises:1. That doesnt sound very frightening. Paul, Ive seen _. What did you like most about the film? A. better B. worse C. best D. worst2. Its believed that _ you work, _ result youll get. A. the harder; the better B. the more hard; the more better C. the harder; a better D. more hard; more better3. John is the tallest boy in the class, _ according to himself. A. five foot eight as tall as B. as tall as five foot eight C. as five foot eight tall as D. as tall five foot eight as4. David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels _ desire to go to bed. A. the most B. more C. worse D. the least5. Does Bill do his new job well? _ his old job. Im afraid theres no hope for him.A. Not better than B. No better than C. Not so well as D. Not as well as6. The book seems to be _ a dictionary _ a grammar.A. morethan B. asthan C. moreas D. likethan7.Did you hear that little Tom is running for Students Councilrepresentative?Yes, but of all the candidates, he is _ to win.A. last B. the least C. the least likely D. last likely8.I wonder why Mary is so unfriendly to us. She is _ than unfriendly, Im afraid.A. shyer B. much shyer C. shy more D. more shy9. Ann is _ than I.A. a head shorter B. taller a head C. shorter a head D. a head tall10. _ the worse I seem to feel.A. When I take more medicine B. The more medicine I takeC. Taking more of the medicine D. More medicine taken11. The new reservoir is _ the old one.A. the size of five times than B. the size of five timesC. five times big than D. five times the size of12. The Chinese Educational Department suggests teachers should receive _ education to catch up with the _ development.A. farther; late B. farther; later C. further; lately D. further; latest13.When will you e to see me,Dad?I will go to see you when you _ the training course.A. will have finishedB. will finishC. are finishingD. finish14. I feel it is your husband who _for the spoiled child.A. is to blameB. is going to blameC. is to be blameD. should blame15.He has been writing the position the whole morning and he still _.A. has beenB. does C. hasD. is16.If city noises _ from increasing,people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.A. are not kept; will have toB. are not kept; have toC. do not keep; will have toD. do not keep; have to17.You cant move in right now. The house _.A. has paintedB. is paintedC. is being paintedD. is painting18.Is this raincoat yours?No,mine _ there behind the door.A. is hangingB. has hangC. hangsD. hang19.Have you got your test result?Not yet. The papers _.A. are not correctingB. have not correctedC. are still being correctedD. have already been corrected20.Dont take the magazine away. It _ me.A. is belonged toB. belongs toC. was belonged toD. is belonging to(Key for reference: 1B 2A 3B 4D 5B 6A 7C 8D 9A 10B 11D 12D 13D 14A 15D 16A 17C 18A 19C 20B)


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