2019-2020年高中英语 模一第4单元教案 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 模一第4单元教案 新人教版必修1Topic: Earthquakes Teaching aimsLanguage knowledge1.知识目标(Knowledge) 词汇(Vocabulary):shake, rise, crack, burst, well, smelly, pond, steam, destroy, ruin, injure, survivor, brick, useless, shock, quake, rescue, electricity,disaster, organize, bury, coal, mine, shelter, fresh, percent, honor, prepare. 短语(Phrases and expressions):right away, at an end, lie in ruins, be trapped under sth, to the north of sp, put up, give out, wake sb up, prepare sth for sth., think little of sth. 语法(Grammar):定语从句(The Attributive Clause).能用英语描述任务的特征、行为等- 由who/ whom/ whose/ that引导;能用英语描述事物、事件的性质、内容等- 由which/ that/ whose引导。Language skills1.能运用所学语言知识描述地震前兆、危害及震后援救;2.根据已知信息推测将要听取的材料的内容;3.提高阅读技能和用英语进行思维、推理、判断的能力; 4.学习朗读中连读和略读的技能5.掌握演讲稿的格式及新闻报道的写作步骤和要点。Cultural consciousness了解世界各地的自然灾害和大地震的情况, 了解有关地震的知识,地震的成因,征兆,损失,救援等,启发学生国际援助意识Affect& Attitude学习唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神;在教学活动中培养学生的合作精神和互助精神。Learning strategies认知策略:总结语言材料中有关运用定语从句的语言规律并加以运用交际策略:运用定语从句来提高信息传达的准确度调控策略:培养小组合作学习的能力资源策略:指导学生通过各种渠道如报纸、杂志、图书馆和网络等资源查找有关素材,培养信息社会收集查找资料的能力。Teaching key points1. 本单元重点词汇,句型的用法.2. 定语从句的使用3. 掌握演讲稿的格式和语言表达方式Teaching periodsPeriod 1 Words and expressionsPeriod 2Pre-reading, Reading, prehendingPeriod 3Summary and ExplanationPeriod 4GrammarPeriod 5Using language reading and writingPeriod6&Period7Extensive ReadingRevision and TestPeriod 1 Vocabulary learningTeaching aims1. Get students to learn new words and expressions in unit4.2. Help students pronounce words correctly and master the usages of some key words.Key points and difficult points help the students to remember the meaning of words and expressions; grasp the usages of key words Teaching methods speaking and practicingTeaching tools A tape recorderTeaching processStep1 Listening and reading 1) Play the tape for the students and ask them to follow the tape, paying attention to the pronunciation of words and expressions. 2) Get students to read aloud Step 2 Explanations1.right away: immediately, at once, right now, in no timeeg: He is ill; you should call in the doctor right away. The police will be here right away.2.burst v.(burst burst) to break open or apart, esp. because of pressure from inside:to make sth break in this way. 使爆裂,胀开eg. The balloon will if you blow it up any more.1. The dam under the weight of water.2. He felt he would with anger and shame. (恼羞成怒,快气炸了)3. a pipe / Dont the balloon.burst into 匆匆进入;突然开 eg:1) He burst into the room. 2) All at once, she burst into tears. = She burst out crying.burst into laughterburst out laughing 3.event n. eg: That was an important event. I must finish the whole work today at all events/ in any event. 无论如何 In the event of rain, the sport meeting will be put off. 倘若、万一4. as if/ as though: in a way that suggests sth.似乎,好像,仿佛eg. 1)He behaved as if nothing had happened. 2)Its my birthday. As if you didnt know. 3)He looks as if he were an artist. 4)It seems as if the meeting never ende5.at an end = e to an end: finished and no longer continuing.完结eg.1) The job came to an end last month. 2)The war was finally at an end.6.ruin: vt. &n. v. i) to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure, etc. to spoil sth. 毁坏,破坏, 糟蹋 eg. The bad weather ed our trip.ii) to make sb /sth lose all their money, their position etc. 使破产,毁灭eg. The country was ed by the war. in ruins:destroyed or severely damaged 破败不堪,毁坏, 严重受损eg.1) Years of fighting have left the area in ruins. (满目疮痍) 2)The village was in ruins.fall into ruins 成为废墟 bring to ruin 使毁灭ruin oneself ruination n. 毁灭,毁坏 / ruined eg. a ruined castle 破烂不堪的城堡 7. injure : to harm oneself or sb else physically, esp. in an accident.伤害,使受伤 eg.1) LiuXiang d his ankle while he was training.2) He got injured in a traffic accident last year.3)She was injured badly in the accident.她在这次意外中受到重伤。injured adj. physically hurt, having an injure. (受伤的,有伤的) the injured 受伤的人 eg. an d leg / an d look/tone 委屈的样子/语调 injury n. 伤害,损坏 8. destroy v. to damage sth so badly that it no longer exists, works etc摧毁,毁灭,破坏eg: 1)The fire destroyed all my books. 2)They destroyed all the enemies in this country.destruction n. eg. weapons of mass (大规模杀伤性武器) 9. shock v. &n. v. to surprise and upset sb 使震惊,使惊愕eg. 1)We were all ed at the news of his death. / I was shocked to hear that he had gone . 2)She died of shock after an operation on her brain. 休克 3) The news was a great shock to him. shocking adj. a shocking accident shocked adj. They were greatly shocked at the news.10. rescue n. & vt. rescue sb/sth from sth/sb: v. to savefrom a dangerous or harmful situation营救,援救,抢救eg: 1)The policemen are carrying out a rescue. 2) We rescued him from the enemys camp.n. the act of the saving / the fact of being saved 获救,营eg. sea rescue / rescue workers/boats11.trap vt. & n. v. (often passive) to keep sb in a dangerous place or bad situation that they want to get eg:1) She was trapped in the burning house. 2)They finally trapped the mouse in a cage. 3)I knew the question was a trap, so I didnt answer it.trap sb into sth / doing sth = to trick sb into sth 使陷入圈套,使中计,eg. He felt he had been trapped into accepting the terms of the contract. 接受合同条款be trapped in 困住 fall into a trap落入圈套 set a trap 设圈套12. dig (dug dug digging): to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine. to dig for coal / gold / Romans remains(遗迹) dig out (of sth) 挖掘出,发现eg. I wanted to dig the truth out of him.(探出) dig up 1)挖开 eg. dig up the football field2)挖出eg. An old Roman vase was dug up here last month. 3) discover information about sb/sth发现揭露13. bury (buries, burying, buried, buried) vt. 1)to place a dead body in a grave埋葬,安葬 2)to hide sth in the ground eg. buried treasure bury sth in sth 使陷入 eg. He buried his face in his hands and wept. (掩面而泣) She always has her head buried in a book. (埋头读书) bury oneself in sth: to give all your attention to sth. 专心致志于某事 eg. Since she left, hes buried himself in his work. 全心扑在工作上14. a (great) number of : a lot of, plenty of , quantities of, a good many a large amount of, a great deal of .15. shelter n.eg: We took shelter from the storm in a coffee shop.Parents always try their best to give their children shelter. 庇护、保护They live a happy life under the shelter of the government.在的庇护/保护下 16. damage n. &vt.eg:1) The storm did a lot of damage to the crops. 2) Eating too much meat one time will cause damage to your stomach. 3)Smoking can damage your health.17.frighten vt. Did the noise frighten you?frightened adj. The frightened child cant helping crying.frightening adj. a frightening experience 18.judge n. & vt.eg: 1)The judge sentenced him to death. 2)Dont judge a person by/ from his appearance. 3)Judging from his accent, he must be from the south. 4)Judging from what he said, he must be an honest.19. congratulation n 1)(with on)an expression of joy for sb. success, good fortune, luck, etc. : 庆贺,祝贺,常用复述形式,并与介词on搭配,构成短语congratulations on sth. /doing . 2)Congratulations ( on your winning the races)!恭喜(你获得了胜利)!I offered my congratulations on his success. 我对他的成功表示了祝贺。3)congratulate v. (with on.) to speak to ( a person) with praise and admiration for a happy event or sth. successfully done: 意为“向某人表示祝贺,向某人道贺”,构成短语congratulate sb. on sth. /dong. congratulate oneself that结构中:We congratulated him on having passed the examination.我们祝贺他通过了考试。He congratulates himself on having chosen a good woman to be his wife.他暗自庆幸自己挑选了一位贤惠的女子作妻子Step3Consolidation Ss deal with exercises in the newspaper, check answers with all the class.Homework Finish exercises about phrases in the textbook and the paper.Note after class Period 2 A Night the Earth Didnt SleepTeaching aims 教学目标1. To talk about natural disasters, get Ss to know basic knowledge about natural disaster.2. To read about earthquakes. 3. Make sure Ss master usage of new words.Ability goals 能力目标 Let students know the sequence of events Enable students to find the main idea and the details of the reading material by using different reading skills. Emotional goals 情感目标 help students to know what a correct attitude towards a disaster is and what they should do to help other peopleTeaching important points 教学重点Present a sequence of events to introduce the functional item to the studentsGet students familiar with new wordsTeaching difficult points 教学难点Teach students how to analyze and appreciate an articleTeaching methods 教学方法Discussion, task-based teaching and learning, group petition, fast reading and careful readingTeaching aid 教具准备A puterStep1 Pre-reading by talking and sharing Show Ss some pictures about natural disasters and ask them: Have you experienced any natural disaster? Look at the pictures Can you name all the disasters?fire, typhoon, flood, tsunami, volcano, eruption, avalanche, drought, earthquake.firefloodA brainstormMud-rock flowtsunamilandslideearthquake Natural Disasterstyphooncycloneavalanchedroughtvolcano eruptionsandstormStep2 Warming up 1. Show a picture of a beautiful city. Ask Ss what can you see in the picture. (tall building, cars, and buses, beautiful gardens, wide and modern roads and clean river.)2. Imagine there has been a big earthquake in these two cities(Tang Shan and San Francisco)What might happen to all the things in the photos? If a big earthquake happened, the whole cities might be in ruins. Large quantities of tall buildings were / might be destroyed (collapse). The broad and busy roads were / might be cracked / destroyed. People might be / were injured / killed. Thousands of people will /might / lost their homes. The city was / might will be in ruins.Step3 Pre-reading1. Imagine there is an earthquake now. Your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Is it money, water, fruits, mobile phones, a torch light or anything else?(why?)2. Talking and sharing.What do you think may happen before an earthquake? Talk about the pictures on Page25.1) The well walls have deep cracks. 2) The farm animals will too nervous to eat.3) The rats might run out of the field.4) The fish will jump out of ponds.5) Bright lights can be seen in the sky.6) The water ( in the river or see ) will rise and fall.7) A smelly gas will e out.8) Noise sound can be heard.9) Water pipes will crack and burst.3. Show Ss the plates of the stone on the earth.Step4 Word Study See if Ss have know new words in this Units:1) pipe a thin metal piece that carries water2) dam a special wall that keeps water behind it3) shocked worried or frightened4) injured hurt5) well a deep place to store water to drink6) canal a very long water way for boats7) ruins the part of a building left after the rest has been damaged8) a great number of a lot of 9) at an end finished, dead10) bury put something under the earth11) rise go up 12) rescue help to get someone out of danger13) steam gas that hot water gives outStep5 Reading1) A night the earth didnt sleep. Strange things were happening in the countryside in northeast Hebei.Tell the Ss, a news about the strongest earthquake in Chinas history, which happened in Tangshan, Hebei, in 1976.2) Fast-readingAsk Ss to read the passage quickly and pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. Ask questions: Q1 In what order was the passage written? (Time order)Q2 What is general idea of the passage? Something happened before the earthquake, during the earthquake and after the earthquake. 3) Detailsn strange thingsn well watern well wall and smelly gas n farm animaln bright light and noisy soundn water pipesn people thought little of them Para1 Q Do you think which is the topic sentence of this paragraph? Ask Ss to find the topic sentence and details in Para1.Sructuren Topic sentence n Supporting details 1n Supporting details 2n Supporting details 3n Supporting details 4n Supporting details 5n Result:Show a picture of sleeping people.Para2 Q1 Is this a serious earthquake? Fill in the blank with proper words: At 3:42am everything began to shake. It seemed that the world was at the end. Eleven kilometers directly below the city the great earthquake of the 20th century began, it was heard in Beijing, Which is one hundred kilometers away. One-third of the nation felt it. A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals. Steam burst from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. Two-thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more 400,000.Q2 Do you think which is the topic sentence of Para2? Structure of the 2nd paragraph.n Topic sentence The greatest earthquake of the 20th century.n supporting detail 1 influenced area-one-third nationn Supporting detail 2 a huge crackn Supporting detail 3 steam in the ground n Supporting detail 4 hard hills of rockrivers of dirt n Supporting detail 5 a large city in ruinsn Supporting detail 6 one-third people died or injuredn Supporting detail 7 thousands of families /killedn Result (summary) total of the dead 400,000Show picture of the earthquake on July 28th, 1976 in Tangshan of Hebei.Para3 Task1 Q How do you know that everything everywhere was destroyed? n Give us some examples.n Hospitals /factories /buildings /homesn Bricks:n Dams /railwayn Cows:n Pigs and chickens:n Another big earthquake:n Workers and doctors:n More buildings:n Water/ food/ electricityResult feeling of survivorsTask2 Match each word to the number that has the same meaningn A 90%n B 10,000n C 1,000,000n D 150,000n E 75%n F 1/3n G 500,000n H 2/3 n 1 one million n 2 two-thirdsn 3 one-thirdn 4 seventy-five percentn 5 ninety percentn 6 ten thousandn 7 one hundred and fifty thousandn 8 half a millionPara4 Q1 Can you find the topic sentence of Para4? Q2 Why does the writer say all hope is not lost. n First, the armyn Secondly, the armyn Third, to the north of the cityn Fourth, workersn Last, fresh waterStructure of the 4th paragraph n Topic sentence all hope was not lost n Supporting fact 1 the army / help n Supporting fact 2 rescue the victims(灾民)n Supporting fact 3 dig out the trappedn Supporting fact 4 most of the 10,000miners / savedn Supporting fact 5 put up sheltersn Supporting fact 6 offered fresh watern Result:(summary) slowly, the city began to breathe again.Step6 SummaryThe whole passage can be divided into three parts. what are they and their main idea?Part 1 (para1) strange things happened in Tangshan before an earthquake. Part 2 (para2-3) the destroy of the earthquake in Tangshan.Part 3 (para4)the rescue of TangshanStep7 True or false( )( )( )( )( )People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didnt go to bed that night. People in Beijing also felt the earthquake. More than 400,000 people were killed in the quake. Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock. People tried to get fresh water from under the ground. A. the army came to help them.B. the quake happened while they were sleeping.C. they were nervous.D. dams and wells were useless.E. they didnt know the quake caused the strange eventsSep8 Read the passage again carefully and do this exercise. Join the correct parts of the sentences.1 The chickens didnt eat because 2 Before the earthquake the people didnt worry because3 Such a great number of people died because4 Water was needed because5 The people did not lose hope becauseStep9 Number each of these things during the Tangshan earthquake. Give 1 to the first thing that happened and 5 to the last thing that happened_ _ Brick buildings were destroyed._The walls of the village wells had cracks in them._Shelters were put up for those with no homes._ Roads got huge cracks._The army helped the survivors.Show a picture of Tangshans new look: buildings, quiet lake, a hall, broad road and the centre of the city.Homework 1. Retell the text. 2. Finish exercises about new words in the textbook.Note after class:Period3 Summary and ExplanationTeaching aim Get the Ss to learn and grasp the important new words and expressions, such as shake, right away, believe in, rise/ raise, burst, as if/though, at an end.Teaching method Teaching and discussion. 1. What do you think may happen before an earthquake? Wh- + do you think/ believe/ suppose + 句子的其他部分(陈述语序) eg: What should I do to learn English well? What do you think I should do to learn English well? Who do you think is the top player in this football team? When do you think we shall begin our class? What present do you suppose she has got for your birthday.2. imagine vt. ( not usually in progressive) to form a picture or idea in your mind about what sth could be like想象imagine sth eg. Close your eyes and a tropical(热带) island. sb doing sth eg. I can just my daughter singing on the stage.doing sth eg. Can you living without electricity. sb /sth to be sth eg.I imagine him to b ea doctor. as eg. I him as a big tall man. . that-clause eg. Try to that youre a tourist arriving in London for the first time.3. rise (vi)to increase in number amount or value升高,上涨,日/月/雾/河水/温度/物价等上升eg. The sun rises and sets every day. / He rises very early every morningThe water of the river rises up. / Prices have risen surprisingly.rise -rose- risen vi. 升起,上升,上涨Fraise -raised-raised vt.举起,使升起,提高eg. The price of fruit is still rising.Peoples living standard has been greatly raised.4. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. v-ing 作句子伴随状语eg. He came in, thinking about what he should say (一边考虑他该说什么).5. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.too + adj./ adv. to do 1)太以至于不能 eg: The child is too young to go to school. 2)与某些表示心情的词或描述性的词连用时,表示肯定意义,too相当于very much,如:ready, glad, pleased, surprised, easy, willing等。 eg: I am too glad to accept your invitation. 3)在too前加上only, but, all, simply, just时,表示肯定意义。 eg: They are all too willing to take the opinions of others. 4)与never, cant连用时,表示肯定意义,“非常,不会不,再也不为过,越越好”。eg: Its never too late to learn. You cant be too careful to cross the street.6. burst v. & n. 爆发, 突发 eg. The water pipes cracked and burst. into + n./ burst out + v-ing 突然唱起歌来 / 哭起来/ 大笑起来 burst into songs/tears/laughterout laughing /crying / s


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