2019-2020年高中英语 Unit20 NEW FRONTIERS单词.典句.考点 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit20 NEW FRONTIERS单词.典句.考点 北师大版选修61. assist vt. 帮助;协助经典例句 Li Hua has been assisting me with my English.李华一直帮助我学习英语。The designer asked me to assist him in designing a new building.设计者要我协助他设计一座新建筑物。考点聚焦1)派生词:assistance n. 协助, 援助, 补助; assistant n. 助手, 助教2)同义词:help vt. 帮助3) 固定搭配。assist sb. with/in doing/sth. 帮助某人做某事。如:I assist my mother with/in doing housework every Sunday.我每个星期天帮助我妈妈整理家务。4)assist vi. 帮助;协助, 常和介词with/in连用。He assisted in designing the new bridge.他协助设计那座新桥。5)assist vi. 到场, 出席,参加,和介词in/at连用。如:She refused to assist at the reception for reasons unknown.不知什么缘故她不肯出席招待会。We assisted at the graduation ceremony last Monday.上周一我们参加了毕业典礼。6)短语:assist sb. to his feet搀扶某人站起来活学活用1. 选词填空Dont be nervous. The police will _ you in finding her address. (assistant,assist)答案:assist2. emotional adj. 感情的巧记提示 emotion(感情)-al(形容词后缀)经典例句 Sometimes emotional problems might lead to serious results.有时候情绪问题会导致严重的结果。考点聚焦1)派生词: emotionalize v. 使激动, 使动情;emotionally adv. 在情绪上;emotionless adj. 不露情感的, 没有情感的。2)emotional adj. 感情的。如:Winning gave us emotional satisfaction.获胜给予我们感情上的满足。3)emotional adj. 易动情的;感情脆弱的。如:She is an emotional actress.她是个善于表达情感的演员。活学活用2. 汉译英他的动人的演说鼓励了我们。_答案:His emotional speech encouraged us.3. technical adj. 技术的巧记提示 technic(技术, 手法)-al (形容词后缀)经典例句 To build this machine,you must have technical ability.要制造这台机器,你们必须有技术能力。考点聚焦1)派生词: technicalize vt. 使技术化, 使专门化; technically adv. 技术上, 学术上, 工艺上; technician n. 技术员, 技师2) technical adj. 技术的,工艺的,技能的。如:He is looking for a technical job.他正在寻找一个技术性的工作。活学活用3. 单项填空The job calls for _ skill.A. technicallyB. technicianC. technicD. technical答案:D4. handy adj. 方便使用的巧记提示 hand(手)-y(形容词后缀)经典例句 The school is close to our houses, so it is quite handy for the children.学校离我们家很近, 所以孩子们上学很方便。A vacuum cleaner is a handy household tool.吸尘器是一种方便使用的家庭用具。考点聚焦1)同义词:useful adj. 有用的,有益的2)反义词:unhandy adj. 不方便的3)handy常和介词for连用。常作表语或定语。如:This is a handy little safety box. 这是一只方便使用的小保险箱。This house is handy for the market. 这房子离市场很近。4)固定搭配:sB. be handy with. . . 某人善用某种工具sth. is handy. 某物就在附近sth. e in handy. 某物迟早有用活学活用4. 汉译英王老师善于言谈。_答案:Mr. Wang is handy with words.5. shortly adv. 不久;很快巧记提示 short(短的)-ly(副词后缀)经典例句 I shall be seeing him shortly.我不久就会见到他。Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested.过了没有多久, 警察截住了那辆汽车, 两个贼都被抓获了。考点聚焦1)派生词:shortly adj. 立刻;不久;简短的2)合成词:shortsighted adj. 近视的, 眼光短浅的;shortwave n. 短波;shortweight n. 重量不足, 短斤缺两3)短语shortly after. . . 之后立即;shortly before. . . 之前不久。活学活用5. We left shortly after six and we arrived _ the film started.A. shortly beforeB. short afterC. soonD. at once答案:A6. assess vt. 评价;评估经典例句 Damage caused by the flood to the village was assessed at $40, 000.洪水给这个村子造成的损失估定为4万美元。考点聚焦1)派生词:assessment n. 估价, 被估定的金额2)assess常用于被动结构,后面接介词at。如:The annual ine of teachers in this place was assessed at900.这地方的学校教师的收入为900美元。3)assess vt. 征税, 罚款。如:They assessed a tax of 300 yuan on me last month.上个月他们向我征税三百元。4)注意下列短语的用法:assess sb. at. . . 给某人估算assess tax on sb. s property对某人的财产征税assess sb. s efforts评价某人的工作活学活用6. 汉译英现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。_答案:It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation.7. invest vt. 投资巧记提示 in(在里)+vest(衣服)经典例句 The state has planned to invest two millions in the dam.国家计划投资两百万元修建这个大坝。考点聚焦1)派生词:investable adj. 可供投资的2)invest vt. 投资, 投入。如:He invested all his money in his education.他把钱全部投入他的教育中。3) invest vt. 投入精力、时间等, 常与介词in连用。如:Ive invested a lot of time and effort in this plan.我已在这计划中投入了大量的时间和精力。She invested in a painting.她投资于一幅油画。4)invest vt. 笼罩;包围。如:Fog invests the city.大雾笼罩城市。The enemy invested the city and cut it off from our army.敌人包围了城市, 并把它同我们的部队隔绝。5)invest vt. 授予, 和介词with连用。如:The trade union is invested with the power to call a strike.工会被授予号召罢工的权力。活学活用7. 单词拼写He i _ a lot of money and time in trying to help disabled children.答案:invested8. rescue vt. 拯救;救援经典例句 He rescued three children from the burning building.他从失火的建筑物中救出了三个孩子。The life boat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.救生艇被派出去救沉船的水手。考点聚焦1)派生词:rescuer n. 救助者;rescuee n. 被营救者;rescuable adj. 可营救的, 可救援的2)rescue sb. /sth. from v. 营救某人。如:We rescued the boy who fell into the river.我们救起了掉进河里的小孩。3) e to sb. s rescue= go to sb. s rescue进行援救. 如:We came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river.我们来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。4)短语:search and rescue搜索和营救rescue party援救队9. original adj. 最早的;起初的巧记提示 origin(起源)+-al(形容词后缀)经典例句 Who was the original owner of this house?谁是这座房子最早的主人?The original price of the car was a bit too high.这辆汽车的原价太高了一点。考点聚焦1)派生词:originate vt. 引起; vi. 起源;originally adv. 最初, 原先;origination n. 发源2)original adj. 有独创性的,新颖的。如:He is an original dramatist.他是个有独创性的剧作家。3)original adj. 原作的, 原本的。如:This is an original painting by Picasso.这是一幅毕加索的原作。4)original n. 原物, 原著, 原画The original of this picture was nowhere to be found.这幅画的原作已无处寻觅。He can read Shakespeare in the original.他能读莎士比亚作品的原著。活学活用8.This is the _ painting, and these others are copies.A. copiedB. writtenC. technicalD. original答案:D10. operational adj. 操作中的;即可使用的巧记提示 operation(操作)-al(形容词后缀)经典例句 This is an operational microscope.这是一个尚能使用的显微镜。The newly designed rice transplant will soon be operational.新设计的插秧机不久即可使用。考点聚焦1)词根operate vi. 工作,运转,vt. 操作;同根词:operation n. 手术,操作。2)operational adj. 操作的;运作的,常作表语或定语。如:The language laboratory is not operational yet.语言实习教室还不能使用。3)牢记下列短语:operate on sb. for some disease对某人施手术operate on ones mind在思想上产生影响operate a sewing machine使用缝纫机operate a business经营一家企业e/go into operation开始生效in operation工作中;使用中;有效活学活用9. 单项选择When will the new law be _ ?A. e into operationB. operated onC. operationD. operational答案:D11. donate vt. 捐赠;赠送经典例句 He donated 100, 000 yuan to the Hope Project for these whose cannot afford their education.他把100,000元捐献给了希望工程,供上不起学的孩子用。考点聚焦1)派生词:donation n. 捐赠;捐赠物2)donate vt. 捐赠;赠送,是及物动词,常和介词to连用,接捐赠物作宾语。如:The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.这个商人捐给医院很多钱。She donated her books to the library.她把自己的书捐赠给图书馆。3)牢记短语:make a general donation to向慷慨捐助。如:The businessman made a general donation of money to my school.那个商人给我校捐了很多钱。活学活用10.As is well known, she has _ her books to the library, which is a great help to our school.A. offerB. donatedC. givenD. supplying答案:B12. correspond vi. 通信经典例句 Have you been corresponding with him since you graduated from the university?大学毕业后,你一直和他通信吗?考点聚焦1)派生词:correspondent n. 通讯记者, 通信者;corresponding adj. 相应的, 通讯的2)同义词:municate vi. 沟通, 通信3)correspond vi. 通信, 常与with连用。如:I had to correspond with my friends by letters 20 years ago while the Internet is more convenient today.20前,我和我的朋友们靠书信交流,然而,现在,有了网络方便多了。4)correspond with与一致,等于,与相似。如:These goods dont correspond with my order.这些货物与我的订货单不符。The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国国会相当于英国议会。活学活用11. 单词拼写Youd better c with us regularly, or we will be worried about you.答案:correspond13. meanwhile adv. 同时巧记提示 mean(意义)+while(时间)经典例句 Bob spent fifteen months alone on his yacht. Ann, meanwhile, took care of the children on her own.鲍勃独自在他的游艇上待了十五个月。在这段时间,安一个人照顾孩子。考点聚焦meanwhile作“同时”讲时,是不可数名词,in the meanwhile相当于in the meantime“在此期间”。如:Jane was writing a letter and in the meanwhile Pat was watching TV.简在写信,同时帕特在看电视。In the meanwhile Ill visit an old friend of mine.在这期间,我将去拜访我的一位老朋友。活学活用12. 单项填空Mother went shopping, _ I cleaned the house.A. ifB. meanwhileC. MeanwhileD. when答案:B14. outspoken adj. 直言的;坦率的巧记提示 out(出来)spoken(被说)经典例句 Mr. Wang is an outspoken person so that we all like him.王先生是一个直率的人,因此,我们都喜欢他。考点聚焦1)派生词:outspokenly adv. 坦率地;outspokenness n. 直率,坦率2)同义词:frank adj. 坦率的3) outspoken adj. 直言的;坦率的, 常作表语和定语。如:The meeting chairman asked us to be outspoken in our remarks.会议主席要求我们在会上直言不讳。活学活用13.The teachers expects his students to be _A. spoken outB. outspokenC. speaking outD. out speaking答案:B15. fade vi. 逐渐变弱经典例句 The smoke and fog faded out as the sun appeared.太阳出来了,烟雾渐渐消失了。The color fades out when exposed to light.这颜色曝光后会褪色。考点聚焦1)fade out 逐渐变弱,常常指颜色逐渐消退、声誉渐渐淡化、云烟逐渐消失。The lights and music faded as we set sail from the harbor.当我们从海港起航时,光线逐渐变暗,音乐声逐渐减弱。2)牢记相关短语:fade in电影画面或广播声音渐现,淡入fade away消失;逐渐减弱;褪色fade up渐强(指电视、广播中的声音)。活学活用14.The memory of her sufferings in her childhood will never _ from her mind.A. fade outB. take outC. eat outD. get out答案:A16. primitive adj. 原始的经典例句 Primitive people often lived in caves.原始人常常住在山洞里。考点聚焦1)同义词:original adj. 最初的, 原始的2)反义词:present adj. 现在的, 出席的;modern adj. 近代的, 现代的3)primitive 有两方面的含义:表示处于远古时代的事物。如:Primitive man made tools from sharp stones and animal bones.原始人用尖石块和动物的骨头制造工具。表示某工具粗糙、简陋。如:The natives of that region still live in primitive straw huts.那个地区的居民依然住在古老的茅草屋里。3)注意下列短语的对应意义:primitive weapons简陋的武器,modern weapons现代武器primitive societies原始社会,modern societies现代社会a primitive lifestyle简陋的生活方式,a modern lifestyle现代生活方式primitive medicine原始医药,modern medicine最新的医药活学活用15. Living conditions in the village are still quite _.A. modernB. primitiveC. theoreticalD. far-reaching答案:B17. permanent adj. 长久的;永久的经典例句 In business, there is no permanent enemy but there is only permanent interest.在商业上,没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益。考点聚焦1)派生词:permanently adv. 永久地;长期不变地2)同义词:eternal adj. 永久的, 不朽的3)反义词:temporary adj. 临时的4)permanent adj. 长久的, 持久的,强调某事物是一成不变的,含有unchangeable之意。常常作定语或表语。如:Drinking seems to have bee a permanent fixture in his life.喝酒好像已经成为他生活中的一部分了。5)permanently adv. 长久地,持久地。如:The terrible accident left him permanently disabled.那次可怕的事故使他永久残废了。6)词组:a permanent mittee常务委员会permanent address永久地址a permanent job固定职业活学活用16. 用词的适应形式填空1)As time goes on, it is impossible that one does a _ (permanent) job in one place.2)The doors were kept _ (permanent) locked.答案:1)permanent2)permanently18. permitvt. 允许;准许经典例句 Parents should not permit their children to smoke.父母不应该准许他们的孩子们吸烟。考点聚焦1)permission n. 许可, 允许;permissibly adv. 得到许可地, 获准地2)同义词:allow vt. 允许3)反义词:forbid vt. 禁止4)permit vt. 允许;准许,后接名词或动名词。permit doing sth. 允许做某事。5)permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。6)记住短语:if my health permits如果我的健康状况容许的话if my time permits如果我的时间容许的话if circumstances permit如果环境允许7)permit n. 许可证;执照活学活用17. 汉译英情况不许可我帮助你。_答案:Circumstances do not permit me to help you.19.press vt. 按;压经典例句 He pressed the doorbell.他按了门铃。Just press this button, and youll start the engine.只要按一下这个按钮便可启动这台发动机了。考点聚焦1)派生词:pressure n. 压力2)近义词:push vt. 推动3)press vt. 挤压,榨取, 与out of, from,through连用。如:He pressed his way through the crowD.他挤过人群。4)press vt. 熨;熨平。如:Ive pressed your trousers with the iron.我用熨斗熨了你的裤子。5)press vt. 迫;迫使;进逼,常与on, upon连用。The debts pressed on him.债务威逼着他。She pressed her guests to stay a little longer.她极力劝说客人们再待一会儿。活学活用18._ this button to start the engine before you start your car.A. PressB. PressingC. To pressD. Presses答案:A20. declare vt. 宣告;宣布经典例句 The president declared at the meeting that he would support the idea of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.总统在会上断言要支持美国国家航空航天局的计划。考点聚焦1)近义词:announce vt. 宣布,宣告。2)派生词:declaration n. 宣布,宣言,申报,declarer n. 宣告者3)declare vt. 宣告,宣布,常与that连用。如:I declared at the meeting that I did not support him.我在会上声明我不支持他。4)declare vt. 作“宣称”讲时,常接决定、计划等名词作宾语。5)牢记短语:declare war on/against对宣战declare for sb. 声明支持某人declare against sth. 声明反对某事declare in favor of sth. 声明赞成某事declare off宣布作废, 毁约, 宣布退出declare oneself发表意见, 表明态度;宣布自己的身份6)辨析:declare,announce,publish 和proclaim四者都含“明确地声明或宣布的意思”。declare经常用于正式场合, 指“清楚, 有力地, 公开让人知道”。如:He declared his intention to run for office. 他宣布了自己参加竞选的想法。announce指“把人们关心或感兴趣的事正式公布于众”。publish指“通过口头和书面方式让公众都知道”。proclaim用于公共或正式场合, 特别指“重大的事件”, 着重指“庄严地向广大群众宣布”或“严肃认真地申明”。活学活用19. 单项选择The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ open, the whole world cheered.A. declaredB. have been declaredC. have declaredD. were declared答案:D


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