2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 The Olympic Games教案.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 The Olympic Games教案Teaching aims:1. Topic Ancient and modern Olympic Games; physical education2. Useful words and expressions:honest ancient pete petitor medal host Greece Greek magical interview athlete admit set (n.) slave stadium gymnasium replace prize silver physical root relate sail poster advertise foolish promise goldentake part in a set of as well as one after another3. Functional items:a)Talking about interests and hobbiesWhat are your hobbies? What do you like doing in your free time? How do you bee good at them? What is enjoyable about this hobby? What have you learned from this hobby?b)Agreement and disagreementI think that. I dont think that . I agree I dont agree Im sure that . Im not sure whether Do you think that?There is no doubt that.4. StructuresThe future passive voiceWhen and where will the next Olympic Games be held?The xx Olympics will be held in China.Teaching proceduresPeriod 1 (Reading) Step 1. Warming up1. Show the Ss the video of the opening ceremony of the 28th Olympic Games held in Athens on August 14th, xx.2. Ss say something about the Olympic Games.3. Ss finish the chart on page 9.Step 2. Pre-reading1. Let the Ss discuss the three questions in pre-reading. 2. Collect answers from the Ss.Step 3. While-reading1. First listen to the tape, paying attention to pronunciation and intonation, and try to get the general idea of the passage.(It tells us the differences and the similarities about the ancient and modern Olympics.)2. Ss read the passage and answer the following questions:1). What upsets Pausanias about the modern Winter Olympic Games?2). What amazes Pausanias about the modern summer Olympic Games?3). Why does Pausanias think Athens, Greece and Beijing, China should feel proud?4). Why does Pausanias think people may be peting for money in the modern Olympic Games?5). What makes Pausanias happy about the modern Olympic Games?3. Ss read the whole passage and fill in the table on page 11.Step 4. After-reading1. Ss discuss what they have learned.Suggested answer:Through the parison between the ancient and modern Olympic Games, we have learned the differences and the similarities between them. Know we can have a deep understanding of the games. From the passage, we can also know that the Olympic Games are developing and improving. Its our duty to make the Olympic games better and healthier. We know that the principal in xx Beijing Olympic Games is Green Olympic Games. It shows that people are paying more and more attention to our environment. In the ing Olympic Games, what will you do?2. Ss discuss: what will you do for the ing xx Beijing Olympic Games?Homework 1. Recite the key sentences in the text.2. Retell the text.Period 2. (Language learning and grammar)Step 1. Revision Ss try to retell the text, using their own words.Step 2. Language points 1. host (v.) 2. are to be held3. admit (v.) admitted admitted be admitted to be admitted as4. as well as5. marry sb. be/get married to sb.6. make sure thatStep 3 Discovering useful words and expressions1. Ss read the text and finish exercise 1 and 2 on page 11 and 12.2. Ss read the passage on page 12, part 3 and try to plete it with appropriate words.3. Ss do exercises 4 and 5 on page 12.Step 4. Grammar: The future passive voice 1. Show the Ss the following sentences, then change them into passive voice.1). I do my homework.2). I have finished my homework.3). I am doing my homework.4). I will do my homework.The basic form of the passive voice: be + P.P.1. Ss read the sample on page 13 first and make one poster by themselves using the passive voice.2. Ss finish the rules for the Olympic Games on page 13.Step 5. Practice Ss do Wb using structures: exercise 2 on page 50. Homework 1. Review what they have learnt about the future passive voice.2. Finish Wb exercises 1 and 2 on page 49.3. Finish using structures, exercise 1 on page 49.Period 3. Extensive Reading Step 1. Revision Check Ss homework. Step 2. Reading (P14)1. Ss listen to the tape to get the general idea.The main idea:The story is about a princess who races to marry the man that can run faster than her. In order to win the race, a man asks for help from the Goddess of Love.2. Ss read and finish True of False questions.3. Check the answers.Step 3. Reading (page 51)1. This reading material includes three different topic about the ancient Olympic Games. Now read the first part and tell the main idea of it.The main idea:It describes the opening ceremony of the ancient Olympic Games.2. Ss read the second part and the third part and get the main ideasMain idea for the second part: It tells us the training life of a successful athlete and the records that he got for winning the match.Main idea for the third part: A woman was discovered in the Olympic Games. She aroused some argument. A law was passed that women were not allowed to take part in the Games.3. Ss read again and fill the form on page 52.Homework Find the sentences which use the future passive voice from the passage.Period 4. Listening Step 1. revision Check the homework1. I will only be marries to a man who can run faster than me.2. If he cant run as fast as me, he will be killed.3. No one will be pardoned.4. Why will they let themselves be killed?5. Throw an apple in front of Atlanta when she is running past and she will be relaxed.Step 2. Listening (page 15)1. Ss are asked to read fast the sentences in part 2 to get the general idea to choose the best answer.2. Listen to the tape again to number the events.3. Listen to the tape again and pause at key sentences. Then check the answer.Step 3. Listening task (page 51)1. Ss read the sentences in part 1 quickly.2. Play the tape three times and check the answer.Step 4. Listening (page 48)1. Teacher can say something about marathon.2. Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions on page 48.Homework 1. Finish part 2 on page51.2. Read the listening material after class.Period 5. Speaking Step 1. Revision Check the homeworkStep 2. Speaking (page 15)1. Get the Ss carry out a survey of the interests in the class and write down the names of the Ss who have the same interests. 2. The Ss who have the same interests sit together and work in groups of four to talk about their interest.3. Ask some groups to act their dialogue out.Step 3. Talking (page 48)Now turn to page 48. Look at the requirements first to know what you should do. Do you agree with this idea? Give your opinions using the following expressions. I think that I dont think that I agree I dont agree Im sure that. Im not sure whether. There is no doubt that .Do you think that?Step 4. speaking (page 52)1. Divide the class into groups of three. Ss discuss their training plan.2. Ss write their training plans in the form on page 53.Period 6. Writing Step 1. Pre-writing Ss read the requirements on page 16.Step 2. Writing (page 16)Ss write down what they have to do to study a hobby and tell the others the good things and the bad things.Suggested writing: Swimming is my favorite sport. I like it because it can bring me much fun. The process of learning swimming is very interesting. You can try different ways of swimming, such as breaststroke and backstroke. You can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hokt summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim, youll feel cool and fortable. Even in cold winter, you can swim if you are brave enough. If you are a beginner, you must be careful. Youd better not swim alone and bring life buoy with you in case of danger. If you want to be a good swimmer, you must have a lot of practice and have great determination.Step 3. Writing task (page 53)1. Suppose you are a coach, and you are coaching a student to prepare for a ing petition. He has practiced for some days. You need to write a report to tell him what he needs to practice to improve further. Now talk about the form and discuss them with your team members.2. Now write a report with suitable expressions according to what you have discussed just now.3. Choose one to read his/her report in class,Homework Finish the project on page 53.Period seven Teachers can use this period freely.Suggestion: Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldnt understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish checking yourself. It is very important to improve their learning.


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