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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习基醇点聚焦Unit24Society北师大版选修1.willing adj.乐意的2.achievement n.成就3.volunteer n.志愿者4.aggressive adj.有进取心的5.determination n.决心6.attractive adj.有魅力的7.distinguished adj.杰出的8.cooperate v.合作9.virtue n.美德10.responsibility n.责任11.harmony n.和谐12.conflict n.冲突13.with a strong will有坚强的意志14.do research on对做研究15.be determined to do sth.决心做某事16.do a good deed做好事17.in need of需要18.share.with.与分享19.set an example to为树立榜样20.be beneficial to对有好处1.One day, on her way home, Li Hua came across an old man lying on the ground, seriously injured in the leg.一天,在回家的路上,李华看到一个老人躺在地上,腿部伤得很重。2.Well spend some fun time together singing,dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy.我们会花时间一起唱歌、跳舞和玩游戏,我们希望能使他们快乐。3.Using a laptop, I can keep in touch with my friends and family through emails and QQ at any time.使用笔记本电脑,我可以在任何时候通过邮件和QQ与朋友、家人保持联系。(xx东北三省四市模拟)当今社会很多人想助人为乐却有所顾虑,请你给二十一世纪英文报写一封信,讲述你的同学李华在放学途中帮助一位摔伤老人的事情。要点如下:1.事情的经过;2. 你的感想。Dear editor,Nowadays, an increasing number of people are reportedly unwilling to help others. However, Li Hua acted differently.One day, on her way home, Li Hua came across an old man lying on the ground, seriously injured in the leg. She immediately stopped, called 120 and practiced first aid. Soon, the ambulance came. When everything was OK, she left for home.Such is Li Hua, a helpful, positive and optimistic person. Although there might be misunderstanding or even trouble when we do good, I strongly believe that she has done the right thing. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to help people in need. Also, helping others means helping ourselves in a sense, doesnt it?Yours,Reader1homelessness n无家可归2currency n.货币3ownership n.所有权4vacant adj.未住人的,空置的5bare adj.赤裸的6choke vi.窒息,噎住7virtue n.优点,长处8framework n.结构,构架9poster n.海报10edition n.版本11fragrant adj.有香味的12thirst n.口渴13swing vi.摇动14merchant n.商人15suck vt.含在嘴里吮食1voluntary adj.自愿的2deposit vt. & vi. 存储,储蓄3govern vt.统治,管理4burden n. 重担,负担5resign vt. & vi.辞职6shrink vi.(使)收缩,缩小7collision n.相撞8skip vt.跳过9cast vt.投下10undertake vt.着手做,从事11squeeze vt.挤12fine n.罚款13sentence n.判决14relay vt. 转达;传送15abolish vt.废除1abundant adj.大量的abundance n大量2signature n签名sign v签名;打手势 n招牌;迹象;符号3govern vt.统治,管理government n政府;管辖,治理4accumulate v积累accumulation n积累;聚集5adjustment n调整,调节adjust vt.调整,调节,使适应6delete vt.删除deletion n删除7elect vt.选举,推选election n选举8merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的mercy n宽容,仁慈9consequently adv.所以,因此consequent adj.作为结果的consequence n结果;后果10. diverse adj.各种各样的 diversity n多样性 用所给词的适当形式填空1If you move to a new city, youd better adjust yourself to it. Sometimes, it is hard to make some adjustments. (adjust)2The new government is governing the country well and it makes its government well received by the people.(govern)3The leader was angry at factory closures and the consequent loss of local jobs and was worried about the consequence. Consequently she resigned.(consequent)4I asked the young man to delete the records and he said that the records had been marked for deletion(delete)5The young man has killed an abundance of wildlife and he wont escape being punished,for the evidence is abundant. (abundant)1e_into_being形成,存在2wind_sb.up故意惹恼(某人,尤指开玩笑)3show_off炫耀,夸耀4knock_into_sb.撞上某人5break_into闯入6on_principle根据原则7sentence_sb.to_death判某人死刑8be_well_off/better_off过得好/过得更好9take.seriously认真对待10above_all最重要的是;首先11do_away_with废除;取消12to_start_with首先13play_an_important_role_in.在中起重要作用;在中扮演重要角色14contribute_to促进,有助于15take.into_account考虑,注意,体谅16keep_an_eye_on注意,留意 选用上面的短语填空One night,a young man 1.broke_into a rich womans house and took away many treasures and a large sum of money.Later,the young man was caught and 2.was_sentenced_to three years.To everyones surprise,the young man used to be a good student at school and he 3.took_his_study_seriously.4.Above_all,he was very polite to others,if he 5.knocked_into someone,he would say sorry to that person.Everyone wondered how he had bee such a person later.1not.but.不是而是Not increased happiness,but stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.【仿写】你是谁并不重要,重要的是你为这个社会做了什么。It is not_who_you_are_but what you have done for the society that matters.2its high time that sb.did sth.到某人做某事的时候了As a society,its high time that we took these issues more seriously.【仿写】是我们该注意孩子的心理健康的时候了。It_is_high_time_that_we_paid_attention_to the childrens mental health.3would rather后接从句时,从句应该用虚拟语气Id(I would) rather you didnt mention that.【仿写】太乏味了!我宁愿没有看过这部电影。Its so boring! I_would_rather_I_hadnt_seen_the_film4what if是连词词组,意为“要是怎么办”,位于句首,引导条件状语从句What if some married people have affairs?【仿写】如果你今天抢购不到火车票怎么办?What_if you cant make a panic buying the train ticket today?5make宾语宾语补足语结构表示“使”They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which made it easier to keep an eye on peoples movements.【仿写】在当今时代,网络使人们更容易了解世界。In modern times,the Internet makes_it_easier for people to know about the world.说服的不同表达方式单句语法填空1It is high time that we put(put) away our toys and went to bed.2We demanded that we (should)need(need) more time to relax after the test.3If I were you,I would_go(go) and say sorry to your classmate.4Your hair is so long.Youd better go(go) to have it cut.5I would rather you came(e) tomorrow,for I am too busy now. abundantadj.大量的;丰富的(教材P137)There have also sadly been abundant cases of violence at home.令人伤心的是,在国内也有大量的暴力案件。(1)be abundant in富有;丰富(2)abundance n.丰富an abundance of.丰富的;许多的in abundance大量;富裕 We took an abundant supply of food with us when we went hiking in the mountains.我们远足登山的时候带了充足的食物。South Africa is a developing country which is abundant in natural resources.南非是一个自然资源丰富的发展中国家。基础练习单句语法填空(1)The apple trees are abundant in fruit.(2)The country has an abundant supply of fossil fuels.能力提升句型转换Although the country is small,it is rich in minerals.(3)Although the country is small,it_is_abundant_in minerals.(abundant)(4)Although the country is small,there_are_minerals_in_abundance(abundance) burdenn负担,重担vt.(使)担负(沉重或艰难的任务、职责等)(教材P34)Instead,they feel like a burden because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them.相反,它们就像一种负担,因为我们每月都要将挣来的大部分钱拿出来支付贷款。(1)be a burden to是的负担bear/carry/share the burden承受/担负/分担重担(2)burden sb./oneself with sth.装载;使负担be burdened with.负重;为所累 Since we are parents,we bear the burden of looking after all the family members.既然我们身为父母,我们就得承担起照顾家人的责任。While working in the countryside,he prepared himself to be burdened with a lot.在乡下劳动时,他为今后承担重任做好了准备。(江苏高考)The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.近年来学生的负担是一个热门话题, 但父母的负担却很少有人关注, 尤其是来自自己子女的关怀。巧学活用一句多译他整天为没完没了的论文所累,没有时间帮你。(1)He was_burdened_with endless paperwork,so he didnt have time to assist you.(2)Burdened_with_endless_paperwork,he didnt have time to assist you.(用过去分词作状语) resignvt.& vi.辞职,辞去;使顺从(教材P35)His boss insisted that he work longer hours so he resigned.他的老板坚持要他更长时间地工作,所以他辞职了。resign ones job/position辞去工作/职务resign from从辞职 resign as.辞去的职务 resign oneself to (doing) sth.顺从;使自己安于(做)某事 He made it clear that he would not resign from his present position.他清楚地告诉人们,他不会辞去目前的职位。He has resigned himself to the fact that he will lose his job.他已经接受了自己将要失去工作这一事实。巧学活用一句多译据我所知,他辞去了委员会的职务。(1)As far as I know,he resigned_from_the_mittee(2)As far as I know,he resigned_as_a_member_of_the_mittee undertake vt.(undertook;undertaken)着手;从事;承担;保证;同意,答应;负责(经典例句)We must act as quickly as possible now.Just tell us whether you can undertake the task or not.现在我们必须尽快采取行动。你就告诉我们你能否承担这项任务吧。undertake a task 承担任务undertake to do sth.同意、答应或着手做某事undertake thatclause保证undertake for.为负责 We are supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a lowcarbon lifestyle.我们应该承担过低碳生活的责任。We will undertake for your security while you are visiting our country.你访问我们国家时,我们将保证你的安全。To join the club,you have to undertake to buy a minimum of six books a year.为了加入该俱乐部,你必须承诺每年至少买6本书。巧学活用单句语法填空(1)The project undertaken(undertake) by the young engineer on his own turned out to be very successful.(2)Mr. Collins undertook to_look(look) after the children while his wife could go to the fit club with two of her friends. sentence n& vt.判决;宣判;判刑(教材P40)In the USA in the last 100 years,23 men have been wrongly sentenced to death and there are doubts about 400 other cases.在美国,在过去的100年里,23人已被错误地判处死刑,有另外400件案例遭质疑。(1)serve ones sentence服刑(2)sentence sb.to death/be sentenced to death判某人死刑 sentence sb.to.year(s) in prison 判处某人年徒刑 The old man has a son,who is serving his sentence in prison.这位老人有一个儿子,正在监狱里服刑。He has admitted the charge and will be sentenced later.他已经认罪,会在晚些时候宣判。基础练习单句语法填空(1)Believe it or not, the man who was sentenced to death has been free for two years.(2)He has been sentenced to_pay (pay) a fine of 1,000.能力提升一句多译因为偷东西被判了三年刑,他感到非常羞愧。(3)He was_sentenced_to_three_years_in_prison for stealing,so he was very ashamed.(4)Sentenced_to_three_years_in_prison_for_stealing,he was very ashamed.(用过去分词作状语) consequentlyadv.所以,因此(经典例句)Theyve increased the number of staff and consequently the service is better.他们增加了职员,所以服务更好了。(1)consequent adj.随之发生的(2)consequence n.结果as a consequence/in consequence结果as a consequence of./in consequence of.由于的结果 She was a bright and eager student and,consequently,did well in school.她是个聪明好学的学生,因此学习成绩很好。Being fat is the consequence of peoples unbalanced lifestyle.肥胖是人们不均衡生活方式的后果。基础练习单句改错(1)He was always late for work. As consequence,he was fired. As后加a(2)The young man was always careless. Consequent, he made a large mistake. ConsequentConsequently能力提升一句多译由于缺少政府的支持,这项计划很快就失败了。(3)Owing_to/_Because_of the lack of support from the government, the plan broke down soon.(4)The plan broke down soon, due_to the lack of support from the government.(5)As_a_consequence/result_of_the_lack_of support from the government, the plan broke down soon. e into being形成,存在,出现,诞生(教材P34) If laws such as these came into being,a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions.如果像这样的法律能够形成的话,社会将需要做巨大的调整,而人们的反应也一定会各有不同。e into existence 开始存在,建立,产生e into effect/force生效e into use开始被使用e into power掌权e into fashion开始流行 No one knows when such a custom came into being.没人知道这种风俗是什么时候开始形成的。How did the word “Tuhao” e_into_existence on the Internet?“土豪”一词在网络上是怎样形成的?It is said that the new mayor will e_into_power next month.据说新市长下个月将上任。When did the word “duang” first e_into_use?“duang”这个词是什么时候开始使用的? (教材P138)Nobody has any desire to show off and gold and silver have no valueunlike in our society.没有人有任何欲望去炫耀,而且金和银没有价值这与我们的社会不同。show sb.around/in/out领某人参观/进来/出去show.to.给看show up出席,露面;暴露 Nowadays,there are so many people who like showing off their wealth.如今,有那么多人喜欢炫耀财富。We were shown around the Birds Nest by an elderly guide that day.那天我们由一位年长的导游带着参观鸟巢。巧学活用单句语法填空(1)Mike was trying to show off his talent by decorating the new kitchen.(2)It is eight oclock, but most of the guests havent shown up yet.(3)He asked me to his house and showed his new pictures to me.(4)Show the visitor in as soon as he arrives.Dont make him wait around in the corridor.(5)(xx全国卷丙)When her dinner partner showed up,she also pulled up a chair. (经典例句)I opened the door,only to find that the house had been broken into.我打开门,却发现这座房子被人闯入了。break down出故障,坏掉;失败;垮下来;分解break in破门而入;打断(谈话等)break up打碎;散开,解散;结束;放假break out(战争、火灾)爆发,发生break away from脱离;挣脱 As the Presidents car drew up,the crowd broke into loud applause.总统的车停下时,人群中爆发出热烈的掌声。Two friends had an argument that broke up their friendship forever.两个朋友发生了争执,永远地结束了他们之间的友谊。巧学活用用break的相关短语填空(1)The puter system broke_down suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.(2)The thieves broke_into his house and stole a lot of money.(3)When World War broke_out,_he seemed to have bee another man, downhearted.(4)Two friends have an argument that breaks_up their friendship forever. (教材P35)Id(I would)rather you didnt mention that.我宁愿你不要提那件事。句中would rather (not) do sth.意为“宁愿(不)做”。 would rather的其他用法还有:(1)宁愿(而)不愿;与其倒不如(2)would rather从句I would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening.今晚我宁愿待在家中读点书。(陕西高考)We would rather our daughter stayed at home with us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child any longer.我们宁愿女儿和我们一起待在家里,但是这是她的选择,她已不再是小孩了。基础练习单句语法填空(1)I would rather you had_finished(finish) your homework yesterday.(2)She would rather you came(e) tomorrow than today.(3)To live a lowcarbon life,some people would rather take(take) the bus than drive a car to work.能力提升高考小作文(4)(xx全国卷书面表达)与给他们买饺子相比,我们更愿意自己亲手为他们包可口的饺子。We would_rather_make_delicious_dumplings with our own hands than buy some for them. (教材P36)What if some married people have affairs?要是一些已婚的人有了婚外恋怎么办?(1)What if.?常用来提出假设、建议、邀请、要求等,意为“倘使将会怎样?”“如果将会怎样?”。后面经常跟一般现在时,有时根据语境也可以跟虚拟语气。(2)How e?用于口语交际中,表示疑惑,意为“为什么会这样呢,怎么搞的?”How e还可以接从句或v.ing形式。(3)So what?“那又怎么样?” What if your son is in this room right now, would you calm down?要是你儿子现在就在这个房间里,你会冷静吗?If she has spent five years in Paris,how e her French is so bad?如果她在巴黎待了五年,她的法语怎么还会这样糟糕?She will be angry with what you have done.她会为你所做的事生气的。So what?那又怎么样?巧学活用句型转换If I fall ill and cant go to work,what shall I do ?What_if I fall ill and cant go to work?Surely were still better off than those who wear rags and sleep on the streets or in vacant buildings,but there is a growing resistance to this consumer society which is especially affecting the youth of today with their puters,ipods,designer clothes and mobile phones.分析该句是由but连接的并列句。who引导定语从句,修饰those; which引导定语从句,修饰this consumer society。翻译当然,我们比穿着破烂衣裳睡在街上或者空着的建筑物中的人要富有,但是仍旧有持续增长的对这个消费社会的抵触,特别是这个社会用电脑、苹果设备、设计的衣服和手机影响了今天的年轻人。 单句语法填空1He has been to China before;consequently(consequent) he knows something about it.2The woman bought a new coat and she decided to show it off in the pany.3The woman got on the bus,burdened(burden) with two heavy suitcases.4Mary resigned(resign) as an agent in a travel agency in September and moved to Canada.5As a matter of fact,my job at the hospital is purely voluntary(volunteer)6Only about 20% of the people voted in the local government elections(elect)7What if my son fails to arrive here and we miss the early bus?8The teacher will make it easier for most of us to understand the whole passage.9I would rather take a bus than drive my car to work every day.10It is high time that everyone of us began(begin) to live a simple life. 单句改错1Burdened such a large family,he had to work hard all day long.Burdened后加with2I dont know when the union we have been looking forward to will be e into being.去掉be3You must resign yourself to wait a bit longer.waitwaiting4I would rather you have not learned the lesson from the professor.havehad5Sentencing to five years in prison,the man missed a good chance to get a job.SentencingSentenced 教材与语法填空根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。In modern society,1.trapped(trap) in a spending circle,most of us work hard to earn more money and 2.when we have more money,we spend more,so we have to earn more again.But the more money we earn,the 3.less(little) we often see it. In the spending circle,we accumulate 4.possessions(possess) and work towards the ownership of bigger and better houses.As a result,what we get is not 5.increased(increase) happiness,6.but stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.There is a growing resistance to this consumer society,for it is 7.especially(especial) affecting the youth of today with its modern equipment.Trade unions demand that people share work 8.to_reduce(reduce) unemployment.We should try to control advertising,especially advertising 9.which is aimed at children.Young people should be taught to use their free time in a proper way.We should remember that “being” and “doing”10.are(be) much more important than having. 教材与短文改错根据课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。In the first letter the author thinks that many people are losing faith to the British system of justice, because drug dealers and robbers can be out only a few weeks or months after mit their crimes. Some murderers are let out of prison after three or four years. Much hard sentences should be brought back, for criminals are made to pay for that they have done. This is the only way of protecting society but preventing young people from leading a life of crime. Therefore, the death penalty should brought back to this country. When a person has killed somebody they dont deserve for live.We also have to take into the account the wishes of the families and friends of murder victims.In the second letter the author thinks that the primary goal of punish should be to reform the criminals and the death penalty should be abolished, for the death penalty is against human dignity. The death penalty also affects some sections of the munity much than others.答案:In the first letter the author thinks that many people are losing faith the British system of justice, because drug dealers and robbers can be out only a few weeks or months after their crimes. Some murderers are let out of prison after three or four years. Much sentences should be brought back, for criminals are made to pay for they have done. This is the only way of protecting society preventing young people from leading a life of crime. Therefore, the death penalty should brought back to this country. When a person has killed somebody they dont deserve live. We also have to take into account the wishes of the families and friends of murder victims.In the second letter the author thinks that the primary goal of should be to reform the criminals and the death penalty should be abolished, for the death penalty is against human dignity. The death penalty also affects some sections of the munity than others. 教材与话题写作根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。1在这个村里这些传统很早就形成了。(e into being)2如果一个人很富有,他(她)是不可以对别人炫耀的。(well off;show off)3如果一个人撞在另一个人身上,他(她)必须道歉。如果一户人家被破门而入了,邻居要去帮忙。(knock into;break into)4每个村民在村里都起着重要的作用。(play an important role in)_One possible version:T


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