2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module4 Music 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module4 Music 外研版选修6.单词拼写1The thought of having to take the exam again _(使沮丧)poor Jackie,who was not good at his lessons.2The US dollar has gone down against the RMB._(因此),Chinese goods are more expensive for Americans.3Good teaching methods should _(结合)education with pleasure.4It is necessary that you should _(控制)your speed while running in a match.5When his influence began to _(减小),his wealth also decreased.6Much to his mothers surprise,the boys _(抱负)is to bee a pilot.7She has said nothing _(关于)your requset.8The puter centre _(赠送)a cheque for 500 to cancer research.9It is a great _(安慰)to have rain after a long time of drought.10We were _(吸引)by the friendliness of the local people.答案:1.depressed2.Therefore3bine4.regulate5.shrink6.ambition7.regarding8.presented9.relief10.charmed.完成句子1_ (突然), a dog barked and charged at us.2Youve grown up and should _ (依靠) yourself.3The plot of the TV play is dull and so _ (表演也一样)4They _ (与取得联系) the local police.5Disney _ (赋予活动) characters of cartoon.答案:1.All of a sudden2.depend on3.it is with the acting4made contact with5.gave life to.单项填空1(xx武汉高三联考)To the great _ of the citizens, no one else was infected with H1N1 except the 12 confirmed cases.Arelaxation BdisappointmentCsurprise D. relief答案:D词义辨析。句意为:“让市民们放心的是除了12例确诊患者外,没有其他人感染H1N1病毒。”2_more than 1,500 years of Chinese music,Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich tradition with classical,folk and contemporary sounds.ADrawing up BDrawing uponCDrawing in DDrawing out答案:B句意:凭借中国1 500多年的音乐文化,“女子十二乐坊”将这浓厚的传统与古典、民族与现代声音巧妙融合。draw upon凭借,符合句意。draw up起草,制订;draw in(白昼)渐短;draw out(白昼)变长。3As is known, Xu Beihong _ to horses in his paintings.Aled a life Bspent lifeCstarted life Dgave life答案:D句意:众所周知,徐悲鸿在他的画中赋予了马活力。give life to“赋予活力”,符合题意。4I played table tennis for an hour, making me feel _.Arelaxing BrelaxedCrelax Drelaxation答案:B句意:我打了一个小时的乒乓球,这使我感到很轻松。relaxed“感到轻松的”。5(xx泰安模拟)Flags were flown at halfstaff _ those who lost their lives in the disaster.Ain favour of Bin need ofCin the hope of Din honour of答案:D句意:降半旗纪念那些在这次灾难中死去的人。in honour of“为了纪念”;in favour of“支持,赞成”;in need of“需要”;in the hope of“怀着的希望”。6Experts believe that large number of cancer cases in this area are directly _ nuclear power station.Arelative to Brelate toCrelevant with Dconnected in答案:A句意:专家认为这个地区的很多癌症病例与核电站有直接关系。be relative to “与有关”。B项应为be related to;C项with应改为to;D项in应用with。7There is always a strange _ of runners in the London Marathon.Agathering BhideCcollection Daccumulation答案:C名词辨析题。gathering“聚集,集会”;hide“隐蔽处”;collection“一批、一类人/物”;accumulation“积累”。8(xx银川一中高三月考)One of the collectors collected some seeds from a tree that had _ him.Ainterest in Bappealed toCbeen attracted Ddrew attention of答案:B句意:其中一个搜集者从一棵吸引他的树上搜集了一些种子。appeal to表示“吸引”。假如选择A项,应该去掉in,同时把interest改为interested;倘若选择C项,需去掉been。9(xx福建莆田一中学段考试)Dont forget to insure against theft _ you have things stolen.Ain case of Bin caseCin the case Din any case答案:B句意:不要忘记加入失窃保险以防东西被偷。in case of是介词短语,不可跟陈述句;in the case“在情况下”;in any case“无论如何”。10If your knowledge can be in some ways _with my experience,we are sure to succeed.Ajoined BunitedCconnected Dbined答案:D句意:如果你的知识能在一定程度上与我的经验相结合的话,我们肯定会成功的。bine“结合”,符合句意。join连接;unite联合;connect连接。11Dr. Johnson loves music but doesnt like jazz and _.Aneither is his wife Bso is his wifeCso his wife is Dit is the same with his wife答案:D句意:约翰逊博士喜欢音乐但不喜欢爵士乐,他妻子也是一样。it is the same with.“也一样”。12Babies need a lot of sleep and this is particularly _ the newborn.Asure about Bsure ofCtrue about Dtrue of答案:D句意:婴儿需要大量的睡眠,新生儿尤其如此。be true of/for.“对也一样”;be sure of/about.“对有把握”。13The _ flights between mainland of China and Taiwan will benefit more travelers.Amon BnormalCaverage Dregular答案:D考查形容词词义辨析。句意:中国大陆和台湾之间的定期航班将使更多的游客获益。regular定期的,有规律的;符合语境。14Did you remember to give Jenny the money?Yes._I saw her,Im sure.ASo long as BSo far asCThe moment DAny time答案:C句意:你记着给Jenny钱了吗?是的。一见到她就给她了,我确定。the moment“一就”,符合句意。15_a cure for the disease,very few advances have been made in the last few years.AConsidering BRegardingCSupposing DProviding答案:B句意:在过去的几年里,在这种疾病的疗法方面,取得了很少的进步。regarding在句中为介词,表“关于”;符合语境。considering考虑到;supposing假如;providing假如。.完形填空When we visit another country, differences in music and dance are _1_ some of the first things that we notice. Every culture has _2_ its own types of music and dance, which are very different from those of other societies.Each type of music usually has a distinctive rhythm and a special sound, _3_ on the kinds of instruments that are used to produce it. The most mon type of instruments are _4_ instruments, such as guitars and violins; wind instruments, including horns and flutes. Many different kinds of musical sounds _5_ be created by using different binations of instruments.The human voice is a very special kind of instrument, _6_ it can produce a great number of different sounds with different _7_, ranging from loud to soft. Singing is very popular in most cultures because it allows us to _8_ words and ideas with music.Societies coordinate body movements with musical rhythms to create _9_. Sometimes people dance for fun and individual expression. Dances can also be used to _10_ ideas to the audience. Hawaiian dancers, _11_, use arm and hand movements to express the meaning of a song. In the same way, many societies use dances in religious ceremonies _12_to tell about important events.Music and dance are passed from one_13_ to another and thus bee a permanent part of the society and _14_ culture. Of course, as cultures e _15_ contact with each other, the music and dance of one society may be accepted by other societies, or the different styles may be bined to _16_ a new kind of music or dance. Some Latin American music, for example, has taken _17_ from Indian cultures and mixed them with those from European and African cultures. _18_, popular music from England and the US can be heard in countries _19_ the world, _20_ it has had an influence on musical tastes, especially among young people.当我们到另一个国家或另一种文化当中的时候,我们首先注意到的恐怕就是它的舞蹈和音乐了。不同的文化几乎都有自己独特的音乐与舞蹈,人们用这些音乐与舞蹈来表达思想。而不同文化之间的融合也使音乐、舞蹈逐渐发展与变化。1A.unlikely BprobablyClikely Dsurely答案:B根据文章表达的意思,此处应该是十分肯定的语气,因此应该用副词probably,likely是形容词,surely太绝对。句意为“我们可能首先注意到的是”。2A.installed BdevelopedCmeant Destablished答案:B每种文化都形成了它自己独特的音乐和舞蹈,develop“形成,发展”。3A.depending BrelyingCplaying Dresting答案:Adepend on“取决于,依靠”。每种音乐都有其独特的节奏和声音,这取决于演奏的乐器。rely on“依靠”。4A.thread BcordCstring Dband答案:C通过后面列出的乐器(吉他、小提琴)可以知道这些乐器是弦乐器,故用string, string instrument“弦乐器”。5A.can BmightCmust Dshould答案:A根据“很多不同的乐声能够通过不同的乐器组合产生出来”可知,can表示“能够”,符合题意。6A.when BsinceCafter Dalthough答案:B根据语境我们可知此处是表示原因的,since“因为,由于”,句意为“因为人的嗓音能够发出不同的声音,所以说人的嗓音是很特别的乐器”。7A.heights BsizesCvolumes Dtones答案:C根据后面的ranging from loud to soft可知,此处表示的是声音的音量从高到低,故选C,volume“音量”。8A.express BexplainCprovide Dpose答案:A歌唱之所以在大多数文化里受欢迎是因为它能够让人将话语和想法通过音乐的形式表达出来,故用express。9A.sounds BsongsCdances Dmoves答案:C通过前面的coordinate body movements with musical rhythms和后一句的Sometimes people dance for fun and individual expression.可知此处应该是dance。10A.give BperformCtranslate Dmunicate答案:D句意为“舞蹈也能将人的想法传递给观众”,根据上一段最后一句可推知答案。municate“传达,传递,传播”,符合题意。11A.for example Bsuch asCthat is Don the contrary答案:A根据前面一句的内容可知,本句通过举例子的形式来说明这个观点,因此用for example。12A.just BasCor Donly答案:C此处表示的是两种不同的情况,故用or表示选择。13A.country BpeopleCgeneration Dtime答案:C音乐和舞蹈能够代代相传。from one generation to another“从一代传到另一代”。14A.their BtheCthis Dits答案:D根据语境“音乐和舞蹈成为了社会和社会文化的永久的一部分”可知,its此处代表前面的society。15A.to BintoCfor Dwith答案:Be into contact with“与某人/某事有接触、打交道”。句意为“随着文化的相互融合,一个社会的音乐和舞蹈可能会被别的社会接受”。16A.join BshowCbee Dform答案:D不同的风格可能会相互融合形成一种新形式的音乐或舞蹈。form“形成,构成”,符合语境。17A.advantages BstylesCfeatures Dorigins答案:C前面讲到的是不同文化之间的音乐、舞蹈的融合,此处通过举例来说明这个观点,句意为“一些拉丁美洲的音乐都具有印度文化的特点”。feature“特征,特色”,符合语境。18A.However BMoreoverCBesides DSimilarly答案:D通过上下文可知,此处表示的是相似的事情,故用similarly“同样地,类似地”。语意为“同样地,不同文化的音乐的融合使英美的流行音乐能让全世界的人都听到”。19A.over BacrossCthrough Dalong答案:Bacross the world“全世界,世界各地”。20A.where BwhenCwhich Dwhat答案:Awhere此处引导定语从句,where在从句中作状语。句意为:“这种流行音乐对人们的音乐品味有影响,尤其会影响年轻人”。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Liu Hao was born in France.He was only two year old when he first flew to China.His parents are all Chinese.They had worked in France for five years after they got married.They met at a university in German.One day when Liu Haos father reading a book in the library his mother sat down beside him.Anyway,Liu Hao travels a lot because of his parents also travels a lot.As the matter of fact,Liu Hao is in France visit his parents at the moment.He lives in New York now,and really enjoys living there.But he also loves visiting his parents at most once a year.答案:Liu Hao was born in France.He was only two old when he first flew to China.His parents are Chinese.They had worked in France for five years they got married.They met at a university in .One day when Liu Haos father reading a book in the library his mother sat down beside him.Anyway,Liu Hao travels a lot because his parents also a lot.As matter of fact,Liu Hao is in France his parents at the moment.He lives in New York now,and really enjoys living there.But he also loves visiting his parents at once a year.书面表达最近,你校学生会对分类垃圾箱是否进教室一事进行了调查,调查结果见下表。请根据图表提供的信息用英语写一篇短文,介绍同学们的不同意见和看法,并表达你自己的观点。注意:词数不少于60。提示词:饼状图 pie chart_ 答案:Recently the student union conducted a survey on whether recycling dustbins should be set in classrooms.As can be seen from the pie chart,different students hold different opinions on this program.Only a few students care little about it.Surprisingly,about one third of students are totally against the program.They dont bother to change their old habits.However,over half the students are pletely for the program,as it is not only beneficial to recycling of resources,but also it can help students develop their good habits of garbage classification.Besides,12% of the students partly agree.They hold the opinion that educating peopole on how to classify the garbage goes first.Personally,Im in favor of this program.I believe its important to raise peoples awareness of garbage classification,from which we will get considerable benefits for the future.


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