2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Friendship (The Sixth Period) 教案 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Friendship (The Sixth Period) 教案 新人教版必修1从容说课Writing is a good way to municate.Teacher usually pays little attention to it,and so do students.So,in this period,we should create an open,harmonious and interactive environment.Let students involve in English learning atmosphere,thus creating desire to write.At the same time,this period provides good examples for students to imitate.三维目标1.Knowledge:editor,make an effort to,join in,municate,pay no attention to,avoid2.Ability:Train the students writing ability by reading samples and writing a letter.3.Emotion:Learn to adjust oneself by checking oneself.教学重点How to get students to learn to write.教学难点How to improve the students writing skill.教具准备a project,a blackboard教学过程Step 1 Check homework.Step 2T:We often have problems in our daily life like Lisa and Anne.Just as we discussed in the previous periods,every one likes making friends.But do you find sometimes it is not easy to make friends with others or dont know how to do it?Ss:Yes.T:Here is a letter from Xiaodong.Read it and give some advice on how to make a friend.The points in the text are a great help to you.Version: Dear Xiaodong,I am glad to hear from you.Dont worry about your problem.First list some possible problems which keep you from making friends with others and then solve them one by one.Second,to be open to others,showing you are willing to join in them.Third,believe in yourself to make a friend.Yours,T:Now Id like you to write a few lines to describe your best friend or a person you know.Read the example first.The following phrases and structures may be helpful.(a)Her name is.(b)She is.years old.(c)She likes.and dislikes.(d)She enjoys. and hates.(e)Her hobbies are.(f)Her dream/ambition is.(g)She is very kind/honest/helpful/Wise/smart/beautiful.(h)We got to know each other.where and when.T:Now I am sure you can deal with the problem in a proper way.Here is a test for you.Read the situations on Page 45.Say something about your solutions.Version:I will go to the picnic.Honesty is very important.I think honesty will win trust from others,so I will keep my promise.Meanwhile,being honest will allow me to face my problem bravely,which helps to solve it.T:Great!“Cool” is now a popular word among the students.What is cool?Whats your understanding of it?S1:Remember everyone is unique.Show your own character.S2:Some students misunderstand the word “cool”.They think it means smoking,.drinking and wearing strange clothes.T:Thank you for your discussion!Proverbs give us wisdom.Do you think so?Ss:Yes.T:Are you interested?Lets share some of them.Read by yourselves and then lets read together.Read,please.T:I have a task for you.Choose your favorite proverbs and explain why.Work in groups of four to write down your reasons.Later,each group remend a student to report your writings.Clear?Ss:Yes.T:Are you ready?Any volunteer?Version:I agree with this proverb:When you meet your friend,your face shinesyou have found gold.It is nice to have a friend to talk,laugh,and do things with.We would feel lonely if we never had a friend.Being happy helps you stay well.If someone cares about you,you take better care of yourself.Step 3 Homework1.Make sentences using the words editor,municate and avoid doing.2.Write a passage or some proverbs about friendship.板书设计Unit 1 FriendshipThe Sixth PeriodThe following phrases and structures may be helpful.(i)Her name is.(j)She is.years old.(k)She likes .and dislikes.(l)She enjoys.and hates .(m)Her hobbies are .(n)Her dream/ambition is .(o)She is very kind/honest/helpful/wise/smart/beautiful/.(p)We got to know each other.where and when.活动与探究Introduce one of your friends by finishing the following table.Photo Name._Sex._Age._Birthplace:_Like living:_Like eating:_Like-ing:_Appearance:_备课资料FRIENDS,GOOD FRIENDS AND SUCH GOOD FRIENDSFriends among women(Adapted from Judith Viorst)People usually think that women are friends and when they are friends they are friends all the way,but I believe that is a narrow point of view.For the friendships I have and the friendships I see are at many levels,serve different purposes,meet different needs and range from those as all-the-way as the friendship of the full sisters to that of the most casual playmates.Consider these friendships at the different levels:1.Convenience friends.These are the women with whom,if our paths werent crossing all the time wed have no particular reason to be friends:a next door neighbor,a woman in our car pool or maybe the mother of one of our childrens closest friends.Convenience friends are convenient indeed.Theyll lend us their cups and silverware for a party.Theyll drive our kids to a football match when were sick.Theyll give us a lift when our car is under repair.Theyll even take our cats when we go on holiday.But we dont,with convenience friends,ever e too closer or tell too much;we maintain our public face and emotional distance.“That means,” says Eileen,“that Ill talk about being overweight but not about being depressed.Or Ill admit that our boy is naughty but not nasty.Or I might say that were pinched this month but never that Im worried sick over money.” But that doesnt mean that there isnt sufficient value to be found in these friendships of mutual aid,in convenience friends.2.Special-interest friends.These friendships neednt involve kids or silverware or cats.Their value lies in some interest jointly shared.And so we may have a stamp friend or a tennis friend or a shopping friend or a friend from the Womens Democratic Club.“Ive got one woman friend,” says Joyce,“who likes,as I do,to take Modern Psychology Courses,which makes it nice for meand nice for her.Its fun to go with someone you know and its fun to discuss what youve learned.” And for the most part,she says,thats all they discuss.“Id say that what were doing is doing together,not being together,” Susan says of her tennis friend.“Its mainly a tennis relationship,but we play together well.And I guess we all need to have a couple of playmates.”My playmate is a shopping friend,a woman of great taste,a woman who knows exactly where to buy what,and furthermore is a woman who always knows beyond a doubt what one ought to be buying.Im very glad to have a shopping friend when I need to buy something.3.Historical friends.We all have friends who knew us when we were,say,in the second grade,when our family lived in that poor two-room flat in New York,when our dad was out of work for seven months,and when I stole a pencil from a boy in my class,she was the first,the only,friend we told.The years have gone by and weve gone separate ways and weve little in mon now,but were still a dear part of each others past.Every time when we see or write to each other we are put in touch with an earlier part of ourselves which is important never to lose.4.Crossroads friends.Like historical friends our crossroads friends are important for the friendships we shared at a very special,now past,time of life.A time,perhaps,when we roomed in collage together;or worked as eager young singles in a big city together;or went together,as my friend Elizabeth and I did through a period of time of treatment in hospital and about two months of regaining our health.Crossroads friends establish powerful links,links strong enough to endure with not much more contact than once-a year letters at Christmas.And out of respect for those crossroads years,for those dramas and dreams we once shared we will always be friends.There are medium friends,and pretty good friends,and very good friends indeed.But the best of friends,I believe,totally love and support and trust each other,and tell each other the secrets in the depth of their souls,and runno questions askedto help each other;or,as the saying goes:A friend in need is a friend indeed.Fill in a phrase from the text or of your own to plete each of the following statements:1.In convenience friends you will find the value of_.2.Special-interest friends are those who have_.3.Historical friends are the friends who are_.4.Crossroads friends are those who shared the friendship at_.5.The best friends are friends_.(答案:1.mutual aid;2.some interest jointly shared;3.dear part of each others past 4.very special period of time in their life 5.in need)


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