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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module1DeepSouthOurBodyandHealthyHabits高效演练稳达标外研版必修. 单句语法填空1. He is the first man _(know)the good news. 2. I looked up and saw a snake_ (wind)its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. 3. As a businessman he is so busy that rarely_he have time for his son. 【知识拓展】当never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly等表示否定意义的副词位于句首时, 句子使用部分倒装。Seldom does he go out for dinner. 他很少出去吃晚饭。Little does he realize how important this meeting is. 他没怎么意识到这个会议的重要性。4. All in all, I think studying English by activities, especially _connection with recent things, is a better method. 5. She said a _ (health)diet was more important than simply being slim. 6. It is said that he was admitted into Beijing University. Thats_ he worked so hard all the time. 7. My brother is hard-working and he is anxious_ the prize of this exam. 8. With the help of the doctor, many patients are beginning to pick_. 9. My leg is too_ (pain)to walk farther. 10. We heard that Jim had bee _ (wealth)by selling houses. 答案:1. to know 2. winding3. does 4. in5. healthy 6. because 7. for 8. up. 9. painful 10. wealthy . 单句改错1. Who was the last one to leaving the classroom yesterday? _2. There is no evidence to show that he is connection with the murder. _3. To keep health, he started to run in the morning every day. _4. The injuring people were sent to the nearest hospital immediately. _5. Tom was crazy to playing puter games and his father punished him. _6. He achieved his dream. That was why he never gave up trying. _7. The teacher was seen enter the reading room just now. _8. Its easy to pick him up in the crowd because he is very tall. _9. If you want to be successful in your work, you must take great pain to do it. _10. Finish the work before deadline, and you will be fired. _答案:1. leaving改为leave2. connection改为connected或在connection前加in3. health改为healthy4. injuring改为injured5. to改为about或playing改为play6. why改为because7.在seen后加to8. up改为out9. pain改为pains10. and改为or【教材变形题组】. 教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In fact, Zhou Kai is very proud that he is 1. _ (health)and hasnt got things like flu. There are two 2. _ (reason)for that. For one thing, his mother looks after him very 3. _ (attentive). For example, when he wanted to go out, his mother told him to get his jacket on. But this time he was stupid enough 4. _ (play)football in the rain without a jacket on. Thats 5. _he was ill. In addition, his mother tries every means 6. _ (make)sure he has a very healthy diet. And Zhou Kai said he would rather 7. _ (eat)a nice piece of fruit 8. _sweets. And the second reason is that Zhou Kai 9. _ (take)a lot of exercise. He is crazy 10. _football, and he is captain of the class team at school and hes also a member of the Senior High team. 答案: 1. healthy 2. reasons 3. attentively 4. to play 5. why 6. to make 7. eat 8. than 9. takes 10. about . 教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。Different countries have different ways to paying for the health care system. Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paying for by the government. Health care is free to everyone. Recently there have been problems. This is why the government has not put enough money the health service. Similar, health care in Canada is also free. When one bee ill, medical fees are paid for by the government. And in America the system is different. Most people have private health insurance. Doctors work for himself and hospitals are privately owned. The health insurance pany pays for the doctors and the hospitals. 答案: 1. 第一句中的toof或payingpay2. 第二句中的payingpaid3. 第三句中的tofor4. 第五句中的whybecause5. 在第五句中的money后加into6. 第六句中的SimilarSimilarly7. 第七句中的beebees8. 第八句中的AndBut9. 第十句中的himselfthemselves10. 第十一句去掉for. 教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. Tom was ill and_. 汤姆生病了, 而且发烧了。2. His mother_ and took him to hospital. 他母亲非常担心他, 带他去医院。3. The doctor_ and examined him carefully. 医生让他躺下, 给他做了仔细的检查。4. The doctor told him that his illness_. 医生说他的病和缺少锻炼有关。5. The doctor told him to_ and_. 医生告诉他至少一周锻炼两次, 并保持均衡饮食。6. In order to_, he_. 为了保持健康, 他接受了医生的建议。7. Several days later, he_. 几天后, 在医生的帮助下他恢复了健康。组篇公式: 将句2改为so. . . that句式_答案:1. had a fever 2. was very anxious about him3. let him lie down4. was connected with lack of taking exercise5. take exercise at least twice a week; keep a balanced diet 6. keep fit; took the doctors advice 7. picked up with the doctors help 【参考范文】Tom was ill and had a fever. His mother was so anxious about him that she took him to hospital. The doctor let him lie down and examined him carefully. The doctor told him that his illness was connected with lack of taking exercise. Later, the doctor told him to take exercise at least twice a week, and keep a balanced diet. In order to keep fit, he took the doctors advice. Several days later, he picked up with the doctors help.


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