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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1CulturalrelicsSection课时作业新人教版必修.单句语法填空1There is some doubt whether their football team will win the match.2He gave us some valuable (value) advice on how to solve the problems of education.3The result of his story is so amazing (amaze) that nobody thinks it is believable.4“Thank you very much for the warm wele and reception (receive),” she said to all the people in the meeting room.5We have to finish the decoration (decorate) of our new house by the end of next month.6After driving for about an hour, he stopped outside a small wooden (wood) house.7He was born blind, but that didnt stop him from being a successful artist (art)8What do you think of the film?Oh, excellent. Its worth seeing (see) a second time.9Jane and Mary are good friends; the former (form) is a teacher and the latter is a nurse.10You had better have the car repaired (repair) or itll get you into trouble.阅读理解Chase, an autistic (患自闭症的) boy, was once an extremely picky eater. In fact, he would eat only about five different foods. His mom, Mary, worried that this would make him sick. Picky eating is mon among kids with autism. And the illness makes people unable to municate properly. How did Chase change himself? At age 8, he began to watch cooking shows.Chase loved shows like Eat Street and Cupcake Wars.“I just couldnt stop watching all these cooking shows!” he says. Soon, watching wasnt enough. “He wanted to try new foods,” remembers Mary, “He said, Mom, I want frogs legs!”Soon, Chase was trying almost everything. He began cooking new foods as well as eating them. He discovered that he loved to cook. School had been a struggle for Chase. But his love for cooking turned out to be a great way for him to learn about many different subjects.He learned about science and even geographyhe found out that he loved curry from India and sushi from Japan. “Food opened up his mind,” says his mom. Cooking even helped Chase practice speaking and interacting (互动) with people. Thats because he created his own online cooking show.Chase started his cooking show about two years ago. He loves to include jokes and something unexpected in his show. In one of his shows, he and his cousins dress as cavemen (原始人) as they eat beef kebabs. Someday, Chase hopes to own his own restaurants. “Im going to serve all types of food, from every country!” he says excitedly.【文章大意】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个自闭症男孩通过学习烹饪来改变命运的故事。1Why was Chases mom worried about him?A. He just ate certain kinds of food.B. He watched too much TV every day.C. He would perform in a cooking show.D. He was often too busy to take exercise.解析:A细节理解题。由第一段中的Chase . would eat only about five different foods可知,Chase的妈妈之所以担心是因为他经常挑食,往往只吃固定的几种食物,故选A项。2While learning to cook, Chase _.Atraveled to India and JapanBhad no time to look after his momCbecame the best student in his classDfound himself fighting against autism解析:D细节理解题。由第三段中的He began cooking new foods as well as eating them和第四段中的Cooking even helped Chase practice speaking and interacting with people可知,在学习烹饪的过程中,Chase也是在不知不觉中同自闭症作斗争,故选D项。3We may infer from the text that Chases shows are _.Aserious BfunnyCboring Ddangerous解析:B推理判断题。由最后一段中的He loves to include jokes . he and his cousins dress as cavemen as they eat beef kebabs可知,在Chase的烹饪节目中,他会讲些笑话而且穿着怪异滑稽,故选B项。4What would be the best title for the text?AWhat is autism?BFood for thoughtCYou are what you eatDCooking up his future解析:D标题归纳题。总览全文可知,文章主要讲述了一个患有自闭症的男孩通过学习烹饪使自己逐渐摆脱了病魔并且拥有了美好的未来,故用D项作为标题最恰当。.完形填空One day, I was on my way to the office. As we drove into a gas station, I _1_ a woman sitting alone at a picnic table. Though it was _2_, she was dressed in a winter jacket.As I left the gas station, I drove towards my home _3_. As I got home, I quickly went and _4_ some items. I had just bought a new backpack and I knew it was _5_ for that woman because it matched her jacket. I filled the backpack with some _6_, drinks, a new Tshirt and some new socks. Several minutes later, I _7_ with the backpack. The woman was still sitting there. I _8_ myself and then asked if it was okay if I _9_ with her. I offered her the bag and she _10_ it. She then asked me to share a snack from the backpack with her _11_ she had eaten nothing that day. I agreed, and the woman began to share her _12_ story. She once had a happy family, but a(n) _13_ changed everything five years ago. She was _14_ and lost her family in that crash (撞车). She was _15_ and almost fell down. She explained she wore this jacket because it was the _16_ jacket she bought with her daughter. She _17_ them and often came here because her children loved this picnic table.For an hour, I sat there with her. We shared smiles and _18_. I listened to her and forted her; she also helped me _19_ that in the blink (眨眼) of an eye, everything can _20_. Make sure you hug your loved ones every day!【文章大意】本文是夹叙夹议文,话题是日常生活类。作者在加油站陪一位孤苦的女人聊天,同时作者意识到:眨眼之间凡事都可能会发生,所以珍惜每一天,好好拥抱你所爱的人。1A.saved BvisitedCcalled Dnoticed解析:D作者开车进入加油站的时候注意到(noticed)一个女人一个人坐着。2A.dark BhotCcold Dlate解析:B根据Though可知,尽管天气炎热(hot),但她还穿着冬天的夹克。3A.in relief Bon purposeCright away Das usual解析:C作者离开加油站,就立马(right away)开车回家去拿东西送给她。4A.collected BthrewCmade Dremoved解析:A根据下文. a new Tshirt and some new socks可知,作者一回到家就搜集(collected)一些东西送给那个女人。5A.important BspecialCexpensive Dperfect解析:D根据下文.because it matched her jacket可知,作者认为背包很适合(perfect)她。6A.books BsnacksCcards Dpens解析:B根据下文She then asked me to share a snack from the backpack.可知,作者装了一些小吃(snacks)。7A.waited BstayedCreturned Dworked解析:C根据下文The woman was still sitting there可知,作者收拾完就又返回(returned)了加油站。8A.helped BencouragedCsupported Dintroduced解析:D初次见面作者当然先是做自我介绍(introduced)了。9A.got over Bsat downCstood up Dwent through解析:B根据上文The woman was still sitting there可知,作者问她能否与她坐(sat down)在一起。10A.hid BcheckedCaccepted Drefused解析:C根据下文She then asked me to share a snack from the backpack with her .可知,她接受了(accepted)作者的帮助。11A.and BasCbut Dor解析:B因为(as)什么东西也没吃,所以她拿出了包里的小吃。12A.popular BstrangeClong Dsad解析:D根据下文. lost her family in that crash可知,她向作者倾诉了她伤心的(sad)故事。13A.meeting BplanCaccident Dtrip解析:C根据下文. lost her family in that crash可知,一个事故(accident)改变了一切。14A.injured BignoredCfrightened Dattacked解析:A根据下文. and lost her family in that crash可知,在那场车祸中她受伤了(injured)也失去了家人。15A.sensitive BhonestCpuzzled Dpainful解析:D根据下文. almost fell down可知,她很痛苦(painful),差点崩溃了。16A.beautiful BlastCextra Dbrief解析:B根据下文. she bought with her daughter可推测,这是她与女儿一起买的最后(last)一件衣服。17A.understood BappreciatedCmissed Dremembered解析:C她很想念(missed)他们,经常来这儿是因为孩子们喜欢这个野餐桌子。18A.tears BskillsCsecrets Dopinions解析:A她与作者回忆过去,即与作者分享过去与家人在一起的欢乐和失去家人之后的痛苦(tears)。19A.show BrealizeCprove Dbelieve解析:B作者帮了她,她也让作者意识到(realize)一些事情。20A.develop BpassCchange Dappear解析:C眨眼之间凡事都可能会改变(change),所以要珍惜时间好好拥抱你所爱的人。.短文改错My aunt gave me call last night. She told me that my younger cousin has run away from home again. My aunt just couldnt understand what my cousin had changed so much. He was used to be a good boy. I dont think my cousin is alone. After boys enter teenage year, they no longer want to listening to their parents. In fact, they like going against their parents. Some parents are dissatisfied in their boys and try to control them. However, it usual just makes things worse. If youre also like my cousin now, try to control you when you want to go against your parents. And remember, everything will be fine after youre a bit old.答案:My aunt gave me call last night. She told me that my younger cousin run away from home again. My aunt just couldnt understand my cousin had changed so much. He used to be a good boy. I dont think my cousin is alone. After boys enter teenage , they no longer want to to their parents. In fact, they like going against their parents. Some parents are dissatisfied their boys and try to control them. However, it just makes things worse. If youre also like my cousin now, try to control when you want to go against your parents. And remember, everything will be fine after youre a bit .


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