2019-2020年高考英语 Unit 1 Living well要点梳理+重点突破教案 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 Unit 1 Living well要点梳理+重点突破教案 新人教版选修7.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语 Unit 1 Living well要点梳理+重点突破教案 新人教版选修7要 点 梳 理 高效梳理知识备考重点单词1disability n伤残;无力;无能disabled adj.伤残的2ambition n雄心;野心ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的3suitable adj.适合的;适宜的suit v适合;使适宜4beneficial adj.有益的;受益的benefit v. & n利益5clumsy adj.笨拙的6adapt vt.使适应;改编adaptation n适应;改编7absence n缺席;不在某处absent adj.缺席的;不在的8annoy vt.使不悦;惹恼annoyed adj.颇为生气的annoyance n烦恼9firm n公司 adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的10encouragement n鼓励;奖励encourage v鼓励11conduct n行为;品行 vt.指挥;管理;主持12resign vi. & vt.辞职;辞去(工作、职位等)13congratulate vt.祝贺;庆祝congratulation n祝贺14adequate adj.足够的,充分的15access n(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的16approval n赞成;认可17dignity n尊严;高贵的品质重点短语1in other words换句话说2adapt to 适合3cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事)4out of breath 上气不接下气5all in all 总而言之6sit around 闲坐着7as well as 和;也8in many ways 在很多方面9make fun of 取笑10never mind 不必担心11all the best (口语)(祝你)一切顺利12meet with 遇到,经历;会晤重点句型1I used to climb trees, swim and play football.我过去常爬树、游泳、踢足球。2As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets.我会同我的朋友一起去看电影和足球比赛,此外,我还花很多时间和我的宠物在一起。3Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.接受他们,给予他们鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。4I read in the newspaper today that you are to be the architect for the new Bankstown cinema.今天我从报上了解到,你将成为班克斯敦新电影院的建筑设计师。高考范文(xx上海)你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing petition),班长希望大家积极参加。对此谈谈你的想法。你的文章必须包括以下内容:你是否会参加比赛你作出该决定的具体理由_范文 As is known to us all, there will be a group dancing petition in our school next month. Of course, our class will not miss it. Our monitor called on all of us to take an active part in it. Personally thinking, a group dance is quite a good form of entertainment as well as exercise, which brings us not only mental benefits but physical ones. Besides, dancing a group dance calls for teamwork, one of the qualities we will need for our future careers. Thirdly, by practising it, our classmates can develop a better relationship between each other, helping each other and encouraging each other. Last but not the least, this is a good chance for us to win honor for our class. For all the reasons above, I have decided to join in it. I want to prove to be an honor to the class.考 点 探 究 互动探究能力备考.词汇短语过关1adapt vt. 使适应;改编adaptable adj. 适应性强的;可改编的adaptation n. 适应;改编adapt oneself to. 使自己适应于(to为介词)adapt to.适应于adapt sth. for. 把某物改编为adapt sth. from. 根据改编某物即学即练1(1)This novel has been _ _ radio _ the Russian original.这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。(2)Our eyes slowly _ _ the dark.我们的眼睛慢慢地适应了黑暗(的环境)。adapted forfromAdapted to(3)She _ herself quickly _ the new climate.她很快适应了这种新的气候。adaptedto辨析:adapt/adjust/fit/suit/match(1)adapt 指“经过修改或改变以后适应新的条件”。(2)adjust 指“调整,调节,使之适应”。(3)fit 指“大小合适”,引申为“吻合”。(4)suit 指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”。(5)match 指“大小、色调、形状、性质等相配或相称”。2annoy vt. 使不悦;惹恼annoyance n. 烦恼,烦恼的事物annoyed adj. 颇为生气的,烦恼的annoying adj. 使人颇为生气或烦恼的annoy sb. with sth./by doing sth. 因(做)某事使某人烦恼be annoyed with sb. 对某人生气for/at/about sth./sb. 因某事/某人而生气that/to do sth. 做某事而生气 即学即练2(1)She _ _ _ your saying that.你说了那些话,使她很生气。(2)She _ never _ _ me.她从不跟我生气。wasannoyedatisannoyedwith(3)I hope you wont _ _ _ all my questions.我希望我所有的这些问题不会使你烦恼。(4)The mosquitoes _ me so much that I couldnt sleep. 蚊子搅得我难以入睡。beannoyedbyannyoed3. conduct v引导;指挥;进行;传导n行为,品行conduct sb. around (show sb. around)带领某人参观conduct sb. in/out/to the door 领某人进来/出来/到门口conduct oneself (behave oneself)表现;举止conduct state affairs 处理国事conduct electricity 导电conduct ( do/make/perform/carry out) an experiment做实验conduct a concert 指挥音乐会a man of good conduct 品行端正的人the rules of conduct 行为准则即学即练3(1)A guide _ the visitors _ the museum.导游带领游客参观博物馆。(2)Copper _ _ better than other materials do.铜的导电性能比其他材料好。conductedaroundconductselectricity(3)The concert on Wednesday evening will _ _ _ a worldfamous conductor.星期三晚上的音乐会将由一位世界著名指挥家指挥。be conductedby(4)I asked the attendant to _ him _ the door/conduct him out. 我让服务员领他到门口/领他出去。(5)How did the prisoner _ _?那犯人表现如何?conducttoconducthimself4resign v. 辞职;放弃(工作、职位等)resignation n. 放弃,辞职resign from. 辞去职务resign oneself to. 使听从resign sb. to. 把某人交托给resign oneself to extinction 束手待毙即学即练4(1)She _ the mittee.她辞去了委员会的职务。(2)He _ because he had been offered a better job. 他辞职了,因为他有了更好的工作。(3)The team refused to _ themselves _ defeat.该队不甘失败。resigned fromresigned his postresignto5congratulate vt. 祝贺;庆贺congratulation n. 祝贺,恭喜congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事congratulate oneself on sth. 感到自豪;暗自庆幸congratulations to sb. on sth. 向某人祝贺某事Congratulations! (口语)祝贺你!offer sb. congratulations on. 向某人祝贺某事即学即练5(1)I want to _ you _ all my heart _ your passing the college entrance examination.我衷心地祝贺你通过高考。(2)Well, _ that you resisted the temptation.嗨!庆幸你抵住了诱惑。congratulatewithoncongratulate yourself(3)_ you _ winning the prize!祝贺你获奖!Congratulations toon6access n. (接近的)方法;通道;可接近性accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的be easy/hard of access 容易/难接近have/gain/get/obtain access to 得以接近,得以会见,得以进入,得以使用give access to 接见,准许出入be accessible to 能接近,可使用即学即练6(1)Only a few people _ the full facts of the case.只有少数几个人能看到有关该案的全部事实的材料。(2)The only _ their house is along that narrow road. 只有沿着那条狭窄的路走才能到达他们的房子。have access toaccess to(3)A manager should _ his staff.一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。(4)The village is not _.那个村子汽车无法抵达。be accessible toaccessible by car7. in other words 换句话说in a/one word 简言之;总之in so many words 明确地;直截了当地word for word 逐字地break ones word 失信、食言keep ones word 遵守诺言give sb. ones word 对某人许下诺言have a word with sb. 与某人说句话have words with sb. 与某人争吵即学即练7(1)Beethoven wrote many worldfamous musical positions. _, he was a great musician.贝多芬写过许多世界著名的乐曲。换句话讲,他是一位伟大的音乐家。In other words(2)Be careful! Curt often doesnt _.小心点儿!科特经常不遵守他的诺言。(3)_, we must try our best to do the work.总之,我们必须尽最大努力来做这项工作。keep his wordIn a word(4)Would you like to _ me?你想跟我谈一谈吗?have a word with8out of breath上气不接下气catch/hold ones breath屏息lose ones breath喘不过气来out of sight看不见out of cash钱用光了out of control失控out of date过期out of fashion不再流行out of order出毛病out of work失业out of patience不能忍受out of question没问题;无疑;毫无疑问out of the question不可能的;办不到的即学即练8(1)I was _ after running for the bus.我因为追公共汽车,累得上气不接下气。(2)He ran _ by then.那时他跑得喘不过气来。out of breathout of breath(3)Some popular songs go _ soon.有些流行歌曲很快就不再流行了。(4)This medicine is _.这药已过期了。(5)You cant go to the wedding party in that old shirtits quite _.你不能穿着那件旧衬衣去参加婚礼这是绝对不行的。out of fashionout of dateout of the question9make fun of 取笑have fun (doing sth.) (在做某事中)获得乐趣get fun out of doing sth. 通过做某事获得乐趣for/in fun 闹着玩;开玩笑be full of fun 很顽皮;很爱开玩笑Its fun to do sth. 做某事很有趣。Theres (no) fun in/doing sth. 做某事(没)有趣。即学即练9(1)People _ her because she wears such a strange hat.人们取笑她,因为她戴了一顶这么奇怪的帽子。(2)Its wrong of the other children to _ you.其他孩子取笑你是错误的。(3)We _ at the party.我们在聚会中玩得很痛快。make fun ofmake fun ofhad a lot of fun(4)Children _ dressing in old peoples clothes. 孩子们穿着大人的衣服嬉闹,感到很好玩。(5)The little dogs _. 那只小狗很顽皮。get fun out offull of fun.重点句型详解1As_well_as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets.除了和朋友们去看电影、足球比赛之外,我也会花很多的时间和我的宠物一起玩耍。as well as译为“也,和一起”,在此句中相当于besides。注意as well as在使用时的主谓一致。(1)既又;也;以及;同一样He gave me clothes as well as food.他既给我食物,又给我衣服。This factory produces cars as well as trucks.这个工厂既生产卡车也生产小汽车。(2)as well as可以用于同级比较。“和一样好”,修饰动词。She sings as well as she plays.她弹得好,唱得也好。He speaks French as well as English.他英语和法语讲得一样好。(3)A as well as B结构做主语时,谓语动词的数要与A保持一致。The teacher as well as his students is doing an experiment in the lab.老师和他的学生正在实验室里做实验。The students as well as their teacher are doing an experiment in the lab.学生们和他们的老师正在实验室里做实验。拓展:as well单独使用于句尾表示“也”“既,又”,但是不能用于否定句。He speaks English as well.他也讲英语。He is a professor and a writer as well.他是一位教授,也是一个作家。即境活用1The father as well as his three children _ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.Ais goingBgoCgoes Dare going答案:C解析:as well asn./pron.短语结构不影响句子的主谓关系,即句子的主语应是the father; 由every Sunday afternoon in winter可知应用一般现在时态。2Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as_rich and full a_life_as you do.接受现实的他们并给予他们鼓励,让他们能像你们一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。as.as 引导状语从句,两个 as之间可以是 adj./adv. 也可以是n.,如果涉及数量可以用 as much/manyn. as.,或者 asadj.an/an. as.,此结构还可与 twice, three times, half 等倍数连用。 This is as good an example as the other is.这是一个像另一个一样好的例子。I can carry as much paper as you can.你能拿多少纸,我也能拿多少。拓展:as.as., not so.as., so.that., too.to/for, how 如果与单数可数名词连用,它们的顺序一律是:as/so/too/howadj.a(an)n.This is too long a journey for me.这是一个对我来说太长的旅程。She is so lovely a girl that everyone likes her.她是那样一个可爱的女孩,以至于每个人都喜欢她。How hot a day it is! 多么热的一天啊!即境活用2You know nursing is _ a way of life.Aas a much job as Bas much a job asCas job a much as Da job as much as答案:B解析:考查 asadj.an. as结构。易 错 点 拨 自我完善误区备考1.annoy/bother/disturb/trouble(1)annoy强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打扰或恼怒。(2)bother指使人烦恼而引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。(3)disturb较正式用词,多用于被动语态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,是程度较深的烦恼。(4)trouble指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。应用1(1)Pardon me for _ you with such a small matter.(2)It really _ me when people forgot to say thank you.(3)I am sorry to _ you, but can you tell me how to get to the station?(4)The accident _ all their plans.botheringannoyedtroubledisturbed2. congratulate/celebrate两者的中文意思很接近,但在英语中却有所不同。(1)congratulate意思是“祝贺、道贺”,只能用人做宾语,若要表明所祝贺的事情,后面要用on(upon)连接,构成congratulate sb. on(upon) sth.。(2)celebrate意思是举行仪式、典礼的“庆祝”,只能用事(节日、胜利、成功等)做宾语。构成celebrate sth.。应用2(1)We had a party to _ parents silver wedding.我们举行宴会庆祝父母的银婚纪念日。(2)We _ her on winning the contest.我们祝贺她在比赛中获胜。(3)They will _ your birthday next week.他们下周为你庆祝生日。celebratecongratulatedcelebrate高 效 作 业 自我测评技能备考.单词拼写1The young man with a d_ was given the chance to work in the pany.2His c_ fingers couldnt untie the knot.3Its amazing how soon you a_.4The negotiations have been c_ in a positive manner.5She offered me practical a_ with my research.disabilityclumsyadaptconductedassistance6One of his _ (雄心) is to bee a musician.7_ (祝贺) to you on your success!8He is a _(同伴) of mine on the journey.9The remote desert area is _ (可进入) only by helicopter.10He found the climate there _(有益的) to his illness.ambitionsCongratulationsfellow/panionaccessiblebeneficial .单项选择1Im entering for an 800meter race._.ACongratulationsBEnjoy yourselfCGood luck DAll the best答案:A解析:本题考查了congratulate的用法。此句可译为:“我进入八百米决赛了。”“祝贺你。”当别人取得成功或做了一些好的事情时,向对方表示祝贺,用congratulations,故选A。2Its a _ difficult question, so its _ impossible for me to answer it.Arather; quite Btoo; quiteCso; fairly Dquite; rather答案:A解析:第一个空如果选too/so的话,顺序应该是:too/so difficult a question;用quite应为quite a difficult question。第二个空用quite表示“完全”。3He doesnt like work. _, he is lazy.ANever mind BAll in allCIn other words DIn many ways答案:C解析:句意:他不爱劳动。换句话说,他很懒。A.不必担心;B.总而言之;C.换句话说;D.在很多方面。4The new policy will _ the elders a lot that people over 65 can take buses free of charge.Adiscount BsupportCapprove Dbenefit答案:D解析:句意为:这项新政策将使老年人受益很多,超过65岁的老年人可以免费乘坐公交车。discount打折;support支持;approve赞成;benefit使受益。5For professional athletes, _ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.Aappeal BattachmentCaccess Dapproach答案:C解析:考查名词辨析。access进入。句意为:对于专业运动员来说,参加奥运会就意味着他们有机会被载入史册。appeal请求;attachment附加;approach接近,方法。6Email, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily munication.Ais playing Bhave playedCare playing Dplay答案:A解析:本题考查主谓一致。as well as telephones为插入语,主语为不可数名词email,所以谓语用单数第三人称形式。7She fulfilled her _ to bee the first woman to run the 10 000 metres in 30 minutes.Aintention BattemptCattention Dambition答案:D解析:考查名词辨析。ambition 雄心,抱负;intention 目的,意图;attempt 企图;attention 注意。8Would you like there _ a meeting to discuss the matter?Abeing Bto beCis Dbe答案:B解析:考查不定式做宾补,即 would like sb./sth. to do。9(xx绵阳中学)What do you think of his teaching method?It should be popular; it _ practical.Aproves Bis provedChas been proved Dwas proved答案:A解析:考查时态和语态。此处的prove是系动词,表示“证明是,表明是”。后三项中的prove都是实义动词,语法结构不太恰当,而且D项的时态不符合语意。10The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to _ the change.Aadapt to Badopt toCapply to Ddevote to答案:A解析:adapt to适应于;adopt 收养,采纳; apply to 与有关系,使用;devote to 奉献。11How do you deal with the disagreement between the pany and the customers?The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers.Ato solving; making Bto solving; madeCto solve; making Dto solve; made答案:B解析:the key to中 to是介词;第二空填过去分词 made 做后置定语。12I am _ that he has not answered my letter.Abothered BinterruptedCinterfered Dannoyed答案:D解析:句意:他没有给我回信,使我很生气。annoy “使恼怒,使生气”;bother “不停打扰使人不安宁”,着重于动作;interrupt 指“打断某事或某人”,通常指以说话的方式来打扰别人;interfere “干涉,妨碍(某人或某事)”。13(xx南昌二中)The survey _ in our school last month shows that about 2 percent of the students are addicted to Internet games.Aconducted Bhaving been conductedCconducting Dto be conducted答案:A解析:考查非谓语动词。动词conduct与主语the survey之间存在动宾关系,又依据last month可知,该动作发生在过去,故选A项。conducted在此作定语,相当于which was conducted。14The Prime Minister refused to ment on the rumor that he had planned to _.Adischarge BdismissCresign Dresume答案:C解析:考查动词辨析。discharge 遣走某人,让某人离去;dismiss 开除,解雇;resume 恢复,重新开始;resign “离职”,符合题意。15What about talking with others while learning spoken English?In my opinion, _.Ait makes senseBits out of the questionCits up to youDits hard to say答案:A解析:考查交际用语。A.这很有道理,有意义,合题意。B.不可能,办不到;C.这由你决定;D.这很难说。 .完形填空ing home from school that dark winter day so long ago, I was filled with excitement of having the weekend off. But I was _1_ into stillness by what I saw. Mother, seated at the far end of the sofa, was _2_ , with the secondhand green typewriter on the table. She told me that she couldnt _3_ fast and then she was out of work. My shock and embarrassment at finding Mother in tears was a perfect proof of how _4_ I understood the pressure on her. Sitting beside her on the sofa, I began very slowly to understand. “ I guess we all have to _5_ something,” Mother said quietly. I could _6_ her pain and the tension of _7_ the strong feelings that were interrupted by my _8_ . Suddenly, something inside me lit up. I reached out and put my arms around her. She broke then. She put her face_9_ my shoulder and sobbed. I held her _10_ and didnt try to talk. I knew I was doing what I should, what I could and that was _11_ . At that moment, feeling Mothers _12_ with feelings, I understood for the first time her being easy to _13_ . She was still my mother, _14_ she was something _15_ : a person like me, capable of fear and _16_ and failure. I could feel her pain as she must have felt mine on a thousand occasions when I sought _17_ in her arms. A week later Mother took a job selling dry goods at half the salary the radio station _18_. “ Its a job I can do, though,” she said simply. But the evening practice on the green typewriter continued. I had a very _19_ feeling now when I passed her door at night and heard her _20_ away across the paper. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type.1A. tired B. ashamedC. lazy D. shocked2A. crying B. smilingC. thinking D. whispering3A. understand B. typeC. run D. return4A. eagerly B. worriedlyC. little D. much5A. fail B. winC. forget D. obtain6A. kill B. watchC. sense D. recognize7A. holding back B. putting awayC. staying up D. stopping from8A. pain B. laughter C. arrival D. disappearance9A. to B. upC. through D. against10A. tightly B. thoughtfullyC. carefully D. politely11A. enough B. preciseC. content D. serious12A. hand B. faceC. hair D. back13A. satisfy B. breakC. fall D. shout14A. while B. although C. yet D. since15A. more B. excellent C. strange D. huge16A. wound B. defeat C. cut D. hurt17A. kindness B. memoryC. fort D. support18A. supplied B. offeredC. paid for D. contributed19A. different B. hardC. pleasant D. devoted20A. screaming B. laughingC. tapping D. sewing答案及解析:1. D。刚刚放学回家,我被眼前的一幕震惊(shocked)得目瞪口呆。2. A。由下文的finding Mother in tears可知此处应填crying。3. B。这里指的是母亲打字(type)不快,因此下岗。4. C。在发现母亲伤心流泪时,我所表现的尴尬和震惊证明了我对母亲肩负的压力了解得是那么的少(little)。5. A。母亲在自我安慰:我想我们大家都会失败。something前省略了介词in。6C。sense感觉到。我察觉到母亲的痛苦和尽力抑制自己的感情。kill杀;watch观看;recognize认出,承认。7. A。hold back抑制;put away把收起来;sit up坐起,熬夜;stop from阻止做。这里指母亲控制自己的感情。8. C。此处是说母亲的感情被“我”的到来打断了。9. D。我伸手抱住了母亲,她那时完全崩溃(broke)了。10. A。我紧紧地抱着她。11. A。我知道我在做我应该做的事和我能做的事情,那已经足够了。12. D。双手抱着母亲,此处应该是抚摸着母亲的背部。13. B。此处是说“我”第一次懂得了母亲很容易心碎、垮下。所以填break。14. C。此处是转折关系。15. A。然而母亲像我一样也有别的东西:恐惧、内心的痛苦和失败。16. D。hurt多指精神上的痛苦。17. C。此处的意思是:我在她的臂弯里寻求安慰(fort)时。18. B。the radio station offered为定语从句,修饰salary。19. A。作者夜里走过妈妈的房门,还听到妈妈在练习打字,自然是感慨万千,所以应填different,别样的感觉。20. C。tap(在打字机上)敲打。.短文改错One afternoon on April, 1912 , a new ship set off from 1._England to America on it first trip. It was one of the 2._largest and first ship at that time. It was cold,3._but the ship was pleasant and people are 4._oninititsshipshipsarewereenjoying themselves. The next day was even cold. People 5._could see icebergs here or there. It


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