2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit15 Popular youth culture(第三课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit15 Popular youth culture(第三课时).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit15 Popular youth culture(第三课时)Teaching Aims:1.Review the useful words and expressions learnt in this unit.2.Review the usages of “although” “even though” “so.that” and “whenever”.3.Learn more about voluntary work and improve the students reading ability.Teaching Important Points:1.Help the students master the words and expressions in this unit.2.Help the students know more about voluntary work.Teaching Difficult Point:How to help the students understand voluntary work better.Teaching Methods:1pleting a crossword puzzle to review the words and expressions learnt in the last two periods.2.Fast reading to understand the general idea of the passage the review “although” “even though” “so.that” and “whenever”.3.Discussion to understand some detailed information in the passage.4.Pair work and group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step RevisionT:In the last two periods,weve learnt some useful words and expressions.Now,lets play a game to review them first.Look at the screen,please.Work in pairs.(Show the following on the screen.)Work out the clues from the box to plete the word puzzle.1.A person who works without payment.2.Our ability to see is due to our_.3.A list of times when events will take place.4.Right now,with no delay (2 words)5.An _event happens every year.6.Once every week7.Having a helpful effect8.If you turn around quickly ten times,you will feel_.9.A gift of money or time to a good cause10.When you have difficulty breathing,you are _. (A moment later,teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers:1.volunteer2.eyesight3.timetable4.straight away5.annual6.weekly7.beneficial8.dizzy9.donation10.breathlessT:Good.These words are all useful.Try to use them more to master them better after class.Step Reading and UnderstandingT:Weve read a lot about voluntary work by now.Today,well read a passage about a volunteer.This is a moving story.Before we read it,lets review something first.(Write the following on the blackboard:although,even though,so.that,whenever)Weve learnt them before.Do you know how to use them?Please look at the screen.Ill show you some examples to help you use them correctly.(Show the following on the screen.If necessary,explain the sentences to the students.)1.althoughe.g.Although (he was) seriously ill (yet) he kept on working.2.even thoughe.g.Even though/if I have to walk all the way Ill get there on time.3.so.thate.g.He is so young that you must excuse him.4.whenevere.g.Whenever I may go,I find him at his book.T:Now,please make some sentences using them.(Give the students enough time to prepare and then ask some students to write their sentences on the blackboard.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)T:Very good.Now,read the passage quickly to get the general idea and fill in the blanks.(Give the students a few minutes to read the passage and fill in the blanks.Then ask some students to say their answers.If the students have different answers,allow them to have a short discussion to get the correct ones.)Suggested answers:Although;so.that;so.that;although;even though;wheneverT:Well done!Now,please read the passage carefully to get some detailed information.Then finish the exercise on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)plete these sentences about Ma Hua.1.After Ma Hua graduated, _.2.Because he wanted to help others improve their lives, _.3.He loved the local children as if_.4.In order to help the children learn English, _.5.If he hadnt built a playground, _.6.When he got to the village, _.7.Although life in the village was very different from that of Shanghai, _.8.Unless the melted ice, _.9.No matter how hard _. (Students read the passage carefully and finish the exercise individually.)T:Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Now,please check your answers with your partner.Do you have any different answers?If you do,have a short discussion about them to decide which are the correct ones.(Allow the students enough time to finish this task.Then ask some students to say their answers.If there are different answers in the class,help the students have a discussion and get the correct answers.)Suggest answers:1. he had a good career in IT and a great life in Shanghai2.he gave up his job and moved to southwest China to do voluntary work in a village primary school in March,xx.3.they had been his own children4.he painted pictures on the classroom walls5.the children wouldnt have had a place to do sports6.he had no problem fitting in and soon became an important member of the munity7.Ma Hua was able to make the adjustment to his new life8.he had no water to use9.the life was,Ma Hua had much enthusiasm for his workStep DiscussionT:From this passage we know that Ma Hua found true happiness by giving up a good salary and a wealthy lifestyle,but many people think that having money is the key to being happy.Whats your opinion?Can you think of examples to support your view?Now,please have a discussion in groups of four.Try to think of as many examples as possible to support your view.(The students have a discussion for about five minutes.Then teacher asks some students to report to the class what theyve thought of.)T:Yang Jing,please tell us your opinion.Do you think having money is the key to being happy?S:I dont think so.Surely money can get you many things,but there are many,many things that you can never get with money,such as true love,true friends and health.T:Very good.Who can think of other examples?S:Money cant get you respect.T:Good.Now,who has a different opinion?S:I think money is important,and money is the key to being happy.T:Please tell us why you think so.S:Because without money,people will have to worry about their food,clothing,housing and even their children cant receive good education.If unluckily,one of the family members needs to get medical treatment,or needs to be operated on,how can you afford this without enough money?You may even lose him/her just because of lack of money.I think people can live a better life with more money.I guess thats why our government is trying her best to develop our economy.T:Excellent.Both of you have done very well.After class,try to collect more examples to support your view.Now lets have a debate about the topic “The best things in life are free” in groups of four.Two argue “For” and two should argue “Against”.Write down some points for your side of the argument;then explain them to your classmates and answer their questions.(Allow the students enough time to prepare and have the debate.Teacher should help the students with their difficulties.Then ask several groups to act out their debates.)Step Summary and HomeworkT:Today,weve reviewed the useful words and expressions we learnt in the last two periods,and weve also read a moving story about a volunteer named Ma Hua.Then we had a discussion about whether having money is the key to being happy.Finally,we debated about the statement:The best things in life are free.After class,you can collect more information and continue your debate.Remember to preview next partIntegrating skills.Thats all for today.Goodbye!Ss:Bye-bye!Step The Design of the Writing onthe BlackboardUnit 15Popular youth cultureThe Third Period1.althoughe.g.He kept on working although it was late.2.even thoughe.g.I like her even though she can be annoying.3.so.thate.g.This box is so heavy that I cant lift it.4.whenevere.g.Ill discuss it with you whenever you like.Step Record after Teaching_


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