高中英语 Unit1 Advertising Project课件1 牛津译林版必修4.ppt

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牛津高中英语,(模块四 高一下学期),Advance with English,Project,Unit,1,Developing an ad campaign,Unit 1,课件描述:,本堂课的宗旨是引导学生在“做中学”,通过让学生完成一份围绕本单元主题的广告宣传单来学习和使用英语。,dvertising,A,Unit 1,Project 1 Developing an ad campaign,Advertisements are an important part in our daily life,Lead-in,From the two groups of pictures, we can see that ads can be seen everywhere and they are playing a very important part in our daily life.,Comprehension,Listen and understand,1. What is an ad campaign? 2. What media can you use in an ad campaign? 3. What questions should we first consider?,An ad campaign is an organized programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a particular audience.,We can use different kinds of media, including newspapers, magazines, televisions, billboards, mailing, etc.,1. Who is the audience for your ad campaign? 2. What do you want your ad campaign to say? 3. How do you reach your audience?,ampaign,oal,arget,esearch,reate,essage,nformation,ppeal,eact,edia,cross,pproach,each,Reading for detailed information:,Main idea of each paragraph,Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4,the definition of an ad campaign/ what an ad campaign means,the target audience and how to determine the target audience,what the ad campaign says,how to reach the target audience,Read and understand,Why is anti-smoking chosen as the subject of the ad campaign? 2. What is the main aim of the anti-smoking campaign?,Every year millions of people around the world die due to smoking, which causes great damage to the welfare of the people. There are huge numbers of smokers in Asia.,The main aim is to discourage young people from smoking.,Read and understand,3. How can high-school teenagers be convinced not to start smoking?,We will educate them about the bad effects of smoking and how smoking affects those people surrounding them. We will show how smoking is not cool or attractive, etc.,Language Focuses,Useful words and expressions,reach have sth. in mind figure out employ determine in advance,appeal to react care about be concerned with personally get across put together,Useful words and expressions,due to poisonous chemicals lung cancer discourage from convince urge,give up inform about shock into related to,Homework,1. Finish Ex. B1 and B2 on Page 91. 2. Write a short passage using the phrases listed.,


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