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2019-2020年高中英语必修5Unit5FirstAidTeaching aims:1. Topic Medicine; first aid; safety in the home; medication2. Useful words and expressions:Words: aid illness injury bleed ankle choke blood bloody burn organ poison ray treatment liquid radiation mild mildly iron tissue electric swell swollen damage jewellery squeeze wound bandage symptom kettle wrist damp sleeve throat present (v.) ceremony bravery towel pressure ambulance authentic essayExpressions: first aid fall ill electric shock squeeze out over and over again in place a number of put ones hands on 3. Functional items:Giving instructions What should he do? If you/he/, you might beWhy should he? Tell him toWhat about this? If there is a pulse, check her breathing.What if? ContinueuntilAnd then what? Now, if there is no, you mustYouve got to Do not put.First you have to Then NextNever put4. Grammar Ellipsis You can get burnt by hot liquids and (you can get burnt by) steam.First degree burns turn white when (they are) pressed.Teaching proceduresPeriod 1 ReadingStep 1. Warming upTask 1. Ss look at the 6 pictures on page 33 and discuss what kind of first aid they should give.1. Ss talk about what they know about first aid.2. Ss in groups discuss how to perform first aid to the people in the pictures.Step 2. Pre-reading Task 2. Ss look at the picture on page 33 and try to solve the problem.1. Look at the picture and see what had happened.2. Ss in pairs discuss what kind of first aid they would perform in this situation.Step 2. ReadingTask 3: Ss learn how to read. 1. Ss get the titles and sub-titles.2. Ss read the title and answer: what will the article be about?3. Ss read the sub-title and answer: what do they tell you about the article?4. Ss read the text and try to get the key words.5. Ss look at the picture and answer: what is the picture about? How does the picture relate to the article? Task 4: Ss read the details of the text and finish part 1 and 2 on page 35. Task 5: read the first aid treatments for the burns and do part 3 on page 36. Task 6: Ss answer the following questions:1. Why should you put cold water on a burn?2. Why doesnt a third degree burn hurt?3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?Step 3. After- reading Task 7: Ss use the key words to retell the causes, types, characteristics, and the first aid of burns. Or: discuss how to escape from a big fire.Period 2. Language learning Step 1. Revision Ss talk about what they have learned about the first aid for burns.Step 2. Language points 1. first aid give /offer aid 援助 e to sbs aid 帮助某人 cut off aid (突然)终止援助 a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids 教具 medical aid 医疗救护 with the aid of 借助于 in aid of 为了帮助 2. fall ill He fell ill and had to enter the hospital. fall asleep fall silent3. protect against keep from stop from prevent from. disable from savefrom 4. depend on : 取决于;依靠,依赖; 信赖,信任 The amount you pay depends on where you live.His family depends on him.We are depending on you to finish the job by Friday.5. squeeze: v. squeeze sth. out(of/from) sth. Those blackmailers intended to squeeze more money out of him.6. over and over again Ive told you over and over again not to do that.7. present: v. 赠给 The mayor presented the prizes in person. present sth. to sb. present sb with sth. He presented a silver cup to the winner. When she left the pany, the director presented her with a set of golf clubs.8. sense of touch sense of sight sense of hearing/ taste /smell /humour/ beauty/ direction /urgencyStep 3. Learning about languageSs do part 1 and 2 of the discovering useful words and expressions.Step 4. Practice 1. Ask the Ss to do Ex. 1and 2 on page 70.2. Do Ex 3 on page 71.Period 3. Extensive reading Step 1. Reading (page 38)This reading passage is in the form of a newspaper article and is an example of how knowledge of first aid can save lives.Task 1: Ss in groups discuss the following scenario: You can hear a woman screaming. You find her sitting on the ground, bleeding heavily from deep knife wounds in her hands. Do you help her? If so, what do you do?Task 2: Ss read the title and the first paragraph, then answer the following questions: Who? How? When? Where? What? Why? 1. Ss read the headline of the newspaper article and tell what they think the story is about.2. Ss read the first paragraph and answer the 6 questions.Task 3: Ss read the passage from beginning to the end and finish Ex 1 to 3 on page 39.Task 4: Ss in groups, discuss the questions of Ex 4 on page 39.Step 2. Reading task (page 72) Task 5: Ss in pairs and discuss the following questions:1. Have any accidents ever happened in your hours?2. What happened and why did it happen?3. How do you think the accident could have been prevented/Task 6: Ss read the title of the text and the headings within it. Then try to find what the topic of the text is and how the information is organized.Task 7: Ss read the pamphlet and fill in the following form:Things we do Things we shouldnt doIn the kitchenl We always let the floor dry after it is washed before we use the kitchen again.l We keep a window open when we use gas fires.l I shouldnt stand on chairs to reach things.l We shouldnt leave matches anywhere.In the bedrooml My mother keeps bottles of medicine on a high shelf out of the reach of children.l I shouldnt light candles in my room.My father should never smoke in bed.In the bathroomI always unplug the hairdryer after Ive used it.We shouldnt take an electric heater into the bathroom.Period 4. Grammar : Ellipsis Step 1. Presentation 1. Give some examples: You can get burnt by hot liquids and (you can get burnt by) steam.First degree burns turn white when (they are) pressed. 2. Presentation 被省略的部分 1). (I)Beg your pardon. (主语) 2). (It)Sounds like a good idea. 3). (Is there)Anything I can do for you? (谓语) 4). (Is)Anybody here? 5). Where had Mr Smith gone? Sorry, I dont know (where he had gone). (宾语) 6). (Are you) Hungry? (主语和谓语) 7). (I want ) Orange juice, please. 8). Would you like to e to the party? Id love to (e to the party). (不定式to后省略动词) 9). They do not visit their parents as much as they ought to (visit their parents). 3. 并列句中的省略 Someone borrowed my pen, but I dont remember who (borrowed my pen). I wont go, not until I have finished my work. Any major breakthrough and France would be finished.4. 复合句中的省略While(he was) doing so, he trembled a little.Unless (it is) changed, this bill is likely to be rejected.Though (he was ) exhausted, he stayed up late.She hurried out of the room, as if (she was) angry.I shall do all I can (do) to help you.I dont think (that) he will (do that).Step 2. Practice 1. Ss do Ex 1 and 2 on page 37. 2. Ss rewrite the sentences on page 38.Step 3. Practice Ss finish Ex 1and 2 on page 71.Period 5. Listening and speaking Step 1. Warm upBefore Ss listen to the tape, read through Exercise 1 (page 39) with the class and make sure they understand the meanings of the words in the list.Step 2 Listening (page39) Task 1: Ss listen to the tape and tick what topics the teacher asks questions about.1. Ss listen to the tape and tick.2. Ss try to tell the names of the students on the tape. If they cant , play the tape again.Task 2: Ss listen again and take notes about first aid treatment for each of the situations in Exercise 2.Step 3. Listening (page69) The listening text presents an emergency phone call in which a woman is asking for an ambulance for her daughter who has had an accident.Pre-listening: ask Ss if they have ever had to phone an emergency number.Task 3: Ss listen to the tape twice and plete the table on page69.Name of callerSarah GrantTelephone number6161 9486Address 12 Loft Street, East HortonWhat had happened Mrs Grants daughter fell from a table and maybe had broken her leg. She hit her head and is unconscious.Number of people involvedOne (Mrs Grants daughter) Task 4: Ss listen again and answer the questions on page 69.Step 4. Talking (on page 69) The purpose of this section is to give Ss the opportunity to practice an emergency phone call. The dialogue they have just listened to provides them with a model.Task 5: With a partner choose an emergency situation and write a dialogue in which someone calls the emergency number. Make sure that the operator asks for all the information in the table above. Start with the line below. Operator: Emergency. Can I help you? Caller: Period 6. Writing Step 1. Pre-writing Writing task: Ss are going to write a letter asking their principle to organize a first aid course at the school. Before Ss do the exercise, brainstorm with them what such a letter would include.The letter should:u Say we have done a unit on first aidu Say why the unit was usefulu Explain the importance of doing a first aid courseu Say what we would like the principal to doStep 2. Writing Ss can use the outline and instructions on page 75 to help them.1. Ss in pairs write the letter.2. Ss check their writing.3. Ss display their letters in class.4. Ss choose the best letter.


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