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2019-2020年高中英语必修5Unit3Scienceversusnature-GrammarandusageTeaching objects:1. Learn the usage of verb-ed form and verb-ed phrases2. Learn the difference and usage of verb-ing and verb-ed as adjectivesTeaching procedures:Step I IntroductionVerb-ed form can be used like an adjective or an adverb in a sentence serving as(充当) attribute(定语), predicative(表语) and object plement(宾语补足语)When the verb-ed form is used as an attribute, it can be changed into an attributive clause. The verb-ed form can also be used as an adverb modifying(修饰) some verbs such as stand, sit, lie etc. to show the two actions happening at the same time.Please identify the parts of speech(词性) of the verb-ed form in different sentences1) The handwritten notes are from jack.2) The kidnappers were using a stolen car. 3) A dark-haired man went into the room.4)The cake was left untouched on the table.5) The girl lay trapped under the wreckage(船舶残骸).Step II the usage of verb-ed formThe functions of verb-ed form1. attribute(定语)1)A single verb-ed can appear before a noun modifying the noun like an adjective. It can be changed into an attributive clause.We should drink boiled water. = We should drink water which has been boiledThey took the injured woman to the nearby hospital at once.= They took the woman who was injured to the nearby hospital at once.2) Generally speaking(一般说来), the verb-ed form of transitive verbs(及物动词) expresses passive meanings while the verb-ed form of intransitive verbs(不及物动词) expresses active and past meanings. Some verb-eds before nouns can express past meanings, such as escaped, retired and fallen.the escaped criminal逃犯 pastthe developed countries发达国家 pasta widely used language passivethe retired scientist pastthe highly praised scientist passivefallen leaves 落叶 pastthe risen sun升起的太阳 pastthe exploited classes 被剥削阶级 passive3) A verb-ed phrase can appear after a noun to modify the noun like an attributive clause does.The name mentioned in the letter was unknown to me.= The name which was mentioned in the letter was unknown to me.The firemen were trying to rescue the people trapped in the fire.= The firemen were trying to rescue the people who were trapped in the fire.Scientific experiments carried out by students without the teachers instructions can be dangerous.= Scientific experiments which are carried out by4) A verb-ed can be part of a pound(复合词) with an adverb or a noun before it.a so-called professor 一个所谓的教授homemade pizza 自制的比萨饼a well-accepted idea 广泛接受的想法a highly-respected professor 极受尊重的教授a well-paid job 报酬颇丰的工作underdeveloped regions 不发达地区handmade furniture 手工制作的家具5) A verb-ed can also be used as a non-restrictive attribute (非限定性定语) which is separated from the noun it modifies by a ma(逗号).The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people. = The books, which were written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success. = The meeting, which was attended by one thousand students, was a success. 2. predicative (表语) It can be put after some link-verbs (系动词) such as: be, seem, appear, look, sound ,feel, remain, stay, bee1) Edison became interested in science when he was very young.2) The little boy was very excited when he heard that he could go to the party.3. Object plement (宾语补足语) It can be used after some verbs such as: see, hear, notice, watch, find, get, have, feel, make, leave, keep 1) As he knows little English, he finds it difficult to make himself understood.2) I had my hair cut yesterday.3) She found the door locked.4.A verb-ed can be used after verbs like stand, sit and lie to show that the two actions are happening at the same time.The girl lay in bed lost in thought.= The girl lay in bed and was lost in thought.The boy sat at the table buried in his homework.= The boy sat at the table and was buried in his homework.Key for Exercise A : (1) disappointed (2) puzzled (3) excited (4) thrilled (5) interested (6) boredKey for Exercise B:2.The problems created by cloning will soon be clear.3.We dont want beasts produced by scientists to replace us one day.4.The technology used is amazing.5.The only thing needed is just a cell from your old pet.Step III The usage of verb-ed phrasesA verb-ed phrase is actually a verb-ed followed by an object or /and adverbial. The verb-ed phrases can be used as the adverbial(状语) to express the time, the reason and condition1.A verb-ed phrase can be a verb-ed on its own. It can also be followed by an object and/or adverbial.1) She left the restaurant, disappointed.2) She left the restaurant, disappointed with the bad service.3) Heated, water changes into steam.4) The girl was sent to the hospital, seriously injured.5) The girl was sent to the hospital, seriously injured in the car accident.2.Passive verb-ed phrases can express time, reason and condition. We can use adverbial clauses(状语从句) to rewrite the phrases.1) timeSeen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful.= When the park is seen from the hill, it looks very beautiful.When pleted, the museum will be open to the public.= When it is pleted, the museum will be open to the public.Once seen, it can never be forgotten. = Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten.2) reasonFrightened by the thunder and lightning in the night, the girl did not dare sleep alone in her own room.= Because she was frightened by the thunder and lightning in the night, the girl did not dare sleep alone in her own room.Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.= Because he was lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.3) conditionGiven more time, we could do it much better.= If we were given more time, we could do it much better.Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.= Unless you are invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.pared with other professors, she was an excellent speaker.= If she was pared with other professors3. Understood subject(逻辑主语)1)The understood subject is usually the same as the subject of the main clause. (refer to the above sentences)2) When verb-ed is used as adverbial(状语) or predicative(表语), its understood subject is the subject of the main sentence.She became discouraged at the news.3)动词ed形式作定语时,它的逻辑主语是被它修饰的名词,它和名词之间是被动关系。The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.4) verbed形式在句中作宾语补足语或主语补足语时,它的逻辑主语是句子的主语或宾语,它们之间的关系是被动关系。Vivien got her fingers trapped in the bicycle chain. (trapped的逻辑主语是句子的宾语fingers)The valuable vase was found stolen. (stolen的逻辑主语是句子的主语vase)We got home only to find the whole house turned upside down. Thieves obviously had broken in. (turned up side down的逻辑主语是句子的宾语house)Key for Exercise A2.Encouraged by her teachers, Suzie did well at school.3.Inspired by his grandfather, the child wrote more poems.4.Bored by the game, the dog will not play any more.Step IV Verb-ing and verb-ed used as adjectivesRead the instructions on the book and finish the following exercises to choose the correct words from the brackets.People have always been _(interested/ interesting) in finding out about world records.Hugh Beaver went to interview the two brothers and found their knowledge _(amazed/amazing)After being told several times, Mr Smith still felt _ (puzzled/puzzling) and did not know what to do.The film Pearl Harbor is really_ (excited/exciting). His response to the question was quite_ (disappointed/disappointing).Key for Exercise B(1)tired (2) burnt (3) bored (4) disappointing (5) pleased (6) challenging(7) relaxedStep V HomeworkFinish Parts C1 and C2 on page 108 in Workbook.


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