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2019-2020年高中英语必修5Unit2Project-Writingareport1. As the third longest river in the world, it is clear to see why the environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern both nationally and internationally.(P38)作为世界第三大河, 长江的问题之所以引起了国内外的关注,其原因是显而易见的。raise: V.1) T to lift something to a higher position:举起Would all those in favour, please raise their hands?He raised the window and leaned out.Mary Quant was the first fashion designer to raise hemlines.2)T to cause something to increase or bee bigger, better, higher, etc:提高,抬高The government plan to raise taxes.I had to raise my voice (= speak more loudly) to make myself heard over the noise.3)T to cause to exist: 引起,带来Her answers raised doubts/fears/suspicions in my mind.This discussion has raised many important issues/problems.The announcement raised a cheer/laugh.4)T to take care of a person, or an animal or plant, until they are pletely grown:饲养,抚养Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents.5) bring sth. up, put forward 提出The book raises many important issues for our consideration.Raise a question, please.2. rely on (P38)1) count or depend on sb./sth. 依赖Nowadays we rely increasingly on puters for help/to help us.I relied on you(r) ing early.You can rely on it that it will rain this weekend.2) have trust or confidence in s./sth 信任You can rely on me to keep you secret.3. The pollution of the river has resulted in unsafe drinking water which has led to health problems for people living near the river.(P38) 河水污染的后果是饮用水的不安全,这给在长江附近生活的居民带来各种健康问题。lead to sth phrasal verb If an action or event leads to something, it causes that thing to happen or exist: 导致=result inReducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.the opposite: lie in sth phrasal verb to exist or be found in something:存在,在于His skill lies in his ability to municate quite plex ideas very simply.The plays interest lies in the questions it raises about sexuality.4. Two special government projects are also under way to protect the river.(P38)还有两个保护长江的政府特别项目正在实施之中。under way: having started and making progress:已经开始并进行着The project is under way.Economic recovery is already underwayway常用词组:all the way :1) 一直,从头到尾 2) 老远 3) 完全,全部all the way from to各种各样的by the way :1)顺便一说 2)在途中by way of: 1)经过,经由 2)为了find ones way 找到路, 设法到达lose ones way 迷路fight/push/shoulder ones way拼搏/挤着前进gather way 加速get/fall into the way of 养成做 的习惯get ones way 随心所欲give way (to) 1)屈服 2)被 所取代in any way 不管怎样,好歹in a big/small way 大/小规模地in a way 1)在某种程度上 2)有点,有几分in no way 决不in ones (own) way 以自己的方式in the (ones) way 妨碍某人in the way of 1)妨碍了 2) 就来说lead the way 领路,带路make ones way (辛苦地)前进make way for 让路,让位no way 没门on ones (the ) way 1)在途中 2)渐趋于out of the way 1)不会妨碍之处 2)过时the other way about/around/round 相反地,颠倒地.You have to give way to traffic ing from the right.Neither of them will give way, so they could be arguing for a very long time.Dont give way to your fears.Youve been there before - why dont you lead the way?I think weve discussed everything we need to - by the way, what time is it?Oh, by the way, my names Julie.In some areas, modern intensive farming is giving way to the re-introduction of traditional methods.Ill take my plaint all the way to the managing director if I have to.Im well on the way to pleting the report.Go on, lend me your bike. No way!Its a very beautiful village but its a bit out of the way.Finding a way through the legislation is impossible without expert advice.5.The projects focus on problems along the Yangtze River such as water conservation.(P38) 这两个项目侧重长江沿岸诸如水资源保护之类的问题。focus (sth) on/upon sb/sth phrasal verbto give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject or thing: 集中于,关注Tonights programme focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.When the kitchen is finished Im going to focus my attention on the garden and get that sorted out.6. Less than 100 white-flag dolphins remains in the Yangtze River.(P38)长江里生活的白鳍豚的数量现在已经不足100头。remain V. 1) I or L SLIGHTLY FORMAL to stay in the same place or in the same condition:停留,保持The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days. A great many things remain to be done (= have not yet been done).He remained silent.It remains a secret.The bank will remain open while renovations are carried out.2 ) I to continue to exist when other parts or other things no longer exist: 留下,存活After the flood, nothing remained of the village.Only a few hundred of these animals remain today.相关高考试题:1.(xx 春季上海)The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing. A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating 解析:选C. 保持坐着的状态。2. (NMETxx)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen解析:选B. to be seen 作remain的表语,有待于观望,表被动。7. effort(P38)N. 1) C or U physical or mental activity needed to achieve something:努力If we could all make an effort to keep this office tidier it would help.You cant expect to have any friends if you dont make any effort with people.In their efforts to reduce crime the government expanded the police force.Hes jogging round the park every morning in an effort to get fit for the football season.It takes a long time to prepare the dish but the results are so good that its worth the effort.2 C the result of an attempt to produce something, especially when its quality is low or uncertain: 努力的结果,杰作Do you want to have a look at his exam paper? Its a fairly poor effort.


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