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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习Unit1Alandofdiversity课时作业新人教版选修.单项填空1It never occurred to me _ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.AwhichBwhatCthat Dif解析 考查固定句型。It occurs/occurred to sb.that.是固定句型,意思是:某人突然想起,其中that引导主语从句,故选C项。答案 C2When you get the paper back,pay special attention to what _.Ahave marked Bhave been markedChad marked Dhad been marked解析 句意:当你拿回试卷时须特别注意已经标注过的部分。本题考查动词的时态,该句强调过去已经修改过的东西并强调对现在的影响,用现在完成时,又因其主语为what,所以用被动语态。故用现在完成时的被动语态。答案 B3A teacher should make his lessons simple enough for the students to _.Atake off Btake upCtake in Dtake down解析 考查词组辨析。句意:老师应该使他的课足够简单到让学生理解。take off起飞,成功;take up从事;take in吸收;take down记下。答案 C4When she visited the childrens home,it _her that she could adopt a homeless child.Aran into Bhappened toCoccurred to Dwas occurred to解析 考查动词短语辨析。此处为句型It occurs to sb.that.某人突然想起。A项表示“偶然感到”,不合句意。happen to sb.表示“某事发生在某人身上”,不合语境,故排除B项;occur不用于被动语态,故D项被排除。答案 C5The _ cause of his illness was extreme drinking,but the real cause was his deep sadness on his wifes death.Amajor BapparentCclear Dserious解析 句意:他的病表面上是因为过度饮酒,真实的原因是他妻子的去世使他过度悲伤。故选apparent“表面上的”。major意为“主要的”;clear意为“清楚的”;serious意为“严肃的,认真的”。答案 B6Theres a camping shop in town that has tents for _ at $10 a week.Ahire BsaleCemploy Drepair解析 句意:镇上有一家宿营设备商店出租帐篷,价格一周10美元。根据“$10 a week”可知这是租用,不是sale出售;employ指“雇用”,跟人作宾语。答案 A7The bell rang,_ that class was over.Ato indicate BindicatingCindicated Dhaving indicating解析 indicate“表示,表明”。句意:铃响了,表示下课了。答案 B8He was supposed to_to the meeting,but he didnt.Ae Bhave eCbe ing Ding解析 to have e表示动作已经完成。句意:他本该到会的,但他没有。答案 B9Many students listened to the lecture,but I wondered how much work they took_.Aout BupCoff Din解析 take out表示“取出”,take up表示“从事,占用”,take off表示“起飞,脱下”,均不合题意。take in此处表示“吸收,理解”。答案 D10Dont worry about the present situation in the world;_ of people prefer peace to war.Athe most Bthe great partCthe majority Dthe number解析 根据题意:大多数人更喜欢和平而不喜欢战争。A项应为most of;D项表示“的数目”;B项表示“物体的一部分”;只有the majority符合题意。答案 C11In the school,girls majoring in nursing are _ the majority.Ain BonCto Dwith解析 in the majority“占大多数”。句意:在那所学校,学护理的女生占大多数。答案 A12With a nod of his head,he _ me where I should sit.Aindicated to Bindicated thatCindicate to Dindicate that解析 indicate that后跟从句,不合题意。indicate to此处为“向某人暗示,向某人表明”。时态应用过去时或一般现在时,但C项没用单数。答案 A13Its believed that parks are to the city_lungs are to the body.Awhat BlikeCthat Dwhich解析 考查名词性从句的引导词。what引导从句,不能用like,因为like是介词。句意:大家公认,公园之于城市,就像两肺之于人体。答案 A14By no means _ to your parents.Ais this the first time you are lyingBthis is the first time you have liedCthis is the first time you tell a lieDis this the first time you have lied解析 考查倒装结构。否定词by no means“决不”放在句首,主句需用部分倒装。this is the first time主语现在完成时,为固定结构,故选D项。答案 D15It suddenly _ to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.Ahappened BoccurredCthought Dtook place解析 由空格后的to可知,选B项。It occurs to sb.that.一个想法突然呈现。答案 B.完形填空George selected his food in Value Mart carefully.He estimated he had_1_80 cents today.He was pleased he had got good_2_for his money again.At the exit,the freezing wind_3_him of his gloves.He was sure he was wearing them when entering the_4_.He made a search of his pockets.Then he thought they must have been_5_somewhere in the store.George had bought the black gloves for $35 ten years ago.They were leather,soft and durable.Until then,he had worn cheaper manmade material that never lasted long.His_6_to buy the gloves turned out to be good,which even_7_his position on the bus,as poorer passengers stared at him_8_.George reentered the store.He followed the same_9_he had walked before,_10_at the bread counter,to the dairy section,to the shelf where salt and sugar were placed.It did not take long to be_11_that the gloves were not there.His_12_grew heavier.“People have changed,” he_13_.“Years ago,if somebody_14_something lost,they would give it back.”Yet he did not give up.This time he focused on the gloves on other shoppers _15_.Suddenly he_16_a lady nearby wearing a black pair of gloves.He said,“Hi!” But when the surprised lady returned his_17_,his eyes dropped to the floor,for the fingers of her gloves were too small for him.Without gloves,he had to_18_his hands into his sleeves.Back home,George was_19_.He could not do without gloves.George decided to buy another leather pair.But before that,he stepped into Value Mart again to see if by any_20_his gloves had been returned to the lost and found office.The girl looked into her drawer and took out a pair of mens leather gloves.“Are they?”“Yes ! Mine !” George shouted with joy.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了George去Value Mart购物,无意中弄丢了自己心爱的皮手套,经历了一番艰难的寻找之后,终于失而复得的故事。1. A.had Bwasted Cspent Dsaved解析根据1空前面的内容可知,此处表示他算了算今天共节省(saved)了80美分。答案D2 A.qualityBvalue Cscore Dnumber解析他很高兴又一次捡了便宜。value表示“(与价格相比的)值,划算程度”,符合语境。答案B3 A.informed BwarnedCreminded Dremembered解析在出口处,刺骨的寒风让他想起了他的手套。remind sb.of sth.使某人想起,符合语境。答案C4 A.storeBcounterCflatDsquare解析根据5空后面的“the store”可知应选A项。答案A5 A.forgottenBtaken Cdropped Drejected解析他想手套一定是落(dropped)在商店的某个地方了。答案C6 A.hope BdecisionCwish Dopportunity解析他买这副皮手套的决定(decision)结果是好的。答案B7 A.pulledBpromoted Creduced Dpushed解析就连在公共汽车上那副皮手套都能提升(promoted)他的地位。答案B8 A.enviouslyBangrilyCsincerelyDproperly解析比他更穷的人在车上羡慕地(enviously)盯着他看。答案A9 A.road Bentrance Cgate Droute解析他沿着他先前的路线(route)走。 答案D10A.staring BstartingCstopping Dlooking解析他从面包柜台开始(starting),到奶制品区,再到放盐和糖的架子那儿。答案B11A.relaxedBignored CconvincedDrushed解析不需要花费很长时间就可确定手套不在那儿,故选convinced。 答案C12A.heartBeyes ClegsDbody解析George的心(heart)变得越来越沉重。答案A13A.exchanged BdiscussedCwhispered Dargued解析他小声说(whispered)道:“人变了。前些年,如果有人捡到(picked up)了某人丢的东西,他们都会还回来的。”答案C14A.picked out Bpicked upCmade out Dmade up解析参见上题解析。答案B15A.hands Bbaskets Cpockets Dfingers解析根据上下文内容可知,他开始注意其他购物者的手(hands)了。答案A16A.preventedBrecognized Cnoticed Dcursed解析突然他注意到(noticed)附近的一位女士戴着一副黑手套。答案C17A.anger BgreetingCemotionDdescription解析但是当那位吃惊的女士回应他的问候(greeting)的时候答案B18A.spreadBextendCwave Dshrink解析没有了手套,他不得不把手缩(shrink)到袖子里。答案D19A.seriousBproud Cupset Dcautious解析没有找到心爱的手套,他肯定感到非常难过(upset)。答案C20A.chanceBprobabilityCmeans Dterms解析他又来到Value Mart,看看有没有可能他的手套已经被送到了失物招领处。chance“(尤指希望发生的事的)可能性”,符合语境。答案A. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Maybe you have heard the expressionWhen in Rome,do as the Romans do.So when you want to do business in France,you have to get to know French culture,to make marketing plans,and to run your business by local laws._1_The French take great pride in their language,so anyone who does not speak it may run the risk of being disrespected by his French colleagues or business partners.Also,another reason why learning French is important is that it is a great way to show every possible French business partner that you care and respect their countrys culture and language.The first thing that you should do when meeting someone new is to shake his hand firmly and always look the person in the eye.In social meetings with friends,kissing is mon._2_The French will sometimes introduce themselves using their surname first,followed by their first name.Dress well._3_Your business clothing is a reflection of your success and social status.Always try to be tasteful and stylish.Women are advised to dress simply but elegantly.Wearing makeup is practised widely by businesswomen.The French are passionate about food,so lunches are mon in doing business in France,which usually consist of an appetizer,a main meal with wine,cheese,dessert and coffee,and normally take up to two hours._4_Do not begin eating until the host says “bon appetit”Pass dishes to the left,keep wrists above the table and try to eat everything on the plate._5_This may suggest that you find the food tasteless.If eating in a restaurant,the person who invites always pays.AThe French draw information about people based on their appearance.BThis is a time for relationship building.CRemember to be as polite as possible.DLanguage should be the focus of anyone planning to do business in France.EBe careful with adding salt,pepper or sauces to your food.FUse Monsieur or Madame before the surname.GMake an appointment with your business partner in advance.答案 1D2.F3.A4.B5.E.短文改错I like music very much,pop songs particularly.Every evening I am doing homework and at weekends when I at home,I always play some of my favorite songs on my tape recorder.The familiar patterns of notes me into the world of music.Now and then I to follow the songs.Sometimes,my mother es in,asking me to fix my attention my homework.She does not like the pop music.Like most grownups,she enjoys folk songs,because the peaceful music reminds her of beautiful life when she was young.It is a truth people of different understand music differently and enjoy different kinds of music.


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