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2019-2020年高中英语必修3Unit8ProtectingtheEnvironment(难句)How are we supposed to do that?Suppose猜想Be supposed to do sth应该做They are supposed to help you.You are not supposed to smoke here.不定式为完成时,表示应该做的事情而没有完成You are supposed to have finished your homework by now.在这之前,你本该完成作业的He isnt supposed to have left the hospital so soon.他不该出院这么早的2 .isnt that weird?不可思意把Weird不可思意的,The girls is wearing a weird dress.那个女孩穿着奇装异服Its weird that Mr.zhuge can borrow the cast wind from God.诸葛亮能借东风真是神拉3. So far youve told me a lot about recycling, but what does Reduce and reuse have to do with the enviroment?So far意识是,到目前为止,如So far, everything here has gone well.到目前为止,一切顺利So far, so good.Have sth ./ nothing / not much / a great deal / t o do with -与-有关系没有关系,关系不大,关系很大We dont have anything to do with the matter我们和那事情没有牵连What do you have to do with her ?你和她有什么关系来着?4. while Jenny was getting organized ,Drik, on the other hand , was still fiddling with his lock and he was getting pretty frustrated.当JENNY 在为下节课整理用品做准备时,DIRK却仍在试图开锁。老打不开他渐渐泄气拉On the other hand另一方面,它常用于On the other hand -on the other hand-The essay is well written, but on the other hand , there are some spelling mistakes in it.这篇论文写的不错,但有些拼写错误On the one hand I like the style, but on the other hand I dont like its color.我喜欢这样式,不喜欢这颜色Pretty是副词,意思是,很,相当Its pretty warm outdoors today.He did pretty well.We all feel pretty tired.5.out from the locker spilled the biggest collection of garbage Jenny had ever seen这是一个倒装句,正常句子是:The biggest collection of garbage Jenny had ever seen spilled out from the locker.Here es the bus JENNY 从没有见过如此多的一堆废品会从储藏柜里倾泻出来为了强调某些时间状语或地点状语时,全句用倒装语序In came an old lady with gray hair.公共汽车来拉Only in this way can we do it well.只要这样做,才能解决问题。6.sheep and cattle displaced countless munities of plants and animals that could otherwise occupy the vast spaces that cattle and sheep require.牛羊已经取代了无数植物和动物群体;否则,这些动物可能会占据需要的广大的空间面积。此句包含了两个定语从句,前一个修饰munities of plants and animals ,后一个修饰Space7 likewise,humans move animals around to the places they would not move on their own.人类把动物迁移到他们自己不会去的地方,其危害是一样的,Likewise 同样地Jenny has good manners. You should do likewise.JENNY 很有礼貌,你也应该这样/We respect the elders at home and likewise in society.在家在外尊敬长辈


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