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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1FriendshipGrammar(Period5)教学案新人教版必修1【要达成的目标】1. Remember the meanings of some words and expressions and know how to use them . 2. Learn about Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.【“教”与“学”过程】本堂课使用的电教手段 Task 1 Individual work before class.1. Preview Grammar part: Read Grammar in the Reference Book. 2. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.1). “I am a student of YiFeng Middle School.” He said.2). “May I e in?” the girl asked?3). “What is he doing?” the teacher asked me.Task 2 Group work in class.1. Ex1 on page 5. pare the four pairs of sentences and find the differences between direct speech and indirect speech.2. Discuss and then draw a conclusion:1). 引导词的应用:直接引语是陈述句改为间接引语用_引导. 直接引语是一般疑问句改为间接引语用_引导. 直接引语是特殊疑问句改为间接引语用_引导.2). 人称的变化:一 _ 二 _ 三 _3). 时态的变化: 主句动词为现在时,间接引语的时态_. 主句动词为过去时,间接引语的时态_.直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 一般过去时 过去进行时不变教师个性化教案 学生学习笔记 过去完成时不变一般将来时 注意一些特殊情况:4). 指示代词,时间状语,地点状语和方向性动词的变化: (Textbook Page 88)Task 3 Practice.Change the following sentences into indirect speech.1. “Im writing a letter to my English teacher.” said Anne.2. “Will you tell me the answer tomorrow?” I asked him.3.The teacher said to us, “The earth moves around the sun.”4. “Well go through the research next month.” they said to me.5. “Where were you in xx?” I asked him.6). “Ann, have you seen my blue notebook?” Peter asked.7. “What difference does it make?” Peter asked Jim.8. “They saw me yesterday in the street.” I said to my mother.Homework1. Go over the rules of changing direct speech into indirect speech.2. Prepare for the next class.【课后反思】(教师写成败得失和改进措施,学生写学习体会和存在的问题)


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