2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 tutorial centres-more reading教案 牛津上海版S2A.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 tutorial centres-more reading教案 牛津上海版S2A一、 章节分析(一)综述本章节是补充阅读材料,对自主学习这一学习方式做了简要的介绍。本课的任务有两个:1 学生通过对课文的学习,掌握一些核心词汇,例如:independent, describe, convenient, expand, providewith, municate等。2 通过学习课文,了解自主学习这种学习方式。了解对于这类介绍文体的写作方法。(二)阅读目标1 知识目标学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标进一步提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。3 情感目标强调学习的重要性,进一步明确Never too old to learn 的观点。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说,讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。(四)重点和难点词汇学习1) 核心词汇 l independentl continuel describe l pacel convenientl municate l determined2) 拓展词汇 l expandl solution l instructorl demandingl motivation l strict-discipline3) 词组和短语l be described as l at ones own pacel sth. be convenient to sb. l meet ones personal goalsl provide sb. with sth. l make mentsl tailor to l be determined to l keep high motivation and strict-discipline l enjoy a real sense of achievement and satisfaction二、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Pre-reading这部分是在主阅读材料上的补充延伸,故在引入环节可以采用复习手段,既能加深学生对于本章节主题的理解,又能自然地过渡到对扩充材料课文的阅读。要求学生完成两项任务:l 学生在学完课文的基础上,教师结合课本上出现的B部分听力,请学生总结归纳参加培训学校的利与弊,并且结合自己的实际谈谈自己的看法。l 请学生谈谈除了学校学习和参加课余学校的学习,现在还有哪些流行的学习方式。牛津英语课本While-reading 这是本课的主体部分,也是老师要处理的重点,既要引导学生学习重点词汇和句型,又要提高学生的阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读技巧。l 要求学生带着问题快速通读全文,了解文章大意。l 要求学生分段阅读,针对各段采用不同手段进一步理解课文,然后总结段落大意,掌握文章的篇章结构。l 培养学生猜词能力。在阅读的过程中,要求学生根句上下文,推测新单词的词意。完成课本第90页A1中的练习。授课中的主要内容见链接1牛津英语课本Post-reading 这是课文的拓展部分。要求学生阅读一篇课外材料,了解我国现在的自学考试取得了进展。课外材料内容见链接2链接 1说明: 本部分建议采用任务型阅读教学的方法,提高学生阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读技巧。提供一份教案。I. Skimming Skim the passage to get the general idea of the passage. Answer following Wh- questions and then finish Exercise A2 on Page 91:一、 What is “Independent Learning”?二、 What is the advantage of “Independent Learning”?. ScanningScan the passage to find facts to plete the following sentences.An Independent Learning Centre offers students _ that help them _, _, or _ that interest you.It provides students with _, _ and other materials such as _.Students can get touch with their instructors by _, _, _ or _. And the instructors will read their papers and give their ments in the same way. Then the grades will be recorded by _. Reading Ask the students to read the passage once again to have a deep understanding of the passage. 1. Read the passage one paragraph after another. 2. Ask students to raise questions about each paragraph to test their understanding of the paragraphs.3. Summarize each paragraph of the passage. Word studyindependent describepace provide ment tailor determined(学生通过上下文,回答问题,及相互间的问答来掌握词汇). Production To enlarge students knowledge and deepen their understanding of the importance of study.1. Read the supplementary reading material. Get some information from the material.2. Answer some questions after the material3. From the given material and what they have learnt from the text, the teacher help the students understand the importance of education and the proverb - Never too old to learn.链接 2说明: 这是学生能力的拓展部分,通过阅读补充材料,了解我国现行的自学考试制度是我国教育制度的重要组成部分且取得了进展。并且做一些相应阅读练习,在增加知识面的同时,进一步加强学生阅读能力的培养。Self-Study Test System ThrivingThe memorate of the 15th anniversary of Chinas examination system for the self-taught, the State Education mission held the National Higher Education Self-Teaching Examination Work Meeting in Beijing recently.Vice-Premier Li Lanqing said in his letter of congratulations to the meeting that over the past 15years, the self-study examination system has made substantial progress. Experience has proven that the self-teaching examination system is an effective method to enhance education in developing countries. This particular approach is a creation of the socialist educational system with Chinese characteristics.Since its inception a sizable self-taught system has been formed, which is dominated by state testing based on self-study supplemented with guidance and assistance. They system has spread to 30 provinces, autonomous regions(自治区)and municipalities and the region of Hong Kong. According to inplete statistics plied in the latter half of 1995, over 4.3 million actually participated in the 1996 spring examination. Thus far 6.1 million registered students have passed the self-study examination, xx times the number of registered college students and 2.6 times the number of adult students throughout China.About 250,000 self-taught students graduate from colleges and universities every year, 40 percent of the number graduates from ordinary colleges and universities and 55 percent of the number of graduates from adult colleges. Functioning as the largest open universities in China today, the self-taught program has helped in bringing forth large numbers of students who can well adapt their studies to social demands, making it an educational form irreplaceable by ordinary an adult colleges and universities, as well as an important ponent of Chinas tertiary education structure.The self-study program has evolved into a fairly plete educational system enpassing regular college course and specialties and granting regular certificates. BEIJING REVIEW, NOVEMBER 18-24, 1996Related exercises:Fill the blanks according to the material: The self-teaching examination system is an effective method to _ in _. Since its inception, the system has spread to _ provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and the region of Hong Kong. _ people applied to be tested in _ subject areas, and _ actually took part in the 1996 spring examination. Thus _ registered students have passed the _ examination. _ self-taught students graduate from colleges and universities every year, _ of the number of graduates from ordinary colleges and universities and _ of the number of graduates from adults colleges. As the largest open university in China today, _ has helped large numbers of students who can well _ their studies _ _, which makes it an educational form _ by ordinary and adult colleges and universities, as well as an important ponent of Chinas _.Open questions:What information do you get from the material?Will you further your education either in the way of independent learning or self-studying?


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