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2019-2020年高中英语选修10Unit4LearningefficientlyReading第一部分:教学设计Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(HOW TO BEE A SUCCESSFUL READER)AimsTo help students develop their reading ability To help students learn about learning efficientlyProceduresWarming up by learning about “Effective Habits for Effective Study ”Hello, everyone! How are you getting along with your studies of English? Do you have any effective habits for effective study?You can prepare yourself to succeed in your studies.Try to develop and appreciate the following habits: Take responsibility for yourself Center yourself around your values and principles Put first things first Discover your key productivity periods and places Consider yourself in a win-win situation First understand others, then attempt to be understood Look for better solutions to problems Look to continually challenge yourself Warming up by checking your learning efficiencyMorning, class! How efficient are you art studies? Before we read the text “How to bee a successful reader”, lets check our learning efficiency by taking this quiz. 1. Your routine for homework and study can be described as_A. Flexible B. Somewhat pre-planned but no fixed pattern. C. Fairly regular and fixed in structure.2. In what ways do you optimise your study environment, _A.Your study environment varies day by day.B. You know the best study environment for yourself.C. You are careful about your study environment. You have tried things like background music and different types of lighting.3. When you have not fully understood something in class do you_ A. Make it a priority to gain plete understanding ASAP.B. For reasons of efficiency, let these issues cumulate and deal with them at a later date.C. Catch it up when going over the work prior to exams.4. When you have fully understood something do you_ A. Move on to the next challenge and revise it at a later date.B. File it away and revise it next week.C. Both summarise the information and revise it within a day.5. When you study do you_ A. Do quite a lot of writing, and re-read the text book a few times.B. Only go over summarised or highlighted notes and do problem exercises.C. Allow the information to fade somewhat, and then re-learn by re-reading the information.6. How careful are you to optimise the learning that takes place in the classroom? A. Do you strive to gain an uninterrupted and clear view of what the teacher does and says?B. The classroom is just where you find out what to learn, and most of the learning takes place elsewhere.C. Do you not worry too much as the learning environment elsewhere is much better than the classroom?7. What is the source of information for your course? A. Teacher hand outs, class notes and/or school owned text books only.B. Includes various sources which are bined to provide a varied learning resource.C. Includes a write-on problems exercise book, and only a limited number of other sources.8. Three weeks out from exams - what is the state of your preparedness?A. Not well prepared, but three weeks is adequate to go over everything.B. Most information is in summarised or highlighted form, and now it is close to exams I can go over everything.C. All information is in summarised or highlighted form and has been revised a few times already.9. How do you learn within the classroom? A. You concentrate on taking in (and writing down) the notes and exercises.B. You make sure you understand things before you write the information down.C. You strive to understand rather than write anything, and look up the references later.10. How involved are your parents or friends in the learning process? A. They are not involved.B.You often discuss school learning with parents or friends.C. Your parents know how much work you are doing, and you often do homework or study with your friends.11. When you get help with your school work, how do you interact with the tutor? A. You let them decide and follow their advice on what you should be doing to improve.B. You show them your exam results and the tutor shows you how to do the problems where you lost marks.C. You pile a list of questions and concepts that you are struggling with.12. The way you use tutors is_ A. As a last resortB. Your first optionC. Relaxed - when they are available, you let them call the shots. Warming up by sharing English learning experiences with othersIn this section, we shall learn about Learning Efficiently. But first you are to have a group meeting to describe and share your English learning experiences with your classmates. The information in the box might be helpful to you.Motivation: Bee a person who likes to learn English. Dictionary: Get a good English dictionary. No mistakes: Avoid mistakes. Try to use correct English from the beginning. Pronunciation: Learn to pronounce English sounds. Learn to understand phonetic transcription and the phonetic alphabet. Input: Get English into your head by reading and listening to lots of English sentences. Reading Movies Adventure gamesI. Pre-reading Consider these five types of reading, and write an occasion when you have used them:1. Scanning This is looking over a text quickly to get a specific piece of information. On a piece of paper, plete this I have used scanning to read. 2. Skimming Looking over the text quickly to get a general idea of the content. Your eyes move quite fast, taking in titles of chapters, their beginnings and ends, and the first sentences of paragraphs. I have skim read when. 3. Sub-vocalisation This is reading very slowly and methodically, either saying the words out loud or at least with a voice in your head. It is painstaking but very slow. We tend to use it when trying out a recipe for the first time, or carrying out instructions as to how to assemble something weve bought. I have used sub vocalisation when. 4. Light Reading This is reading fairly quickly without concentrating too hard or worrying about every single word. We often use it when reading an enjoyable novel. I have used light reading when. 5. Study Reading Study reading involves thinking about what is being read so that it is understood and can be recalled. It needs to be worked at, with time for reflection, thought, analysis, criticism, parison, notes made, points highlighted and emphasised, arguments followed and evaluated, the whole summarised.II. Reading On page 32 there is an article entitled HOW TO BEE A SUCCESSFUL READEr You are going to read it aloud to the recording first. Now read the text again to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. HOW TO BEE A SUCCESSFUL READER1_Most people agree that /the best way/ to improve your skills/ in any endeavour/ is to practise, practise /and then/ practise some more. This applies equally to playing sports/ or being a good musician, painter/ or doctor. Of course, natural talent also plays a part /in high achievement, but learning the correct techniques/ and then/ practising them/ will improve anyones performance.2_The same principle applies to petent readers. There are certain techniques /you can learn/ and then/ it is up to you /to practise, practise/ and practise. The texts /you choose to practise with /should not be too difficult /or you will soon get frustrated/ and bored. One way /to test whether a text is at the right level/ is to read the first page. If the percentage of new words/ is higher/ than 3%, you will not be able to read the text easily/ and so will probably not enjoy it.Reading will also be more enjoyable/ if the subject interests you/ or you believe it is useful. For example, suppose in biology/ you were studying how plants reproduce, then /you could find an English text about this /on the Internet. That way /you would be practicing reading /in English/ as well as studying biology.3_If you wanted to bee a champion high jumper/ but your jumping technique/ was all wrong, even if you practised for a long time, you would probably never bee really good at it. It is the same /with reading. Some methods of reading are more efficient /than others, so it is a good idea/ to use the same techniques /as good readers do. Some of the techniques/ of good readers are discussed below. a_It is much easier to understand a text /if you already know something about the subject/ or the organization of the text /before you start. This is why there are pre-reading activities /before many of the reading texts/ in this book. Some pre-reading activities/ ask you to recall your knowledge /about the subject, some teach you a few of the new words/ you will find in the text, some ask you to glance at the way/ the text is organized. When there are no pre-reading questions, a good reader asks himself/ or herself pre-reading questions /such as: What is the title of this text? What do the sub-headings / pictures / diagrams / captions tell me about the text? What is the text going to be about? What do I already know about this topic? b_While reading, a good reader thinks about the content /and asks questions/ or makes ments/ in his/ or her head. For example:Thats interesting / important!I didnt know that! What does that mean?I dont agree with that.Yes, I read the same thing/ in another book.I wonder what the author will say next.c_Think about the way /you read different types of text /in your own language. As Francis Bacon once said, “some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed /and digested.” For some purposes /you need to read every word of the text. For other tasks /such as finding certain facts/ you can read much faster, slowing down to read more carefully/ only when you see a sentence/ that might be relevant to your task. You will read more efficiently/ if you keep in mind the purpose/ for your reading /and then/ read in a way /that will best help you/ to achieve this purposed_Read the sentences /in the box below /and then/ see how many of the questions beneath the sentences /you can answer. At this stage, do not look up the unknown words/ or phrases. Tom picked a tamarillo from the tree, cut it in half/ and scooped out the pulp. He tasted it, and found it was delicious. 1 Does Tom like tamarillos? 2 Do you have to cook tamarillos /before you eat them? 3 What kind of food is a tamrillo? As your purpose for reading these sentences was to answer the questions, you can achieve your purpose /even though you probably dont know what “pulp” /or “tamarillo” is. However, you can guess from the context that /a tamarillo is some sort of fruit /and its pulp is something/ nice to eat.4_We can all improve our reading. All /it requires/ is plenty of practice /using the right techniques. One way to know what techniques to use/ is to study the techniques/ that good readers use/ and then /adopt them in your own reading. Very soon /you will have developed reading skills/ that will help you /with all your reading.III. Copying expressions and making sentencesin any endeavour, be to do, apply to sth., play sports, bee a good musician, of course, play a part in, improve ones performance, be up toto, get frustrated, at the right level, the percentage of, on the Internet, practice reading, as well as, bee a champion high jumper, be all wrong, for a long time, bee good at, the same with, know sth. about, recall ones knowledge about, ask sb. to do., glance at, such as, tell sb. about, think about, ask questions, make ments, agree with, be tasted, be swallowed, be chewed and digested, for some purposes, slow down, keep in mind sth., look up the unknown words, cut it in half, scoop out, achieve ones purpose, sort of, plenty of, develope reading skills, help sb. with, IV. Closing down by summing up characteristics of a successful readerTo end this period we shall again reflect upon our learning. This time lets brainstorm the characteristics of a successful reader.Structural awarenessDo you notice how a text or novel is organized? Knowledge of structure can help provide you with valuable information about content. For example, when you are studying for a test, headings, subheadings, and highlighted words are easy guides to pertinent information. In novels, double-spacing within a chapter usually indicates a change of setting. Ability to choose appropriate materialsGood readers choose books they are able to read, while less adept readers often pick books that are too difficult for them. Appreciation of the payoffsGood readers live vicariously through a books characters. They understand that distant planets, foreign cultures, and even ancient history can bee readily accessible with a turn of the page. To them, books mean knowledge, adventure, and relaxation.Self-monitoring strategiesLike detectives, good readers examine the evidence, make reasonable predictions, and draw conclusions. They determine meaning by searching for context, picture, and phonetic clues. Suffixes, prefixes, and root words, like little puzzle pieces, help them to decode and understand words.Structural awarenessDo you notice how a text or novel is organized? Knowledge of structure can help provide you with valuable information about content. Ability to choose appropriate materialsGood readers choose books they are able to read, while less adept readers often pick books that are too difficult for them. Appreciation of the payoffsGood readers live vicariously through a books characters.Additional Materialsplete the summary of the text with one word in each blank.Tips For Reading Successfully1. Interact with your book, article, short story, poem, etc.2. Ask Questions3. Make ments 4. Make Connections-to music-to other pieces of literature-to your life/personal experiences-to movies-to events in the world-to something you learned in another class5. Make Predictions6. Discuss with classmates, teachers, parents Notes to the special sentences1. The texts you choose to practise with should not be too difficult or you will soon get frustrated and bored. 你选择练习的文本不应该太困难否则你将会很快失望的和乏味的。句中get frustrated and bored是特殊形态的被动语态动词。get,e,go之后接过去分词,表示被动意义。get的这种用法局限于口语和非正式的书面语言,更强调动作的结果而非动作本身,并常用来表示突发性的、出乎意料的偶然事件。而e和go常接含否定意义的过去分词。例如: After working selflessly in here for several years,Mr Li got promoted at last.李先生在此地无私地干了好几年,终于得到提升。 They got delayed because of the holiday traffic.由于节日交通阻塞,他们被耽误了。The buttons on my coat came undone.我上衣的扣子松开了。The womans plaints went unnoticed.那位女士的投诉无人理睬。2. However, you can guess from the context that a tamarillo is some sort of fruit and its pulp is something nice to eat. 然而,你能从上下文猜测,tamarillo 是某种水果,而且它的果肉很好吃。Learning how to guess words you dont know is an important skill. Nobody wants to look every word up in a dictionary! If you learn how to guess the unfamiliar words in sentences, then you wont have to read with your dictionary open all the time! HOW TO GUESS WORDS IN CONTEXTExample sentence: The snake slithered through the grass. He was hunting. You must discover what slithered means by using logic. Here are your choices, and the analysis: A) stopped moving INCORRECT: the sentence above says THROUGH the grass. Through means there is some movement. B) slept in the grass INCORRECT: the sentence above says he is hunting. Snakes dont sleep when they hunt. C) ate something INCORRECT: the sentence above says he is hunting. Snakes dont eat when they are hunting. They eat AFTER they hunt. D) moved or traveled CORRECT ANSWER: the sentence above says THROUGH the grass. Through means that there is movement.3. All it requires is plenty of practice using the right techniques. 需要的一切就是使用正确的技术进行大量的练习。it requires是定语从句,前面省略了that,也只能用that。定语从句在下列情形下只能用that,而不能用which。1)序数词或最高级形容词修饰先行词时:a. The first English novel that I read was the Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.b. Tom is the most diligent students that I have ever known. 2) 先行词是不定代词或被All, everything, nothing, anything, something等不定代词修饰先行词时:a. Mr. Green had told us something that we should do in the summer vocation. b. I heard all that she told to her mother.4. One way to know what techniques to use is to study the techniques that good readers use and then adopt them in your own reading. 了解使用什么技巧,只要看看高效读者使用的技巧然后应用于你自己的阅读即可。不定式短语作to know what techniques to use在句中作定语修饰,不定式短语作to study the techniques作表语。动词不定式作主语: To mast a language is not an easy thing. 掌握一门语言不是一件容易的事情。To teach English is my favorite. 教英语是我的爱好。 Its my pleasure to help you. 很乐意帮助你。 动词不定式作主语时可以放在后面,而用 it 作形式主语放在原主语的位置上。 Its very kind of you to have given us much help. 你给了我们那么多的帮助真是太好了。 Its necessary to find the witness. 必要找到目击者。 动词不定式作宾语:某些及物动词可以用动词不定式作宾语,这些动词有decide, begin, help, begin, want, wish, like, forget, learn, ask. What I wish is to learn English well. 我所希望的是把英语学好。 I like to help others if I can. 如果有可能的话,我喜欢帮助别人。 动词不定式作宾语补语 。 We expect you to be with us. 我们希望你和我们在一起。 Please ask him to e here quickly. 请叫他快过来。 动词不定式作表语 : What I should do is to finish the task soon. 我应该做的是赶快完成任务。 The most urgent thing is to find the boy immediately. 当务之急是马上去找孩子。 动词不定式作定语: There are many ways to solve the problem. 有许多方法能解决这个问题。I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事情要告诉你。 不定式作状语:We went to the hospital to see our teacher. 我们去医院看了我们的老师。She is making a test to get a kind of useful medicine from a Tibet flower.Reading prehension questions1. The primary purpose of this passage is to_.A. pare playing sports with reading EnglishB. teach us how to make reading enjoyableC. tell us how to practice reading using right techniquesD. present us ways to read different types of text in our native language2. In what way is the second paragraph related to the first?A. It provides examples to support the first paragraph.B. It focus on the ideas of the first paragraph.C. It uses the linking device “the same ” and repeat the word” technique”.D. It uses the information in the first paragraph.3. The word “petent” in the second paragraph means_. A. properly or sufficiently qualified; capable: a petent typistB. adequate for the purpose: a petent performanceC. law Legally qualified or fit to perform an actD. capable of peting against others4. According to the author, to bee a successful reader, you need _.A. to practice, practice and then practice moreB. to make your reading interesting and usefulC. to exercise good reading techniquesD. to have plenty of reading practice using the right techniques(Key: CCAD)相关高考链接虚拟语气大盘点本单元全面复习虚拟语气(the subjunctive mood)一、考点聚焦 1、虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中 (1)表示与现在事实相反的假设,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“过去式(be动词的过去式用were)”,而主句中的谓语动词用“would / should/ could / might + 动词原形”。如:If I were a boy, I would join the army.If the had time, she should go with you.(2)表示与过去的事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时,主句中的谓语动词则用“would / should / might / could + have +过去分词”。如:If he had taken my advice, he would have succeeded in the petition.(3)表示与将来事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词一般过去时或should(were to) + 动词原形,而主句中的谓语动词则用would / should/could might + 动词原形。如;If it were to rain tomorrow, the football match would be put off.(4)当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,动词的形式要根据它所表


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