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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Q3:,dialogue(monologue)-based R,L and S,第三题与校园生活的话题密切相关,比如可能会涉及学费、课程安排、作业、餐厅的饭菜等等问题。,首先是一个75100个单词的阅读文章,45秒种之内读完多种形式,比如可以是一个布告,或者还有可能是一个通知,甚至是一封信。45秒种后文字自动消失,然后开始听力。,听力是一段对话(或是独白),考生会听到一个或者是两个说话者讲述刚才读到的文章中的话题。如果有两个说话者,其中通常会有一个人对相关话题持鲜明观点要么十分赞成,要么十分反对,并且会给出理由。对话时间一般是一分到一分半中。,然后问题会出现在你的电脑屏幕上,一般会是什么形式呢?因为刚才说有一个会言词很激烈,所以问题一般会这样问:please state the man or the womans opinion and explain the reasons why he or she holds that opinion.,然后你有30秒的准备时间,接下来就是1分钟的回答时间。,第三和第四题是不需要任何个人意见的。只要你总结文章和听力中的观点就可以。,Two abilities:,Fillers:,now, and, well, but, or, so, because, you know, I mean,Note-taking:,what you should write down in the reading and listening process.,Note-taking:,Reading,1. Proposal (key words), most of time it appears in the title or the first one or two sentences,2. write down the key words of the reasons,OG例题笔记示例:,Tuition,+students, +pro,R and T,lab,Note-taking,listening:,在reasons这种题型中,听的过程中要注意两个人中会有一个人是主角 (leading actor),一个是次角(supporting actor),持同意或反对态度很强烈,说话或抱怨或牢骚很多的那个人一般来说就是主角。,听清楚说话人是赞同还是反对阅读材料中的观点,。,What you should write down in the process of listening:,key words in reasons,Signal words:,But I can see why?,And the other thing is,Im doing OK, but the facilities here are so limited.,firstly, secondly, on one hand, on the other hand.,The first thing to do is . The most important one,also , not only, but also , but,.,You should also jot down the last sentence in the conversation.,Notes for listening section on p 214 of OG:,W: classes big +stus hard per atte,job,X,faci exper micro bi equi outdate,a good investment,M: seat math,X,建议的听力笔记方法:,在听力一开始的前15到20秒先不要记笔记,把主要精力放在听解上,一是听解两个人谈论的重点,二是判断出谁是主要角色。一般来说,先说话的人是次要角色。,Template:,Topic:,分成两部分:(1)The reading passage describes a notice or a statement about /that or The reading passage mentions that/sth.,(2) state the persons opinion: in the listening passage the man or the girl thinks .is good, sh.agree or disagree with the statement that,Supporting details:,1. reasons,2. reasons,Conclusion (optional),Pay attention to the use of transitions.,申请北美研究生院奖学金的基本条件,1. 能力考试:,GRE(30%):文、理、工,GMAT( 50% ):商学院,LSAT( 70% ):法学院,2、GPA (Grade Point Average)成绩单,GPA是低不能低于2.7,最好在3.0以上,,SUB可弥补GPA的不足,3、学士学位,要求是4年的学士学位,美国的学生签证已经放开,1999年前75%18000人,2000至2003最少8000人,最多16169人,(2003年,57.7%,其中驻北京学生签证签发率只为37%,为全球最低,其次是广州领事馆的39%,上海56%。值得一提的是日本的签发率高达94.9% ),2004年18089 人,2005年上海87%,2006年95%,签证官对学生签证申请人考虑的三个主要因素:,1、 Are you a legitimate student? 你是一个合格的学生吗?,2、 Do you intend to return to China after graduation? 毕业之后你打算回国吗,3、 Can you pay for your education? 你能支付自己的教育费用吗?,美国大学排名不影响签证申请,听说特训法:,special training on listening and speaking and note-taking,三步走战略:,10,篇,或,30,篇文章,每篇,100,字到,300,字,可以来自听力材料或口语材料中的听力部分的,academic,部分,phase one:,(,10 days,),stop by each sentence and try to first repeat the sentence and then write it down. You can listen to the same sentence for at most 3 times.,Ability,:,Short time memory and your ability to seize the details,Phase two: (10 days),Stop by every 2 to 3 sentences and try to first summarize the main idea of the sentences and then write the main ideas down.,Ability: Your ability to grasp the main idea.,Phase three (10 days),Non-stop during the whole process and keeping writing down the main points. This is the process of taking notes.,euphemism:,.,Neutral:,1.His time has come. 2. He passed away,3.His star has set. 4.He has joined the majority.,Derogatory:,1. He has kicked the bucket.,Commendatory:,1. He has joined the angels.,2. He has gone to glory.,Sample answer:,In the reading material, the announcement is about an international internship program launched 5 years ago by Metro University. The aim of the program is to help students develop their international communication and social skills. In the listening passage, the man thinks this program has offered him an excellent opportunity to work with other students interested in international economic and social development. He stay in Latvia for 6 months, when he had daily language classes and attended community activities. So he began to learn local culture and understand and find solutions when they worked with non-governmental organizations. He also visited new and old factories using new technology to be more efficient and competitive. The man learned a lot and returned to that country after graduation.,Library Principles for Students, from the Old Testament,Of the beasts of the field, and of the fishes of the sea, and of all foods that are acceptable in my sight you may eat, but not in the Library.,Of the hoofed animals, broiled or ground into burgers, you may eat, but not in the Library.,Gen 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof,.,Summary:,一. 1.,图书馆和学校学习生活方面。图书馆以后只能提供,online service,,或者图书馆的装修问题,要不要在图书馆放花美化环境,怎样减少噪音的问题,要不要在图书馆开个咖啡吧,毕竟在国外学生学习大部分时间要围绕图书馆进行,2.,学校要改建宿舍或建新的学生宿舍,,,同学不同意或者是学校要建立一个新的艺术大楼或者改建,art gallery,为办公室,新生要不要和老生合住的问题。,3.学校医务中心的问题,太小,并且医疗条件差等等。一般的校医院只能治疗感冒,4.学校的学费问题,建设学生体育中心,活动中心的问题。,5. society service requirement, 说学生毕业之前要参加社区的公益活动。可以加强学生跟社会的联系,6.,学校出台一项限制大学新生停车(汽车)的政策,二.,说话速度尽量快一些,但要以,clearly,为底线。,三.,阅读材料在很多时候不会起太多的作用,主要是给一个背景知识,,og,上的例题除外,你在回答的一分钟里说出来的东西主要来自听力材料中的信息。,五.,洛杉矶,中国留学生网,海外留学生论坛,


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