2019-2020年高中英语 Module7 Revision 教案 必修3 新课标.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module7 Revision 教案 必修3 新课标I.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)21.Our school is on the side of Chaoyang Road, our school is a large housing block where many people from the city live here.A.acrossB.oppositeC.in the front ofD.face解析:opposite这里是介词,意思是“在对面”;若用A项应说 “across the road is.”;C、D两个选项干扰性不大。答案:B22. the east coast of China,the city of Hangzhou is easy to be attacked by the storm from the Pacific Ocean.A.Lying offB.Situated onC.Located offD.Laying on解析:城市在海岸上,应该用on,另外,situate和locate是及物动词,要用过去分词形式。此处也可以用 “Lying on.”。答案:B23.Our English teacher,as well as all the students, we can only improve our reading by reading widely.A.agree thatB.agrees thatC.agrees with whatD.agree what解析:这里的主语是our English teacher,为第三人称单数。另外,agree后面的宾语从句应用that引导,that在从句中不作句子成分。答案:B24.I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.Is that you had a few days off?A.whyB.whenC.whatD.where解析:本题考查表语从句,要求学生会转换句子。也就是Last week I had a week off.That is why I had a few days off (last week)。答案:A25.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town he grew up as a child.A.whichB.whereC.thatD.when解析:本题考查 where引导的定语从句,因为它的先行词为地点。答案:B26.Go and get your coat.Its you left it.A.thereB.whereC.there whereD.where there解析:考查引导名词性从句的连接副词的使用。连接副词where引导表语从句,表示地点。答案:B27.Have you seen the film “Titanic”, leading actor is world famous?A.itsB.itsC.whoseD.which解析:这是一个非限制性定语从句。leading actor 与先行词the film “Titanic”是所属关系,所以要选whose。该句的意思是“你看过泰坦尼克号这部电影吗?它的领衔主演世界著名”。答案:C28.The picture on the wall is painted by my nephew.A.having hungB.hangingC.hangsD.being hung 解析:该题主要考查-ing形式作定语。A项是完成式,不能作后置定语。C项是谓语动词,易排除。D项是-ing形式的被动式,强调动作。而此处强调的是“画挂在墙上”这样一种状态。答案:B29.What about having a drink? .A.Good ideaB.Help yourselfC.Go ahead,pleaseD.Me,too解析:问句是一个以What about开头的提议:“喝杯饮料好不好?” A项:“好主意”;B项:“随便吃(喝)吧”;C项:“干吧”;D项:“我也是”。通过分析四个选项便知Good idea. (或Thats a good idea. )是用来表示赞成对方的提议的。答案:A30.The film, is of great interest,has moved many young people.A.thatB.whichC.of whichD.whose解析:非限制性定语从句不用that引导,定语从句缺主语,排除C项,whose后面需接名词。故选B。答案:B31.As it was dark,she could do nothing than wait.A.otherB.ratherC.betterD.more解析:此题考查can/could do nothing but/other than do sth.。答案:A32.Its no secret to us,but he alone is in the dark.It means .A.nobody but him knows the secretB.we all know the secret except himC.its so dark that he cant see everything clearlyD.only he needs to keep the secret解析:in the dark表示“蒙在鼓里,一无所知”。答案:B33.To read newspaper before going to bed seemed to me a rule .A.to never breakB.never to have brokenC.never to be breakingD.never to be broken解析:不定式作定语,且表被动,故选D。答案:D34.Youd better choose someone you think kind and friendly to help you.A.whom;to beB.who;isC.that;isD.which;to be解析:you think是插入成分。定语从句缺少作主语的人及be动词。答案:B35.He is a brave man.We cant admire his courage .A.actually;very muchB.indeed;too a lotC.really;too muchD.truly;a bit解析:“cant.too形容词/副词”意为“越越好,无论也不过分”。答案:CII.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)When a person is curious about something,it means he is interested in it and wishes to know more about it.There is 36 wrong with curiosity in itself.Whether it is good or bad 37 on what people are curious about.Curiosity is always silly or wrong.Some persons with nothing to do are 38 of curiosity about what their neighbours are doing.They are 39 to know what they are eating or drinking,what they are 40 home or taking outside,or 41 they have e home so early or late.To be interested in these things is 42 because they are not at all 43 .It is none of their 44 to know what their neighbours do or are doing.Such curiosity is 45 not only foolish but also 46 .For most probably,it 47 to a small talk which often brings harm,shame or disrespect to others,and thus 48 their feelings.On the other hand,there is a 49 curiositythe curiosity of wise men,who 50 at all the great things and try to find out all they 51 about them.Columbus could 52 have found America if he had not been 53 .James Watt would not have made the steam engine 54 his curiosity about the raising of the kettle lid.All the discoveries in human history have been made 55 a result of curiosity.But the curiosity is never about unimportant things which have little or nothing to do with the happiness of the public.36.A.muchB.nothingC.somethingD.none解析:根据常识可以确定。答案:B37.A.keepsB.putsC.takesD.depends解析:“depend on”属固定词组。好奇本身并无对错可言,其好坏由人们好奇的事情来决定。下文就好事和坏事两方面作了阐述。答案:D38.A.fullB.fondC.proudD.out解析:有的人对邻居的生活琐事充满了好奇。答案:A39.A.permittedB.worriedC.satisfiedD.anxious解析:“be anxious to do sth.”为固定结构,表示急切地想知道。答案:D40.A.takingB.bringingC.goingD.thinking解析:与taking outside相反,表示带回家来。答案:B41.A.ifB.whenC.whyD.whether解析:从句中的“so early or late”来看,是要探究回家这样早或晚的原因,用其他的连词句意不通。答案:C42.A.sillyB.necessaryC.possibleD.funny解析:这种好奇明显很愚蠢、愚昧。答案:A43.A.wrongB.badC.somethingD.everything解析:由文意决定。答案:C44.A.workB.houseworkC.dutyD.business解析:none of ones business是习语,意思事 “不关某人的事”。答案:D45.A.howB.allC.somethingD.everything解析:这里的something是指 “重要的事或有意义的事”。答案:C46.A.instructiveB.uselessC.harmfulD.dreadful解析:这种无聊的好奇不仅很蠢,而且很有害处。答案:C47.A.refersB.leadsC.causesD.follows解析:lead to意为“引发、导致”,refer to(提到、涉及到)意思不通。C、D两项为及物动词,后不接介词to。答案:B48.A.hurtsB.effectsC.showsD.oppresses解析:这种流言最终只会对人感情、情绪造成伤害(hurt)。答案:A49.A.terribleB.suddenC.strangeD.noble解析:同前面所提到的“愚蠢而又伤人”的好奇正好相反的是“意图和出发点高崇的(noble)”好奇。答案:D50.A.expectB.likeC.wonderD.doubt解析:wonder at对感到好奇,A、B、D皆为及物动词,后不接介词at。答案:C51.A.knowB.studyC.mustD.can解析:They can后省略了find out,为定语从句,修饰前面的at。答案:D52.A.neverB.certainlyC.probablyD.finally解析:由句意决定。答案:A53.A.famousB.carefulC.curiousD.hard解析:若没有好奇心,哥伦布永远不会发现美洲大陆(该句为虚拟语气)。答案:C54.A.forB.withoutC.inD.from解析:同样,瓦特若没有好奇心就不会发明蒸汽机。答案:B55.A.becauseB.asC.afterD.during解析:“as a result of curiosity” 概括了许多发明或发现都是好奇的结果。答案:BIII.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分)AThere is an English saying, “Laughter is best medicine.” Until recently,few people took the saying seriously.Now,however,doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body.They have found that laughter really can improve peoples health.Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body.People watched funny films while doctors checked their heart,blood pressure,breathing and muscles.It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise.It increases blood pressure,the heart beating and breathing;it also works several groups of muscles in the face,the stomach,and even the feet.If laughter exercises the body,it must be beneficial.Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body.In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs.The group that tolerated(忍耐)the pain for the longest time was the groups which listened to a funny program.The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which diminish both stress and pain.As a result of these discoveries,some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics,in which they help to improve their patients condition by encouraging them to laugh.They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing,making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.56.Doctors have proved the following except that .A.smiling does good to healthB.laughter can be toleratedC.there is a way to reduce painD.laughter can work the muscles in the feet解析:选项A、C、D中的内容与文章内容相符,只有B项内容文中没有提到。答案:B57.The main idea of the passage is .A.laughter and physical exercises have similar effects on the human bodyB.smile can produce the same effects as laughterC.pain can be reduced by laughterD.laugher is the best medicine解析:文中第一句为文章的主题句。答案:D58.The students who tolerated the pain for the longest time.A.listened to different radio programsB.could produce a kind of chemicalC.dont have stress of painD.listened to a funny program解析:从文中第三段第三句可知,听有趣的故事的学生忍耐痛苦的时间最长。答案:D59.The underlined word “diminish” is similar to .A.testB.stopC.reduceD.increase解析:笑可以减轻压力和痛苦。答案:CBSome time ago I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg.I didnt think there would be any difficulty in getting it mended,as there are a whole lot of antique(古董) shops near my home,so I left home one morning carrying the chair with me.I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception(接待).I was quite wrong.The man wouldnt even look at my chair.The second shop,though slightly more polite,was just the same,and the third and the fourthso I decided that my approach must be wrong.I entered the fifth shop with a plan in my mind.I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper,“Would you like to buy a chair?” He looked it over carefully and said,“Yes,not a bad chair.How much do you want for it,sir?”“Twenty pounds,”“Its got a slightly broken leg,” I said.“Yes,I saw that,its nothing.”Everything was going according to plan and I was getting excited.“What will you do with it?” I asked.“Oh,it will be easy to sell once the repair is done.”“Ill buy it,” I said.“What do you mean?”“Youve just sold it to me,” he said.“Yes,I know but Ive changed my mind.I am sorry.Ill give you twenty-seven pounds for it.”“You must be crazy,” he said.Then,suddenly the penny dropped.“I know what you want.You want me to repair your chair.”“Youre right,” I said.“And what would you have done if I had walked in and said,Would you mend this chair for me?”“I wouldnt have agreed to do it,” he said.“We dont do repairs,not enough money in it and too much trouble.But Ill mend this for you;shall we say for a fiver?” He was a very nice man and was greatly amused(感到有趣的) by the whole thing.60.We can learn from the text that in the first shop the writer .A.was rather impoliteB.was warmly receivedC.asked the shopkeeper to buy his chairD.asked the shopkeeper to repair his chair解析:我最初是想找人帮我修理椅子。答案:D61.The underlined word “approach” in the second paragraph means .A.plan for dealing with thingsB.decision to sell thingsC.idea of repairing thingsD.way of doing things解析:当我被人家拒绝四次以后,我意识到我的方法可能有问题。答案:D62.The expression “the penny dropped” in the last paragraph means the shopkeeper .A.changed his mindB.accepted the offerC.saw the writers purposeD.decided to help the writer解析:从下面店员的回答:“I know what you want” 可知,店员明白了作者的意图。答案:C63.From the text,we can learn that the writer was .A.honestB.carefulC.smartD.funny解析:作者“曲线救国”,由此可知他很聪明(smart)。答案:CCWith the development of modern agriculture and industry,people are producing more and more waste things that pollute our earth.As we know,we have only one earth.Essentially(本来),fresh water on our earth is limited.And now its being less and less.Were destroying the earth and also ourselves!For example,as a result of pollution,Lake Erie(伊利湖),on the borders(边界)of the USA and Canada,is now without any living things.Pollution in water is not simply a matter of “poisons” killing large numbers of fish overnight.Very often the effects of pollution are not noticed for many months or years because the first living things to be harmed are either plants or plankton(浮游生物).But these are the food for fish and birds and other creatures.When this food disappears,the fish and birds die too.It is not until dead fish and water birds are seen at the rivers edge or on the seashore that people realize what is happening.Where do the things which pollute the water e from?There are two main sources(来源)waste water and industrial waste.As more detergent(洗涤剂)is used in the home,so more of it is finally put into our rivers,lakes and seas.Detergents harm water birds by dissolving(分解)the natural things which keep their feathers(羽毛)waterproof.Waste water itself,if it is not properly treated,makes the water dirty and prevents all forms of life in rivers and the sea from receiving the oxygen(氧)they need.Industrial waste is even more harmful since there are many highly poisonous things in it.So,if we want to stop this pollution,the answer is simple:waste water and industrial waste must be made clean before flowing into the water.It may already be too late to save some rivers and lakes,but others can still be saved if the correct action is taken at once.64.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A.Why Lake Erie Is PollutedB.The Most Dangerous PollutionC.Stop Polluting WaterD.How to Protect the Sea解析:此题为主旨题,根据短文内容可得出答案。答案:C65.Pollution in water is noticed .A.when the first living things in it are harmedB.when a good many fish and water birds dieC.as soon as waste water is poured into itD.as soon as plants and plankton disappear解析:此题为细节题,从文中第三段可知。答案:B66.From the third paragraph,we can infer that the living things die in dirty rivers mainly because .A.they have not enough food to eatB.they are not properly treatedC.industrial waste is more harmfulD.they cant get enough oxygen解析:从文中第四段可推断出。答案:D67.The meaning of the word “waterproof” is .A.full of waterB.not allowing water to go throughC.covered with waterD.cleaned by water解析:从上下文及proof的意思可推出。答案:BDLook on the Brighter SideEverything has two sides.One side of SARS(非典型肺炎)is already clear.It is a deadly disease,which causes fear.There were 2 601 cases recorded on the Chinese mainland on April 24,according to government figures.About 115 people have died and numbers keep rising.But,theres another side.SARS is a reminder of how fragile(脆弱的)life can be.Suddenly,its not just the old people who are thinking about death.Everyone now realizes there might not always be a tomorrow.Wang Xinying,a Senior 3 student in Taiyuan,Shanxi Province,came into contact(接触)with a suspected(疑似)SARS patient in mid-April.He was told to stay at home for at least two weeks.“Watching TV about more and more SARS patients dying,I never knew that death could be so close.Life is valuable and Im going to treasure every single day,” he said.SARS teaches people to be grateful,not only for their own lives,but also for others.Doctors and nurses,for example,have to spend all their time with infected(被感染的)patients.As a result,more than 20 percent of SARS cases in China are medical workers.Xu Bing,a Senior 2 student of Beijing NO.5 Middle School wants to be a doctor when he grows up.“Although they certainly know of the dangers,doctors and nurses remain bravely dedicated(致力于) to saving peoples lives.Im deeply moved by what they have done.I think they are real heroes,” he said.SARS also teaches sympathy(同情).The past few weeks have been terrible for Chinese people.But there are far worse things than SARS in this world,such as war,earthquakes and murders.Think of the Iraqis,who have been living terrible lives for 20 years.Think of how the Americans felt on 911.And finally,SARS offers the chance to grow.All different types of people and government officials are joining together to cope in this difficult time.When this passes,China and its people,will have learned great lessons.68.The story of Wang Xinying is given in the passage mainly to .A.tell us the hardship of lifeB.tell us the fragileness of lifeC.tell us the cruelty of SARSD.tell us the joy of life解析:此题考查学生对文章细节信息的把握能力,作者在文中给出Wang Xinying的例子是用来说明“SARS is a reminder of how fragile life can be”。答案:B69.The main points discussed in the passage are .A.SARS is a deadly diseaseB.Chinese people are going all out to fight the diseaseC.SARS teaches us a lotD.doctors are dedicated to saving peoples lives解析:文章开始,作者说明SARS有它的两方面,对于它不好的一方面只是作了简述,而对于它的好的方面则进行了仔细的叙述。答案:C70.Among the infected patients by SARS,which of the following is most?A.Students.B.Doctors and nurses.C.Workers.D.Officials.解析:根据“As a result,more than 20 percent of SARS cases in China are medical workers.”可知。 答案:B71.The writer tells us of the brighter side for SARS in ways.A.twoB.threeC.fiveD.four解析:作者在文中主要从四个方面阐述了SARS给我们的启示:SARS is a reminder of how fragile life can be.;SARS teaches people to be grateful,not only for their own lives,but also for others.;SARS also teaches sympathy.;And finally,SARS offers the chance to grow.答案:DE“Life is speeding up.Everyone is getting unwell.” This may sound like something someone would say today.But,in fact,an unknown citizen who lived in Rome in 53 AD wrote it.We all love new inventions.They are exciting,amazing and they can even change our lives.But have all these developments really improved the quality of our lives?Picture this:Youre rushing to finish your homework on the puter.Your mobile phone rings,a message from your friend appears on the screen,and the noise from the television is getting louder and louder.Suddenly the puter goes blank and you lose all your work.Now you have to stay up all night to get it done.How calm and happy do you feel?Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired.Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities,who have no telephones,no cars,not even any electricity often seem to be happier?Perhaps because they lead simpler lives.One family in the UK went “back in time” to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today.The grandparents,with their daughter,and grandsons,Benjamin and Thomas,spent nine weeks in a 1940s house.They had no washing machine,microwave,puter or mobile phones.The grandmother,Lyn,said,“It was hard physically.But not mentally.” She believed life was less materialistic.“The more things you have,the more difficult life bees,” she said.The boys said they fought less.Probably,they said,because there was less to fight over,such as their puter.Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a “trendy(时髦的),beer-drinking granny,to one who cooked things”.Here are some simple ways to beat the stress often caused by our inventions!Dont be available all the time.Turn off your mobile phone at certain time of the day.Dont check your e-mail every day.Dont reply to somebody as soon as they leave a text message just because you can.It may be fun at first,but it soon gets annoying.With the Internet and so much information available,we are expected to know everything all the time,but sometimes dont be afraid to say,“I dont know.”Make sure you spend some time talking to your family.Set aside one evening a week when you dont turn on the television.Play cards and chat instead.Get a low-neck hobby.Every day do something in the old-fashioned way,such as walking to have a face-to-face meeting instead of using the e-mail or telephone,or making a birthday card.Dont worry too much about lifelaugh more!72.The passage is mainly about .A.problems with technologyB.improvements of our lifeC.the important roles telephones play in our everyday lifeD.the major changes which will be likely to happen to technology解析:本文主要讲的是新技术带来的问题。答案:A73.The writer uses the quote at the beginning of the passage to .A.share a truth about lifeB.tell us what life was like a long time agoC.make us wonder what causes such a thing to ha


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